Vector VN8810 Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
Wireless Interface for CAN/LIN/KLine and DoIP
Version 1.0 English / Deutsch
ENGLISH Quick Start Guide VN8810
1.1 Installation
Please use the drivers from the included VectorDriver Disk.
If you have already connected the device to the PC, the W indows found new Hardware wizard appears. Close this wizard and then execute the driver setup.
2. Finish the driver installation with the setup.
3. If the device has been properly installed, the device can be connected to the PC via USB.
4. Power-up the device by supplying external voltage (e.g. with an appropriate cable offered by Vector). The device is ready for operation now.
5. In order to change the default settings of the channel assignment between the device and an application, the configuration tool Vector Hardware (Config) (W indows | Start | Settings |
Control Panel) has to be used.
1.2 Further Information
Note: Further information on the VN8810 interface can be found in the manual on the driver
CD in \Documentation.
1.3 Accessories
Note: Further information on the available accessories can be found in the separate
accessories m anual on the driver CD in \Documentation\Accessories.
-2- Version 1 .0 © Vector Informatik GmbH
Quick Start Guide VN8810 ENGLISH
1.4 Device Front Side
1.4.1 LEDs
K-Line / LIN
Color Description
Green, orange, red Application specific.
Color Description
Green Data fram es have been sent or received correctly.
Orange Error frames have been sent or received.
Red Bus off. Off No data traffic.
Color Description
Green Data fram es have been sent or received correctly. Orange Data traffic with at least one error. Red Error. Off No data traffic.
Color Description
Green, orange, red Application specific information on link status and activity.
Color Description
Green, orange, red Application specific information on link status and activity.
Color Description
Green Device is ready for operation/running measurem ent. Orange Initializing or updating software. Please wait. Red Error. Device not working. Off Deviceoff.
Flashing frequency depends on the data traffic.
Flashing frequency depends on the data traffic.
© VectorInformatikGmbH Version1.0 -3-
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