Product Bulletin
Soil EC Mapping System
Soil EC Mapping is Now Easier Than Ever…
The Veris 3150 has many of the proven features of the
3100, but is built on the Mobile Sensor Platform (MSP).
Customers who envision mapping with other sensors in
the future can get started using the MSP with EC 3150.
The MSP provides additional flexibility: it can be used in
a pull-type or 3-point hitch configuration. Its coulterelectrodes can be moved and wings extended to allow
mapping in emerged row crops—or wings removed for
vineyard or other narrow applications.
EC maps relate to soil texture and salinity—a fact that
has been verified by extensive scientific research.
Where the soil EC map shows the soil changes—you
will find a change at that location. And the mapping
only needs to be done once, unless you do significant
soil moving. EC maps made a decade apart show the
same soil management zones.
Yet it has the rugged welded steel framework,
heavy-duty coulter-electrodes, dual depth arrays,
and user simplicity that has made Veris EC systems
the worldwide leader in on-the-go soil sensing.
The Veris 3150 generates two sets of maps, a topsoil
map from 0-18”(45 cm) and one of the soil profile 0-36”
(91 cm). While uses vary, the top layer is often used for
soil sample site selection, and the deeper map for
variable rate populations and nitrogen management.
Soil EC
Quad 1000
601 N. Broadway Salina KS 67401
(785) 825-1978 www.veristech.com
Soil EC
VS 3100

3150-C Soil EC
Mapping System
3150-C Specifications
Overall dimensions—implement: width: 90” (229 cm); height: 52”” (132 cm); length: 3-point: 28”
(71 cm) pull-type:100” (254 cm);
Weight: basic implement without weight package: 1270 lbs (576 kg)
Minimum horsepower required: 30 hp (requirements will vary based on speed, terrain, and soil
Coulter-electrode blade diameter: 17” (43 cm); thickness 4mm; with tapered roller bearings and
cast iron hubs ; Rock guards for hub and cap protection
Warning light kit: stop, turn, and clearance lights
Tires: limited road use tires
Hitch: 2” ball coupler and safety chain with 7,000 lb rating (3173 kg);
Maximum field speed: 15 mph (25 km/hr)
Maximum transport speed: 30 mph (50 km/hr) Not intended for highway use
EC Surveyor instrument
Dimensions: 2 1/16 x 9 x 7.5 inches (55mm x 230 mm x 190 mm)
Power: 10-15 volts DC; cigarette lighter power cord included
Backlit transflective display
Input: GPS and EC signal cable (and pH)
GPS requirement: NMEA 0183 protocol; input from GGA and VTG or RMC strings at a 1 Hz rate
(4800-8-N-1); serial connection with DB9 connector, female sockets; GPS signal on pin 2, ground on
pin 5; no signal or power on other pins
Output: serial port to computer, recording device or Data-Logger; ASCII tab delimited EC and GPS
Warning and alarm: LED data quality light
Sensor Data-Logger
80 pin PIC microprocessor
1 Hz logging rate
SD memory storage card
Firmware updates via SD card
Backlit transflective display
Power: 10-15 volts DC; cigarette lighter power cord included
Warning and alarm: LED data quality light and auditory alarm
SoilViewer Mapping software
Compatible with Windows XP
Displays EC data real-time for coverage verification and visual review of map quality
Records geo-referenced EC data to computer
For more information on Veris products, visit
our web site, or call our corporate office:
601 N. Broadway Salina KS 67401
(785) 825-1978 www.veristech.com