Vector VN8911, VN8914, VN8970, VN8972 User Manual

VN8900Interface Family
Version 6.0|English
Vector Informatik GmbH Ingersheimer Straße 24 D-70499 Stuttgart
The information and data given in this user manual can be changed without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, regardless of which method or which instruments, electronic or mechanical, are used. All technical information, drafts, etc. ar e liable to law of copyright protection.
© Copyright 2017, Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction 5
1.1 About this User Manual 6
1.1.1 Certification 7
1.1.2 Warranty 7
1.1.3 Registered Trademarks 7
1.2 Important Notes 8
1.2.1 Safety Instructions and Hazard Warnings 8 Proper Use and Intended Purpose 8 Hazards 9 Disclaimer 9
1.2.2 GRUB Version 0.4.4-r61 10
1.2.3 AutoLaunch V310 10
2 VN8900 Interface Family 11
2.1 System Description 12
2.1.1 Introduction 12
2.1.2 Real Time Processing 14
2.1.3 Stand-Alone Mode 14
2.1.4 Network Extension 15
2.2 Base Modules 16
2.2.1 VN8911 Base Module 16
2.2.2 VN8914 Base Module 22
2.2.3 VN8912 / VN8912A Base Module 28
2.3 Plug-In Module 32
2.3.1 VN8970 FlexRay/CAN/LIN Module 32
2.3.2 VN8972 FlexRay/CAN/LIN Module 44
2.4 Accessories 56
2.5 Mounting of Plug-In Modules and Piggybacks 57
3 Getting Started 60
3.1 Driver Installation 61
3.2 Driver Installation on the Device 63
3.3 Device Configuration 64
3.4 Loop Tests 65
3.4.1 CAN 65
3.4.2 FlexRay 67
4 Vector Hardware Configuration 68
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 3
4.1 General Information 69
4.2 Tool Description 70
4.2.1 Introduction 70
4.2.2 Tree View 71
5 Time Synchronization 74
5.1 General Information 75
5.2 Software Sync 77
5.3 Hardware Sync 78
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 4
1 Introduction

1 Introduction

In this chapter you find the following information:
1.1 About this User Manual 6
1.1.1 Certification 7
1.1.2 Warranty 7
1.1.3 Registered Trademarks 7
1.2 Important Notes 8
1.2.1 Safety Instructions and Hazard Warnings 8
1.2.2 GRUB Version 0.4.4-r61 10
1.2.3 AutoLaunch V310 10
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 5
1 Introduction

1.1 About this User Manual

Conventions In the two following charts you will find the conventions used in the user manual
regarding utilized spellings and symbols.
Style Utilization
bold Blocks, surface elements, window- and dialog names of the soft-
ware. Accentuation of warnings and advices.
[OK] File|Save
Microsoft Legally protected proper names and side notes.
Source Code
Hyperlink Hyperlinks and references. <CTRL>+<S> Notation for shortcuts.
Symbol Utilization
File name and source code.
This symbol calls your attention to warnings.
Push buttons in brackets Notation for menus and menu entries
Here you can obtain supplemental information.
Here you can find additional information.
Here is an example that has been prepared for you.
Step-by-step instructions provide assistance at these points.
Instructions on editing files are found at these points.
This symbol warns you not to edit the specified file.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 6

1.1.1 Certification

1 Introduction
Certified Quality Management System
Vector Informatik GmbH has ISO 9001:2008 certification. The ISO standard is a glob­ally recognized standard.

1.1.2 Warranty

Restriction of warranty
We reserve the right to change the contents of the documentation and the software without notice. Vector Informatik GmbH assumes no liability for correct contents or damages which are resulted from the usage of the documentation. We are grateful for references to mistakes or for suggestions for improvement to be able to offer you even more efficient products in the future.

1.1.3 Registered Trademarks

Registered trademarks
All trademarks mentioned in this documentation and if necessary third party registered are absolutely subject to the conditions of each valid label right and the rights of particular registered proprietor. All trademarks, trade names or company names are or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their particular pro­prietors. All rights which are not expressly allowed are reserved. If an explicit label of trademarks, which are used in this documentation, fails, should not mean that a name is free of third party rights.
> Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
> and
are trademarks of the SD Card Association.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 7

1.2 Important Notes

1.2.1 Safety Instructions and Hazard Warnings

In order to avoid personal injuries and damage to property, you have to read and understand the following safety instructions and hazard warnings prior to installation and use of this interface. Keep this documentation (manual) always near the inter­face. Proper Use and Intended Purpose
The interface is designed for analyzing, controlling and otherwise influencing control systems and electronic control units. This includes, inter alia, bus systems like CAN, LIN, K-Line, MOST, FlexRay, Ethernet, BroadR-Reach and/or ARINC 429.
1 Introduction
The interface may only be operated in a closed state. In particular, printed circuits must not be visible. The interface may only be operated (i) according to the instruc­tions and descriptions of this manual; (ii) with the electric power supply designed for the interface, e.g. USB-powered power supply; and (iii) with accessories man­ufactured or approved by Vector.
The interface is exclusively designed for use by skilled personnel as its operation may result in serious personal injuries and damage to property. Therefore, only those persons may operate the interface who (i) have understood the possible effects of the actions which may be caused by the interface; (ii) are specifically trained in the handling with the interface, bus systems and the system intended to be influenced; and (iii) have sufficient experience in using the interface safely.
The knowledge necessary for the operation of the interface can be acquired in work­shops and internal or external seminars offered by Vector. Additional and interface specific information, such as „Known Issues“, are available in the „Vector Know­ledgeBase“on Vector´s website at Please consult the „Vector KnowledgeBase“for updated information prior to the operation of the interface.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 8 Hazards Disclaimer
1 Introduction
The interface may control and/or otherwise influence the behavior of control sys­tems and electronic control units. Serious hazards for life, body and property may arise, in particular, without limitation, by interventions in safety relevant systems (e.g. by deactivating or otherwise manipulating the engine management, steering, airbag and/or braking system) and/or if the interface is operated in public areas (e.g. public traffic, airspace). Therefore, you must always ensure that the interface is used in a safe manner. This includes, inter alia, the ability to put the system in which the interface is used into a safe state at any time (e.g. by „emergency shut­down“), in particular, without limitation, in the event of errors or hazards.
Comply with all safety standards and public regulations which are relevant for the operation of the system. Before you operate the system in public areas, it should be tested on a site which is not accessible to the public and specifically prepared for performing test drives in order to reduce hazards.
Claims based on defects and liability claims against Vector are excluded to the extent damages or errors are caused by improper use of the interface or use not according to its intended purpose. The same applies to damages or errors arising from insufficient training or lack of experience of personnel using the interface.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 9

1.2.2 GRUB Version 0.4.4-r61

1 Introduction
Copyright and disclaimer
Source code The product contains the software GRUB Version 0.4.4-r61. We will send anyone a
The product contains the software GRUB Version 0.4.4-r61. Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111­1307 USA. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft­ware Foundation, version 2 of the License. This program is distributed by the holder of the Copyright in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY by the holder of the Copyright; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE can be found in the separate text file manual on the Vector Driver Disk in \Documentation\Licenses.
complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code by email without any charge if so requested by writing to This offer is valid for three years starting at the time you received the product.

1.2.3 AutoLaunch V310

Copyright and disclaimer
The product contains the software AutoLaunch V310. Copyright (c) 2011 Samuel Phung ( Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any per­son obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Soft­ware"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 10
2 VN8900 Interface Family

2 VN8900 Interface Family

In this chapter you find the following information:
2.1 System Description 12
2.1.1 Introduction 12
2.1.2 Real Time Processing 14
2.1.3 Stand-Alone Mode 14
2.1.4 Network Extension 15
2.2 Base Modules 16
2.2.1 VN8911 Base Module 16
2.2.2 VN8914 Base Module 22
2.2.3 VN8912 / VN8912A Base Module 28
2.3 Plug-In Module 32
2.3.1 VN8970 FlexRay/CAN/LIN Module 32
2.3.2 VN8972 FlexRay/CAN/LIN Module 44
2.4 Accessories 56
2.5 Mounting of Plug-In Modules and Piggybacks 57
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 11

2.1 System Description

User Desktop PC / Notebook
CANalyzer / CANoe / CANape
Real-time PC
Intel ATOM
Real-time PC
Intel Core-i7
MiniHIL Control & Test Execution
Real-time Simulation and
Model Execution (CAPL, .NET, Simulink)
Measurement, Analysis, Logging
Up to 8 Channels for
FlexRay CAN/LIN/
bus access
I/O Digital/Analog

2.1.1 Introduction

2 VN8900 Interface Family
Network interface with real-time computer
The VN8900 interface family is designed for high-performance applications in combi­nation with CANoe/CANalyzer. The application areas include system simulations or bypassing applications with Simulink, remaining bus simulations, gateway implemen­tations, test executions (MiniHIL) or data monitoring.
Another key feature is the execution of time-critical CANoe/CANalyzer configurations without any user PC and without any negative effects on functionality of the running application.
Figure 1: Operator side ( user PC) and measurement side
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 12
2 VN8900 Interface Family
Hardware flexibility Another important VN8900 product characteristic is the modularity of the network inter-
face, which lets users flexibly adapt it to the measurement environment and existing buses. The overall system is comprised of these components:
> Base Module
Processor unit with memory for executing simulations and time-critical program sections in stand-alone mode. The Base Module has an Intel processor and basic port connections for power supply, synchronization, USB and Ethernet. You will find further details on Base Modules beginning on page 16.
Figure 2: VN8914 back side
> Plug-In Module
The Plug-In Module represents the actual network interface; it provides the related interfaces as plug connections (e.g. FlexRay, CAN, LIN or digital-analog in­put/output). You will find additional details on Plug-In Modules beginning on page
Figure 3: VN8914 with inserted VN8972 FlexRay/CAN/LIN Module
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 13
2 VN8900 Interface Family
start-up time
(see technical data)
start time
load user config
auto run measurement
loading time
(depends on config)
total boot-up time
> Piggybacks
Piggybacks establish the connection from the Vector network interface to the us­er’s electrical networks via appropriate transceivers (FlexRay/CAN/LIN...). More­over, the Piggyback usually offers the electrical isolation to protect the measure­ment hardware as well as the system under test.
The amount and kind of supported Piggybacks varies between the Plug-In Mod­ules. Please find the list of valid combinations in section "Transceiver Com­patibility" of the accessories manual on the Vector Driver Disk in \Documentation\Accessories.
Figure 4: Piggyback

2.1.2 Real Time Processing

General When requirements for timing precision are strict, the measurement hardware must be
able to operate with very low latency. The integrated processor of the VN8900 inter­face family meets this standard and offers significantly improved latency times com­pared to normal PCs.
CANoe The VN8900 interface family is a real-time hardware that is designed for using with
CANoe. CANoe offers the option of executing real-time relevant simulations and test functions on the VN8900 – separate from the graphic user interface. On the one hand, this increases overall system performance, and on the other it enables shorter latency times and more precise timers. Configuration of the simulation and evaluation are per­formed on a standard PC (CANoe), while the simulation and test kernel are executed on the VN8900 (CANoeRT). Communication between the two computers is routed via a USB cable or via Ethernet (see figure 1).

2.1.3 Stand-Alone Mode

CANoe configuration The VN8900 interface family offers a stand-alone mode which allows a measurement
without any additional user PC.
For this purpose a measurement application can be configured in CANoe, which is then written into the permanent memory of the VN8900. After a restart, the configura­tion is loaded and the measurement autonomously started.
Figure 5: Booting overview
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 14

2.1.4 Network Extension

USB (device)
CANoe / CANalyzer
User Desktop PC / Notebook
e. g. VN1640A
USB (host)
SYNCcable XL
2 VN8900 Interface Family
Additional network channels
CANoe/CANalyzer supports a single Base Module at a time. To use more network channels, the VN8900 interfaces offer additional USB (host) ports to connect to other Vector network interfaces. Time synchronization of the different network interfaces can be done via the sync line.
Figure 6: Extension example
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 15
2 VN8900 Interface Family

2.2 Base Modules

2.2.1 VN8911 Base Module

Description Base Module with integrated Intel Atom processor unit for running real-time appli-
cations. Connection to user networks is provided by a Plug-In Module with individual bus transceivers (see section Plug-In Module on page 32).
The VN8911 also supports the Vector Tool Platform (VTP). With Extended Real Time as a part of the Vector Tool Platform, the throughput, latency, and determinism of CANoe and CANape are improved. To achieve this, the device is logically divided into two areas. A new area provides Extended Real Time in which predefined functions can be executed under real-time conditions.
Figure 7: VN8911 back and front side (with Plug-In Module)
Figure 8: VN8911 back side
> Keypad Start/Stop
This key instantly starts or stops a preconfigured CANoe measurement.
> Keypads F2/F3/F4
These keys can be assigned to CAPL functions.
> LED S1/S2
These LEDs offer a visual feedback for active measurements and can be indi­vidually controlled via CAPL.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 16
2 VN8900 Interface Family
> LEDRun
Multicolored channel LED which indicates the power up/down status.
Color Description
Off Power up/down control line not activated since reboot. Green Device is running. Red Inactive power up/down control line. Device shuts down into power-
down mode after time out (has to be defined in CANoe).
> LEDPower
Multicolored channel LED which indicates the power status.
Color Description
Off Power supply disconnected. Green Power supply connected.
These Ethernet ports can be used to connect other Vector Ethernet devices for use with CANoe, CANalyzer or CANape. Currently supported: VX1121, VX1131, VX1132, VX1135, VX1060. Furthermore, the Ethernet ports can be used to inter­connect your host PC and the VN8911 to use them with measurement appli­cations (e.g. CANoe, CANalyzer).
> USB 2.0/3.0 (host)
These USB ports can be used to connect other Vector USB devices for use with CANoe or CANalyzer. The summarized output current at these ports is limited to
1050 mA.
Supported Device
externally powered USB powered
Max. Number of Devices
CANcaseXL / log 2 2 VN0601 not applicable 2 VN1630A / VN1640A not applicable 2 VN1630 log 2 2 VN2610/ VN2640 2 not applicable VN3600 2 not applicable VN5610 / VN5610A 2 * VN5640 1 not applicable VN7600 2 not applicable VN7640 2 not applicable
* Depending on use-case.
When using the USBhost connector, the Vector device has to be connected to the VN8911 before powering the VN8911. Please ensure that the USB logo on the USB cable is on the bottom side (USB pins at top) before connecting. Do not force the cable into the USB connector to avoid mechanical damages.
> USB (device)
Interconnect your Host PC and the VN8911 via this USB 3.0 port to install the device on the Host PC and to use it together with measurement applications (e.g. CANoe, CANalyzer).
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 17
2 VN8900 Interface Family
> SD card slot
This slot can be used for recording use cases. Recommended cards: Industrial Grade SD, SDHC or SDXC.
> Sync/Ctrl
This terminal (Binder type 711) can be used for time synchronization of different Vector devices (see section Time Synchronization on page 74) or to control the power up/down function of the device.
Pin Assignment
1 Power up/down control line 2 Synchronization line 3 Ground
The power up/down control line uses the same reference to GND as the power supply input of the device, not pin 3 of the sync/ctrl connector.
Power up/down switch
In order to use the power up/down function, switch off the device and remove the Plug-In Module. Find the power up/down switch underneath the heat sink and set it to ON.
Figure 9: Power up/down switch in VN8911
Reassemble the Plug-In Module and connect the power supply. Depending on the voltage at the power up/down control line, the VN8911 can be powered up or shut down.
Ctrl Description
0 V If running, the device shuts down after time out (approx. 5 seconds).
Otherwise the device remains in power-up mode.
> 5 V If in power-down mode, the device powers up (please note the start-up
time in section Technical data on page 21). Current consumption in power-down mode: 2.9mA, max.104mW@36 V.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 18
2 VN8900 Interface Family
Terminal 30
Terminal 15
(battery through
ignition switch)
Power Up/Down Ctrl (pin 1)
Level at terminal 15 / Power Up/Down Ctrl
device in
at < 5V
switch on
device starts
at > 5 V
device in
at < 5V
switch off
With this wiring, the VN8911 powers up and down with the ignition switch of the vehicle.
You can use the following Vector accessories to connect the VN8911 to the vehicle:
> Power up/down control
Connection Cable Binder Type 711 (3-pin), part number 30011
> Power
ODU Connector / Bunch Plugs, part number 05069
> Power
For its power supply, the VN8911 has a two-pin ODU connector (MINI-SNAP size1, type GG1L0C-P02RP00-0000). Attach the enclosed power cable to power up the unit (matching ODU connector type S11L0C-P02NPL0-6200).
Pin Assignment
2 GND 1 +
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 19
CFast card
2 VN8900 Interface Family
Figure 10: CF ast card slot in VN8911
The VN8911 operating system is stored on a CFast card and must not be removed dur­ing operation.
The CFast card should only be removed for system recoveries. Please contact the Vector support for further instructions on system recoveries.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 20
2 VN8900 Interface Family
Technical data VN8911
Processor Intel ATOM E3845
Quad-Core with 1.91 GHz
Memory 4 GB Hard drive CFast card, 16 GB Transceiver Depends on the Plug-In Module
and its Piggybacks
PC interface USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Temperature range Operating: -40 °C...+60 °C
Shipping and storage: -40 °C...+85 °C
Relative humidity of ambient air 15 %...95 %, non-condensing USB 1/2 output current Max. 1050 mA, both ports combined External power supply 6 V...36 V DC
Power-up: 9 V DC
Power consumption Typ. 7.0 W without Plug-In Module Start-up time Approx. 30 seconds Dimensions (LxWxH) 190 mm x 170 mm x 60 mm
(with Plug-In Module)
Operating system requirements Windows 7 SP1 (32 bit / 64 bit)
Windows 8.1 (32 bit / 64 bit) Windows 10 (64 bit)
Ethernet 1000Base-T/100Base-TX/10Base-T Supported Plug-In Modules VN8970
EUROPE - Information according REACh: The battery required for the real-time clock contains 1,2-Dimethoxyethane.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 21
2 VN8900 Interface Family

2.2.2 VN8914 Base Module

Description Base Module with integrated Intel Core-i7 processor unit for running real-time appli-
cations with high performance demands. Connection to user networks is provided by a Plug-In Module with individual bus transceivers (see section Plug-In Module on page
The VN8914 also supports the Vector Tool Platform (VTP). With Extended Real Time as a part of the Vector Tool Platform, the throughput, latency, and determinism of CANoe and CANape are improved. To achieve this, the device is logically divided into two areas. A new area provides Extended Real Time in which predefined functions can be executed under real-time conditions.
Figure 11: VN8914 front and back side (with Plug-In Module)
Figure 12: VN8914 front side
> Keypad Start/Stop
This key instantly starts or stops a preconfigured CANoe measurement.
> Keypads F2/F3/F4
These keys can be assigned to CAPL functions.
> LED S1/S2
These LEDs offer a visual feedback for active measurements and can be indi­vidually controlled via CAPL.
> LEDRun
Multicolored channel LED which indicates the power up/down status.
Color Description
Off Power up/down control input < 5V. Device in power down mode. Green Device is running (power up/down control input > 5V). Red Device shuts down into power down mode after time out if power up/-
down feature is enabled.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 22
2 VN8900 Interface Family
> LEDPower
Multicolored channel LED which indicates the power status.
Color Description
Off Device is not powered. Green Device is powered.
Figure 13: VN8914 back side
These Ethernet ports can be used to connect other Vector Ethernet devices for use with CANoe, CANalyzer or CANape. Currently supported: VX1060, VX1121, VX1131, VX1132, VX1135. Furthermore, the Ethernet ports can be used to inter­connect your host PC and the VN8914 to use them with measurement appli­cations (e.g. CANoe, CANalyzer).
> SD card slot
This slot can be used for recording use cases. Recommended cards: Industrial Grade SD, SDHC or SDXC.
> USB 3.0 Host
These three host ports are used to connect other Vector USB devices for use with CANoe or CANalyzer. The summarized output current at these ports is limited to
1350 mA.
Supported Device
externally powered USB powered
Max. Number of Devices
CANcaseXL / log 3 2* VN0601 not applicable 2* VN1630A / VN1640A not applicable 2 VN2610 / VN2640 3 not applicable VN3600 3 not applicable VN5610 / VN5610A 3 ** VN5640 3 not applicable VN7600 3 not applicable VN7640 3 not applicable
* Depending on use-case.
When using the USBhost connector, the Vector device has to be connected to the VN8914 before powering the VN8914. Please ensure that the USB logo on the USB cable is on the bottom side (USB pins at top) before connecting. Do not force the cable into the USB connector to avoid mechanical damages.
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 23
2 VN8900 Interface Family
> USB 3.0
Interconnect your Host PC and the VN8914 via this USB 3.0 port to install the device on the Host PC and to use it together with measurement applications (e.g. CANoe, CANalyzer). The USB 3.0 connector has two stand offs to securely attach the appropriate USB 3.0 cable (see accessories manual).
Power up/down switch
Figure 14: USB 3.0 stand offs
> Sync/Ctrl
This terminal (Binder type 711) can be used for time synchronization of different Vector devices (see section Time Synchronization on page 74) or to control the power up/down function of the device.
Pin Assignment
1 Power up/down control line 2 Synchronization line 3 Ground
The power up/down control line uses the same reference to GND as the power supply input of the device, not pin 3 of the sync/ctrl connector.
In order to use the power up/down function, switch off the device and remove the Plug-In Module. Find the power up/down switch underneath the heat sink and set it to ON.
Figure 15: Power up/down switch in VN8914
VN8900 Interface Family Manual Version 6.0 24
+ 56 hidden pages