Velleman CAMIP7N, CAMIP10N User Manual

V. 08 – 04/06/2015 2 ©Velleman nv
V. 08 – 04/06/2015 3 ©Velleman nv
1. Introduction
To all residents of the European Union Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be taken to a
specialized company for recycling. This device should be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service. Respect the local environmental rules. If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities. Thank you for choosing Velleman! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
2. Safety Instructions
Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users.
Risk of electroshock when opening the cover. Touching live wires can cause life-threatening electroshocks. Do not open the housing yourself. Have the device repaired by qualified personnel.
DO NOT disassemble or open the cover. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the device. Refer to an authorized dealer for service and/or spare parts.
3. General Guidelines
Refer to the Velleman® Service and Quality Warranty on the last pages of this manual.
Keep this device away from dust and extreme heat.
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Protect this device from shocks and abuse. Avoid brute force when operating the device.
Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually
using it.
All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Only use the device for its intended purpose. Using the device in
an unauthorised way will void the warranty.
Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual
is not covered by the warranty and the dealer will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
DO NOT use this product to violate privacy laws or perform other
illegal activities.
4. Features
easy installation procedure remote pan/tilt control secured Wi-Fi and wired LAN connection 24 IR LEDs for night vision (up to 20 m) embedded microphone and speaker motion detection alert via email or upload image to FTP audio in- and output automatic integrated Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS):
free service
wireless encryption with one touch (WPS™ - Wireless protect
compatible with: CAMIP5N1 (same operation modes and user
5. Overview
Refer to the illustrations on page 2 of this manual.
IR LEDs (24x)
Wifi antenna
light sensor
RJ45 network jack
5 VDC in
camera bolt
position bolt
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6. Hardware installation and operation
1. Choose a location for the camera, keeping following guidelines in
o Do not install the camera in locations where extremely high or
low temperatures or excessive vibrations may occur.
o Avoid mounting the camera near high electro-magnetic fields. o Do not aim the camera at the sun or other extremely bright
2. The camera can be used free standing or in combination with the
included mounting bracket. When the mounting bracket is used, attach it to the wall or ceiling using the 2 included screws. Place the camera on top and secure it with the centre screw. Determine the desired angle and tighten the joint screws.
3. Connect the antenna [6] to the antenna connector and/or
connect a network cable (included) to the 8P8C (RJ45) jack [9]. Note: it is possible to connect the camera straight to the 8P8C (RJ45) port of a computer. In this case a crossed cable (not incl.) should be used and network settings must be configured manually.
4. An external microphone (not incl.) can be connected to the
audio input [8].
5. When desired, an external speaker system can be connected to
the audio output [7].
6. Plug the DC connector of the power adaptor into the 5VDC input
jack [12]. Only use the included adaptor or one with the same specifications.
7. Plug the adaptor into a suitable mains outlet (100~240V
It takes about 30 seconds for the camera to initialise. During initialisation the camera will start moving to test the
pan/tilt functionality.
If the image appears out of focus, turn the lens [4] to adjust.
7. Installing the software
To use the camera, you need to install the software IP Camera Tool on your computer.
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7.1 Microsoft Windows Software requirements
To work with the IP Camera Tool, you need a recent version of one of the following browsers:
Internet Explorer (32 bits version only) Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Safari Opera
Note: the functions and layout of the surveillance tool vary depending on the browser you are using. The images in this manual are from Internet Explorer on Microsoft Windows.
Installing the IP Camera Tool
The package contains a cd-rom with the required software.
1. Insert the cd-rom in the computer and locate the software
installer (IPCamSetup.exe).
2. Double-click the installer to launch the installation wizard and go
through the steps of the wizard.
3. You will find the shortcut IP Camera tool on your desktop.
7.2 Apple Macintosh Software requirements
To work with the IP Camera Tool, you need a recent version of one of the following browsers:
Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Safari Opera
Installing the IP Camera Tool
The package contains a cd-rom with the required software.
1. Locate the IP Camera Tool for Mac on the CD.
2. Copy the tool to your Mac and start the program.
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8. Using the IP Camera Tool
8.1 Before you start
The IP Camera Tool allows:
managing users, passwords and user permissions managing multiple cameras.
On first use, the IP Camera Tool has a single administrator user with no password and a single camera. Please refer to the full manual on the cd included in the package for more information.
8.2 Starting the surveillance software
To start the IP Camera Tool:
1. Make sure the camera is properly connected to the computer or
local network via a router and a socket.
2. Double-click the icon IP Camera Tool on your desktop.
The tool will detect the camera connected to your computer or local network.
3. Double-click the camera you want to use.
The tool will open a new window in your default browser.
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The default language of the software is English.
4. Select another language from the list if you want.
5. Choose the appropriate login method, depending on your
o For Internet Explorer, always use Active X mode. o For Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera or Google Chrome, always use
Server push mode.
o For a mobile phone, always use Mobile Phone.
6. The system will ask for a user name.
The default user name is admin (case sensitive), without a password. If you have set another user name or password, provide these instead.
7. Click OK.
The surveillance software starts. The actual content of the window depends on your user type (set by the administrator). Please refer to the full manual on the cd included in the package for more information.
8.3 Window elements
The contents of the window depend on your user type (set by the administrator in the device management settings). The user types are:
Administrator Operator Visitor
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If you log in with an administrator user type, you can:
see the camera view, use the software camera controls, access and change the device management settings.
If you log in with an operator user type, you can:
see the camera view, use the software camera controls.
If you log in with a visitor user type, you can: see the camera view.
9. Using the camera controls
This section describes the camera view and the software camera controls.
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The camera controls are
Select the number of cameras you want to display simultaneously (1, 4 or 9). To learn more about setting up multiple cameras, please refer to the item Multi­Device Settings in chapter Device Management below.
OSD (= on-screen display)
Show or hide the camera name on the display.
Add OSD on record
Show or hide the camera name when recording.
Select a resolution from the list.
Select a refresh rate from the list.
Select a frame per second setting from the list.
Set the brightness with the and
Set the contrast with the and
Default all
Reset all settings to their default values.
Select the Flip checkbox to show the image shown upside down.
Select the Mirror checkbox to mirror the image.
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Click to start live video.
Click to stop live video.
Click to take a snapshot of the current camera view.
Set the camera view to full screen.
10. Advanced settings
10.1 IP Camera Tool
You can access various options in the IP Camera Tool:
1. Double-click the IP Camera Tool on your desktop.
The tool will detect the camera connected to tour computer.
2. Right-click the camera. The options are:
Basic properties
Shows general information about the camera:
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Network Configuration
Use this window to view or change the network settings of the camera.
When connected to a DHCP router, check the Obtain IP from DHCP
server checkbox, otherwise uncheck it and fill in the data manually.
In case of a subnet mismatch, change the IP-address or subnet
When in doubt about the network settings, contact a qualified
network administrator.
Upgrade firmware
Only use this option when problems with the current version are
noticed. Do not upgrade if the camera works fine.
Caution: when the upgrade process is interrupted or a wrong
version is installed the camera might not work anymore.
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Refresh Camera List
Use this option to update the camera list, for example when a new camera is added to the network.
Flush ARP Buffer
When both a wireless and wired connection to a camera exists, a problem with the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) may arise resulting in the camera not being accessible via the browser. In this case the ARP buffer should be flushed.
About IP Camera Tool
This window shows details about the IP Camera Tool.
11. Device management
If you login as an administrator, you have access to the device management settings. To do so:
1. Start the IP Camera Tool (see above).
2. Login with your browser (see above).
3. Click the link Device Management below the camera controls.
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4. To return to the camera view and controls, click the Back link
below the options list.
11.2 Device Status
The device status page shows an overview of device information and status set on other settings pages.
11.3 Alias Settings
Use this page to change the name of a camera.
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11.4 Date & Time Settings
Set date and time data for the camera. Note: if the timestamp on the display shows the wrong time, try selecting the Sync with PC Time checkbox and click Submit.
11.5 Users Settings
Define users, permissions and passwords
Up to 8 users can be configured. Enter a user name, a password and select a group (Visitor,
Operator or Administrator).
This is also the location to change the default administrator’s login
name and set a password for the administrator.
Set alarm record path
Use the Browse button to change the default alarm record path.
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Notes when using Windows Vista:
Remember to add the IP address of the camera to the ‘Trusted
The system does not allow setting the Windows system root
directory as alarm record path.
11.6 Multi-Device Settings
Manually add extra cameras
To add a camera, click on a blue link and enter an alias, host address, HTTP port, user and password.
11.7 Basic Network Settings
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Set basic network settings
When connected to a DHCP router, select the checkbox Obtain IP
from DHCP server, otherwise clear it and fill in the data manually.
The Network Lamp or network LED indicates the network status of
the camera. To disable this LED, clear the checkbox Network Lamp.
11.8 Wireless LAN Settings
1. Add and manage wireless networks
1. Click the Scan button to retrieve a list of available wireless LANs.
2. Click on a found network and enter the password if required.
3. When you want to use a wireless LAN, check the checkbox and
enter SSID, Channel and encryption method. Depending on the selected encryption method, more data will have to be provided.
Some routers will automatically fill out the necessary data into the
When entering data manually, check the wireless network settings
of your router to find more information on SSID, Channel, encryption and authentication.
2. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Set-up)
1. Press and hold down the RESET BUTTON about 4 seconds, then
press the WPS button on the router. Now
2. you can use the WPS function.
3. Press the WPS button on your router within 60 seconds. The
WPS button is usually on the back or side of your router. On some routers, you may need to log in to the web interface and
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click on an on-screen button to activate the WPS feature. If you are not sure where the WPS button is on your router, prease refer to your Router’s manual.
The camera will automatically create a secure wireless connection
to your router. If you have plugged in the network cable, please plug it out. While connecting, the green network light on RJ45 will blink and the wireless settings will take effect. The IP Camera Tool
will search the camera’s LAN IP. Make sure the PC and the camera
share the same subnet.
During the WPS settings, you must press the RESET button only
for four seconds. When you press and hold down the RESET button for 10 seconds the camera will be reset back to factory default settings.
The security mode of router cannot be WEP, or else the WPS
settings may be failed.
11.9 ADSL Settings
When connected to the Internet directly via ADSL, check the checkbox and enter the ADSL User name and ADSL password you obtained from your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
11.10 UPnP Settings
Select the checkbox to use the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol.
11.11 DDNS Service Settings
Free DDNS Service The Dynamic DNS name will be something like: Now you can use http:// Domain name + HTTP Port to access the camera via internet.
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Take hostname and HTTP Port no. 88 for example, the accessing link of the camera via internet would be http://
11.12 Mail Service Settings
Define mail service settings
Note The settings on this page will only take effect if the option Send Mail on Alarm is selected in the Alarm Service Settings (see below).
1. Fill in a senders e-mail address in the Sender field.
This is the mailbox from which the mails will be sent.
2. Fill in up to 4 receivers mail addresses.
When an alarm condition occurs, mail is sent out to these addresses.
3. Fill out all SMTP data related to the sender’s mailbox.
4. If authentication for the mailbox is required, select the checkbox
and enter user name and password in the appropriate fields.
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5. If the Report Internet IP by Mail box is selected, a mail is sent
whenever a camera comes online (for example after reboot) or a change in IP address occurs. Make sure the port is correctly mapped to the router.
Click Submit to save the data before performing a ‘mail test’.
Possible error messages
Following error messages may appear:
Error message
Possible solution
Cannot connect to the server
Check network cables and settings.
Network error. Please try later.
Check network cables and settings.
Server error.
Check the server.
Incorrect user or password.
Make sure to enter the right user name and password.
The sender is denied by the server.
Check whether the user needs authentication.
The receiver is denied by the server.
Could be due to anti-spam settings of the server.
The message is denied by the server.
Could be due to anti-spam settings of the server.
The server does not support the authentication mode used by the device.
Try without authentication or use a different server (sender address).
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11.13 MSN Settings
Access the camera with MSN Function
The MSN feature allows you or the friends from your list to chat to the camera to find out its IP address. This can be useful if you have lost the camera’s IP address.
It is recommended to create a new MSN account for the camera. When the camera login uses the MSN account, this account cannot be used for anything else when the camera works.
1. Enter the User and Password of the MSN account you will use for
the camera (see image above).
2. Add the MSN account of your friends in the friends list and click
3. Go to the Device Status page of the settings and check whether
the MSN status indicates “Succeed”.
4. Next, open MSN Messenger and log into your account.
5. The name of the camera will appear in the friends or contacts
6. Open a chat session with the camera username and type url?
7. The camera will reply with its URL.
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11.14 FTP Service Settings
These settings will only take effect if the option Upload Image on Alarm is selected in the Alarm Service Settings (see below).
11.15 Alarm Service Settings
Select the checkbox Motion Detect Armed to enable motion
detection. This also allows mails to be sent out (see Mail Service Settings) and image upload to an FTP server (see FTP Service Settings). Note: when the camera is in auto tilt or auto pan mode, motion detection and external alarm input are disabled.
The motion detect sensibility can be set between 1 and 10, with
10 being most sensitive.
Select the checkbox Send Mail on alarm to send a mail when an
alarm is detected. Make sure to fill out all fields on the Mail Service Settings page (see above).
Select the checkbox Upload Image on alarm to upload images to
an FTP server when an alarm is detected. Make sure to fill out all fields on the FTP Service Settings page
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(see above). When this option is selected, you can also set the upload interval (in seconds).
Select the checkbox Scheduler to open the day schedule.
11.16 Upgrade Device Firmware
Upgrade Device Firmware
Only use this option if you are experiencing problems with the current version. Do not upgrade if the camera works fine.
11.17 Backup & Restore settings
Backup and restore your system configuration
Use this option to create a backup or restore your system configuration. To create a backup, click Submit and choose a location to store
the backup file.
To restore a previously made backup, click Browse to locate the
backup and click Submit to start restoring.
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11.18 Restore Factory Settings
Reset the device to factory settings
Selecting OK will clear the memory and reset the device to factory settings. All settings will be cleared:
user settings mail and FTP settings alarm schedule
Tip: backup the system configuration before resetting your device to factory settings.
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11.19 Reboot Device
Reboot the camera
Select OK to reboot the camera.
This will reset the system time. You can adjust date and time in the Date&Time settings page.
11.20 Log
The log contains an overview of everyone who accessed the IP camera. The log is cleared if the camera is rebooted.
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12. Additional information
12.1 Password
The default administrator login is admin without a password. To enhance security, a new administrator password should be set as soon as possible (see above). If you have lost the administrator password, you can reset the camera to factory defaults (admin, no password) by pressing and holding the RESET button at the bottom of the camera for about 5 seconds. When doings so, all other user settings will be lost as well.
12.2 WiFi
1. Refer to the user manual of your wireless router to obtain
network information e.g. SSID, Channel, Security, authentication, encryption…
2. Use previously obtained information to configure your camera
via a fixed network cable (see Wireless LAN settings).
3. Reboot the camera.
4. Wait at least 30 seconds before unplugging the network cable.
Then unplug the power supply.
5. Re-insert the power plug.
After about 30 seconds, the camera should be up and running in WiFi mode.
12.3 Connect the camera on an ADSL network
1. Connect the camera to a PC. The easiest way is to use a router.
If no router is available, you must use a cross cable (not incl.) to
connect the camera directly to the PC’s network port (RJ45) and
set the IP addresses on PC and camera manually.
2. Configure the camera with the IP camera tool (see above).
3. Log on to the camera as administrator and configure ADSL
settings (user name + password).
4. Configure the DDNS Service Settings and click Submit. The
camera reboots.
5. Connect the camera directly to the ADSL modem. It is now
available through the internet by entering the domain name in your internet browser.
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Note: set the option Report ADSL IP by mail under Mail Service Settings to receive the camera’s IP address by mail.
12.4 Connect the camera via a router
1. Connect the camera to the LAN and configure the camera with
the IP camera tool (see above).
2. Log on to the camera as administrator and configure DDNS
Service Settings.
3. Click Submit to reboot the camera. The camera is now available through the internet by entering the domain name in your internet browser.
12.5 Static IP users
When using only fixed IP addresses, a DDNS service is not required. There are two ways to find out the static WAN IP address of the camera: Connect a computer to the same connection as the camera and
open a website that tells you what IP address you are on (e.g.
Log on to the router and view the status page to find out its WAN
IP address. To connect to the IP camera, enter the WAN IP address of the router followed by the port number to which the camera is connected into the address bar of a browser (e.g. Make sure UPnP is enabled or the camera is added to the router’s virtual mapping list.
12.6 Using a mobile phone
It is possible to connect a smartphone to the IP camera. Many third­party software developers offer compatible software. An example is
the “IP Cam Viewer” software which is available from the iTunes and
Google Play stores. After installation, just enter the external hostname, IP port, username and password, and you can view the images on your smartphone.
13. Troubleshooting IP address
Always make sure the camera is on the same subnet (same subnet mask) as the PC you are using to configure it.
Network configuration
Check if your HTTP server software is configured and running properly.
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If the camera is behind a firewall, make sure the firewall software
is allowing inbound connections on port 80. If not, use an alternate port. The same goes for certain anti-spam and anti-virus software packages.
If the camera is behind a cable/DSL router, make sure to
configure port forwarding properly. Refer to the user manual of the router.
No image
Video streaming is transmitted by the ActiveX controller. If this
controller is not installed properly, no video image is shown.
When you install the IP Camera Tool, the ActiveX controller is
installed at the same time. If not, download the ActiveX controller from the internet and set the safety properties of your web browser so it accepts ActiveX content.
Slow image
The frame rate of the shown video depends on a number of external factors, e.g.:
Network bandwidth PC performance and display settings Number of visitors that are viewing the camera simultaneously Network equipment (e.g. use a switch instead of a hub for
multiple IP cameras).
Camera not available via internet
Possible reasons may include:
ActiveX controller is not installed or not working properly. The port of the IP camera is blocked by a firewall or anti-virus
software. In this case, try using a different port number.
Port mapping failed. Either enable UPnP (via UPnP Settings) or
edit the routers Virtual map list (refer to the user manual of your router).
14. Technical specifications
pick-up element
1/5" colour CMOS sensor
f2.8mm / F2.4
lens angle
min. illumination
0.5 lux
number of pixels
640 (H) x 480 (V) - PAL -
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supported network protocols
wired connection
Ethernet 10/100 Base-T and RJ45
wireless connection
standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n
supports WEP, WPA & WPA2 encryption
network connection
supports 3 methods: fixed IP, DHCP, PPPoE
supports DHCP, installs the IP address automatically (plug-and-play network)
compression format: MJPEG
frame rate: 15 FPS (VGA), 30 FPS (QVGA)
resolution: 640 x 480 (VGA), 320 x 240 (QVGA)
power supply
5 Vdc
140 x 75 x 80 mm
800 g
IP rating
Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot be held responsible in the event of damage or injury resulted from (incorrect) use of this device. For more info concerning this product and the latest version of this manual, please visit our website The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
R&TTE Declaration of Conformity Hereby, Velleman NV declares that the radio equipment type [CAMIP7N] is in compliance with Directive 1999/5/EC. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:
© COPYRIGHT NOTICE The copyright to this manual is owned by Velleman nv. All worldwide rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied,
reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or otherwise without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.
V. 08 – 04/06/2015 30 ©Velleman nv
1. Inleiding
Aan alle ingezetenen van de Europese Unie Belangrijke milieu-informatie betreffende dit product
Dit symbool op het toestel of de verpakking geeft aan dat,
als het na zijn levenscyclus wordt weggeworpen, dit toestel
schade kan toebrengen aan het milieu. Gooi dit toestel (en
eventuele batterijen) niet bij het gewone huishoudelijke
afval; het moet bij een gespecialiseerd bedrijf terechtkomen voor recyclage. U moet dit toestel naar uw verdeler of naar een lokaal recyclagepunt brengen. Respecteer de plaatselijke milieuwetgeving. Hebt u vragen, contacteer dan de plaatselijke autoriteiten betreffend de verwijdering. Dank u voor uw aankoop! Lees deze handleiding grondig voor u het toestel in gebruik neemt. Werd het toestel beschadigd tijdens het transport, installeer het dan niet en raadpleeg uw dealer.
2. Veiligheidsinstructies
Houd dit toestel uit de buurt van kinderen en onbevoegden.
Elektrocutiegevaar bij het openen van het toestel.Raak geen kabels aan die onder stroom staan om dodelijke elektroshocks te vermijden. Open de behuizing niet zelf en laat reparaties over aan geschoold personeel.
Demonteer of open dit toestel NOOIT. De gebruiker mag geen onderdelen vervangen. Voor onderhoud en/of reserveonderdelen, contacteer uw dealer.
3. Algemene richtlijnen
Raadpleeg de Velleman® service- en kwaliteitsgarantie achteraan deze handleiding.
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