Vector VN7572 User Manual

VN7572 FlexRay/CAN/LIN/IO Interface
Version 6.2|English
Vector Informatik GmbH Ingersheimer Straße 24 D-70499 Stuttgart
The information and data given in this user manual can be changed without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, regardless of which method or which instruments, electronic or mechanical, are used. All technical information, drafts, etc. ar e liable to law of copyright protection.
© Copyright 2018, Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction 5
1.1 About this User Manual 6
1.1.1 Certification 7
1.1.2 Warranty 7
1.1.3 Registered Trademarks 7
1.2 Important Notes 8
1.2.1 Safety Instructions and Hazard Warnings 8 Proper Use and Intended Purpose 8 Hazards 9 Disclaimer 9
2 Device Description 10
2.1 Scope of Delivery 11
2.2 Introduction 11
2.3 Accessories 12
2.4 Connectors 13
2.5 Bus Configuration 16
2.6 Device Preparation 18
2.6.1 Replacing Piggybacks 18
2.6.2 Device Installation 19
2.7 Technical Data 20
3 Getting Started 21
3.1 Driver Installation 22
3.2 Device Configuration 24
3.3 Loop Tests 25
3.3.1 FlexRay 25
3.3.2 CAN 26
4 Vector Hardware Configuration 28
4.1 General Information 29
4.2 Tool Description 30
4.2.1 Introduction 30
4.2.2 Tree View 31
5 Time Synchronization 34
5.1 General Information 35
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 3
5.2 Software Sync 37
5.3 Hardware Sync 38
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 4
1 Introduction

1 Introduction

In this chapter you find the following information:
1.1 About this User Manual 6
1.1.1 Certification 7
1.1.2 Warranty 7
1.1.3 Registered Trademarks 7
1.2 Important Notes 8
1.2.1 Safety Instructions and Hazard Warnings 8
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 5
1 Introduction

1.1 About this User Manual

Conventions In the two following charts you will find the conventions used in the user manual
regarding utilized spellings and symbols.
Style Utilization
bold Blocks, surface elements, window- and dialog names of the soft-
ware. Accentuation of warnings and advices.
[OK] File|Save
Microsoft Legally protected proper names and side notes.
Source Code
Hyperlink Hyperlinks and references. <CTRL>+<S> Notation for shortcuts.
Symbol Utilization
File name and source code.
This symbol calls your attention to warnings.
Push buttons in brackets Notation for menus and menu entries
Here you can obtain supplemental information.
Here you can find additional information.
Here is an example that has been prepared for you.
Step-by-step instructions provide assistance at these points.
Instructions on editing files are found at these points.
This symbol warns you not to edit the specified file.
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 6

1.1.1 Certification

1 Introduction
Certified Quality Management System
Vector Informatik GmbH has ISO 9001:2008 certification. The ISO standard is a glob­ally recognized standard.

1.1.2 Warranty

Restriction of warranty
We reserve the right to change the contents of the documentation and the software without notice. Vector Informatik GmbH assumes no liability for correct contents or damages which are resulted from the usage of the documentation. We are grateful for references to mistakes or for suggestions for improvement to be able to offer you even more efficient products in the future.

1.1.3 Registered Trademarks

Registered trademarks
All trademarks mentioned in this documentation and if necessary third party registered are absolutely subject to the conditions of each valid label right and the rights of particular registered proprietor. All trademarks, trade names or company names are or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their particular pro­prietors. All rights which are not expressly allowed are reserved. If an explicit label of trademarks, which are used in this documentation, fails, should not mean that a name is free of third party rights.
Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 7

1.2 Important Notes

1.2.1 Safety Instructions and Hazard Warnings

In order to avoid personal injuries and damage to property, you have to read and understand the following safety instructions and hazard warnings prior to installation and use of this interface. Keep this documentation (manual) always near the inter­face. Proper Use and Intended Purpose
The interface is designed for analyzing, controlling and otherwise influencing control systems and electronic control units. This includes, inter alia, bus systems like CAN, LIN, K-Line, MOST, FlexRay, Ethernet, BroadR-Reach and/or ARINC 429.
1 Introduction
The interface may only be operated in a closed state. In particular, printed circuits must not be visible. The interface may only be operated (i) according to the instruc­tions and descriptions of this manual; (ii) with the electric power supply designed for the interface, e.g. USB-powered power supply; and (iii) with accessories man­ufactured or approved by Vector.
The interface is exclusively designed for use by skilled personnel as its operation may result in serious personal injuries and damage to property. Therefore, only those persons may operate the interface who (i) have understood the possible effects of the actions which may be caused by the interface; (ii) are specifically trained in the handling with the interface, bus systems and the system intended to be influenced; and (iii) have sufficient experience in using the interface safely.
The knowledge necessary for the operation of the interface can be acquired in work­shops and internal or external seminars offered by Vector. Additional and interface specific information, such as „Known Issues“, are available in the „Vector Know­ledgeBase“on Vector´s website at Please consult the „Vector KnowledgeBase“for updated information prior to the operation of the interface.
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 8 Hazards Disclaimer
1 Introduction
The interface may control and/or otherwise influence the behavior of control sys­tems and electronic control units. Serious hazards for life, body and property may arise, in particular, without limitation, by interventions in safety relevant systems (e.g. by deactivating or otherwise manipulating the engine management, steering, airbag and/or braking system) and/or if the interface is operated in public areas (e.g. public traffic, airspace). Therefore, you must always ensure that the interface is used in a safe manner. This includes, inter alia, the ability to put the system in which the interface is used into a safe state at any time (e.g. by „emergency shut­down“), in particular, without limitation, in the event of errors or hazards.
Comply with all safety standards and public regulations which are relevant for the operation of the system. Before you operate the system in public areas, it should be tested on a site which is not accessible to the public and specifically prepared for performing test drives in order to reduce hazards.
Claims based on defects and liability claims against Vector are excluded to the extent damages or errors are caused by improper use of the interface or use not according to its intended purpose. The same applies to damages or errors arising from insufficient training or lack of experience of personnel using the interface.
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2 Device Description

2 Device Description

In this chapter you find the following information:
2.1 Scope of Delivery 11
2.2 Introduction 11
2.3 Accessories 12
2.4 Connectors 13
2.5 Bus Configuration 16
2.6 Device Preparation 18
2.6.1 Replacing Piggybacks 18
2.6.2 Device Installation 19
2.7 Technical Data 20
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 10

2.1 Scope of Delivery

Contents The delivery includes:
VN7572 FlexRay/CAN/LINIO interface

2.2 Introduction

2 Device Description
About the VN7572
The VN7572 offers a future-proof and powerful solution for development, simulation, test, measurement or calibration of FlexRay and CAN networks via FPGA-based com­munication controllers for FlexRay and CAN. With this, new features can be added in the field via software and FPGA updates.
Figure 1: VN7572 FlexRay/CAN/LINIO Inter face
Features of the VN7572:
1x D-SUB62 connector for FlexRay, CAN/LIN and IO
1x Binder connector for hardware time synchronization
1x internal connector for hardware time synchronization
2x plug-in locations for FR compact Piggybacks or CAN/LINpiggies (CH1/CH2)
2x plug-in locations for CAN/LINpiggies (CH3/CH4)
4x on-board CAN high-speed 1051cap transceivers
(capacitively decoupled, CH5…CH8)
1x plug-in location for IOpiggy (digital/analog input/output)
FlexRay features The FPGA-based Startup Monitoring is particularly helpful at the beginning of a
FlexRay development. It allows you to detect FlexRay frames and symbols, even before the communication controller has synchronized itself to the bus. This also facil­itates the analysis of problems during network startup. Another advantage of the inde­pendent Startup Monitoring unit is that it can be operated at the same time as the communication controller. This allows you to do both Startup Monitoring and normal transmit operation without restart.
You can easily test non-coldstart nodes with only one interface. For this purpose the
VN7572 Manual Version 6.2 11
2 Device Description
FlexRay interface family offers you a second communication controller.
The highlights at a glance:
Detailed analysis of the FlexRay communication
through the FPGA-based communication controller
Simulation of comprehensive networks due to the 2 MB transmission memor
(parallel configuration of more than 1000 transmit messages)
Coldstart of the FlexRay cluster without needing to add a network node
FlexRay channel A and B
FlexRay Gateway (channel A and B)
Analysis of the network startup via an independent monitoring unit
Transmission and reception of data and null frames
Detection of invalid frames
Cycle multiplexing
In-cycle response
Hardware-based incrementing of a payload area
Support of PDUs
Low PC load due to DMA (Direct Memory Access)
Trigger out pin via FRpiggyC 1082cap

2.3 Accessories

Information on available accessories can be found in the separate accessories manual on the Vector Driver Disk in \Documentation\Accessories.
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