Vector Informatik GmbH
Ingersheimer Straße 24
D-70499 Stuttgart
The information and data given in this user manual can be changed without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any
form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, regardlessof which method or which instruments, electronicor mechanical,are used. All technical information, drafts, etc. are liableto law of copyright pr otection.
In this chapter you find the following information:
1.1 About this User Manual6
1.1.1 Certification7
1.1.2 Warranty7
1.1.3 Support7
1.1.4 Registered Trademarks7
System Manual
Version 3.3.05
1 Introduction
1.1About this User Manual
ConventionsIn the two following charts you will find the conventions used in the user manual
regarding utilized spellings and symbols.
boldBlocks, surface elements, window- and dialog names of the soft-
ware. Accentuation of warnings and advices.
MicrosoftLegally protected proper names and side notes.
Source Code
HyperlinkHyperlinks and references.
<CTRL>+<S>Notation for shortcuts.
File name and source code.
This symbol calls your attention to warnings.
Push buttons in brackets
Notation for menus and menu entries
Here you can obtain supplemental information.
Here you can find additional information.
Here is an example that has been prepared for you.
Step-by-step instructions provide assistance at these points.
Instructions on editing files are found at these points.
This symbol warns you not to edit the specified file.
System Manual
Version 3.3.06
1.1.1 Certification
1 Introduction
Certified Quality
Management System
Vector Informatik GmbH has ISO 9001:2008 certification. The ISO standard is a globally recognized standard.
1.1.2 Warranty
of warranty
We reserve the right to change the contents of the documentation and the software
without notice. Vector Informatik GmbH assumes no liability for correct contents or
damages which are resulted from the usage of the documentation. We are grateful for
references to mistakes or for suggestions for improvement to be able to offer you
even more efficient products in the future.
1.1.3 Support
You need support?You can get through to our support at the phone number
+49 711 80670-200 or by fax
+49 711 80670-111
1.1.4 Registered Trademarks
All trademarks mentioned in this documentation and if necessary third party
registered are absolutely subject to the conditions of each valid label right and the
rights of particular registered proprietor. All trademarks, trade names or company
names are or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their particular proprietors. All rights which are not expressly allowed are reserved. If an explicit label of
trademarks, which are used in this documentation, fails, should not mean that a name
is free of third party rights.
> Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
System Manual
Version 3.3.07
2 System Overview
2System Overview
In this chapter you find the following information:
2.1 Overview9
2.2 VX1000 System Components10
2.3 Supported Microcontrollers11
2.4 Features12
2.5 VX1000 Application Driver and VX1000If13
System Manual
Version 3.3.08
2 System Overview
At a glanceThe VX1000 System is a scalable solution with top performance for your meas-
urement and calibration tasks. It can be used in the vehicle – both in the interior and in
the engine compartment – on test benches and in the laboratory. The system forms
the interface between the ECU and a measurement and calibration tool such as
CANape. For high data throughput with minimal impact on ECU run-time, data is
accessed over the microcontroller-specific data trace and debug ports.
The VX1000 base module is connected to the PC over XCP on Ethernet, an OEM-
independent ASAM standard ( that is widely used in the automotive
industry. The VX1000 measurement hardware is connected to the ECU via a POD
(Plug-On device). Depending on the available microcontroller interface, either the data
trace or a copying method can be used to acquire measurement data.
The hardware components like Base Modules, PODs, Cables and Adapters are
described in separate documents. These documents are available in the Vector Download Center.
Modular concept
The modular concept of the VX1000 System allows connecting to different microcontrollers.
The VX1000 System consists of the following components:
> VX1000 Base Modules
> VX1300 Cables (HSSL/Serial Cable)
> VX1400/VX1500 Plug-On Devices (POD)
Target connectionTo support longer distances between the VX1000 Base Module and the target ECU,
e.g. under the hood in a car, the Base Module is connected to the ECU via a POD and
a cable that is available in different lengths. PODs and cables are designed to withstand rough automotive environmental conditions.
AdvantagesAdvantages of the VX1000 System are:
> Powerful measurement and calibration access to internal ECU data with max-
imum transmission rates
> Very small POD to connect to the ECU debug interface
> Easy and quick integration into the ECU software
> No impact on ECU run-time with data trace measurement method
> Interface to numerous development tools by third-party suppliers via the stand-
ardized ASAM protocol XCP on Ethernet
> Special functions for engine controllers such as Calibration Wake-Up and Cal-
ibration RAM Supply
System Manual
Version 3.3.09
2.2VX1000 System Components
2 System Overview
Base Modules> VX1060 Serial Base Module
> VX1132 Base Module
Plug-On Devices
Cables> VX131x Cables for VX1544 Serial PODs
Adapters> VX19xx Target connection adapters
> VX1451 Generic HSSL POD (RTP/DMM, Nexus AUX)
> VX1453 Generic HSSL POD (Nexus Aurora)
> VX1543A Serial POD (Infineon, DAP, JTAG)
> VX1544A/B Serial POD (Infineon, DAP/DAP2, JTAG, HSCT, Zipwire)
> VX134x Cables and Cable Pigtails for VX154x Serial PODs
> VX136x CAN Cables for Base Modules
> VX137x Cables and Cable Pigtails for VX145x HSSL PODs
> VX199x Debugger Adapters
> VX0312 Ethernet/CAN Interface
The VX1000 System Components are described in the poster “VX1000 System
Components”. The poster can be downloaded from the Vector homepage.
System Manual
Version 3.3.010
2.3Supported Microcontrollers
2 System Overview
Supported microcontrollers
Serial PODsThe following target microcontrollers are supported by the VX154x Serial PODs:
This section contains a list of all currently supported microcontroller families.
Please contact Vector VX support ( for further information
about supported microcontrollers and implemented features.
> TriCore TC1xxx (ED) via DAP
> TriCore AURIX TC2xx (ED) via DAP2 or HSCT
> TriCore AURIX TC3xx (ED) via DAP2 or HSCT
> XC2000 via DAP
NXP (Freescale)/STM
> PowerPC xPC5xxx via Nexus JTAG Class 2+ or Zipwire
> RH850 via Nexus JTAG Class 2+
> V850E2 via Nexus JTAG Class 2+
HSSL PODsThe following target microcontrollers are supported by the VX145x HSSL PODs:
> TriCore AURIX TC2xx ED via Aurora
> TriCore AURIX TC3xx ED via Aurora
NXP (Freescale)/STM
> PowerPC xPC5xxx via Nexus AUX
> PowerPC MPC57xx via Nexus Aurora
> RH850 via Nexus Aurora
Texas Instruments
> TMSx70 via RTP/DMM
System Manual
Version 3.3.011
2 System Overview
Overview> Very high measurement data throughput of up to 50 MByte/s with the data trace
measurement method and up to 3 MByte/s with the copying method
> Measurement of fast signal cycles (>10 µs for data trace, >40 µs for copying
> Measurement configurations with more than 100,000 signals can be processed
> Precise generation of DAQ time stamps in the ECU
> ECU cold start measurement (First Loop DAQ)
> Calibration of ECU parameters without address range limitations
> Calibration memory page switching
> Automatic overlays when calibrating parameters in flash memory
> Stimulation or bypassing with short latency times
> 100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet connection to the PC
> Galvanically isolated power supply with wide input voltage range
> POD power supply via the VX1000 Base Module
> Optional: Flash programming, even for “brain-dead” ECUs
> Optional: 1 x FlexRay for bus monitoring and 4 x CAN via XL Driver Library inter-
face for CANape/CANalyzer/CANoe and custom applications
> PC tools for easy configuration and for software updates
> Connector on the VX1000 Base Module to loop through a target debugger
Detailed performance information of the VX1000 System in combination with spe-
cific target microcontrollers can be found in the VX1000 Product Information. The
VX1000 Product Information can be downloaded from the Vector homepage.
System Manual
Version 3.3.012
2.5VX1000 Application Driver and VX1000If
For the VX1000 Measurement and Calibration System, the VX1000 Application Driver
must be integrated into the ECU application.
The VX1000 Application Driver contains highly configurable, platform- and derivative-
specific code that has not been developed and tested for use in series software
For this reason, the platform-neutral VX1000If component was additionally developed,
which encapsulates the VX1000 Application Driver and serves to reliably isolate the
VX1000 Application Driver API in series software releases.
2 System Overview
Every VX1000 Application Driver comes with the VX1000If component. All doc-
umentation describes explicitly the use of the VX1000 Application Driver through the
VX1000If API. Use of the VX1000 Application Driver without VX1000If is not intended.
The VX1000 Application Driver is provided as an installer that can be requested via
The integration of the VX1000 Applicaton Driver and VX1000If is described in the
target specific VX1000 Getting Started application notes. The application notes are
included in the VX1000 Application Driver Setup.
LegalPlease note that the terms and conditions under which the VX1000 Application Driver
and the VX1000If component are delivered as standard exclude the use in series software releases.
For deliveries of the VX1000If component via a Vector PES software integration package, on the other hand, special contract conditions apply, including for use in series
software releases. You will receive details from
Technically, the VX1000If component has the same code in both cases.
System Manual
Version 3.3.013
3 VXtools
In this chapter you find the following information:
3.1 VXtools Setup15
3.1.1 Overview15
3.1.2 Minimum Requirements15
3.1.3 Installations Instructions15
3.2 VXconfig16
3.2.1 General Information16
3.2.2 Menu Bar17
3.2.3 Toolbar20
3.2.4 Status Bar21
3.2.5 Device List View21
System Manual
Version 3.3.014
+ 30 hidden pages
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