Veris U3 Operating Instructions Manual

Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Table of Contents
Section 1
1-2 Warranty
1-3 Safety Section 2
2-1 Electronics Overview and Set-up: V.Sense Controller 2-6 Software Set-up: SoilViewer
Section 3
3-1 Implement Overview and Set-up
Section 4 SoilViewer and Controller Set-up
4-1 Overview and file naming 4-2 pH Controller overview and settings 4-8 SoilViewer messages 4-9 Optical system check 4-11 pH system check
Section 5 Field Operations 5-1 Implement and EC Settings 5-4 Optical settings 5-6 pH settings 5-9 Winterization and storage
Section 6 Maintenance and Service Procedures
6-1 #1. OM signal testing 6-2 #2. EC signal testing 6-3 #3. Testing electrical continuity 6-5 #4. Diagnosing and correcting EC signal problems 6-11 #5. Spring plunger testing and replacement 6-13 #6. Diagnosing GPS-related problems 6-14 #7. Implement lubrication 6-16 #8. Bearing replacement 6-17 #9. Optical Wear plate replacement 6-18 #10. SoilViewer Troubleshooting 6-19 #11 Establishing Bluetooth connection to V.Sense Controller
6-21 #12 U Series pH troubleshooting
Operating Instructions
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
SoilViewer Version 2.79 or Above
Section 1
Veris Technologies warrants this product to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery to the purchaser. Veris Technologies will repair or replace any product returned to Salina, Kansas, which appears upon inspection to be defective in materials or workmanship. Veris Technologies shall have no obligation under this warranty for the cost of labor, down-time, transportation charges, or for the repair or replacement of any product that has been misused, carelessly handled, modified, or altered.
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Important! Read the following SAFETY PROCEDURES before operating the Veris system:
• Read and understand all instructions on safety decals
• Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic lines. Use a piece of paper or card-board, NOT BODY PARTS, to check for suspected leaks.
• Wear protective gloves and safety glasses or goggles when working with hydraulic and high-pressure wash systems.
• If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed
within a few hours or gangrene may result.
• Pinch point hazard: to prevent injury, stand clear when raising or lowering any part of the Veris implement.
• Install all transport locks before transporting or working underneath.
• Detach and store implements in an area where children normally do not play. Secure implement by using
blocks and supports.
• Read Operations Manual before operating machine
• Review safety instructions with operators before operating machine and at least annually
• Never stand on or use tire as a step
Do not tow the implement on public roads without the road-kit light package, or without the proper safety
equipment and licensing as required by your State Department of Transportation. Always use safety chain.
• Riders obstruct the operator’s view. They could be struck by foreign objects or thrown from the machine.
• Never allow children to operate equipment.
To prevent possible electrical shock, or damage to the instrument, do not connect to any power source
greater than twelve (12) volts DC.
• Do not grease or oil implement while it is in operation.
• Disk edges are sharp. Be careful when working in this area.
• Disconnect battery ground cable (-) before servicing or adjusting electrical systems or before welding on
• Remove buildup of mud, oil or debris.
• Be very careful when mapping stubble fields with a gasoline engine pickup. Be prepared if a fire starts.
• Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy.
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Section 2
Electronics Overview and Set-up
The U3 electronics kit includes the items shown below
Keep all diagnostics and operations manual with system when mapping.
The supplied GPS (Figure 2a or 2b) is configured to operate with the U3 electronics. Note: V.Sense controllers manufactured before 9/01/2016 are equipped with the external GPS shown in Figure 2a.
The use of any other GPS requires the correct settings. The GPS needs to output only two NEMA strings(GGA and VTG OR RMC). The system will not run with more than two strings. The strings need to output at 4800 baud and 1Hz refresh rate
U3000 Implement test box
SoilViewer Software
OM Reference Block
USB Serial Adapter
EC Test Load
OM Test Load
Figure 1
Figure 2a
Note: V.SENSE controllers manufactured after 9/01/2016 contain an internal Garmin 15x GPS. No external GPS (Figure 2a) is provided on these units.
The controller will automatically give preference to any external GPS source connected to the GPS input. If no external connection is recognized, the controller will automatically source the internal GPS for signal.
Figure 2b
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
The V.Sense Controller is mounted on the implement, and can remain on the implement due to weatherproofing. Unless opened by operator and lid seal is damaged. If the implement is stored outside for long-term storage, remove Controller and store it indoors.
Figure 3 U3000 Figure 4 V.Sense Controller Figure 5 V.Sense Controller (rear)
Figure 6 V.Sense Controller (front)
pH Controller
Turns power to V.Sense Controller On/Off
3A Fuse
OM Comm
Serial communication to PC, and GPS input
12V Power
Power cord shipped with the unit that connects to the vehicle’s battery
Power Indicator
Indicates when power to the controller is on
Optic Power
Delivers power to Optical sensor with supplied cable
EC Signal
Bluetooth Antenna
Depth Sensor
U3 pH Comm port
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
The pH controller is mounted on the rear of the implement and controls the functions on the pH sampling system.
Figure 7
Backup battery and voltage isolator
These components are connected to the V.Sense controller to maintain 12 volts to the controller during cycling of the electro-hydraulic pump. This should require no service, other than periodically testing to see that it is maintaining a full 12 volt charge.
Figure 8
On/off switch
Man/Auto switch
pH electrode ports
Manual sampler Up/down
Manual wash switch
12V battery
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Electronic Configurations
The U3 platform is comprised of two controllers: V.Sense and U3 pH The V.Sense controller generates the EC and Optical signals, and communicates with the U3 pH controller, and the PC (SoilViewer software) either via serial or Bluetooth. The SoilViewer software reads the status of the GPS and U3 pH controller signal inputs (ex. up or down proximity sensors), and initiates the pH cycling when the cycle criteria are met.
Figure 9
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Software Setup
Note: For computers outside the United States of America, please make the following change to the computer’s regional settings before installing the Veris SoilViewer Software.
Step 1: Open control panel and double click on Region Step 2: Click on Additional Settings, the following screen will appear. The Decimal symbol needs to be a
“.” while the Digit grouping symbol needs to be a “,”. The will ensure proper operation of the software.
Once the changes have been made click OK and proceed with installation.
Figure 10
Figure 11
Open Veris flash drive and double click on setup.exe to start the installation.
Click Next to continue through installation
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Figure 12
Figures 13
Figure 14
Next two license agreements will need to be accepted before continuing.
The installer will install all necessary components.
Click Next to continue through installation
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Click Next to install the USB drivers.
Click Next to continue through installation
Click Finish to complete the installation of SoilViewer.
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Section 3
Implement Overview and Set-up
If the unit is crated, some assembly may be required. To do so, please take precautions to ensure that the framework is properly supported to ensure safety. Below in Figure 1 are the key components of the unit.
Figure 1
Figure 2
EC Coulters
pH Wash tank
pH sampler
optical row unit
pH Controller
V.Sense controller
Backup battery and isolator
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Connection to Power unit
The U3 is easily connected to a UTV or small tractor. Electronic connections are the large red and black main power leads, and the GPS com cable.
1) Connect the red power lead to positive post of battery and black to negative. The disconnect at the front of the implement allow quick disconnection from the unit, leaving the power lead on the towing unit.
2) The GPS comm cable connects to the Veris-supplied GPS or to your existing GPS source.
3) The remote control for the electro-hydraulic lift is routed to the operator location for raising and lowering the unit.
Figure 3
Main power
Remote Control
GPS/com Cable
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Electro-hydraulic lift operation
1) The remote control offers simple operation of the power unit. Push button to raise and lower. Route to prevent damage of cable. Be sure to lower the unit only as deep as needed to obtain proper penetration of all 4 coulters.
2) Use depth collars provided to set desired operational depth. (Figure 4)
3) Prior to transport, always install the transport lock channel on the cylinder rod. (Figure 5)
4) Periodically check the fluid level of the reservoir with the implement in the lowered position. It should be approximately 2” from top of reservoir, with the cylinder rod in the retracted position. Unit is filled with Mobil 424 hydraulic fluid, and should be filled with compatible fluids of viscosity index between 100 and 400 ssu.
Figure 4 Figure 5
Depth collars Transport lock
• Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid the hazard by
relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic lines. Use a piece of paper or card-board, NOT BODY PARTS, to check for suspected leaks.
• Wear protective gloves and safety glasses or goggles when working with hydraulic and high-pressure
wash systems.
• If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed
within a few hours or gangrene may result.
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
Section 4
SoilViewer Set-up
Select UTV Series for either EC and OM, or EC, OM and pH (U3) operation.
Name the data file for sensor data. All sensor data is stored into a single file (VSENSE.RAW).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
The SoilViewer mapping software will automatically detect the Bluetooth or Serial port the controller is connected to, and begin communicating. If the V.Sense controller is not detected, the software will wait 45 seconds for the connection of the electronics and search again; this will repeat until the connection is established. If the connection is not found, unplug the serial or USB cable, restart the PC, reboot the controllers, then and reconnect USB cable to the PC. If using Bluetooth, exit the software, and ensure the controller is paired per procedure 11.
The conditions for mapping and storing EC and Optical data are as follows. The unit must be traveling a speed greater than 1 mph, there must be a GPS signal received, the OM/EC Comm Light must be green, indicating the PC and V.Sense controller are communicating properly, and the EC 0-2 value has to be greater than -1. When all these conditions are met, the Saving Data light will be green and the EC and Optical points will be mapped.
The pH readings on the display show continuously what each electrode is reading. When logging sensor data, the hydraulic cylinder will hold the electrodes against the soil and record a pH reading once a particular settle method (see settle method criteria) has been met. The minimum recording time is 7 seconds; the maximum time (default 12 seconds) is determined in the pH controller settings menu. If the reading takes longer than 10 seconds to settle, a warning will appear that indicates the number of seconds the reading has required to settle. When the maximum log time is reached, the hydraulic cylinder will automatically retract and wash the electrodes. For additional information on the pH sampling sequence see the Recording UTV pH Data section.
Before mapping, perform the OM and pH system checks to ensure proper sensor operation.
If mapping has stopped, files may be appended by selecting a previous file when prompted at the startup of the software.
User selectable plot colors, click on color to change.
Sample button for marking lab sample locations
Use single map view to show a larger map, and help identify where to take calibration soil samples
Various system warnings will appear here see Warning Messages for additional details
Displays when program is searching for V.Sense controller, this only happens at startup.
Figure 3
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
These indicators help the operator know when it’s time to stop for a pH sample. These lights indicate when the operator is within 30%,15%, and 5% of their designated target sampling distance. The target sampling distance can be set in the pH Controller Settings menu. The default value is 65 meters, which equates to about 1 point per acre.
U3 pH Controls and Indicators. Note: these indicators will only be present when the U3 pH Controller is turned on.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
pH I/O indicators
Recording U pH Data
Conditions for starting pH cycle:
1) Press Either Single Sample or Automatic Sample
2) Positive EC Values (unit in ground) and Speed equal to 0 and GPS quality greater or equal to 1
Single pH sample will complete one complete pH cycle. Automatic pH will cycle every time the above criteria are met, and the minimum distance from the previous sample (default 10 meters). This minimum distance setting is adjustable via the pH controller settings in the menu. Automatic mode allows the operator to traverse the field, and cycles the pH when the implement is stopped for maximum efficiency.
pH Cycle state indicator. These correspond to the various pH input and output functions. A green light indicates that parameter is active.
The settle method reports the status of the last pH point recorded; the time indicates how long the sampler has been in the pH recording state.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Pub# OM20-U3-pH
The pH Cycle State indicator will alert the operator to the current state of the pH sequence. In addition, the indicator lights on the screen will show the state of the controller input and outputs. The information provided in these steps is for reference only, once the conditions for starting the pH cycle have been met, the following sequence will automatically take place.
1) Rinse electrodes for 1 second. This clears any dust that has built up on the electrode while
traversing the field. When in automatic mode, the software anticipates a slowdown, and will automatically pre-rinse the electrodes.
2) Send down command to hydraulic cylinder
3) Wait until down proximity sensor is enabled, then disengage hydraulic cylinder
4) Record sensor data (subject to settle method)
5) Cycle Up
6) Wait until Up proximity sensor is enabled, then disengage hydraulic cylinder
7) Wash Electrodes
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 15
Figure 14
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