Mega Pi xel IP Spe ed Dome Came ra User ’s Ma nual
1.1 Fun ctions And Cha rac teristic s 2
1.2 Ap pli cations 3
2.1 Cau tions 3
2.2 Pan el Illuminate 4
2.2.1 R ear Elevation 4
3.1 Set up Parameter By I E Browser 5
Appen dix 6
4.1 Ins tallation 7
4.2 Ins tallation Ste ps 9
4.3 Dis assembly And Ins tallatio n Of Ma in Body 11
4.4 Dom e Configurati on 11
APPEN DIX A: 24VAC Wire D iameter And Trans mission Dista nce
Compa ris on Chart 12
APPEN DIX B: Wire Ga uge C onversio n Cha rt 13
APPEN DIX C: Light nin g Proof And Sur ge Si gnal Proof 14
Mega Pi xel IP Spe ed Dome Came ra User ’s Ma nual
Chapter 1 Profile
Network Camer a is a k ind o f em bed ded digital surve ill anc e pr odu ct c ollected tradi tio nal
simulation c ame ra and network v ide o s erv er. A dopts embedde d L inu x O peration Syst em and
has characteri sti cs of hig h eff iciency on system adju stm ent , sol idi fied code on Flash, smal l
bulk, high stabi lit y and h igh r eli ability.
1.1 Functions and Characteristics
Basic Function
Vid eo compression tech: ad opt s H 26 4 vid eo compress ion tech, hi gh co mpr ess ion r ati o with
super agility ha ndl ing .
Network function : integ rat e TC P/I P protocols and video, ala rm, voi ce data sup por ted , bu ilt in WEB browser, IE in ter vie w sup ported.
Heartbeat function: h ost c omp ute r is a ble t o know ru nning st ate of ne twork ca mer a rea l time
by heartbeat fun cti on.
PTZ control function : co ntr ol f or P TZ, kinds o f de cod er p rot oco ls a nd d ome c ame ras
Alarm fun ction: 1 cha nnel alarm input (si gnal parameter), 1 channel alarm output (on-off
parameter), mo tio n det ect ive, video lost, ma sk al arm , ala rm li nk output.
Voice speech: two -wa y voi ce sp eec h, one-way voice br oad cas t.
POE power supply s upp ort ed.
User managemen t: mu lti -le vel u ser management.
Compression Handling Function
1 ch ann el vi deo s ignal support ed, s epa rat e hardware comp res sio n, ad opts H.264
compression sta nda rd on video c omp res sio n, not only s upp ort ch ange code rat io, but als o
support c han ge f ram e ratio, w hile se tti ng u p video image quali ty, i t's ab le t o restrict
compression bi t rat e of vi deo i mag e.
PAL: 128 0*7 20, N TSC :1280*960 suppo rte d
OSD supported da te an d tim e set up available.
Remote interview and transmission function
One self-compl ian t 10M /10 0M Ethernet interfac e as st and ard a ccessory.
PPPoE, DHCP, DDN S pro toc ol supported.
Ava ila ble to set pa rameter, bro wse rea l time vide o, check netw ork camera st ate throug h
applications or IE br ows er. Available to realize al arm li nk and sa ve com pre ssed bit rat e
through networ k.
Ava ila ble t o rea liz e remote upgrade an d mai nte nan ce th rough network.
RS-485 can sup por t one-wa y network rendezvous point ais le connect ion , client si de can
control serial d evi ces t hro ugh n etwork rendezvo us po int a isl e of network camera .
Mega Pi xel IP Spe ed Dome Came ra User ’s Ma nual
1.2 Applications
Suita ble for circums tances requir ed for netwo rk re mote surve ill ance
ATM, B ank C oun ter, S upe rmarket, Factor y etc .
Nursing House, K ind erg art en, S chool etc.
Intelligent do or ma nag eme nt sy stem
Intelligent Bu ild ing , com mun ity management sy ste m
Electricity st ati on, t ele com base station et c. un man ned o n dut y system
Outdoor bridge , tun nel , cro ssing traffi c etc . sur vei llance system
Flowing line and w are hou se su rve illance
24h surveillan ce to r oad t raffic
Remote surveil lan ce to f ore st, fountain and river e tc.
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 cautions
Please check car efu lly w hil e unp acking, be sure art icl es in sid e accordance to the list .
Please read this c hap ter c are ful ly before install ati on.
Be sure to off al l con cer ned power while ins tal lat ion .
Check power and vo lta ge in c ase t o dam age facility beca use o f unm atc hed voltage.
Installation ci rcu mstance: d o no t in sta ll i n circu mst anc es o f high hum idi ty o r hi gh
temperature, please ke ep g ood ven til ati on, pay attention to def end rai n, avoid installing in
acute vibrate ci rcu mst anc e.
In times of mal fun cti on, d o not attempt to dism ant le an d ser vice the camer a you rse lf.
Please refer to qualified serving personn el t o repai r or contac t ou r techn ica l de par tme nt t o
solve the proble ms.
Remark: pow er supply, lens and SD card o ptional while ex-factory.
2.2 Connections
2.2.1 Cable Connections
Fig. 2.1 Connect ion C abl e
Mega Pi xel IP Spe ed Dome Came ra User ’s Ma nual
ID Cab le
Bla ck
N/A Con nect to v ideo ca ble of mo nitor, s tanda rd BNC in terfa ce
Gra y
Blu e
Pin k
Fun ction
AC2 4V Inpu t
Vid eo Out put
Aud io In/O utput
Net work in terfa ce
RS4 85+
RS4 85-
Ala rm in(DC1 2V)
Ala rm in GND
Ple ase ref er to the c amera p arame ter
3.5 mm int erfa ce, c onne ct to acoustic s device, such as spe aker etc
for audi o spe ech o utpu t(im pedan ce: >1 6Ω); conn ect t o audio input
dev ice, su ch as ton e arm(i mpeda nce: 1k Ω)
Con nect to E thern et devi ce, suc h as Ethe rnet ex chang er, HUB et c.
Con nect to R S-485 d evice , such as P an/Ti le, PT Z etc.
Con nect to a larm in put, 1 ch annel s ignal a larm(0~ DC12V)
Con necti on