Vello RFW-C, RFW-NR, RFW-CR, RFW-N, RFW-S User manual

Thank you for choosing the Vell o FreeWave Fusion Wire less Shu tter/F lash/ Group ing Remot e. This dev ice trig gers o-c amera lights rem otely fr om up to 30 0 fee t awa y.
With it s multip le groups f eature , you can easil y configu re up to thre e diere nt light groups, which c an be trig gered individu ally or simul taneo usly, for a total of seven dierent combinations. (Simultaneous trig gering o f multipl e light gro ups requ ires additi onal Fre eWave Fusion Re ceivers availa ble for purchase se parately.)
Additionally, the FreeWave Fusion incor porate s the conveniences o f a wirel ess shut ter rele ase, allowing you t o trip th e shutte r without disturbing the camer a. It’s ideal for ta king pic tures of subjects that a re dicu lt to approach, such as wildlife. It also eliminates vibrations cause d by pressi ng your cam era’s shut ter relea se button during m acro, close-up , and long-exposure photography.
The FreeWave Fusion do es not require line- of-sight align ment, a s its rad io waves pass th rough and around objects su ch as walls, windows, and floors.
Your Vello FreeWave Fusion Wirel ess Shutter/Flash/Grouping Remote Kit contains:
Wireless Transmitter Wireless Receiver Shutter Release Cable Studio Tri gger Cab le (3.5mm Mini) Studio Tri gger Cab le (2.5m m Mini to 1/4” Pho no) 2 AA A Batteries 1 Lithium-Ion Battery (pre-installed)
2.4GHz Radio Frequency: Reduced
inter ferenc e and improve d wirele ss signal quality.
Extended Range: up to 100m (32 0 ft.)
Multi-Purpose: Use as an in dividua l or
group wi reless fl ash trig ger, and/or a s a shutt er relea se remote t rigge r.
Multiple Groups: Configure up t o three
dier ent light g roups and u p to seven dierent group combinations.
Flash S ync Spee d of up to 1/320 s: Tak e
advan tage of sy nc speeds t hat matc h the ratin g of your came ra all the w ay up to 1/320s (on com patible c amera s only).
Fla sh Wak e-U p: Wake- up functi on in TTL
compatible flash units.
Ver sat ile: O ne Receive r works wi th multip le
camer a and ligh t models. J ust swap o ut the connecting cables.
Dual-Function Shutter Release Button:
Press h alfway t o focus; pre ss fully to trigger shutter.
LED Indicators: Confirm p re-focu s, shut ter
relea se, flash w ake-u p, and flas h trigge r in wirel ess mode .
We recommend using a f ully manually contro lled flash with this device . Since the FreeWave Fusion does n ot transmit TTL setti ngs, you w ill need to set the powe r output manually.
The FreeWave Fusion is compatib le with most ca meras , flash un its and st udio ligh ts. However, for fl ash wake -up fun ctiona lity and/or hi gh shut ter spee ds, you will need
full TTL suppor t via you r camer a, flash a nd FreeWave Fus ion trig ger.
For ins tance , if you have a Ca non came ra, and you’d like to t ake adva ntage of t he flash w ake-up feature; y ou will nee d a Canon c amera w ith TTL m eterin g, a compatible Can on flash w hich supp orts TTL , and a dedi cated Ca non comp atible FreeWave Fus ion flash trigge r.
Simil arly, if you h ave a Nikon ca mera, and you’d like to ta ke advant age of the fl ash wake- up featu re, you wi ll need a Nikon camer a with T TL meter ing, a com patible Nikon flash which suppor ts TTL , and a dedicated Nikon compatible FreeWave Fusion flash tri gger.
• Therear enouser-servic eablepa rts
inside t he device s. Do not at tempt t o disassemble or perform any unauthorized modification.
• Donotope ratetheFreeWaveFusionin
the pre sence of fla mmable g as or vap ors.
• Donothan dlewithwethandso r
immer se in or exp ose to water or rain . Failu re to obser ve this pr ecauti on could result in fire or ele ctric shock.
• Keepouto fthereacho fchildre n.This
device c ontain s small pa rts whi ch may pose a cho king ha zard.
• Obser vecauti onwhenha ndling
batte ries. B atter ies may lea k or explode if improperly h andled . Use only th e batte ries lis ted in thi s manual . Make cert ain to ali gn batte ries with correc t polarity.
• Batte riesarep ronetole akagewh en
fully discharg ed. To avoid damage to the produc t, be sure to remove t he batte ries when le aving the p roduct u nattended for prolon ged peri ods or whe n no charg e remains.
• Donotuseo rleavethedevicesin
condit ions of ex treme he at, seve re cold, or high humidity.
• Turnotheca mera’spowe rbefore
inser ting or re moving th e remote cord.
• Dispos eusedbat teries ,packa ging,
and old de vices in ac cordanc e with appropriate local environmental regulations.
Confirmation LED
Power (Gro up) Switch
Hot Shoe Mount
2.5 mm Outp ut Jack
Confirmation LED
Shut ter Release But ton
Group Indicator
Power Swi tch / Set ting But ton
Set the D IP swit ch locat ed in the battery compartment of the Tr ansmitter and Re ce iv er.
The DI P switch es set a di erent ra dio frequency for e ach Transmi tter/Receiver set, s o that mult iple set s of the FreeWave Fusion and/or additional Fusion Receivers can be us ed simultaneou sly. You can use a pen to se t the DIP switche s to your desired code. A ny combination will work so long a s the swit ches are se t identi cally in both t he Transmit ter and Re ceiver(s) of a single F reeWave Fusio n set.
Inser t 2 AA A batte ries int o the Recei ver.
Tur n ON the Receiver:
Slide t he Group Sw itch to ei ther A , B, or C and the unit will power up. The L ED will flash re d at 2 second i nterv als to ind icate that th e Receive r is working.
To power down after use , slide th e Group Switc h back to the O posit ion.
Tur n ON the Tra nsmitter:
Press a nd hold the p ower but ton for 2 second s to power up t he Transmi tter. The Gro up Indicator ligh t will turn o n and show the c urrent ly selec ted group. The Group i ndicato r light will turn o af ter 2 second s and the Tran smitte r will ent er Standby mode.
To power down after use , press a nd hold the powe r button for 2 second s. The LE D at the top of the unit w ill flash 4 t imes at ½ second i nterv als befo re shutt ing itse lf to indic ate that i t is poweri ng o.
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