Thank you for cho osing a Vel lo Lens Adapt er. Vello lens a dapters all ow you to use lense s from
manuf actu rers other th an the m aker of yo ur camera. Vello Len s Adapters fit secure ly to th e
lens, but not s o tight ly that t hey are d icult to rem ove. Ple ase follow the se instructions to
mount a nd remove your Vello L ens Adapter.
Alth ough the lens w ill fit physic ally, a utoma tic di aphra gm (AE met erin g), and ot her functi ons dependent
on comm unica tion b etwe en the c amera b ody an d lens, will be disru pted by a l ens ada pter. You wi ll
need to s et expo sures m anual ly or met er in ap ertu re prio rit y (stop -do wn) mode . Focu sing to infini ty is
All ima ges are for ill ustrative purpo ses onl y.

Note: P lace the lens o n a stabl e, flat s urface when m ounti ng or re movin g your Vell o Lens Adapter.
1. Line u p the red a lignm ent do ts on the l ens
adapt er and th e lens .
2. Rotate t he lens a dapt er cloc kwi se until i t
locks into place.