Viavi G3-GS-2P40-288T, G3-GS-2P40-576T, G3-GS-8P-1152T, G3-GS-8P-768T, G3-GS-8P-576T User Manual

Observer GigaStor
User Guide
23 Feb 2018

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Appliance installation................................................................................ 11
G3-GS-2P40-1152T............................................................................................................................ 11
G3-GS-2P40-1152T technical specifications..........................................................................11
Parts list........................................................................................................................................13
G3-GS-2P40-576T............................................................................................................................ 16
G3-GS-2P40-576T technical specifications..........................................................................16
Parts list........................................................................................................................................18
G3-GS-2P40-576T installation.................................................................................................19
G3-GS-2P40-288T........................................................................................................................... 22
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................24
G3-GS-2P40-288T installation................................................................................................25
G3-GS-8P-1152T............................................................................................................................... 28
G3-GS-8P-1152T technical specifications.............................................................................28
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................30
G3-GS-8P-1152T installation....................................................................................................30
G3-GS-8P-768T................................................................................................................................ 33
G3-GS-8P-768T technical specifications..............................................................................33
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................34
G3-GS-8P-768T installation.....................................................................................................35
G3-GS-8P-576T................................................................................................................................ 37
G3-GS-8P-576T technical specifications..............................................................................37
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................39
G3-GS-8P-576T installation....................................................................................................40
G3-GS-8P-384T technical specifications............................................................................. 43
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................45
G3-GS-8P-384T installation....................................................................................................45
G3-GS-8P-288T technical specifications............................................................................. 47
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................50
G3-GS-8P-288T installation.....................................................................................................51
G3-GS-8P-192T technical specifications..............................................................................54
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................56
G3-GS-8P-192T installation..................................................................................................... 57
G3-GS-8P-96T technical specifications...............................................................................59
Parts list........................................................................................................................................61
G3-GS-8P-96T installation.......................................................................................................61
G3-GS-4P-32T technical specifications................................................................................63
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................64
G3-GS-4P-32T installation.......................................................................................................65
G3-GS-4P-16T technical specifications................................................................................ 67
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................68
G3-GS-4P-16T installation.......................................................................................................69
Apex technical specifications..................................................................................................71
Parts list....................................................................................................................................... 72
G3-APEX-ENT-32T installation................................................................................................72
VIAVI Rail Kit (G3-GS Edition).....................................................................................................73
How to attach the rails...........................................................................................................74
How to install the system into your rack.......................................................................... 76
How to remove the server from the rack.......................................................................... 77
GS-2P40-576T................................................................................................................................... 77
GS-2P40-576T technical specifications................................................................................ 77
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................80
GS-2P40-576T installation....................................................................................................... 81
GS-2P40-288T technical specifications...............................................................................84
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................88
GS-2P40-288T installation......................................................................................................88
GS-8P-576T technical specifications.................................................................................... 92
Parts list.......................................................................................................................................95
GS-8P-576T installation...........................................................................................................96
GS-8P-288T...................................................................................................................................... 99
GS-8P-288T technical specifications....................................................................................99
Parts list......................................................................................................................................122
Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version 3
GS-8P-288T installation..........................................................................................................123
GS-8P-192T technical specifications................................................................................... 136
Parts list......................................................................................................................................139
GS-8P-192T installation..........................................................................................................140
GS-8P-96T technical specifications.................................................................................... 143
Parts list......................................................................................................................................145
GS-8P-96T installation........................................................................................................... 145
Parts list..................................................................................................................................... 149
GS-4P-32T installation............................................................................................................149
GS-4P-16T technical specifications...................................................................................... 151
Parts list......................................................................................................................................153
GS-4P-16T installation.............................................................................................................153
GPA-8P............................................................................................................................................. 155
GPA-8P technical specifications...........................................................................................155
Parts list......................................................................................................................................157
GPA-8P installation..................................................................................................................157
GSP-8P-9T technical specifications.................................................................................... 158
GSP-8P-9T installation............................................................................................................161
GSP-8P-6TSSD............................................................................................................................... 162
About GSP-8P-6TSSD............................................................................................................. 163
GSP-8P-6TSSD installation................................................................................................... 164
APEX-ENT-32T................................................................................................................................ 165
Apex technical specifications...............................................................................................165
Parts list..................................................................................................................................... 166
APEX-ENT-32T installation.....................................................................................................167
VIAVI Rail Kit (Gen3 Edition).....................................................................................................168
How to install the rails..........................................................................................................168
How to remove your appliance from the rails................................................................170
How to remove the rails from a cabinet.......................................................................... 170
Rail kit hardware.......................................................................................................................171
Startup and shutdown (GS models)........................................................................................ 171
Startup and shutdown (G3-GS models)................................................................................. 172
First use or power cord plug-in...........................................................................................172
After normal shutdown by IPMI or power button.........................................................172
After a power loss................................................................................................................... 172
Power down...............................................................................................................................172
Installing the drives in your Observer Platform appliance...............................................172
4 Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
How to handle hard drives properly..................................................................................174
How to set the IP address (G3-GS models).......................................................................... 174
How to set the IP address (GS models).................................................................................175
Configuring the LOM or IPMI port..........................................................................................176
How to configure the JBOD IPMI port (G3-GS models)....................................................179
How to install the SFPs..............................................................................................................179
Chapter 2: Getting started........................................................................................182
Getting started using your GigaStor......................................................................................182
What is the GigaStor?............................................................................................................184
Differences between GigaStor Software Edition and GigaStor..................................185
Using the GigaStor Control Panel.......................................................................................187
Non-GigaStor-specific settings........................................................................................... 189
Setting the GigaStor general options............................................................................... 189
Understanding GigaStor protocol and port settings.....................................................193
Hardening your GigaStor...........................................................................................................194
How to change the Windows administrator password................................................195
Installing Windows updates and updating virus protection.......................................195
How to disable NetBIOS....................................................................................................... 195
How to disable Windows features.....................................................................................197
Chapter 3: Hardware Settings.................................................................................. 199
Configuring your GigaStor........................................................................................................ 199
Defining your subnets in GigaStor.................................................................................... 199
Tracking individual analysis ports...................................................................................... 199
Configuring the packet capture and GigaStor buffer size..........................................200
How to change the GigaStor storage directory or drive............................................ 200
Chapter 4: About Probe Instances...........................................................................202
Introducing Probes...................................................................................................................... 202
What is a probe instance?....................................................................................................203
Which software probe is right for you?...........................................................................205
How probes work with switches....................................................................................... 207
Chapter 5: Deploying Probes in Your Network...................................................... 208
Deploying probes in your network........................................................................................208
Monitoring half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet links.............................................. 209
Monitoring wireless traffic................................................................................................... 210
Deciding where to place probes in your network......................................................... 210
Ports used by Observer Platform v17 and later.............................................................. 211
Ports used by Observer products v16 and earlier.......................................................... 212
Chapter 6: Packet Captures.......................................................................................213
Capturing packets with the GigaStor..................................................................................... 213
Setting a schedule for when data captures should occur............................................214
Trimming data from your captures for space or privacy............................................. 214
Password protecting the ability to change partial packet capture size................... 215
Differences between statistics and packets.................................................................... 215
Exporting GigaStor data for archiving.............................................................................. 218
Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version 5
Chapter 7: Mining GigaStor Data.............................................................................220
Mining data from your GigaStor............................................................................................ 220
Selecting a time frame to analyze.....................................................................................223
How to reorder packets based on a trailer timestamp................................................ 223
Analyzing data without any filters....................................................................................225
Analyzing data with filters from the Observer filter editor....................................... 225
Analyzing data with filters from the GigaStor Control Panel.................................... 226
Analyzing data by combining GigaStor Control Panel and Observer filters........... 227
Analyzing multiple GigaStor probe instances from one GigaStor Control
Understanding GigaStor accelerated analysis..................................................................... 228
Filter elements that support accelerated analysis........................................................ 229
Chapter 8: Stream Reconstruction...........................................................................230
Reconstructing streams of HTTP, VoIP, and more.............................................................. 230
Defining what can be recreated in Stream Reconstruction.........................................231
How to extract VoIP and video calls from your GigaStor............................................ 231
Chapter 9: Forensic Analysis..................................................................................... 233
Examining your network traffic with forensic analysis.................................................... 233
Importing Snort rules............................................................................................................ 234
Analyzing packets using Snort rules................................................................................. 234
Creating a Forensic Settings profile...................................................................................235
Using network forensics to track a security breach.....................................................240
Using network forensics to track acceptable use or compliance............................... 241
Chapter 10: Microbursts............................................................................................242
Searching for microbursts......................................................................................................... 242
Using the Microburst Analysis tab in the GigaStor Control Panel............................ 244
Using the Detail Chart only.................................................................................................244
Chapter 11: Charts, Graphs, and Reports.................................................................248
Configuring options for the GigaStor charts, graphs, and reports................................248
Statistics Lists tab.................................................................................................................. 248
Chapter 12: GigaStor in Financial Firms...................................................................249
Using Observer in financial firms........................................................................................... 249
Analyzing FIX transactions...................................................................................................250
Configuring a FIX profile.......................................................................................................251
Chapter 13: GigaStor RAID Wiping and Rebuilding................................................ 253
How to delete saved network data.................................................................................. 254
How to reformat the RAID volume................................................................................... 254
How to delete RAID sets......................................................................................................254
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................256
How to stripe the volumes in Windows.......................................................................... 257
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................ 259
How to create folders for the RAID drives......................................................................259
How to use additional storage volumes on the GigaStor active instance..............259
GS-2P40-288T............................................................................................................................... 260
How to delete saved network data..................................................................................260
6 Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................263
How to stripe the volumes in Windows..........................................................................264
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................ 265
How to create folders for the RAID drives......................................................................265
How to delete saved network data..................................................................................266
How to reformat the RAID volume...................................................................................266
How to delete RAID sets...................................................................................................... 267
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................268
How to stripe the volumes in Windows..........................................................................269
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID......................................................................... 271
How to create folders for the RAID drives.......................................................................271
How to use additional storage volumes on the GigaStor active instance...............272
How to delete saved network data...................................................................................273
How to reformat the RAID volume................................................................................... 273
How to delete RAID sets...................................................................................................... 273
How to build new RAID sets............................................................................................... 275
How to stripe the volumes in Windows.......................................................................... 276
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID.........................................................................277
How to create folders for the RAID drives......................................................................277
How to delete saved network data.................................................................................. 278
How to reformat the RAID volume................................................................................... 278
How to delete RAID sets...................................................................................................... 279
How to build new RAID sets.............................................................................................. 280
How to stripe the volumes in Windows...........................................................................281
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................ 282
How to create folders for the RAID drives......................................................................282
How to delete saved network data.................................................................................. 283
How to reformat the RAID volume................................................................................... 283
How to delete RAID sets......................................................................................................284
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................285
How to stripe the volumes in Windows.......................................................................... 285
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................ 286
How to create folders for the RAID drives..................................................................... 286
GS-4P-32T...................................................................................................................................... 286
How to delete saved network data.................................................................................. 287
How to reformat the RAID volume................................................................................... 287
How to delete RAID sets......................................................................................................288
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................289
How to stripe the volumes in Windows..........................................................................290
Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version 7
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................290
How to delete saved network data..................................................................................292
How to reformat the RAID volume................................................................................... 292
How to delete RAID sets......................................................................................................292
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................293
How to stripe the volumes in Windows..........................................................................294
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................ 295
How to create folders for the RAID drives......................................................................295
GSP-8P-9T...................................................................................................................................... 295
How to delete saved network data..................................................................................296
How to reformat the RAID volume...................................................................................296
How to delete RAID sets...................................................................................................... 297
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................298
How to stripe the volumes in Windows..........................................................................299
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................ 299
How to create folders for the RAID drives.....................................................................300
How to delete saved network data...................................................................................301
How to reformat the RAID volume....................................................................................301
How to delete RAID sets...................................................................................................... 301
How to build new RAID sets...............................................................................................302
How to stripe the volumes in Windows.......................................................................... 303
How to disable the Recycle Bin for RAID........................................................................304
How to create folders for the RAID drives.....................................................................304
Understanding RAID array notifications...............................................................................304
How to monitor the RAID drives through email notifications...................................305
Chapter 14: Understanding How a Probe Uses RAM............................................. 307
How a probe uses RAM.............................................................................................................307
Packet capture buffer and statistics buffer....................................................................309
Running Observer without reserved memory................................................................ 310
Running Observer with reserved memory....................................................................... 312
How packet capture affects RAM.......................................................................................313
How to allocate the reserved RAM.........................................................................................315
Recommendations for the VIAVI capture cards.............................................................. 315
Chapter 15: Gen3 Capture Card................................................................................. 317
Hardware configuration..............................................................................................................317
Understanding the capture card......................................................................................... 317
Supported QSFP+/SFP/SFP+ media types........................................................................318
How to configure the card for an optical TAP, SPAN, or other...................................318
Software configuration...............................................................................................................321
How to view the capture card properties........................................................................321
How to create virtual adapters...........................................................................................323
How to remove duplicate packets in real time.............................................................. 325
8 Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
How to assign physical ports to probe instances..........................................................326
How to change the monitored network adapter.......................................................... 329
Understanding hardware acceleration...................................................................................329
How to enable hardware acceleration..............................................................................330
Hardware-accelerated mode restrictions......................................................................... 333
Features that require hardware acceleration.................................................................. 334
Capture card device properties................................................................................................335
Current State............................................................................................................................ 335
Advanced Settings.................................................................................................................. 337
Driver.......................................................................................................................................... 338
How to identify your GigaStor................................................................................................342
Capture card details............................................................................................................... 343
Understanding time stamps.....................................................................................................344
How to reorder packets based on a trailer timestamp................................................344
Setting the probe’s time clock synchronization settings............................................ 346
Supported time stamp and synchronization methods................................................ 346
Understanding duplicate packets............................................................................................347
Understanding packet deduplication................................................................................348
How to remove duplicate packets in real time..............................................................348
How to remove duplicate packets from saved captures.............................................350
Chapter 16: Troubleshooting.....................................................................................352
Troubleshooting common issues............................................................................................. 352
Troubleshooting a slow probe system..............................................................................353
A probe is not connecting to the analyzer or vice versa.............................................353
No network adapter available............................................................................................ 354
Integrated adapters report all sent packets with bad TCP checksum......................355
“No VLAN” shown while using a Gigabit NIC................................................................. 355
VLAN Statistics tool is not working.................................................................................. 356
Using Discover Network Names on a Layer 3 switch that uses VLANS................... 357
Suspected NAT or VPN issues............................................................................................. 358
Running Observer passively affects NetFlow.................................................................358
Daylight Savings Time...........................................................................................................358
Configuring Cisco 6xxx switches using a SPAN port to a full-duplex Gigabit
Ports used by Observer products v16 and earlier......................................................... 359
Troubleshooting the GigaStor Control Panel.......................................................................360
GigaStor Control Panel option is grayed out................................................................. 360
GigaStor is full or does not have the history you expect...........................................360
TCP applications are not appearing in the GigaStor Control Panel.......................... 360
Loading decodes in Observer is slow............................................................................... 360
Troubleshooting the capture card........................................................................................... 361
Code 10 or No-show in Device Manager.......................................................................... 361
Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version 9
One or more ports not seeing traffic................................................................................361
Temperature or voltage out of acceptable range..........................................................362
Choppy data stream.............................................................................................................. 362
CRC or TCP checksum errors, wrong packet types........................................................362
Packet capture does not start on Gen3 capture card................................................... 363
Chapter 17: Backups and Restoring......................................................................... 369
Backups and Restoring.............................................................................................................. 369
Exporting GigaStor data for archiving............................................................................. 369
Backing up your GigaStor settings....................................................................................370
How to restore a GigaStor probe to factory settings................................................... 371
Index............................................................................................................................ 373
10 Table of Contents (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version

Chapter 1: Appliance installation

These GS models were first manufactured in 2017 and last built in early
2018. They are 2U and 5U systems. Each model includes its unique technical specifications, parts list, and installation instructions.
For the newer G3-GS models, see Observer Platform appliance installation (G3-GS


The G3-GS-2P40-1152T is best suited for 40 Gb data centers.
G3-GS-2P40-1152T technical specifications (page 11)

G3-GS-2P40-1152T technical specifications

The technical specifications for the product are shown below.
GigaStor - 11
Figure 1: G3-GS-2P40-1152T Front
Figure 2: G3-GS-2P40-1152T Rear
System -
Deployment 40 Gb data center
Base storage 1.2 PB
Max storage 1.2 PB
Lights Out Management (LOM) Yes
Redundant OS drive Yes
OS drive hot swappable Yes
OS drive size 1 TB
RAID drive hot swappable Yes
RAID version 50
Rail kit Yes
Operating system Windows 2012 R2
Physical -
12 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
Height 60U (12 x 5U)
Width 19 in
Depth 26 in
Weight (mounted)
1216 lbs
Weight (handling) 1276.6 lbs
Media -
Monitoring interfaces 2
Speed 40 Gb
Accepted transceivers
Performance -
Aggregate performance 40 Gbps
Power -
Redundant power supply Yes
Input frequency 50/60Hz
Input voltage 100V-240V Auto Select
Operational current (amps) 35.9A

Parts list

BTU 10960 BTU/hr
Operational voltage 120V
Power dissipation (watts) 4252W
Relative humidity (non-condensing) 5%-85%
Temperature (operating) 50°F - 95°F / 10°C - 35°C
Temperature (storage) -4°F - 149°F / -20°C - 65°C
1. If applicable, mounted weight includes any rail kits.
2. SFP may be any of Copper 10/100/1000, 1Gb SX/LX. SFP+ may be any of 10Gb SR/LR. QSPF+ may
be any 40Gb SR/LR/BiDi/Universal.
Each appliance comes packed in a number of boxes. The boxes contain the various components necessary for a successful installation.
The boxes are not numbered as listed here. The numbers merely represent how many boxes you should expect and what is contained in each one.
Box 1
1 Head unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail kit
2 Power supply cables
2 Ethernet cables
1 Product Activation Information envelope containing the product
1 Quick Start Guide
1 Label listing serial numbers of all JBODs for this system. This label
appears on top of the head unit and was attached to the outside of
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 13
the head unit’s box. Use this label to sort and connect the proper JBODs to the head unit.
SFP transceivers (if ordered)
For each JBOD (11) a box that contains:
1 JBOD Unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail Kit
2 Power supply cables
Mini-SAS cable(s)
Before installing, ensure you received all of the parts required for your system.

G3-GS-2P40-1152T installation

Getting your appliance installed is the first step to greater visibility of your network. This topic covers installing your appliance in the cabinet and connecting it to your network.
Caution: Do not attempt in-cabinet repairs of your appliance. The
appliance is very heavy! Always use a server lift or work with a partner to install or remove the appliance from the cabinet to perform any maintenance.
1. Take the appliance and all other components out of the packing materials.
2. Attach the official rail kits (page 73) to your server rack or cabinet.
3. Install the head unit (A1) into your server rack or cabinet. Use a server lift if
necessary. Do not remove the RAID drives from the chassis.
4. Install the JBOD unit(s) into your cabinet. Use a server lift if necessary. Do not remove the RAID drives from the chassis.
5. Using the SAS cables, connect the RAID ports from the JBOD unit(s) to the head unit and to other JBOD unit(s).
Figure 3: G3-GS-2P40-1152T Rear
6. Using an Ethernet cable, connect the ETH0 port to the network.
Connecting the ETH0 port allows you to use Windows Remote Desktop or other tools to control or configure Windows or Windows applications, such as Observer Analyzer.
7. (Optional) Connect an Ethernet cable from your router or switch to the LOM or IPMI port.
(Optional) A Lights Out Management or IPMI port provides you a dedicated management channel for device maintenance. It allows you to monitor,
14 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
start, stop, and manage your appliance remotely regardless of whether the appliance is powered on.
Install SFP transceivers (page 179)1 into the open slots on the back of the capture card(s).
9. If you are connecting to SPAN/mirror ports of a network switch: connect a straight-through Ethernet cable from the SPAN/mirror ports on your switch to the SFP transceivers on the capture card.
10. If you are connecting to a network TAP (sold separately):
Figure 4: Connecting the TAP to the network device, switch, and analyzer
a. Connect the TX port from your server, firewall, router, or switch to the Link
A port on the TAP. b. Connect the TX port from your other switch to the Link B port on the TAP. c. Use two analyzer cables to connect the analyzer port on the TAP to the
SFP transceivers in the capture card.
d. If you have more than one TAP to connect, repeat the process for each TAP.
11. Connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the hardware appliance.
You can use a KVM switch if desired. (The KVM must be compatible with the operating system used on the appliance.) The user input devices or KVM switch are only temporarily needed to set the IP address, so you can disconnect them after the IP address is set.
12. Turn on all JBOD unit(s). a. Plug the power cords into the rear of the power supplies.
b. Wait until the blue Information LED starts to blink. c. Use the tip of your finger to press the power button once. The JBOD
control board initiates the power up sequence in three seconds.
See Startup and shutdown (G3-GS models) (page 172).
Caution: The RAID does not properly initialize if the JBOD unit(s) are not
started first. If this happens, restart the head unit.
1.SFP, SFP+, and QSFP+ transceivers are sold separately.
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 15
13. Turn on the head unit (A1) and wait for the RAID to initialize using the same procedure as the JBOD.
14. In Windows, change the IP address (page 174) for the ETH0 port (shown as ETH0 in Network Connections in Windows) using information supplied to
you by your network administrator.
The default IP address ( is printed on a sticker attached to the top of the appliance.
15. Ensure the time zone settings match your environment.
16. (Optional) Change the IPMI port (page 176) in the BIOS using a static IP
address provided by your network administrator.
17. (Optional) Change the JBOD IPMI port in the BIOS using a static IP address provided by your network administrator.
18. Double-click the Observer icon on the Desktop to start Observer.
Your hardware appliance is installed and on your network.
Next, give the ETH0 IP address and IPMI port address, if using, to the Observer administrator. They need the addresses to add this GigaStor probe to Observer to capture network traffic with a probe instance.


The G3-GS-2P40-576T is best suited for 40 Gb data centers.
G3-GS-2P40-576T technical specifications (page 16)

G3-GS-2P40-576T technical specifications

The technical specifications for the product are shown below.
16 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
Figure 5: G3-GS-2P40-576T Front
Figure 6: G3-GS-2P40-576T Rear
System -
Deployment 40 Gb data center
Base storage 576 TB
Max storage 1.2 PB
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 17
Lights Out Management (LOM) Yes
Redundant OS drive Yes
OS drive hot swappable Yes
OS drive size 1 TB
RAID drive hot swappable Yes
RAID version 50
Rail kit Yes
Operating system Windows 2012 R2
Physical -
Height 30U (6 x 5U)
Width 19 in
Depth 26 in
Weight (mounted)
616 lbs
Weight (handling) 646.6 lbs
Media -
Monitoring interfaces 2
Speed 40 Gb
Accepted transceivers
Performance -
Aggregate performance 40 Gbps
Power -
Redundant power supply Yes
Input frequency 50/60Hz
Input voltage 100V-240V Auto Select
Operational current (amps) 19.7A
BTU 7385 BTU/hr
Operational voltage 120V
Power dissipation (watts) 2350W
Relative humidity (non-condensing) 5%-85%
Temperature (operating) 50°F - 95°F / 10°C - 35°C
Temperature (storage) -4°F - 149°F / -20°C - 65°C
1. If applicable, mounted weight includes any rail kits.
2. SFP may be any of Copper 10/100/1000, 1Gb SX/LX. SFP+ may be any of 10Gb SR/LR. QSPF+ may
be any 40Gb SR/LR/BiDi/Universal.

Parts list

Each appliance comes packed in a number of boxes. The boxes contain the various components necessary for a successful installation.
The boxes are not numbered as listed here. The numbers merely represent how many boxes you should expect and what is contained in each one.
Box 1
18 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
1 Head unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail kit
2 Power supply cables
2 Ethernet cables
1 Product Activation Information envelope containing the product
1 Quick Start Guide
1 Label listing serial numbers of all JBODs for this system. This label
appears on top of the head unit and was attached to the outside of the head unit’s box. Use this label to sort and connect the proper JBODs to the head unit.
SFP transceivers (if ordered)
For each JBOD (5) a box that contains:
1 JBOD Unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail Kit
2 Power supply cables
Mini-SAS cable(s)
Before installing, ensure you received all of the parts required for your system.

G3-GS-2P40-576T installation

Getting your appliance installed is the first step to greater visibility of your network. This topic covers installing your appliance in the cabinet and connecting it to your network.
Caution: Do not attempt in-cabinet repairs of your appliance. The
appliance is very heavy! Always use a server lift or work with a partner to install or remove the appliance from the cabinet to perform any maintenance.
1. Take the appliance and all other components out of the packing materials.
2. Attach the official rail kits (page 73) to your server rack or cabinet.
3. Install the head unit (A1) into your server rack or cabinet. Use a server lift if
necessary. Do not remove the RAID drives from the chassis.
4. Install the JBOD unit(s) into your cabinet. Use a server lift if necessary. Do not remove the RAID drives from the chassis.
5. Using the SAS cables, connect the RAID ports from the JBOD unit(s) to the head unit and to other JBOD unit(s).
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 19
Figure 7: G3-GS-2P40-576T Rear
6. Using an Ethernet cable, connect the ETH0 port to the network.
Connecting the ETH0 port allows you to use Windows Remote Desktop or other tools to control or configure Windows or Windows applications, such as Observer.
7. (Optional) Connect an Ethernet cable from your router or switch to the LOM or IPMI port.
(Optional) A Lights Out Management or IPMI port provides you a dedicated management channel for device maintenance. It allows you to monitor, start, stop, and manage your appliance remotely regardless of whether the appliance is powered on.
Install SFP transceivers (page 179)2 into the open slots on the back of the capture card(s).
9. If you are connecting to SPAN/mirror ports of a network switch: connect a straight-through Ethernet cable from the SPAN/mirror ports on your switch to the SFP transceivers on the capture card.
10. If you are connecting to a network TAP (sold separately):
2.SFP, SFP+, and QSFP+ transceivers are sold separately.
20 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
Figure 8: Connecting the TAP to the network device, switch, and analyzer
a. Connect the TX port from your server, firewall, router, or switch to the Link
A port on the TAP. b. Connect the TX port from your other switch to the Link B port on the TAP. c. Use two analyzer cables to connect the analyzer port on the TAP to the
SFP transceivers in the capture card.
d. If you have more than one TAP to connect, repeat the process for each TAP.
11. Connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the hardware appliance.
You can use a KVM switch if desired. (The KVM must be compatible with the operating system used on the appliance.) The user input devices or KVM switch are only temporarily needed to set the IP address, so you can disconnect them after the IP address is set.
12. Turn on all JBOD unit(s). a. Plug the power cords into the rear of the power supplies.
b. Wait until the blue Information LED starts to blink. c. Use the tip of your finger to press the power button once. The JBOD
control board initiates the power up sequence in three seconds.
See Startup and shutdown (G3-GS models) (page 172).
Caution: The RAID does not properly initialize if the JBOD unit(s) are not
started first. If this happens, restart the head unit.
13. Turn on the head unit (A1) and wait for the RAID to initialize using the same procedure as the JBOD.
14. In Windows, change the IP address (page 174) for the ETH0 port (shown as ETH0 in Network Connections in Windows) using information supplied to
you by your network administrator.
The default IP address ( is printed on a sticker attached to the top of the appliance.
15. Ensure the time zone settings match your environment.
16. (Optional) Change the IPMI port (page 176) in the BIOS using a static IP
address provided by your network administrator.
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 21
17. (Optional) Change the JBOD IPMI port in the BIOS using a static IP address provided by your network administrator.
18. Double-click the Observer icon on the Desktop to start Observer.
Your hardware appliance is installed and on your network.
Next, give the ETH0 IP address and IPMI port address, if using, to the Observer administrator. They need the addresses to add this GigaStor probe to Observer to capture network traffic with a probe instance.


The G3-GS-2P40-288T is best suited for 40 Gb data centers.
G3-GS-2P40-288T technical specifications (page 22)

G3-GS-2P40-288T technical specifications

The technical specifications for the product are shown below.
Figure 9: G3-GS-2P40-288T Front
22 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
Figure 10: G3-GS-2P40-288T Rear
System -
Deployment 40 Gb data center
Base storage 288 TB
Max storage 1.2 PB
Lights Out Management (LOM) Yes
Redundant OS drive Yes
OS drive hot swappable Yes
OS drive size 1 TB
RAID drive hot swappable Yes
RAID version 5
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 23
Rail kit Yes
Operating system Windows 2012 R2
Physical -
Height 15U (3 x 5U)
Width 19 in
Depth 26 in
Weight (mounted)
316 lbs
Weight (handling) 331.6 lbs
Media -
Monitoring interfaces 2
Speed 40 Gb
Accepted transceivers
Performance -
Aggregate performance 40 Gbps
Power -
Redundant power supply Yes

Parts list

Input frequency 50/60Hz
Input voltage 100V-240V Auto Select
Operational current (amps) 11.60A
BTU 4395 BTU/hr
Operational voltage 120V
Power dissipation (watts) 1399W
Relative humidity (non-condensing) 5%-85%
Temperature (operating) 50°F - 95°F / 10°C - 35°C
Temperature (storage) -4°F - 149°F / -20°C - 65°C
1. If applicable, mounted weight includes any rail kits.
2. SFP may be any of Copper 10/100/1000, 1Gb SX/LX. SFP+ may be any of 10Gb SR/LR. QSPF+ may
be any 40Gb SR/LR/BiDi/Universal.
Each appliance comes packed in a number of boxes. The boxes contain the various components necessary for a successful installation.
The boxes are not numbered as listed here. The numbers merely represent how many boxes you should expect and what is contained in each one.
Box 1
1 Head unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail kit
2 Power supply cables
2 Ethernet cables
1 Product Activation Information envelope containing the product
24 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
1 Quick Start Guide
1 Label listing serial numbers of all JBODs for this system. This label
appears on top of the head unit and was attached to the outside of the head unit’s box. Use this label to sort and connect the proper JBODs to the head unit.
SFP transceivers (if ordered)
For each JBOD (2) a box that contains:
1 JBOD Unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail Kit
2 Power supply cables
Mini-SAS cable(s)
Before installing, ensure you received all of the parts required for your system.

G3-GS-2P40-288T installation

Getting your appliance installed is the first step to greater visibility of your network. This topic covers installing your appliance in the cabinet and connecting it to your network.
Caution: Do not attempt in-cabinet repairs of your appliance. The
appliance is very heavy! Always use a server lift or work with a partner to install or remove the appliance from the cabinet to perform any maintenance.
1. Take the appliance and all other components out of the packing materials.
2. Attach the official rail kits (page 73) to your server rack or cabinet.
3. Install the head unit (A1) into your server rack or cabinet. Use a server lift if
necessary. Do not remove the RAID drives from the chassis.
4. Install the JBOD unit(s) into your cabinet. Use a server lift if necessary. Do not remove the RAID drives from the chassis.
5. Using the SAS cables, connect the RAID ports from the JBOD unit(s) to the head unit.
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 25
Figure 11: G3-GS-2P40-288T Rear
6. Using an Ethernet cable, connect the ETH0 port to the network.
Connecting the ETH0 port allows you to use Windows Remote Desktop or other tools to control or configure Windows or Windows applications, such as Observer.
7. (Optional) Connect an Ethernet cable from your router or switch to the LOM or IPMI port.
(Optional) A Lights Out Management or IPMI port provides you a dedicated management channel for device maintenance. It allows you to monitor, start, stop, and manage your appliance remotely regardless of whether the appliance is powered on.
26 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
Install SFP transceivers (page 179)3 into the open slots on the back of the capture card(s).
9. If you are connecting to SPAN/mirror ports of a network switch: connect a straight-through Ethernet cable from the SPAN/mirror ports on your switch to the SFP transceivers on the capture card.
10. If you are connecting to a network TAP (sold separately):
Figure 12: Connecting the TAP to the network device, switch, and analyzer
a. Connect the TX port from your server, firewall, router, or switch to the Link
A port on the TAP. b. Connect the TX port from your other switch to the Link B port on the TAP. c. Use two analyzer cables to connect the analyzer port on the TAP to the
SFP transceivers in the capture card.
d. If you have more than one TAP to connect, repeat the process for each TAP.
11. Connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the hardware appliance.
You can use a KVM switch if desired. (The KVM must be compatible with the operating system used on the appliance.) The user input devices or KVM switch are only temporarily needed to set the IP address, so you can disconnect them after the IP address is set.
12. Turn on all JBOD unit(s). a. Plug the power cords into the rear of the power supplies.
b. Wait until the blue Information LED starts to blink. c. Use the tip of your finger to press the power button once. The JBOD
control board initiates the power up sequence in three seconds.
See Startup and shutdown (G3-GS models) (page 172).
Caution: The RAID does not properly initialize if the JBOD unit(s) are not
started first. If this happens, restart the head unit.
13. Turn on the head unit (A1) and wait for the RAID to initialize using the same procedure as the JBOD.
3.SFP, SFP+, and QSFP+ transceivers are sold separately.
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 27
14. In Windows, change the IP address (page 174) for the ETH0 port (shown as ETH0 in Network Connections in Windows) using information supplied to
you by your network administrator.
The default IP address ( is printed on a sticker attached to the top of the appliance.
15. Ensure the time zone settings match your environment.
16. (Optional) Change the IPMI port (page 176) in the BIOS using a static IP
address provided by your network administrator.
17. (Optional) Change the JBOD IPMI port in the BIOS using a static IP address provided by your network administrator.
18. Double-click the Observer icon on the Desktop to start Observer.
Your hardware appliance is installed and on your network.
Next, give the ETH0 IP address and IPMI port address, if using, to the Observer administrator. They need the addresses to add this GigaStor probe to Observer to capture network traffic with a probe instance.


The G3-GS-8P-1152T is best suited for 40 Gb data centers.
G3-GS-8P-1152T technical specifications (page 28)

G3-GS-8P-1152T technical specifications

The technical specifications for the product are shown below.
Figure 13: G3-GS-8P-1152T Front
28 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
Figure 14: G3-GS-8P-1152T Rear
System -
Deployment 40 Gb data center
Base storage 1.2 PB
Max storage 1.2 PB
Lights Out Management (LOM) Yes
Redundant OS drive Yes
OS drive hot swappable Yes
OS drive size 1 TB
RAID drive hot swappable Yes
RAID version 50
Rail kit Yes
Operating system Windows 2012 R2
Physical -
Height 48U (12 x 4U)
Width 19 in
Depth 26 in
Weight (mounted)
1216 lbs
Weight (handling) 1276.6 lbs
Media -
Monitoring interfaces 8
Speed 1/10 Gb
Accepted transceivers
Performance -
Aggregate performance 40 Gbps
Power -
Redundant power supply Yes
Input frequency 50/60Hz
Input voltage 100V-240V Auto Select
Operational current (amps) 35.9A
BTU 10960 BTU/hr
Chapter 1: Appliance installation 29

Parts list

Operational voltage 120V
Power dissipation (watts) 4252W
Relative humidity (non-condensing) 5%-85%
Temperature (operating) 50°F - 95°F / 10°C - 35°C
Temperature (storage) -4°F - 149°F / -20°C - 65°C
1. If applicable, mounted weight includes any rail kits.
2. SFP may be any of Copper 10/100/1000, 1Gb SX/LX. SFP+ may be any of 10Gb SR/LR. QSPF+ may
be any 40Gb SR/LR/BiDi/Universal.
Each appliance comes packed in a number of boxes. The boxes contain the various components necessary for a successful installation.
The boxes are not numbered as listed here. The numbers merely represent how many boxes you should expect and what is contained in each one.
Box 1
1 Head unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail kit
2 Power supply cables
2 Ethernet cables
1 Product Activation Information envelope containing the product
1 Quick Start Guide
1 Label listing serial numbers of all JBODs for this system. This label
appears on top of the head unit and was attached to the outside of the head unit’s box. Use this label to sort and connect the proper JBODs to the head unit.
SFP transceivers (if ordered)
For each JBOD (11) a box that contains:
1 JBOD Unit with RAID drives preinstalled
1 Rail Kit
2 Power supply cables
Mini-SAS cable(s)
Before installing, ensure you received all of the parts required for your system.

G3-GS-8P-1152T installation

Getting your appliance installed is the first step to greater visibility of your network. This topic covers installing your appliance in the cabinet and connecting it to your network.
Caution: Do not attempt in-cabinet repairs of your appliance. The
appliance is very heavy! Always use a server lift or work with a partner to install or remove the appliance from the cabinet to perform any maintenance.
1. Take the appliance and all other components out of the packing materials.
30 GigaStor (23 Feb 2018) — Archive/Non-authoritative version
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