Vertical summit, summit 800 Operation Manual

Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description & Operation Manual
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
Revision History
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Feb, 2014
Initial Release
1.1.x 1.1 Feb, 2015 Update contents according to S/W integration for both Summit & Summit 800
1.2.x 1.2 Updated and Added the following features:
- Emerge ncy page
- Message Cascade
- LCR (Least Call Routing)
- Remote Control from mobile Phone
- ARS (Alternative Route Selection) for Digit conversion table
- Message Wa it Re min de r Tone
- Call park for internal call
- Unified Loop button
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1.1 Manual Application ...................................................................... 1
1.2 Manual Organization .................................................................... 1
1.3 Feature Information ..................................................................... 1
1.4 Buttons & Term Variations .......................................................... 2
2. System .................................................................................. 3
2.1 8-Digit Station Numbering Plan .................................................. 3
2.2 Account Code ............................................................................... 4
2.3 Alarm Signal/Door Bell ................................................................ 6
2.4 Authorization Codes (Password) ............................................... 8
2.5 Auto Call Recording .................................................................. 11
2.6 Auto Call Release ....................................................................... 13
2.7 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)............................................ 14
2.7.1 ACD Caller Cont rolle d ICLID Ro utin g ................................................ 14
2.7.2 ACD Statistics Report ....................................................................... 15
2.7.3 Agents .............................................................................................. 17 Agent Auto Connect/Zap Tone ............................................................ 17 Agent Automatic Wrap-Up .................................................................. 18 Agent Help Request ........................................................................... 19 Agent Id Login/Logout ......................................................................... 20 Agent On/Off Duty w/Reason Code ..................................................... 23 Agent Queued Calls Display ............................................................... 25
2.7.4 Announcements ................................................................................ 27
2.7.5 Auto ACD DND Unavailable Service ................................................. 29
2.7.6 Calls-In-Queue rout ing ...................................................................... 30
2.7.7 Calls-In-Queue Page Alert ................................................................ 31
2.7.8 Event Messages ............................................................................... 33
2.7.9 Group Mail Box ................................................................................. 34
2.7.10 Group Name ..................................................................................... 35
2.7.11 Incoming Call Routing ....................................................................... 36
2.7.12 Supervisors ....................................................................................... 37 Agent Call Monitor .............................................................................. 37 Agent Status Control........................................................................... 39 Group Status Display .......................................................................... 40
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
ii Group Parameter Co ntrol .................................................................... 42 Supervisor Help Response ................................................................. 43 Supervisor Login/Logout ..................................................................... 45
2.8 Auto Called Number Redial (ACNR) ......................................... 47
2.9 Automatic Pause Insertion ........................................................ 49
2.10 Automatic Privacy ...................................................................... 50
2.11 Auto Service Mode Control ....................................................... 51
2.12 Automatic System Daylight Saving Time ................................ 53
2.13 Automatic Time Synchronization ............................................. 54
2.14 Call Duration Warning Tone ...................................................... 55
2.15 Call Forward ............................................................................... 56
2.16 Call Forward, Preset .................................................................. 60
2.17 Call Park ...................................................................................... 62
2.18 Call Pick-Up ................................................................................ 63
2.18.1 Directed Call Pick-Up ........................................................................ 63
2.18.2 Group Call Pick-Up ........................................................................... 64
2.18.3 Pick Up Group Call Pick-Up .............................................................. 65
2.19 Call Re-Routing (CRR) ............................................................... 67
2.20 Call Transfer ............................................................................... 68
2.20.1 Call Transfer, Outside Line ................................................................ 68
2.20.2 Call Trans f er, Station......................................................................... 69
2.20.3 Call Trans f er, System Announcement ............................................... 71
2.20.4 Call Transfe r, Voice Mail ................................................................... 72
2.21 Call Waiting/Camp-On ............................................................... 74
2.22 Conference ................................................................................. 75
2.22.1 Conf er e nce Group ............................................................................ 75
2.22.2 Conference Member View & Delete .................................................. 78
2.22.3 Conf er e nce Room ............................................................................. 79
2.22.4 Multi-Party Conference...................................................................... 81
2.22.5 Unsupervised Conference ................................................................. 82
2.23 Customer Site Name .................................................................. 84
2.24 Data Line Security ...................................................................... 85
2.25 Delayed Line Ring ...................................................................... 86
2.26 Delayed Auto Attendant ............................................................ 87
2.26.1 DISA Incoming Line-Russia- ............................................................. 87
2.26.2 Normal Line Ring Assignment ........................................................... 88
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2.27 Diagnostics & Maintenance ...................................................... 89
2.28 Dial-by-Name .............................................................................. 90
2.29 Dial Pulse to Tone Switchover .................................................. 92
2.30 Dialing Restrictions ................................................................... 93
2.30.1 Class of Service ................................................................................ 93
2.30.2 Day/Timed & Night Station COS (Class of Ser vice) ........................... 96
2.30.3 Tempo r a ry Statio n CO S (Class of Ser vice)/Lock ............................... 97
2.30.4 Walking COS (Class of Service) ...................................................... 100
2.31 Digit Conversion ...................................................................... 102
2.32 Alternative Route Selection(ARS) for Digit conversion table104
2.33 Differential Ring ....................................................................... 105
2.34 DND (Do Not Disturb) .............................................................. 107
2.35 Door Open ................................................................................ 108
2.36 Emergency Call Service .......................................................... 110
2.36.1 Em erge nc y Ca ll ............................................................................... 110
2.36.2 Emergenc y Call Ca lle r -Location Support ......................................... 111
2.36.3 Emergenc y Call –B omb Threat History............................................ 113
2.36.4 Emergency Mailbox......................................................................... 114
2.36.5 Emergency Call Monitor .................................................................. 115
2.37 Executive/Secretary Forward .................................................. 116
2.38 External Auto Attendant/Voice Mail ....................................... 118
2.38.1 AA/VM Group .................................................................................. 118
2.38.2 In-band (DTMF) AA/VM Signaling ................................................... 119
2.38.3 SMDI (Simplified Message Desk Interface) AA/VM Signaling .......... 120
2.38.4 Voice Mailbox Translation ............................................................... 122
2.39 Flexible Numbering Plan ......................................................... 124
2.40 Forced Disconnect Intrusion .................................................. 125
2.41 Green Power Save ................................................................... 126
2.42 Headset Compatibility ............................................................. 127
2.43 Hold ........................................................................................... 129
2.43.1 Automatic Hold ................................................................................ 129
2.43.2 Hold Preference .............................................................................. 130
2.43.3 Hold Recall ..................................................................................... 131
2.43.4 Exclusive Hold ................................................................................ 132
2.43.5 System Hold ................................................................................... 133
2.44 Hot Desk ................................................................................... 135
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2.45 ICLID Call Routing ................................................................... 137
2.46 In-Room Indication .................................................................. 139
2.47 Integrated Auto Attendant/Voice Mail .................................... 140
2.47.1 Integrated AA/VM Overview ............................................................ 140
2.47.2 Integrated Auto Attend ant ............................................................... 141 Company Directory ........................................................................... 144 Remote Announcement Record ing ................................................... 145
2.47.3 Integrated Voice Mail ...................................................................... 146 Administrator Mailbox ....................................................................... 146 Announce Only Mailbox .................................................................... 148 Call Forward from VM ....................................................................... 148 Distribution Lists ............................................................................... 149 E-Mail Notification ............................................................................. 150 Mark a Message as Private............................................................... 151 Mark a Message for Delivery Confirmation ........................................ 152 Message Cascade ............................................................................ 153 Message Retrieval ............................................................................ 154 Message Retrieval Options ............................................................... 157 Message Storage ............................................................................. 159 Outbound Message Notification ........................................................ 160 Personal CCR/User Greeting DISA ................................................... 162 Remo te Mes sage Retrieval ............................................................... 163 Send a Message .............................................................................. 164 Voice Mail Class of Service ............................................................... 165 Voice Mailbox Settings...................................................................... 166
2.47.4 System Voice Memo ....................................................................... 167
2.48 IP Bridge Mode ......................................................................... 169
2.49 IP FAX Relay, T.38 Support ..................................................... 170
2.50 IP Sy stem DECT ....................................................................... 171
2.51 IP TRANS-CODING................................................................... 172
2.52 IP TRUNKING ............................................................................ 173
2.52.1 H.323 v4 Service ............................................................................. 173
2.53 LBC (Loud Bell Control) .......................................................... 175
2.54 LCR (Least Cost Routing) ....................................................... 176
2.55 Linked Station Pairs ................................................................ 178
2.56 LNR (Last Number Redial) ...................................................... 180
2.57 Mobile Extension ..................................................................... 182
2.58 MOH (Music-On-Hold) .............................................................. 184
2.59 Multiple Language Support ..................................................... 186
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2.60 Multiple Voice Mailbox Support .............................................. 188
2.61 Network Security & Priority .................................................... 189
2.62 Outside Call Redirect ............................................................... 190
2.63 Outside Call Time Restriction ................................................. 191
2.64 Outside Line Access ................................................................ 192
2.65 Outside Line Queuing .............................................................. 194
2.66 Personal Groups ...................................................................... 196
2.67 PPP over MODU ....................................................................... 197
2.68 Pre-Defined & Custom Text Display Messages .................... 198
2.69 Prefix Dialing Table .................................................................. 202
2.70 Prepaid Call .............................................................................. 203
2.71 Remote Control from Mobile Phone ....................................... 204
2.72 Ringing Line Preference .......................................................... 206
2.73 Speed Dial ................................................................................. 207
2.73.1 Display Security .............................................................................. 207
2.73.2 Speed Dial Pause Insertion ............................................................. 208
2.73.3 Station Speed Dial .......................................................................... 209
2.73.4 System Speed Dial.......................................................................... 212
2.73.5 System Speed Zone (Groups) ......................................................... 215
2.74 Station Call Coverage .............................................................. 216
2.75 Station Groups ......................................................................... 218
2.76 SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording) ........................... 222
2.76.1 Call Cost D isplay ............................................................................. 222
2.76.2 Lost Call Recording ......................................................................... 224
2.76.3 SMDR Call Records ........................................................................ 226
2.77 System Administration ............................................................ 229
2.77.1 Keyset Administration ..................................................................... 229
2.77.2 Multi-Level Admin Access ............................................................... 230
2.77.3 Web Administration ......................................................................... 231
2.78 System Alarm Notification Control ........................................ 233
2.79 System Networking .................................................................. 235
2.79.1 Centralized Control T-NET .............................................................. 235
2.79.2 Distributed Control Network............................................................. 236 Net Intercom Call .............................................................................. 237 Net Call Transfer .............................................................................. 239 Net Call Iden tification Servi c e ........................................................... 241
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
vi Network Call back (Call Completion) ................................................. 241 Net Call Camp -On ( Call Offer) .......................................................... 242 Net Conference ................................................................................ 244 Net Station Message Waiting ............................................................ 245 Net Call Forward............................................................................... 247 CO Transit-In .................................................................................... 249 CO Transit-Out ................................................................................. 250 BLF Presentation .............................................................................. 252 Attendant Call (CAS) ........................................................................ 253 Centralized Voice Mail ...................................................................... 254 Networked System Paging ................................................................ 255
2.80 Traffic Analysis ........................................................................ 257
2.80.1 Traffic Analysis, Attendant ............................................................... 259
2.80.2 Traffic Analysis, Call Reports .......................................................... 261
2.80.3 Traffic Analysis, H/W Usa ge ............................................................ 262
2.80.4 Traffic Analysis, Line Reports .......................................................... 263
2.81 System Scenario Call Routing ................................................ 265
2.82 Universal Night Answer (UNA) ............................................... 267
2.83 Wake-Up Alarm, Enhanced ..................................................... 268
2.84 Wake-up Alarm, Standard ....................................................... 271
2.85 Web Call Back .......................................................................... 273
2.86 Zone Management ................................................................... 274
2.86.1 Holiday Assignment ........................................................................ 274
2.86.2 Inter Zone Connection Limit ............................................................ 275
2.86.3 Remote Devices .............................................................................. 276
2.86.4 Zone Outgoing Call Connection Limit .............................................. 277
3. Intercom ........................................................................... 278
3.1 Barge In ..................................................................................... 278
3.2 Direct Station Selection/Busy Lamp Field (DSS/BLF) .......... 280
3.3 Intercom (ICM) Call .................................................................. 281
3.4 Intercom Call Hold ................................................................... 283
3.5 Intercom Caller Controlled Signaling ..................................... 284
3.6 Intercom Lock-Out ................................................................... 285
3.7 Intercom Step Call ................................................................... 286
3.8 Intercom Tenancy Group ........................................................ 287
3.9 Intercom Transfer .................................................................... 289
3.10 Message Wait/Call Back .......................................................... 291
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
3.10.1 CLI Message Wait ........................................................................... 291
3.10.2 Message Wait Reminder Tone ........................................................ 294
3.10.3 Short Message Service (SMS) ........................................................ 295
3.10.4 Station Message Wait/Call Back ..................................................... 298
3.11 Paging ....................................................................................... 301
3.11.1 Internal/External & All Call Page...................................................... 301
3.11.2 Meet Me Page................................................................................. 304
3.11.3 SOS Paging .................................................................................... 305
3.12 Push to Talk Paging ................................................................. 306
3.13 Emergency page ...................................................................... 308
4. Outside (CO/IP) lines ........................................................ 309
4.1 Auto Fault Detection and Recovery ....................................... 309
4.2 Caller ID Mode .......................................................................... 310
4.3 CO Line Flash ........................................................................... 311
4.4 CO Line Release Guard Time .................................................. 312
4.5 CO Line Ring Detect ................................................................ 313
4.6 Dial Pulse Signaling ................................................................. 314
4.7 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) ...................................................... 315
4.8 DID Line Digit Conversion ....................................................... 317
4.9 Direct Inward System Access (DISA) ..................................... 318
4.10 DTMF Signaling ........................................................................ 320
4.11 IP Address Dialing ................................................................... 321
4.12 IP Trunking ............................................................................... 322
4.12.1 H.323 v4 Service ............................................................................. 322
4.12.2 SIP Trunk Service ........................................................................... 323
4.13 IP WAN Dialing after Answer .................................................. 325
4.14 ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) ............................. 326
4.14.1 Calling/Called Party Identification .................................................... 326
4.14.2 ISDN AOC (A dv i ce of C ha r ge ) ........................................................ 328
4.14.3 Keypad Facili t y ................................................................................ 329
4.14.4 Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) ................................................. 330
4.15 ISDN Supplementary Services ................................................ 332
4.15.1 ISDN Call Deflection ....................................................................... 332
4.15.2 ISDN Malicious Call ID Request ...................................................... 333
4.16 Line Monitor ............................................................................. 335
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4.17 Multiple Calling Line ID ........................................................... 336
4.18 Outside Line Groups ............................................................... 338
4.19 Outside Line Preset Forward .................................................. 339
4.20 Outside Line Ring Assignment ............................................... 340
4.21 Private Line ............................................................................... 341
5. iPECS phone .................................................................... 342
5.1 Answering Machine Emulation ............................................... 342
5.2 Auto Release of [SPEAKER] ................................................... 344
5.3 Automatic Speaker Select ....................................................... 345
5.4 Background Music (BGM) ....................................................... 346
5.5 Call Log Display ....................................................................... 348
5.6 Call Profile Routing .................................................................. 349
5.7 Call Wait for Internal & External calls .................................... 351
5.8 DND – One-Time DND .............................................................. 356
5.9 Flex Button Direct Speed Dial Assignment ........................... 358
5.10 Flexible LED Flash Rates ........................................................ 359
5.11 Group Listening ....................................................................... 360
5.12 Intercom Signaling Mode ........................................................ 361
5.13 Microphone Mute ..................................................................... 362
5.14 Off-Hook Signaling .................................................................. 363
5.15 On-Hook Dialing ....................................................................... 364
5.16 Outside Line Name Display ..................................................... 365
5.17 Prime Line Immediate/Delayed ............................................... 366
5.18 Ring Tone Selection and Download ....................................... 368
5.19 Save Number Redial (SNR) ..................................................... 369
5.20 Serial DSS/BLF Console .......................................................... 370
5.21 Silent Text Message ................................................................. 372
5.22 Speakerphone .......................................................................... 373
5.23 Station Flexible Buttons .......................................................... 374
5.24 Station Individual Call Routing (ICR) ..................................... 376
5.25 Station User Programming & Codes ...................................... 378
5.26 Two-Way Record ...................................................................... 384
5.27 Voice Over ................................................................................ 386
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6. Attendants ........................................................................ 388
6.1 Alternate Attendant .................................................................. 388
6.2 Attendant Call & Call Queuing ................................................ 390
6.3 Attendant Positions ................................................................. 391
6.4 Attendant Recall ....................................................................... 392
6.5 Attendant Station User Program Codes ................................ 393
6.6 Call Forward, Attendant .......................................................... 397
6.7 Call Forward, Off-Net ............................................................... 398
6.8 Day/Night/Timed/Scenario Ring Mode ................................... 400
6.9 DSS/BLF Consoles .................................................................. 402
6.10 Disable Outgoing Line Access ............................................... 404
6.11 DND Override ........................................................................... 405
6.12 Emergency Call Attendant Alert ............................................. 406
6.13 Feature Cancel ......................................................................... 408
6.14 IP-Attendant .............................................................................. 409
6.15 Intrusion .................................................................................... 410
6.16 LCD Display Format Control ................................................... 411
6.17 System Clock Set ..................................................................... 412
7. SLT (Single Line Telephone) ........................................... 414
7.1 Broker Call ................................................................................ 414
7.2 Howler Tone ............................................................................. 416
7.3 SLT Flash Mode ....................................................................... 417
7.4 SLT Message Wait Indication ................................................. 418
7.5 SLT Name Entry ....................................................................... 419
7.6 Transfer CLI to SLT .................................................................. 420
8. SIP extension ................................................................... 421
8.1 SIP Phone Support .................................................................. 421
8.2 SIP Phone Provisioning, Ericsson-LG Enterprise Phones .. 424
8.3 SIP Virtual Mobile Extension .................................................. 426
9. iPECS UCS Client ............................................................. 427
9.1 iPECS UCS Premium & Standard Client Support ................. 427
9.2 Call Control with UC Clien t ..................................................... 428
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
1.1 Manual Application
This document provides detailed information covering description and operation of the numerous f e at ur es avai l a bl e in the Vertical Summit Release system software. T he do cu m e nt is written assu m ing the syst em em ploys the defa ul t-numbering pl an for N or th Am er i ca.
1.2 Manual Organization
Features ar e ar r an ged alpha beti cally in nine (9) di ffer ent major gr ou pi n gs as fol low s:
Section 1 Introduction  Secti on 2 System Features  Section 3 Intercom Features  Secti on 4 CO /I P lines  Secti on 5 iPEC S IP & LD P Ph on es  Secti on 6 Att endant  Secti on 7 SLT  Secti on 8 SI P Ext en sion
1.3 Feature Information
Each secti o n is an al p habetical list i n g o f fea tures with the descripti o n and operati on of each. The structure is divided into 6 parts as below:
Description: explains the nature of the fea t ur e .  Operation: gives detailed step-by-step oper ation of the feat ur e for Ericsson-LG
Enterprise phones (LDP digital and LIP IP phones) and SLTs. In some cases a Flexible button on the Ericsson-LG Enterpr ise phones can be assigned to activate the feature. In this case, the user entries to assign the button are provided.
Conditions: explains known feature interactions and constraints related to the
Programming: lists database entries that may be required for proper feature
operation. This lists are related to Station Admin programming on Summit Administration and Programming manual. Reg ar ding WEB admin, you direct l y access to the web admin and check the programming.
Reference: lists related topical information to aid in understanding the feature. Hardware: lists har dware required for proper feat ur e operation.
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
1.4 Buttons & Term Variations
The Summit supports proprietary digital and IP phones. The proprietary models include the LDP­7000 series, LDP-9000 series, LIP- 7000 series, LIP-8000/8000E series, and LIP-9000 Series. Each series employs similar but slightly different designations for the buttons. Details of the buttons on your phone are provided in the User Guide. For the purposes of this manual, several of the designations may be used. For example, the button to handle messages is called either [MSG], [CALL BK], or [MESSAGE/CALLBACK]. Note the fixed button names are enclosed in brackets ‘[ ]’ and Flex buttons are enclosed in braces ‘{ }’. In addition, some buttons have dual functions; the [HOLD/SAVE] button places your active call on hold and stores entries you make when assigning Flex buttons.
The description, operation and conditions attempt to use common terms such as “Voice Mail” or “outside Line” so that a novice installer can understand the contents. The Programming and Hard ware secti ons however em ploy terms specific to the Summit as used in the respective manual such as “VSF” (used for voice mail) and “CO/IP lines” for outside Lines.
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
2.1 8-Digit Station Numbering Plan
The system supports Station Numbering Plans from two to eight digits. The Station number consists of a Prefix and suffix called Add Digits. A Prefix digit string can be any four digits that do not conflict with the system Flexible Numbering Plan used for feature codes. This fixed digit string is added to the Add Digits string, which can be 2 to 4 digits in length, to uniquely identify each Station.
Operation of the 8 -digit Station Numbering Plan is automatic when configured
1. The system employs the complete Station number, 2 to 8 digits, when sending messages to an external device such as an adjunct Voice Mail and TAPI device such as ez-Atten d ant. It is the responsibility of the 3
party software to support the defined
Station Numbering Plan.
2. The 8-digit numbering is configured in the 8-Digit Table (PGM 238).
Keyset Admin.
System ID
Prefix Usage (PGM 238)
8-Di gi t Table (PGM 238)
Web Admin.
8 Digit Extension Table8 Digit String, Add Digit-
Related Features
Station Numbering Plan
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
2.2 Account Code
You may allow tracking of specific calls by entering a non-verified variable length (up to 12 digits) identifier for a call. The identifier or “Account Code” is output as part of the Station Message Detail Record (SMDR) for the call as discussed in Section 2.75. This is often used to allocate call costs to a specific account or client.
iPEC S IP & LDP Phon es To assign a Flex button for {ACCOUNT CODE} operation:
To assign a Flex button for {ONE-TOUCH ACCOUNT CODE} operation:
[TRANS/PGM] + {FLEX} + [TRANS/PGM] + “84” + Account cod e (u p to 12 di gi ts) + [HOLD/SAVE]
To enter an Account Code using an {ACCOUNT CODE} button prior to placing a call:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Press the {ACCO UNT CODE} button.
3. Dial the Account Code (up to 12 digit s) .
4. Press “*”, Intercom dial tone is heard.
5. Place the outside call as normal. Or,
1. Lift the handset or press the [SPEAKER] button.
2. Press the {ONE-TOUCH ACCOUNT CODE} button.
3. Place the outside call as normal.
To enter an Account Code using an {ACCOUNT CODE} button during a call:
1. Press the {ACCO UNT CODE} button.
2. Dial the Account Code (up to 12 digit s) .
3. Press “*”. Or, Press th e {ONE-TOUCH ACCOUNT CODE} button.
To enter an Account Code prior to placing a call:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Dial the Flex Numbering Plan code “550”.
3. Dial the Account Code (up to 12 digit s) .
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4. Press “*”.
5. Place the outside call as normal.
To enter an Account Code during a call:
1. Momentarily press the Hook-switch.
2. Dial the Flex Numbering Plan code “550”.
3. Dial the Account Code (up to 12 digit s) .
4. Press “*”.
1. When entering an Account Code during a call, DTMF digits are transmitted to the connected party.
2. A maximum of 1000 {ONE-TOUCH ACCOUN T CODE} but tons may be assigned in the system.
3. If an Authorization Code is entered as the Account Code, the SMDR record will show the station number or the index number for a System Authorization Code rather than the user entered Authorization Code.
4. If the Forced SMDR Account Code attribute of the station is enabled, you must enter an Account Code prior to placing an outgoing call.
Keyset Admin.
Flexible Numbering Plan (PGM 106-Button 8)
Forced SMDR Account Code (PGM 113-Button 24-21)
Web Admin.
Flexible Numbering Plan SMDR Account Code Enter
Common Attributes Forced SMDR Account Code
Related Features
Authorization Codes (Password)  SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording)  Station Flexible Buttons
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
2.3 Alarm Signal/Door Bell
The system can be configured to recognize the status of an external contact (normally open or closed). The system will signal assigned iPECS IP and LDP Phones when the contact activates. This capability is commonly employed to provide remote Alarm or Door Bell signals a user.
Assigned stations receive the Alarm Signal, either a single tone burst repeated at 1-minute intervals or a continuous tone. The Alarm Signal may be terminated at the phone by dialing the Alarm Stop code or, if assigned, pressing the {ALARM STOP} button. To rearm the Alarm function, the alarm condition must be cleared and the Alarm signal terminated.
When used as a Door Bell, assigned iPECS IP and LDP Phones receive a single tone burst each time the external contact is activated and no reset is required.
At detection of contact operation, the Alarm/Door Bell signal is sent to assigned stations.
iPEC S IP & LDP Phon es To assign a Flex button as an {ALARM STOP} button to terminate the Alarm Signal:
[TRANS/PGM] + {FLEX} + “565” + [HOLD/SAVE]
To terminate an Alarm Si gn al , while idle:
1. Dial the Flex Numbering Plan code “565”, confirmation tone is received and the Alarm Signal is terminated. If the alarm condition is cleared, the system will automatically rearm the alarm monitoring.
Or, Press the {ALARM STOP} button.
1. The Alarm contacts must be “dry”, no voltage or current source connected.
2. Only iPE CS IP and LDP Phones may be assigned to receive Alarm/Door Bell signals .
3. The LCD of phones assigned to receive Alarm/Door Bell signals will show “ALARM” or “DOOR BELL” as appropriate.
4. The Alarm Stop code is also employed to terminate alarm signals from digital and IP trunk alarms.
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
Keyset Admin.
Alarm Enable (PGM 163-Button 1)
Alarm Contact Type (PGM 163-Button 2)
Alarm/Doorbell Mode (PGM 163-Button 3)
Alarm Signal Mode (PGM 163-Button 4)
Alarm/Door Bell Attribute (PGM 113-Button 8)
Web Admin.
SYSTEM DATA Alarm Attributes Alarm Enable, Alarm Contact Type,
Alarm/Doorbell Mode, Alarm Signal Mode
Common Attributes Alarm/Door Bell Attribute
Related Features
Door Open
iPECS IP or LDP Phone  Alarm or Doorbell input contact, refer to the Summit Hardware Description &
Installation Manual to install.
Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
2.4 Au tho ri zation Codes (Password)
Authorization Codes provide a means to control access to Voic e Mail, Off Premise Call Forward, Walking COS (Class of Service), or DISA and may be required for outgoing outside Line or LCR access based on configuration of the Summit system database. When you dial an Authorization Code that matches an Authorization Code stored in the database, the system invokes the Station COS (Class of Service) or the COS (Class of Service) assigned to Authorization code. Each Authorization code has separate Day/Night mode COS (Class of Service) assignments.
There are two types of Authorization Codes, Station and System. A Station Authorization Code is specifically related to a given station and intended for a single user. The System Authorization Codes are intended for use by any station in the system.
The Station Authorization Codes includes the associated station number and the assigned code. The structure of the System Authorization code can be set as either “*”, or “*” the Authorization table index and the code digits. The later allows duplicate codes to be employed using entry of table index to provide a unique identification of the entry.
The Administrator and Attendants are permitted to assign any Authorization code including codes for another station. Normal users may only assign the Station Authorization code for the specific station.
iPEC S IP & LDP Phon es
To assign a Station Authorization Code:
1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button.
2. Dial “33”, the Authorization Program Code.
3. Dial the Station number.
4. Dial the Authorization Code (1 to 12 digits).
5. Press the [HOLD/SAVE] button.
To enter an Authorization Code when second dial tone is received:
1. Dial the Station number for the Station Authorization code or, for a System Authorization Code, dial “*” or “*” and the Authorization table index.
2. Dial the corresponding Authorization Code.
3. Place your call as normal.
To assign a Station Authorization code:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Dial SLT Program Mode Entry code “561”.
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
3. Dial Authorization Program Code “33”.
4. Dial Authorization Code (1 to 12 digits).
5. Momentarily press the Hook-switch, receive confirmation tone.
To enter an Authorization Code when second dial tone is received;
1. Dial the station number for the Station Authorization code or, for a System Authorization Code, dial “*” or “*” and the Authorization table index.
2. Dial the corresponding Authorization Code.
3. Momentarily press the Hook-switch.
4. Place your call as normal.
To enter an Authorization Code when second dial tone is received:
1. Dial the station number for a Station Authorization code or, for a System code, “*” or “*” and the Authorization table index.
2. Dial the corresponding Authorization Code.
3. Place cal l as normal.
System Attendant
To assign an Authorization Code:
1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button.
2. Dial Attendant Station Program code “031”.
3. Dial the Station number of a Station code or, for system code, “*” or “*” and the Authorization table index.
4. Dial the corresponding Author ization Code.
5. Press the [HOLD/SAVE] button.
1. When an outside DISA Line is marked for Authorization Code entry, the caller will hear fast busy tone and must input a valid Authorization Code to continue. In case of an entry error, the caller may retry entry of the code.
2. A DISA caller must enter a valid code within the number of attempts assigned as the FAC (Forced Account Code) Retry Count. The station, if enabled, is placed to COS
(Class of Service) 7 after repeated failure attempts.
3. A user may enter an Authorization Code from any station to place an outside call using Walking COS (Class of Service).
4. The Summit (Summit 800) system provides memory for up to 500 (2400) Authorization codes, 140 (1200) for station codes and the remaining 360 (1200) are system codes.
5. Outside Line groups may be configured to require entry of a valid Authorization Code. In this case, a second dial tone is provided when the Line group is accessed. If the
code entered is invalid, error tone is returned and the user m ust ent er a valid code within the FAC Retry Count.
6. If the Check Password option is enabled in the LCR database, when dialed digits
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match the LDT table digits, the system will send second dial tone to request that you input a valid Authorization code.
7. An Authorization code may include any dial pad digit except “*” and “#”.
8. Duplicate or conflicting System Authorization codes are not allowed when using the “*” and code operation. For example, code “*1234” conflicts with code “*123” and cannot be recognized as a unique code. Since the index operation employs the Table index and the station number forms part of the Station code, codes cannot be duplicated and conflicts will not occur.
9. Use of Authorization codes varies based on the system Nation Code. In some regions, particularly the US and UK, a System Authorization code may be required for DISA access. Entering a Station code on a DISA line will fail in these areas. In other regions, a System Authorization code can be used with Walking COS (Class of Service).
10. The system can be configured to require an End of Entry code or simply “End Code”. If “End Code” is enabled, you must enter “#” after entry of the Authorization code.
Keyset Admin.
STATION Station Account (PGM 112-Button 19)
CO/IP Group Authorization (PGM 141-Button 8)
DISA Authorization Code (PGM 142-Button 5)
SYSTEM DISA Retry Counter (PGM 160-Button 5)
AUTH Retry Count (PGM 160-Button 16) Old Auth Code Usage (PGM 161-Button 16)
COS (Class of Service) 7 When Auth fails (PGM 161-Button 17)
End code(#) usage in System Auth Code (PGM 160 – Button 24-2)
TABLES LCR Check P assword (PGM 2 21 -Button 6)
Station Authorization Code Table (PGM 227)
Web Admin.
Common Attributes Station Account
CO L INE DATA Common Attributes CO/IP Group Authorization, DISA Account
SYSTEM DATA System Attributes DISA Retry Count, AUTH Retry Count, Simple
Auth Code Usage, COS 7 When Auth Fail,
End Code(#) usage in System Auth Code
T ABLES DATA LCR LDT (Leading Digit Table)Check Password
Station& System Authorization Code Tables
Related Features
Account Code  Auto Service Mode Control  Direct Inward System Access (DISA)  Outside Line Groups
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Outsi de Line Access  Temporary Station COS (Class of Service)/Lock  Walking COS (Class of Service)  Call Forward  Station User Progr am m i ng & Co de s
2.5 Auto Call Recording
Your iPECS IP or LDP Phone can be configured to automatically record calls to a Voice Mailbox or the hard disk drive of UCS Client soft phone. The type of calls recorded can be set as None, All calls or outside Line calls only.
When recorded to a mailbox, you manage the recording through your Voice Mailbox. For recordings to UCS Client, recordings are managed directly by UCS Client with the ability to listen to, d elete or send the recording to others via e-mail.
Recordi ng of ca l ls i s automatic wh en assigned. To manage the recordings, use the procedures outlined in UCS Client User Guide.
1. UCS Client can record one call at a time and must be idle. While recording, if UCS Client pl a ces or receives a call , recording ter minates.
2. When call recording begins, you and the connected party will receive a Call Recording confirmation tone.
3. UCS Client used for recording must be operating in a ‘Local’ mode not remote.
Keyset Admin.
STATION Two-way Record Privilege (PGM 112-Btn11)
Auto Call Recording (PGM 112-Button 20)
Call Recording Destination (PGM 112-Button 21)
Web Admin.
Station Voice Mail Attributes Two-Way Reco rd, Aut o Talk
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Recording Option, Auto Talk Recording Destination
Common Attributes Auto Call Recording Destination
SYSTEM DATA System AttributesRecord Warning Tone
System Timers Record Warning Repeat Timer
IPCR Agent Table
Related Features
iPECS IP or LDP Phone, PC with UCS Client, or Recording server
iPECS IP or LDP Phone, or PC with UCS Client
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
2.6 Auto Call Release
Outside or intercom calls (except Hands-free Answerback), will be released automatically if you do not complete dialing or, for intercom calls, the called party does not answer after a pre­determined time.
Auto Call Release of Intercom calls:
1. If you place an intercom call and the called station does not answer in the Intercom Call Release Time, the call is terminated and you will receive error tone.
Auto Call Release of outside calls:
1. If you seize an idle Line and do not dial within the Automatic Release Time, the call is terminated and you will receive error tone.
1. If the Automatic Call Release Timer is set to “0”, Auto Call Release is disabled.
2. When the handset is used to place a call, you will receive error tone for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of Howler tone and the station is placed in a fault mode. If on­hook dialing is used, you receive error tone for one (1) second and the phone returns to idle automatically.
Keyset Admin.
Howling Tone to Station (PGM 111-Button 5)
SYSTEM CO Call Automatic R elease Tim er (PGM 180-Button 12)
STA Call Autom atic Release Timer (PGM 1 8 2-Button 4)
Web Admin.
Terminal Attributes Howling Tone to Station
SYSTEM DATA System Timers Automatic CO Release Timer, Station Auto
Rele a se Timer, In ter-dig it Tim er
Related Features
Howler Tone
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
2.7 Au tomatic Call Distribution (ACD)
iPECS ACD incorporates flexible incoming call routing, real-time agent monitoring and supervision, and call record statistics as well as ACD Event messages for management reporting.
Calls route to an ACD group directly or otherwise including via call transfer, CCR and ICLID routing. The caller may receive announcements then route to an available agent. When no agent is available, calls queue to the group awaiting a free agent. Should t he call Overflow based on number of queued calls or queued duration, the call can be routed to an alternate destination.
2.7.1 ACD Caller Controlled ICLID Routing
With Caller Controlled ICLID enabled for the ACD Group, at any time during or within 5 seconds after a Guaranteed Announcement, the system will monitor for digits dialed by the caller. Received digits are compared to the ICLID Table entries. If a match is found, the call routes to the destination defined in the ICLID Ring Assignment Table. Available destinatio ns are a System announcement, system speed dial, a station or a station group. If a match is not found, the call remains in the queue for normal ACD group routing.
ICLID Routing of ACD group calls is aut om at ic ba se d on the AC D gr ou p assignments.
1. The conditions of System Announcements and ICLID Call Routing apply.
2. Only t he caller-entered digits are employed for ACD Caller Controlled ICLID Routing, the Caller Id received from the network for the incoming call is not used for this feature.
3. The ICLID Table routing is only followed if the 1st ACD announcement is Guaranteed, ICLID Usage is enabled and the digits are entered during the 1st Announcement.
4. The caller may correct an entry by dialing ‘*’ to erase all digits entered then dial the correct entry.
Keyset Admin.
ICLID Usage (PGM191-Button 21)
ICLID Route Table (PGM 203)
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Feature Description and Operation Manual Issue 1.2
ICLID Ring Assignment (204)
Web Admin.
STATION GROUP DATA Station Group AssignmentACD Group Type
Station Group AttributesEntered Caller ID(ICLID) Usage
ICLID Ring Assignment
Related Features
Automatic Call Distribution  ICLID Call Routing  Integrated Auto Attendant
2.7.2 ACD Statistics Report
ACD reports can be requested by the Supervisor and can be programmed for periodic output over the SMDR port or selected TCP/IP port. The system will provide reports for the ACD Group and Agent statistics as follows:
ACD Group Statistics Report
Group Number  Time stamp  Total calls  N um ber o f unanswered calls  Ave r a ge queue time  Lo ngest queu e time  Total number of calls placed in queue  Number of times calls experience all agents busy  T otal ti m e al l agents were busy
Average ring t im e before answer
Group Number  Agent Number
Number of ACD calls served
Number of unanswered ACD Calls
Average ring time before answer
Average ACD call service time after answer.
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Super visor iPECS IP & LDP Phone To assign a {GROUP STATUS} button at the Supervisor
[TRANS/PGM] + {FLEX} + “576 ” + “Group Number” + [HOLD/SAVE]
To output ACD Statistics Report
1. Lift the handset or press the [SPEAKER] button,
2. Press the {GROUP STATUS} button,
3. Dial “#”, the ACD Group Statistics Print code,
4. Press the [MUTE] button to initialize the ACD database after printing; this eliminates overlap of future reports.
To output the Agent Statistics Report
1. Lift the handset or press the [SPEAKER] button,
2. Press the {GROUP STATUS} button,
3. Dial “3”, the Agent code, the LCD menu will update,
4. Dial “#”, the Agent Statistics Print code,
5. Press the [MUTE] button to initialize the ACD database after printing; this eliminates overlap of future reports.
1. The ACD status can be printed periodically. The period is assigned in Admin Programming. The ACD records contain information for both ACD agents and ACD group.
2. The Supervisor must be assigned as a Supervisor for the ACD Group and be logged into the group to access the Group Status display information.
Keyset Admin.
ACD Group Supervisor Status (PGM 107-Button 7)
ACD Group (PGM 191)
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ACD Group Supervisor (PGM 191-Button 18)
Web Admin.
Flexible Numbering Plan ACD Supervisor Status
System Attributes  ACD Print Enable, ACD Print Timer
STATION GROUP DATA Station Group Assignment ACD Group Type
Station Group Attributes Supervisor
Related Features
Station Groups
2.7.3 Agents Agen t Aut o C on nect / Za p Tone
Calls from an ACD group can automatically connect to agents using a headset. This feature removes the requirement for the agent to answer ACD calls manually. The Agent receives a brief tone (Zap Tone), if assigned, and then the call is connected to the agent.
When Zap tone is enabled, operation of this feature is automatic.
1. The station must be in the headset mode for this feature to operate.
Keyset Admin.
ACD Group (PGM 191)
Zap Tone (PGM 191-Button 24-1)
Web Admin.
Station Group Assignment ACD Group Type
Station Group Attributes Zap Tone
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Related Features
Station Groups
iPECS IP or LDP Phone Agent Autom atic Wrap-Up
When an Agent completes an ACD group call, the Agent automatically enters into the Wrap-up state. In this state, an Agent w ill not receive ACD calls, allowing the Agent to complete paper work, etc. The Agent remains in this automatic Wrap-Up state for the duration of the ACD group Wrap­Up Timer. After the Wrap-Up Timer or by using “Wrap-Up-End” feature, the Agent returns to available status and can receive ACD group calls.
Activation is automatic when the Agent completes an ACD Group call
Agent iPECS IP & LDP Phones To assign a {WRAP-UP-END} button;
[TRANS/PGM] + {FLEX} + “585 ” + ACD Group Number + [HOLD/SAVE]
To manually deactivate the Wrap-Up state;
1. Dial “585” the Wrap-Up-End code. Or, Press th e {WRAP-UP-END} flexible button.
Agent SLT
To manually deactivate the Wrap-Up state;
1. Dial “585” the Wrap-Up-End code.
1. During Wrap-Up, the assigned {WRAP-UP-END} Flex button flashes. The button LED extinguishes when the Wrap-Up Timer expires or if the button is pressed, both actions return the Agent to available.
Keyset Admin.
ACD Agent Wrap-Up-End (PGM 109-Button 9)
ACD Group (PGM 191)
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ACD Wrap-up Ti mer (PGM 191-Button 9)
Web Admin.
Flexible Numbering Plan Wrap-Up End
STATION GROUP DATA Station Group Assignment ACD Group Type
Station Group Attributes Wrap-Up Timer
Related Features
Hardware Agent Help Request
Agents request assistance from a Supervisor using the ACD Help Code, default 574. Using iPECS IP or LDP Phones, agents with the {HELP} button can request assistance without interrupting an active conversation.
Agent iPECS IP & LDP Phone To assign {HELP} buttons:
[TRANS/PGM] + {FLEX} + “574” + ACD Group Number (optional) + [HOLD/SAVE]
To request Supervisor assistance while on an acti ve ACD c al l,
1. Press the {HELP} button.
To request Super vi so r assistanc e w hi le on an active ACD cal l ,
1. Hook-flash.
2. Dial “574”, the Agent Help code.
3. Dial the desired ACD Group number.
1. Age nt s receive error t o ne to i n dicate the re is n o a ctive Supervisor.
2. Using the {HELP} button during a call, no signals are sent on the active conversation and the connected party is unaware of the request for assistance.
3. If Supervisor already monitor the agent conversation, Help Request will be ignored
4. Agent on recoding state cannot use Help Request
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