VES 1025 User Manual

Dear customer! We highly appreciate your choosing VES Electric home appliances. From our side we guarantee excellent quality, perfect functioning and safety of your appliance upon keeping to all the rules of home
exploitation. Before using the appliance read the instruction manual carefully. Technical characteristics:
Model No: VES1025
Rated Voltage, V: 220-240 Rated Power, W: 750 / Capacity, L: 0.5
Remove the appliance from the package. Do not leave the packing (plastic bags, polystyrene etc.) within the reach of children since they could be dangerous. Keep the package for appliance storage.
Spread the appliance to full size. For this, see the picture
Rated Frequency, Hz: 50/60
~ /
below: Hold the appliance base with the left hand, operating with the right hand.
1. Folded appli-
1a. Pull by the
handle upwards.
2. Pull by the plastic neck part upwards. 2a. Full size appliance.
Perform the following procedure for technological smell cleaning
before the first use.
Rinse out the appliance with fresh water. Boil the water, switch off
and pour out before normal use (repeat three times). Then boil the water, turn the switch to O position, unplug the appliance from mains and leave the appliance with the lid open for 12 hours and pour out.
Wipe the housing of the appliance with wet soft cloth. The appli-
ance is ready for use.
Lid open button
0/I switch
An automatic safety cut-out has been fitted for protection against overheating. It will operate if the appliance is switched on when containing insufficient water amount. Always ensure the water inside the appliance covers the minimum mark on the water level indicator gauge. If the auto­matic safety cut-out has operated, switch the appliance off, dis­connect from the power outlet and allow the appliance to cool down for 5 minutes. Refill with water and switch on again. The appliance will work as normal.
1. Fill the appliance with water to desired level. Do not overfill or
there will be a risk of spillage or spitting. The water level indicator will assist you to measure the correct amount. Fill the appliance via opening the lid. Do not forget to close the lid after filling. See the water level marking picture. Do not fill with less than 0.2 L min capacity indication, to prevent the
appliance running dry while operating. Do not fill with more than 0.5 liter of water to “max” indication. Wipe up the outer surface of the appliance if it is wet.
2. Please put the appliance on the dry, smooth, horizontal, heat resistant sur­face. Make sure O/I switch in O posi­tion. Insert the plug to the socket. Place O/I switch to I position, the indicator light will be on and the appliance will be under working.
3. After the water boiling, the appliance will stop working automati­cally, indicator light will be off, but O/I switch will remain in I position. It is the reheating function. When water temperature goes under 70° C, after about 20-45 minutes the appliance will start working again and will boil the water till 99° C and will switch off. Cooling of water depends on its volume in the appliance and the ambient temperature. The faster the water cools down, the sooner the appli­ance boils it again. Please turn O/I switch to O position if you don’t want reheating func­tion and pull out the plug from mains.
Note: reheating function can not be for a long time, as the capacity of the appliance is MAX 0.5 L. Mind it well.
If you want to boil water fast, turn the switch to 0 position. Pour the warm water out, pour in the cold water and switch on the appliance again.
1. Turn the switch to O position and unplug the appliance from mains.
2. Let the appliance cool down. Pour water away.
3. Never immerse any part of the appliance, especially a cord and plug in any liquid.
4. Always make sure that electrical connections of the appliance are remaining absolutely dry.
5. Clean the appliance outer shell with a damp cloth. Do not use
any cleansers, which can cause damage to your health or decolorize the appliance.
Don’t use sharp cleaners, as they may damage the silicon! SCALE CLEANING The scale appearance is not a defect, but depends on the water quality of your region. Clean the scale in time. For the scale cleaning you can use special descaler or use vinegar as follows:
1. Fill the appliance up to “МАX 0.5L” level with a mixture of one part ordinary vinegar and two parts water, switch on and boil the mixture, turn the switch to O position. / 2. Let the mixture remain inside the appliance overnight. / 3. Pour the mixture away next morning and rinse the appliance well for several times to get rid of the vinegar smell. / 4. Fill the appliance with clean water up to “МАX 0.5L” level and boil again. / 5. Turn the switch to O posi­tion. Pour away this boiled water. / 6. Rinse the inside of the appliance with clean water.
Attention! Spend descaling indoors with good ventilation.
7. Ensure that the outside and the electrical connection parts of the appliance are completely dry before succeeding uses. Unplug the appliance from mains. STORAGE Switch the appliance and unplug from mains. Pour water
away. Let the ap-
pliance cool down.
Store in cool and dry place, far from chil­dren. You can store
the appliance folded. Pls see the scheme.
3. Press on the first line of silicon under the nose.
3a. The result.
4. Press on the first line of silicon under the handle.
4a. The result.
• this appliance is for home use only. Do not use for commercial purposes.
• before the first operating make sure that the voltage in your wall outlet is the same as on the appliance’s rating label marked.
• before using an extension cord, make sure it is suitable for such a load, otherwise it may overheat and cause a risk of fire.
• use the appliance only for it’s direct purpose (water boiling).
• use the appliance only on solid, level, heat-resistant surface.
• the appliance must be unplugged when filling or adding the water.
• keep the appliance 1 meter away from the combustible materials such as furniture, cushions, bedding, paper, clothes, curtains, etc.
• do not use the appliance in the rooms with explosive gas or while using inflammable solvents, varnish or glue.
• do not use the appliance near or on the hot surfaces.
• unplug the appliance when it is not in use. Do not pull the cord to unplug the appliance.
• do not cover the appliance by any items (blanket, towel, etc.) to avoid fire.
• do not use the appliance in the immediate surroundings of bath, shower or swimming pool.
• do not use the appliance with wet hands.
• do not use the appliance on a damp surface/floor.
• if the cord of this appliance is damaged, discontinue its use and contact an authorized service centre for further repair.
• do not immerse the appliance or power cord into water.
• if the appliance fell down into the water, unplug it immediately and do not use, bring to an authorized service center.
• do not touch the body of the appliance during its operation as to avoid burns. Use the handle.
• boil water only in the full size appliance. Do not attempt to boil water
in the folded appliance!
• close the lid properly before switching the appliance on
• do not lean over the appliance while water boiling, lid opening to avoid the scalding from the hot steam.
• do not overfill the appliance, as boiling water may spill out.
fill with cold water only.
• extreme caution must be used when moving the appliance with hot water. Move holding by handle in one hand and with cord and plug in other hand.
• when using reheating function follow the water level in the device. Do not allow complete evaporation of water!
• do not use the appliance with the external timer.
• do not turn the plugged/working appliance upside down.
• do not let the turned on appliance be unattended.
• do not use the appliance with overtight cord.
• do not drop or kick the appliance.
• do not clean the appliance when it is in use.
• regular descaling is needed, as scale may possibly affect the normal use of the appliance.
• do not use any abrasive, chemical or alcohol-contained cleaners, polish for cleaning the appliance.
• do not use the damaged appliance or appliance with damaged cord/ plug.
• do not use the appliance with the damaged wall outlet.
• never let the cord hang over the edge of table or touch any hot surfaces.
• do not expose the appliance to fall down or to be kicked.
• repair the appliance only in authorized service center. Do not repair
the appliance by yourself! If the opening of the appliance is de­tected, the appliance’s guarantee will be canceled.
• while using the appliance, please, observe the safety precautions.
• incorrect operation and improper handling can lead to malfunction of the appliance and injuries to the user.
• give a high attention when the appliance is being used near the children. don’t let children use or play with the appliance.
• this appliance is not intended for use by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience or knowledge,
unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
NOTE Manufacturer reserves the right to change parts and color of the appliance. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION
Уважаемый покупатель!
Благодарим Вас за выбор бытовой техники от компании VES Electric. Мы гарантируем высокое качество, безупречное функционирование и безопасность приобретенного Вами
прибора при соблюдении всех правил его эксплуатации.
Перед использованием прибора внимательно
ознакомьтесь с данной инструкцией.
Технические характеристики:
Номинальное напряжение, В: 220 - 240~
Номинальная частота, Гц: 50/60 Номинальная мощность, Вт: 750 Объем, л: 0,5
Рекомендации покупателю При покупке прибора необходимо проверить его на отсутствие механических повреждений конструкции, внешнего оформления и упаковки, на функционирование, на комплектность. Необходимо проверить наличие гарантийного талона и правильность его заполнения (наличие печати продажи и продавца). Необходимо сохранить кассовый чек, руководство по эксплуатации, гарантийный талон до конца гарантийного срока эксплуатации. Документация, прилагаемая к прибору, при утрате не возобновляется.
Извлеките прибор из упаковки. Не оставляйте упаковочные материалы (пластиковые пакеты, полистирол и т.д.) в доступных для детей местах во избежание опасных ситуаций. Сохраните упаковку для хранения прибора.
Перед эксплуатацией прибор необходимо разложить до полного размера. Смотрите схему раскладки ниже. Удерживайте базу прибора левой рукой, раскладывайте
правой рукой.
1. Прибор в сложенном виде. 1а. Потяните за ручку вверх.
2. Потяните за пластиковую основу вверх. 2а. Полный размер прибора.
С целью устранения технологических запахов перед первым использованием выполните следующую процедуру: Сполосните прибор чистой водой. Вскипятите воду, переведите переключатель в положение O, обесточьте прибор и слейте воду. Повторите данную процедуру трижды. Затем вскипятите воду, переведите переключатель в положение O, обесточьте прибор и оставьте прибор с открытой крышкой на 12 часов, затем слейте воду. Êорпус прибора протрите влажной тканью. Прибор готов к использованию.
Êнопка открытия крышки
0/I переключатель
В приборе имеется система автоматического отключения от перегрева. Автоотключение сработает, если прибор включен без воды / с уровнем воды ниже минимальной отметки. Не допускайте частого включения прибора без воды либо с уровнем воды ниже отметки минимального, так как это в конечном счете приведет к повреждению нагревательного элемента. Если автоотключение сработало, отключите прибор и обесточьте. Дайте прибору остыть в течение как минимум 5 минут. Залейте холодную воду и включите снова. Прибор будет работать в обычном режиме.
1. Налейте желаемое количество воды и убедитесь, что ее уровень находится между указателями максимального “МAX 0.5L ” и минимального “0.2L МIN” уровнями воды. Не переполняйте прибор, т.к. возможно проливание горячей воды. Руководствуйтесь маркировкой уровня воды на приборе. Наполняйте прибор через горлышко (с открытой крышкой). После заполнения закройте крышку. Вытрите капли воды с внешних поверхностей прибора. Смотрите рисунок маркировки уровня на приборе. Не заполняйте прибор ниже отметки 0.2L MIN и выше отметки MAX 0.5L. Протрите корпус прибора насухо.
2. Поставьте прибор на сухую, ровную теплостойкую поверхность. Убедитесь, что переключатель 0/I находится в положении 0.
Подключите прибор к сети. Переведите переключатель в положение I. Загорится световой индикатор переключателя.
3. После закипания воды нагрев отключится, световой индикатор переключателя погаснет, но переключатель останется в положении
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