RC-8-RF and RC-8-IR Remote Control
The Vaux RC-8 Remote Control may be used to operate Lattis or Aris Matrix Switchers, and Marc-series controllers.
When the batteries are first installed, the remote control will use Òfactory settingsÓ for the programmable features it
stores. Upon battery insertion, the red light flashes twice to indicate that the factory settings have been loaded. The
user may at any time change these settings.
The factory settings are:
• Current A/V Source: 01 (label: Tuner)
• Default A/V Zone: 01
Batteries should be changed when the low-battery indication is given, that is
the red and green lights flashing simultaneously when a button is pressed.
Although you may continue to operate the remote control, operating range will
be reduced and remaining battery life is short. The Remote uses three (3)
AAA batteries; alkaline preferred.
The remote control has a three-position slide switch which selects the
operating mode; Audio/Video, Lights/App, or Macros. The Audio/Video
mode is used to operate the Lattis or Aris Matrix Switcher, to select A/V
sources, adjust zone volume/bass/treble/mute, etc. The Lights/App and the
Macros positions are used only with the Aris Matrix Switcher
There are several special buttons on the remote control; the Shift button, eight
Source buttons (Tuner, CD, etc.), the Zone button, the Erase/Sec button, and
the Program/Learn button. These are used for multi-button commands or
system programming tasks. The Zone button allows you to change the default
zone stored in the RC-8 Remote Control, allowing you to access different
zones. This default zone is used to uniquely identify different remotes, since
the zone information is included in the transmitted commands. For example, if
you will be leaving the RC-8 in the room(s) for zone 03, you would set the
default zone to 03. Then, when you press buttons on the RC-8, it tells the
Lattis Matrix Switcher that you are Òin zone 03.
To change the remote’s Default-Zone: Press the Zone key, then press two
digits corresponding to the desired zone (eg: 02, or 15). To select a source,
press a Source key (for 1 to 8), or Shift and then a Source key (for 9 to 16).
To turn off the zone, press the Off key. The On key selects the previous
source. Note that sources 9 to 16 are only available on 16x16 switchers.
Source RC-8 Button Source RC-8 Button
1 Tuner 9 Shift-Tuner
2 CD 10 Shift-CD
3 Cab/Sat 11 Shift-Cab/Sat
4 VCR-1 12 Shift-VCR-1
5 VCR-2 13 Shift-VCR-2
6 Laser 14 Shift-Laser
7 Tape-1 15 Shift-Tape-1
8 Tape-2 16 Shift-Tape-2
Volume is adjusted using the Volume-Up/Dn keys, and the Mute key toggles the zone’s audio mute. To adjust bass,
first press the Shift key, and then press the Channel-Up/Dn keys, also labeled Bass. Treble is adjusted using
shifted volume keys. Bass and treble adjustment may only be performed in single up or down steps (you cannot
press and hold, as with the volume adjustment). Finally, you may set the zone’s Initial-Volume (the initial turn-on
level for the zone, by first adjusting the volume to the desired level, and then pressing Shift-Limit (the shifted FF