Thank you for choosi ng a Vello Lens Ad apter. Vello Lens A dapters a llow you to mount a
camer a body to a tel escope, s potting sc ope, micro scope, or ce rtain le nses. You must al so have
an SLR c amera ada pter that fi ts your tele scope. You’ll al so need to mini mize shutter releas e
vibrations that c an cause blurring dur ing the long e xposures t ypical with these op tics. Vello
makes a w ide range of remotes and s hutter release cabl es to contro l your shutt er. Telescopes
and microscopes are not built to su pport he avy SLRs . Make certain your set up is secure . Please
follow the instruc tions bel ow to mount and r emove your Vello L ens Adapter.
Autom atic diaphragm (AE metering), and other functions de pendent on c ommunica tion between the
camera body and len s, will be d isrupted by a lens adapt er. You must set exposures manually or me ter in
aper ture prior ity (stop-down) mode. If the lens does not ha ve a manual ap erture collar, the aperture will
be stopped to its smallest f/stop. Fo cusing to i nnity is retained.
All ima ges are for illustra tive purp oses only.

1. Yo u must have an SLR c amera ad apter.
Screw t he lens adap ter onto the S LR
ad ap ter.
2. Line up the ali gnment dot s on the lens
adapt er and came ra. Rotat e the assemb ly
until it locks.