Vello RFW-C, RFW-NR, RFW-CR, RFW-N, RFW-S, RFW-SR User manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Thank you for choosing the Vell o
FreeWave Fusion Wire less Shu tter/F lash/
Group ing Remot e. This dev ice trig gers
o-c amera lights rem otely fr om up to 30 0
fee t awa y.
With it s multip le groups f eature , you can
easil y configu re up to thre e diere nt light
groups, which c an be trig gered individu ally
or simul taneo usly, for a total of seven
dierent combinations. (Simultaneous
trig gering o f multipl e light gro ups requ ires
additi onal Fre eWave Fusion Re ceivers
availa ble for purchase se parately.)
Additionally, the FreeWave Fusion
incor porate s the conveniences o f a
wirel ess shut ter rele ase, allowing you t o
trip th e shutte r without disturbing the
camer a. It’s ideal for ta king pic tures of
subjects that a re dicu lt to approach, such
as wildlife. It also eliminates vibrations
cause d by pressi ng your cam era’s shut ter
relea se button during m acro, close-up , and
long-exposure photography.
The FreeWave Fusion do es not require
line- of-sight align ment, a s its rad io waves
pass th rough and around objects su ch as
walls, windows, and floors.
Your Vello FreeWave Fusion Wirel ess
Shutter/Flash/Grouping Remote Kit
Wireless Transmitter
Wireless Receiver
Shutter Release Cable
Studio Tri gger Cab le (3.5mm Mini)
Studio Tri gger Cab le (2.5m m Mini to
1/4” Pho no)
2 AA A Batteries
1 Lithium-Ion Battery (pre-installed)
2.4GHz Radio Frequency: Reduced
inter ferenc e and improve d wirele ss
signal quality.
Extended Range: up to 100m (32 0 ft.)
Multi-Purpose: Use as an in dividua l or
group wi reless fl ash trig ger, and/or a s a
shutt er relea se remote t rigge r.
Multiple Groups: Configure up t o three
dier ent light g roups and u p to seven
dierent group combinations.
Flash S ync Spee d of up to 1/320 s: Tak e
advan tage of sy nc speeds t hat matc h the
ratin g of your came ra all the w ay up to
1/320s (on com patible c amera s only).
Fla sh Wak e-U p: Wake- up functi on in TTL
compatible flash units.
Ver sat ile: O ne Receive r works wi th multip le
camer a and ligh t models. J ust swap o ut
the connecting cables.
Dual-Function Shutter Release Button:
Press h alfway t o focus; pre ss fully to
trigger shutter.
LED Indicators: Confirm p re-focu s, shut ter
relea se, flash w ake-u p, and flas h trigge r
in wirel ess mode .
We recommend using a f ully manually
contro lled flash with this device . Since the
FreeWave Fusion does n ot transmit TTL
setti ngs, you w ill need to set the powe r
output manually.
The FreeWave Fusion is compatib le with
most ca meras , flash un its and st udio ligh ts.
However, for fl ash wake -up fun ctiona lity
and/or hi gh shut ter spee ds, you will need
full TTL suppor t via you r camer a, flash a nd
FreeWave Fus ion trig ger.
For ins tance , if you have a Ca non came ra,
and you’d like to t ake adva ntage of t he
flash w ake-up feature; y ou will nee d a
Canon c amera w ith TTL m eterin g, a
compatible Can on flash w hich supp orts
TTL , and a dedi cated Ca non comp atible
FreeWave Fus ion flash trigge r.
Simil arly, if you h ave a Nikon ca mera, and
you’d like to ta ke advant age of the fl ash
wake- up featu re, you wi ll need a Nikon
camer a with T TL meter ing, a com patible
Nikon flash which suppor ts TTL , and a
dedicated Nikon compatible FreeWave
Fusion flash tri gger.
• Therear enouser-servic eablepa rts
inside t he device s. Do not at tempt t o
disassemble or perform any
unauthorized modification.
• Donotope ratetheFreeWaveFusionin
the pre sence of fla mmable g as or vap ors.
• Donothan dlewithwethandso r
immer se in or exp ose to water or rain .
Failu re to obser ve this pr ecauti on could
result in fire or ele ctric shock.
• Keepouto fthereacho fchildre n.This
device c ontain s small pa rts whi ch may
pose a cho king ha zard.
• Obser vecauti onwhenha ndling
batte ries. B atter ies may lea k or explode
if improperly h andled . Use only th e
batte ries lis ted in thi s manual . Make
cert ain to ali gn batte ries with correc t
• Batte riesarep ronetole akagewh en
fully discharg ed. To avoid damage to the
produc t, be sure to remove t he batte ries
when le aving the p roduct u nattended for
prolon ged peri ods or whe n no charg e
• Donotuseo rleavethedevicesin
condit ions of ex treme he at, seve re cold,
or high humidity.
• Turnotheca mera’spowe rbefore
inser ting or re moving th e remote cord.
• Dispos eusedbat teries ,packa ging,
and old de vices in ac cordanc e with
appropriate local environmental
Confirmation LED
Power (Gro up) Switch
Hot Shoe Mount
2.5 mm Outp ut Jack
Confirmation LED
Shut ter Release But ton
Group Indicator
Power Swi tch / Set ting But ton
Set the D IP swit ch locat ed in the battery
compartment of the Tr ansmitter and
Re ce iv er.
The DI P switch es set a di erent ra dio
frequency for e ach Transmi tter/Receiver
set, s o that mult iple set s of the FreeWave
Fusion and/or additional Fusion Receivers
can be us ed simultaneou sly. You can use
a pen to se t the DIP switche s to your
desired code. A ny combination will work
so long a s the swit ches are se t identi cally
in both t he Transmit ter and Re ceiver(s) of
a single F reeWave Fusio n set.
Inser t 2 AA A batte ries int o the Recei ver.
Tur n ON the Receiver:
Slide t he Group Sw itch to ei ther A , B, or
C and the unit will power up. The L ED will
flash re d at 2 second i nterv als to ind icate
that th e Receive r is working.
To power down after use , slide th e Group
Switc h back to the O posit ion.
Tur n ON the Tra nsmitter:
Press a nd hold the p ower but ton for 2
second s to power up t he Transmi tter.
The Gro up Indicator ligh t will turn o n and
show the c urrent ly selec ted group. The
Group i ndicato r light will turn o af ter 2
second s and the Tran smitte r will ent er
Standby mode.
To power down after use , press a nd hold
the powe r button for 2 second s. The LE D
at the top of the unit w ill flash 4 t imes at
½ second i nterv als befo re shutt ing itse lf
to indic ate that i t is poweri ng o.
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