The MT1379Progressive Scan DVD-Player Combo Chip is a single-chip MPEG video
decoding chip that integrates audio/video stream data processing, TV encoder, four video DACs
with Macrovision. copy protection, DVD system navigation, system control and housekeeping
The features of this chip can be listed as follows:
General Features:
• Progressive scan DVD-player combo chip
• Integrated NTSC/PAL encoder.
• Built-in progressive video output
• DVD-Video, VCD 1.1, 2.0, and SVCD
• Unified track buffer and A/V decoding buffer.
• Direct interface of 32-bit SDRAM.
• Servo controller and data channel processing.
Video Related Features:
• Macrovision 7.1 for NTSC/PAL interlaced video.
• Simultaneous composite video and S-video outputs, or composite and YUV outputs, or
composite and RGB outputs.
• 8-bit CCIR 601 YUV 4:2:2 output.
• Decodes MPEG video and MPEG2 main profile at main level.
OSD, MPEG stream and video buffer memory for a DVD player. The maximum amount of
memory supported is 16 MB of Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM). The memory interface is
configurable in depth to support 128-Mb addressing. The memory interface controls access to
both external SDRAM memories, which can be the sole unified external read/write memory acting
as program and data memory as well as various decoding and display buffers.
1.3 D
many types of DVD loaders. These interfaces meet the specifications of many DVD loader
1.4 F
controller chip, (uPD16311). The MT1379 controls the uPD16311 using several control signals,
(clock, data, chip select). The infrared remote control signal is passed directly to the MT1379 for
1.5 R
A typical rear panel is included in the reference design. This rear panel supports:
- Six channel or two channel audio outputs
- Optical and coax S/PDIF outputs.
- Composite, S-Video, and SCART outputs
The MT1379 provides a glueless 16-bit interface to DRAM memory devices used as
The MT1379 supports the DV34 interface, and other RF and servo interfaces used by
The front panel is based around an Futaba VFD and a common NEC front panel
SDRAM Memory Interface
The six-video signals used to provide CVBS, S-Video, and RGB are generated by theMT1379’s
internal video DAC. The video signals are buffered by external circuitry.
Six channel audio output by the MT1379 in the form of three I
S/PDIF serial stream is also generated by the MT1379 output by the rear panel. The six channel
audio DACs (AK4356,PCM1606) are used for six channel audio output with MT1379, and
similarly AK4382A ,CS4392 Audio DACs are used for two channel audio output with MT1379.
S (or similar) data streams. The
2. S
MT1379 P
DVSSGround115,125,135,145Ground pin for internal digital circuitry
IREFAnalog Input1Current for data PLL. Connect an external 100K
PLLVSSGround2Ground pin for PLL and analog circuitry
LPIOPAnalog Output3Positive output for low pass filter(LFP)
LPIONAnalog Output4Negative output for LFP
LPFONAnalog Output5Negative output of loop filter amplifier(LFA)
LPFIPAnalog Input6Positive input of LFA
LPFINAnalog Input7Negative input of LFA
LPFOPAnalog Output8Positive output of LFA
JITFOAnalog Output9RF jitter meter output
JITFNAnalog Input10Negative input of the operational amplifier for RF jigger meter
PLLVDD3Power113.3V power pin for data PLL and related analog circuitry
FOOAnalog Output12Focus servo output. PDM output of focus servo compensator
TROAnalog Output13Tracking servo output. PDM output of tracking servo compensator
TROPENPWMAnalog Output14for TRWMEN27hRW2=1 or is digital output for TRWMEN27hRW2=0
PWMOUT1-2Analog Output15-161st and 2nd general PWM output.
DVDD2Power17,42,72,82,120,140,182 2.5V power pin for internally fully digital circuitry.
DMOAnalog Output18Disk motor control output. PWM output.
FMOAnalog Output19Feed motor control PWM output.
ASDATA0Inout 4MA PD SMT154(1)Audio serial data 0(L/R)(2)Trap value in power on reset 1:factory test
ASDATA1Inout 4MA PD SMT155Audio serial data 1(surround L/R),Trap value in power-on reset
ASDATA2Inout 4MA PD SMT156Audio serial data 2(center/left),Trap value in power-on reset
ASDATA3Inout 4MA PD SMT157Audio serial data 3(surround L/R),Trap value in power-on reset,videoin
ASDATA4Inout 4MA PD SMT158Audio serial data 4(center/left),Trap value in power-on reset,videoin
DACVDDCPower1593.3V power pin for VİDEO DAC circuitry
VREFAnalog input160Bandgap refernce voltage
FSAnalog Output161Full scale adjustment
YUV0/CINOutput 4MA,SR162Video data output bit 0/Compensation capacitor
DACVSSCGround163Ground pin for VIDEO DAC circuitry
YUV1/COutput 4MA,SR164Video data output bit 1/Compensation capacitor
DACVDDBPower1653.3V power pin for VİDEO DAC circuitry
YUV2/YOutput 4MA,SR166Video data output bit 2/ Analog Y output
DACVSSBGround167Ground pin for VIDEO DAC circuitry
YUV3/CVBSOutput 4MA,SR168Video data output bit 3/ Analog composite output
DACVDDAPower1693.3V power pin for VİDEO DAC circuitry
YUV4/GOutput 4MA,SR170Video data output bit 4/Green or Y
DACVSSAGround171Ground pin for VIDEO DAC circuitry
YUV5/BOutput 4MA,SR172Video data output bit 5/Blue or CB
YUV6/ROutput 4MA,SR173Video data output bit 5/Red or CR
ICEInput PD,SMT174Microcontroller ICE mode enable
Output 2~16MA,SR106,107,110,112-
70Microcontroller interrupt 0, active low
75Microcontroller write strobe,active low
76Microcontroller write strobe,active low
93-96,98-101DRAM data 15-12,11-8
DRAM adresses
126-129,131-134DRAM corresponding data
138-139,141-144DRAM data 23-22,21-18/Videoin Data PortA 7-6,5-2
146-147DRAM data 17-16/Videoin Data PortA 1-0
153SPDIF output
mode 0:normal mode
data portb 1
data portb 2
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