or button select the bit you want to set and then set it pressing 0 or 1 button.
Option 0. Video Processor Crystal indication
B7: Ina = x
B6: Inb = x
B5: Inc = x
B4: Akb = 0 ((0x 02) Hue B6 (Black current stablisation))
B3: Foa = x
B2: Fob = x
B1: Xa = note1 (Crystal indication)
B0: Xb = note1 (Crystal indication)
note 1:
0,1 : Pal M, Pal N, Ntsc M
Pin 34 : 3.58 (1, 2 or 3 crystals)
Pin 35 : No crystal
1,0 : Pal BG, Pal DK, Pal I/I+, Secam BG, Secam DK, Secam L/L, Secam K1
Pin 34 : No crystal
Pin 35 : 4.43 (1 crystal)
1,1 : Pal BG, Pal DK, Pal I/I+, Secam BG, Secam DK, Secam L/L, Secam K1, Pal M, Pal N, Ntsc M
Pin 34 : 3.58 (1, 2 or 3 crystals)
Pin 35 : 4.43 (1 crystal)
Option 01 (0x01) Video Processor Decoder Mode Register
B7 : Forf = 1 (Forced fiel frequency auto (50Hz when line not synchronized))
B6 : Fors = 1 (Forced fiel frequency auto (50Hz when line not synchronized))
B5 : Dl = x
B4 : Stb = x (Stand-by)
B3 : Poc = x
B2 : Cm2 = x
B1 : Cm1 = x
B0 : Cm0 = x
Option 02 (0x18) Video Processor Blanking Control
B7 : Oso = 0 (Switch-off in vertical overscan)
B6 : Vsd = 0 (Vertical scan disable)
B5 : Cb = 0 (Chroma bandpass center frequency)
B4 : Bls = 0 (Blue Stretch)
B3 : Bks = 0 (Black Stretch)
B2 : Ie1 = x
B1 : Afw = x
B0 : Bb = 0 (Blue back when no video signal is identified)
Option 03 (0x 19) Video Processor Cathode Drive Level
B7 : Hob = x note 1
B6 : Bps = 0 (Bypass of chroma base-band delay line)
B5 : Acl = x
B4 : Cmb = note 2 (Enable external comb filter)
B3 : Ast = x
B2 : Cl2 = 1 (Cathode drive level) +57%
B1 : Cl1 = 0 (Cathode drive level) +57%
B0 : Cl0 = 0 (Cathode drive level) +57%
note 1:
0 = Pal+ helper output blanking disabled
1 = Pal+ helper output blanking enabled
note 2:
0 = Comb filter disabled
1 = Comb filter enabled
Option 04
B7 : Ifs = x
B6 : Mod = x
B5 : Vsw = x
B4 : Sm = x
B3 : D s = 0 ((0x1A) LuminanceDelay (Dynamic skin control on/off ))
B2 : Dsa = 0 ((0x1A) LuminanceDelay (Dynamic skin control angle))
B1 : Fav = 0 ((0x14) (VolumeControl B6 (Fixed Audio Volume )))
B0 : Lfa = x
Option 05 CTI Available
B7 : Hbl = 0 ((0x02) Hue (RGB blanking mode (TDA8844/47/54/57)))
B6 : Lbm = 0 ((0x09) Vertical Amplitude (Long blanking mode))
B5 : Vim = x
B4 : Gai = note 1 ((0x03) Horizontal Shift B6 (Gain of luminace channel))
B3 : Nci = x
B2 : Stm = x
B1 : Vid = x
B0 : = x
note 1:
0 = CTI disabled
1 = CTI available
Option 06
B7 : Hco = x
B6 : Evg = 1((0x0A) S-Correction ( Enable vertical guard (RGB blanking)))
B5 : Sbl = 1((0x0B) Vertical Shift B7 (Service Blanking))
B4 : Prd = x
B3 : Mat = note 1 ((0x 0E White Point Blue B7(PAL-SECAM/NTSC matrix(TDA8841/42/44/54)))
B2 : Rbl = x
B1 : Cor = x
B0 : = x
Option 07 Country Value, PLL_VST, PIP Zoom Mode, PIP Position
B7 : C3 = note 1
B6 : C2 = note 1
B5 : C1 = note 1
B4 : C0 = note 1
B3 : P/V = note 2
B2 : PZM = note 3
B1 : PP1 = note 4
B0 : PP0 = note 4
note 1:
C3,C2,C1,C0 = Country
0,0,0,0 = ? Not allowed
0,0,0,1 = D Germany
0,0,1,0 = A Austria
0,0,1,1 = CH Switzerland
0,1,0,0 = I Italy
0,1,0,1 = F France
0,1,1,0 = B Belgium
0,1,1,1 = DK Denmark
1,0,0,0 = S Sweden
1,0,0,1 = N Norway
1,0,1,0 = SF Finland
1,0,1,1 = GB Great Britain
1,1,0,0 = NL Netherlands
1,1,0,1 = P Portugal
1,1,1,0 = E Spain
1,1,1,1 = TR Turkey
note 2:
P/V : PLL / VST bit
1 : = VST Tuner
0 : = PLL Tuner
note 3:
PZM :PIP zoom mode
1 : = 16 : 9
0 : = 4:3
note 4:
PP1, PP0 : PIP position
00 : = LEFT-TOP
11 : = RIGHT-TOP
Option 08 Tube Size, Default Zoom mode, IF Frequency
B7 : Tub = note 1
B6 : Z.Def = note 2
B5 : IfI = note 3
B4 : IfD = note 4
B3 : IfM = note 5
B2 : Aps = note 6
B1 : Hp = note 7
B0 : Hue = note 8
note 1:
Tub : Tube size
0 = 16:9 Tube size
1 = 4:3 Tube size
note 2:
Z.Def : Zoom Default Mode
0 = 16:9 mode default
1 = 4:3 mode default
note 3:
0 = IF I 39.5 MHz Great Britain I, Only UHF Tuner
1 = IF I 38.9 MHz Ireland I+, Standard Tuner
note 4:
0 = IF DK 38.0 MHz
1 = IF DK 38.9 MHz
note 5:
0 = IF M,N 45.75 MHz S&N American Models, Tuner UV1336 (Only Pal M/N, Ntsc M)
1 = IF M,N 38.9 MHz Euro M,N Models , Standard Tuner
Note 6:
Aps ( Only for PLL )
0 = A.P.S. done
1 = A.P.S. set
note 7:
Hp : Headphone available
0 = No headphone
1 = Headphone available
note 8:
Hue : Hue Available
0 = No hue
1 = Hue available
Option 09 Standard Available
B7 : NM = note 1
B6 : PN = note 1
B5 : PM = note 1
B4 : K1 = note 1
B3 : L = note 1
B2 : I = note 1
B1 : DK = note 1
B0 : BG = note 1
note 1:
0 = Standard not supported
1 = Standard available
Option 10 Scart , Combfilter, Teletext Language
B7 : TXL2 = note 1
B6 : TXL1 = note 1
B5 : TXL0 = note 1
B4 : Com = note 2
B3 : Svh = note 3
B2 : Fro = note 4
B1 : Sc2 = note 5
B0 : .. = x
note 1:
TXL2,TXL1,TXL0: Primary Language
note 2:
0 = Comb filter not supported
1 = Comb filter available
note 3:
0 = S-VHS not supported
1 = S-VHS available
note 4:
0 = Front/Back AV (AV-3) not supported
1 = Front/Back AV (AV-3) available
note 5:
0 = Scart 2 not supported
1 = Scart 2 available
Option 11 Pll tuner control 1 byte
B7 : b7 = note 1
B6 : b6 = note 1
B5 : b5 = note 1
B4 : b4 = note 1
B3 : b3 = note 1
B2 : b2 = note 1
B1 : b1 = note 1
B0 : b0 = note 1
note 1 :
Pll tuner control 1 byte
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Philips UV1316MK2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Alps TELE9X062A 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Samsung TEXX2949PG28A 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Siel PT060 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Temic 5001PH5-3X0003 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Thomson CTT5020 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Option 12 Pll tuner control 2 low byte
B7 : b7 = note 1
B6 : b6 = note 1
B5 : b5 = note 1
B4 : b4 = note 1
B3 : b3 = note 1
B2 : b2 = note 1
B1 : b1 = note 1
B0 : b0 = note 1
note 1 :
Pll tuner control 2 low byte
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Philips UV1316MK2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Alps TELE9X062A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Samsung TEXX2949PG28A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Siel PT060 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Temic 5001PH5-3X0003 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Thomson CTT5020 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Option 13 Pll tuner control 2 mid byte
B7 : b7 = note 1
B6 : b6 = note 1
B5 : b5 = note 1
B4 : b4 = note 1
B3 : b3 = note 1
B2 : b2 = note 1
B1 : b1 = note 1
B0 : b0 = note 1
note 1 :
Pll tuner control 2 mid byte
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Philips UV1316MK2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Alps TELE9X062A 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Samsung TEXX2949PG28A 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Siel PT060 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Temic 5001PH5-3X0003 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Thomson CTT5020 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Option 14 Pll tuner control 2 high byte
B7 : b7 = note 1
B6 : b6 = note 1
B5 : b5 = note 1
B4 : b4 = note 1
B3 : b3 = note 1
B2 : b2 = note 1
B1 : b1 = note 1
B0 : b0 = note 1
note 1 :
Pll tuner control 2 high byte