Thank you for choosi ng a Vello Lens Ad apter. Vello lens a dapters a llow you to use le nses from
manuf acturer s other tha n the maker of yo ur camera b ody. Vello Lens Ad apters fi t securely to
the len s, but not so ti ghtly that they are di cult to remove . Please fo llow these in structi ons to
mount a nd remove your Vello Lens Adap ter.
Alth ough the len s will t physicall y, automat ic diaphra gm (AE meter ing), and ot her funct ions dependent
on commu nicatio n between t he camera body and lens , will be di srupted by a l ens adapter. You will need
to set exposures manually or me ter in aper ture priority (sto p-down) mode. The lens adapter ad ds a 1.25
magnication to the lens. Focusing to innity i s retaine d.
All ima ges are for illustra tive purp oses only.

Some Ca non FD lens es have a breec h-lock mo unt instead of a bayonet mo unt with a rel ease
butt on. If your Ca non FD lens h as a breech -lock mount, follow these instr uctions . If your Cano n
FD lens h as a bayonet m ount, follow the next se t of instru ctions.
1. L ine up the ali gnment dot s on the lens
adapt er and the camera. Rot ate the lens
adapter clockwise until it locks into place.

2. Make sure t he locking c ollar on the l ens is
rotated completely counterclockwise
Note: On som e lenses, t his is not nec essary.
Rotate the collar on the lens adapt er in the
direc tion of the ar row to the OPE N position
3. Line u p the alignm ent dots on t he lens and
the len s adapter.