Valeton Dapper Mini User Manual

Get ting st arted wit h Dappe r Mini is eas y! Plu g your guita r cable i nto the I NPUT ja ck and r un anot her cab le from t he OUTP UT jac k to your a mp. Her e's how to use t he I/O pa nel:
Dap per Mini is a s eriou sly pot ent eff ects st rip wit h all the ess entia ls for guita r. Pleas e look ov er this m anual t o help you g et the mo st out of D apper M ini. Pl ease lo ok over thi s manua l to help y ou get th e most ou t of Dapp er Mini .
First in line is a stealth fast and accurate tuner so you can play confidently in tune. Hold the CHORUS module ON/OFF switch to enable the TUNER. When this module is activated, Dapper Mini will be MUTED.
The se seve n bi-co lor LED s indic ate the c urren t not e name. The nat ural no tes are s hown in b lue, and t he shar p notes a re shown in gr een.
The D RIVE mo dule is a n overdriv e/dis tortion c ombo. U se the toggl e to sel ect bet ween sl ick hon ey and mean d irt. I n OD mode , you get a warm, thi ck overdri ve; in DI ST mode , you get t hat cla ssic Br itish h igh gai n sound.
Con trols: OD/ DIST to ggle: S elect s betwe en over drive a nd distor tion mo des VOL : Contr ols the o utput volu me TONE: Co ntrols the b rightne ss GAI N: Cont rols the gai n
Pitch flat
In tune (Green)
Pitch sharp (Red)
The se three LED s indic ate the p itch ac curac y.
Plu nge int o the CHO RUS mod ule to tak e your so und to a br ave new world. Fine t une the o nboar d rate an d depth knobs t o beef up y our cle ans or give som e extra b ody to yo ur driv es.
Con trols: LEV EL: Con trols t he effect leve l RATE: C ontro ls the ch orus ra te DEP TH: Con trols the ch orus de pth
Use t he anal og-voice d DELAY mo dule to beef u p your ri ffs and s olos wi th war m, clea r repea ts. Hold the f ootsw itch to e nable Tap Temp o funct ion. Tap to the rh ythm of t he song y ou're play ing, an d the TAP/PH ONES LE D will pul se to ind icate t he delay tim e you set . Hold th e foots witch agai n to retu rn to knob -con trolled te mpo mod e. The max d elay time is 1 000ms .
Con trols: LEV EL: Con trols t he effect leve l REG EN: Con trols the de lay fee dback ( repeats) TIM E: Cont rols the del ay time
Plu g your earphon es into t he PHON ES jack ( unbal anced ) for silent j ams. It's eq uippe d with a ca b simul ator, so y ou can ru n Dappe r Mini ri ght to you r headp hones a nd soun d like yo u're pl aying thro ugh a sta ck. You ca n also ru n a line ou t of this j ack for dire ct reco rding or str aight t o the h ouse PA sys tem.
Use t he TAP/ PHONE S knob t o adjust the h eadph ones ou tput vo lume.
Power Requirement: 9V DC center negative Current Consumption: 110mA Dimensions: 197mm(D) × 65mm(W ) × 42mm(H) Weight: 417g