Installation Instructions
Tools needed for basic install:
1. Flathead screwdriver
2. 6-10mm sockets
3. Pliers
4. Ramps to lift front of car
1. This system is intended to enhance your vehicle and is in no way to be used for illegal racing on
public streets or highways. It is to be used on a race track or other controlled environment!
2. The new B-2 units are the 3rd generation of the VR-1B, these kits have been made from modified
tooling to better enhance the ease of installation as well as improve overall quality of the product. We
have included some very useful helpful hints for each step of the installation, so please read the instructions
and the added tech notes carefully before beginning the installation process
Main Instructions
1. Disconnect the negative end to your battery
2. Remove factory air box
3. Remove factory radiator cross bar (4) 10mm bolts
4. From beneath the car, remove the air dam (2) 10mm bolts
5. Remove fan shroud (7) 7-8mm bolts, disconnect the air sensor from the shroud and pull shroud
forward to disconnect plastic tabs(these are located halfway up the shrouds front side) pull the shroud
out from the bottom of the car (pictures1&3). These tabs release with a twist, they are shaped like a half
C. You can also clip them off as they are used at the factory to hold the shroud in place as the car goes
down the line.
6. Remove the factory air box support screws from the cross-member (hex screws) located on the
frame cross-member (picture 4). These are the little nipples that stick out to hold the factory box in place.
You can use a towel and a pair of pliers to twist these out. If you do not remove these the ram tubes
WILL hit.
7. Remove front wire harness from the factory air deflectors (remember do not destroy these as you
will want to reinstall them later). These are plastic slide clamps, you can slide them to unlock them, and
they slide side to side to unlock.
Steps 8 and 9 are for cars with fog lights only!
8. From beneath your car, on both sides of the shroud you will find 2 small access panels (5)
7-8mm bolts each. You will need to remove these to gain access to the fog lights. (picture 6) . These
are located at the inner most front of each front tire; they bind the underbelly and wheel well in place
9. Remove fog lights and factory air deflectors. To remove fog light YOU MUST have removed
the access panels from step8, you will see (1) 10mm bolt holding (1) big black bracket that has a
hanger assembly attached to it that holds the fog light. Simply remove the 1 10mm bolt and the entire
assembly will drop down as a whole, it will even leave paint marks for you to follow during reassembly.
10. Z06 cars remove the sheet screws from the screen assembly and reverse factory tab location(2)
tabs on each side (picture 7)
11. Now install the ram air scoops one at a time (on side has vstrip attached leave loose for now)
if you have a standard C-5 (non Z06) you should reuse the factory bolts in the outside mounting holes
instead of longer ones provided in kit and finger tighten(picture 8 & 8a) .
Gen 3 kits have new gaskets and the V-strip is pre attached to one side of the duct assembly
for you.THE SPACERS- there is NO set in stone alignment on a C-5 so use this as a guide. We do
not fit any spacers on 97-2000 cars 01-04’s we use 1 or 2 max however there is variation from car
to car , so simply use them if needed , try to re- use factory screws if standard c5 or if Z-06 use the
shorter screws provided in the kit.(The spacers are there to change the pitch of the unit up or down
for proper air bridge alignment)
12. Once both ram tubes are installed finger tight only, now attach vstrip to other tunnel, and
tighten all 4 bolts (picture 9)
13. Lift scoop assembly and have 2
the screws all the way yet as this will allow you to mock up the unit at this stage and check overall
14. Install air filter into air box You will now be installing the new air filter into the upper air
box.Start in the middle and push it in from there, it will be very tight around the outer perimeter.
15. Attach air box to ram air tubes (sticker side up) and connect to ram air tubes using t-latches(picture
16. Connect air box to MAFÖ.. see pictures for correct fit (pictures 10, 11, 12, 13)
17. Reinstall shroud and fog lights access panels and air dam
18. Tighten crossover bridge and proceed with testing
19. Standard ’97 – 2000 C5 MAS (mass airflow sensor) goes directly inside air box. 2001 to current
models will fit flush and you will use the silicon hose provided. (see pictures for correct fit pictures
10, 11, 12, 13)
person tighten ram air tube screws . It is best not to tighten
Once completed and all is back together, start your car and let idle for 2 minutes, then simple
drive the car normally. It will take about 45-60miles of driving of normal driving at 50-60 MPH to
adjust to the new airflow (some cars may take longer) if you install at a drag strip, it will take at least
4 passes for your car to adjust under performance load. Remember to check and reconnect all factory
sensor connections and using your factory air box grommet, reinstall smog pump hose to the new air
Cleaning the filter
Any after market filter cleaning kit will work
If you choose not to use an aftermarket cleaning kit, wash using warm water from the back side of
the filter
Use a liquid detergent, lather filter very well and the rinse again from backside of filter
You may dry filter with hair dryer, or let dry naturally
Once dry re-oil filter with any aftermarket filter oil or we prefer WD-40