Battery backup system ...........................2
Operation and function - Display ............3
Installing a remote alam .......................13
Replacement of door ............................15
Replacement of door gasket.................16
Replacement of door handle. ...............19
Replacement of wheels. .......................20
Replacement of closing bush ...............21
Replacement of LED light ..................... 22
Replacement of fan. .............................24
Replacement of Display........................26
Replacement of door hinge .................28
Replacement of controller.. ...................28
Recharching refrigerant VTS 254 ......... 29
Recharching refrigerant VTS 256 ......... 30
Recharching refrigerant VTS 258 ......... 31
List of parameters VTS 254.. ................ 32
List of parameters VTS 256. ................. 36
List of parameters VTS 258. ................. 36
Plate with electrical parts ...................... 38
Electrial Diagram.. ................................39