V . 01 – 04/02 /2015 15 ©V elleman nv
7.14 Profile Settings
T his func tion allows you to s ave pers onalized camera settings, s o they c an be c opied easily to other
cameras in the c ircuit.
However, available functions will be limited to time zone, video s ettings, s ensitivity s ettings, e -mail
settings, overwrite s ettings.
7.15 Device Information
General information about the CAMIP21 c amera.
8. Troubleshooting
The app cannot find the CAMIP21 camera.
o M ake s ure your network supports the D HCP protocol.
o M ake s ure the c amera and your mobile device are c onnected to the s ame Wifi router .
o M ake s ure to activate the router.
o M ake s ure the c amera is powered and s witched on.
o U se the A dd C amera function to manually add the camera.
The Wif i router is not shown in the list .
o E nable the SSID broadcasting function in the Wifi router. C ons ult the us er manual of the
o C hange the wireless s ecurity protocol of your Wifi router into WP A /WPA2/WPA2-PSK. For
sec urity reasons, the WEP protocol is not suggested for s ome router.
No image.
o M ake s ure the c amera is powered and s witched on.
o Relocate the c amera to obtain the bes t wireless reception.
o M ake s ure your C AMIP21 c amera is properly c onfigured.
o M ake s ure your mobile device is c onnected properly to 3 G/4G/Wifi.
Low signal/poor image quality.
o Wireless devices such as wireless s tereo systems may c ause interference. Leave as much s pace
as pos s ible between the CAMIP21 camera and other wireless devices.
o C lean the c amera lens. S pots or dust on the lens reduce the image quality.
The motion detection function does not work properly.
o M ake s ure to s elect the c orrect s ensitivity s etting.
The app does not record video clips.
o M ake s ure to ins ert the SD c ard c orrectly.
o M ake s ure to enable the motion detection function.
o Format the SD c ard prior to firs t use.
o U se a Class 1 0 memory c ard.
The e-mail alert function does not work.
o M akes s ure to enable the e - mail alert func tion.
o We suggest using a properly c onfigured gmail account.
The night vision images are maculated with bright white spots.
o T he I R L EDs may reflect off s urfac es such as glass. Install your CAMIP21 c amera in s uch way
to improve the night vis ion.
Memory card error.
o M ake s ure the memory card is c orrectly ins erted and formatted.
o U se a Class 1 0 memory c ard for bes t res ults.
Wrong t ime and date display.
o Select the c orrect time zone.