Vaisala Indigo 202, Indigo 201 User Manual

User Guide
Indigo™ 20
2 Digital Transmitter
Indigo 202
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© Vaisala Oyj 2017
No part of this manual may be reproduced, published or publicly displa or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be modified, translated, adapted, sold or disclosed to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Translated manuals and translated portions of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions. In ambiguous cases, the English versions are applicable, not the translations.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
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yed in any form
exclusively in the applicable supply c
ontract or the General Conditions of Sale and General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.
This product contains software developed by Vaisala or third parties. Use of the software is governed by license terms and conditions included in the applicable supply contract or, in the absence of separate license terms and conditions, by the General License Conditions of Vaisala Group.
This product may contain open source software (OSS) components. In the event this product contains OSS components, then such OSS is governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable OSS licenses, and you are bound by the terms and conditions of such licenses in connection with your use and distribution of the OSS in this product. Applicable OSS licenses are included in the product itself or provided to you on any other applicable media, depending on each individual product and the product items delivered to you.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. About This Document........................................................................................
1.1 Version Information............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Related Manuals..................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Documentation Conventions................................................................................5
1.4 Trademarks............................................................................................................. 6
2. Product Overview................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction to Indigo™ Transmitters.................................................................. 7
2.2 Indigo 202 Basic Features and Options.............................................................. 8
2.3 Probe Compatibility...............................................................................................8
2.4 Indigo Transmitter Parts........................................................................................9
2.5 Indigo Display....................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Graph Display Mode........................................................................................11
2.6 Wireless Configuration Interface Overview.......................................................
3. Installation.............................................................................................................13
3.1 Mounting................................................................................................................13
3.2 Indigo Transmitter Base.......................................................................................14
3.3 Wiring Options......................................................................................................15
3.4 Attaching Probes and Cables..............................................................................16
3.5 Input and Output Specification...........................................................................17
3.6 WLAN and RS-485 Termination OFF/ON DIP Switches.................................. 18
4. Wireless Configuration Interface.................................................................
4.1 Wireless Interface Menus.....................................................................................21
4.2 Connecting to Wireless Configuration Interface............................................. 22
4.2.1 Connecting with a Computer.......................................................................22
4.2.2 Connecting with a Mobile Device................................................................23
4.3 Logging in to Wireless Configuration Interface...............................................24
4.3.1 Changing User Level.....................................................................................25
4.3.2 Changing Administrator Password............................................................. 25
4.3.3 Resetting Administrator Password............................................................. 26
4.4 Measurements View.............................................................................................27
4.5 Status View...........................................................................................................28
4.5.1 Status View: General.....................................................................................28
4.5.2 Status View: Relays.......................................................................................29
4.6 Calibration Menu................................................................................................. 30
4.7 General Settings.................................................................................................. 30
4.7.1 WLAN Settings............................................................................................... 31
4.7.2 User Access Settings (Administrator Password)........................................31
4.7.3 Display Settings.............................................................................................32
4.7.4 Factory Reset.................................................................................................33
4.7.5 License Information...................................................................................... 33
4.8 Modbus Serial Communication Settings.......................................................... 34
4.9 Relay Settings...................................................................................................... 35
4.10 Probe Settings..................................................................................................... 36
5. Modbus.................................................................................................................. 39
5.1 Modbus Overview................................................................................................39
5.1.1 Default Communication Settings............................................................... 40
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A
6. Configuring
6.1 Relay Configuration Overview............................................................................41
6.2 Setting Relay Activation Limit Without Hysteresis......................................... 42
6.3 Setting Relay Activation Limit Using Hysteresis..............................................43
6.4 Selecting Relay Error State................................................................................44
7. Calibration and Adjustment..........................................................................45
7.1 Calibration Overview...........................................................................................45
7.1.1 Starting and Closing Calibration Mode...................................................... 46
7.1.2 Restoring Factory Adjustment.................................................................... 47
7.1.3 Calibration PIN Code.....................................................................................47
7.2 Environmental Compensation........................................................................... 48
7.3 Measurements Tab.............................................................................................. 50
7.4 Diagnostics Tab................................................................................................... 50
7.5 Configuration Tab.................................................................................................
7.6 GMP252 Example: 2-point CO2 Adjustment.....................................................52
8. Maintenance and Troubleshooting.............................................................55
8.1 Cleaning................................................................................................................55
8.2 Indigo Wireless Connection Troubleshooting..................................................55
8.3 Connecting to Indigo WLAN with iPhone........................................................56
8.3.1 Connection Option 1: Use Without Internet............................................... 57
8.3.2 Connection Option 2: Disable iPhone Auto-Login....................................58
8.4 Display Messages.................................................................................................58
9. Technical Data......................................................................................................61
9.1 Specifications........................................................................................................ 61
.2 Spare Parts and Accessories.............................................................................. 63
9.3 Dimensions (in mm)............................................................................................ 64
Appendix A: Modbus Reference.........................................................................
A.1 Function Codes....................................................................................................
65 65
A.1.1 Device Identification Objects...................................................................... 65
A.2 Indigo Status Registers.......................................................................................65
A.2.1 Notification and Error Bits........................................................................... 66
EU Declaration of Conformity..............................................................................
Technical Support....................................................................................................... 71
List of Figures
Figure 1 Probe Connection Options and Wireless Interface
amples (GMP251 Example)...........................................................................7
Figure 2 Serial Number on Probe Body (GMP251 Example)....................................8
Figure 3 Indigo Transmitter Parts....................................................................................9
Figure 4 Indigo Display with One Parameter ............................................................ 10
Figure 5 Indigo Display with Relays, Three Parameters and WLAN
Figure 6 Indigo Display in Graph Mode.........................................................................11
Figure 7 Desktop and Mobile Example Views............................................................ 12
Figure 8 Indigo 202 Transmitter Base Main Parts and Screw Positions..............14
Figure 9 Indigo Wiring Options......................................................................................15
Figure 10 Attaching Probes and Cables to Indigo.......................................................16
Figure 11 WLAN and RS-485 DIP Switches on Indigo 202 Circuit Board............ 18
Figure 12 Wireless Configuration Interface, Desktop Browser View......................21
Figure 13 Enabling and Accessing Indigo's Wireless Configuration Interface... 22
Figure 14 Indigo Login View.............................................................................................24
Figure 15 User Level (User/Admin) in Upper Right Corner of Menu View...........25
Figure 16 Measurements View (Desktop Browser)....................................................27
Figure 17 Status View (CO2 Probe Example, Desktop Browser)............................28
Figure 18 Calibration Menu (CO2 Probe Example, Desktop Browser)..................30
Figure 19 Relay Configuration Options (CO2 Probe Example)................................41
Figure 20 Relay Icons on the Optional Display (Relay A Active, Relay
B Not Active)......................................................................................................42
Figure 21 Calibration Menu Main View.......................................................................... 45
Figure 22 Start Calibration Button..................................................................................46
Figure 23 Measurement Selections, CO2 Probe Example.........................................48
Figure 24 Compensation Setpoint and Power-Up Default Selection,
CO2 Probe Example......................................................................................... 49
Figure 25 Measurements Tab, CO2 Probe Example....................................................50
Figure 26 Diagnostics Tab, CO2 Probe Example...........................................................51
Figure 27 Configuration Tab, CO2 Probe Example......................................................52
Figure 28 Additional Steps Needed to Connect Notification..................................56
Figure 29 Indigo Transmitter Dimensions in Millimeters (mm).............................. 64
List of Figures
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A
List of Tables
Table 1 Document Versions................................................................................................5
Table 2 Input and Output.................................................................................................. 17
Table 3 Indigo 202 Modbus Registers...........................................................................39
Table 4 Default Modbus Serial Communication Settings........................................40
Table 5 Indigo Transmitter Messages Shown on Display.........................................59
Table 6 Input and Output.................................................................................................. 61
Table 7 General.....................................................................................................................61
Table 8 Standards and Compliance...............................................................................62
Table 9 Wireless Access Point (Module With Internal Chip Antenna).................62
Table 10 Operating and Storage Environment.............................................................62
Table 11 Mechanics.............................................................................................................. 63
Table 12 Spare Parts and Accessories.............................................................................63
Table 13 Supported Function Codes...............................................................................65
Table 14 Device
Table 15 Modbus Status Registers (Read-Only)..........................................................66
Table 16 Bits in Register E001
Identification Objects........................................................................... 65
Chapter 1 – About This Document

1. About This Document

Version Information

This document provides detailed instructions for using and maintaining Vaisala Indigo™ 202 digital transmitter.
Table 1 Document Versions
Document Code Date Description
M211966EN-A May 2017 First version of the document.

1.2 Related Manuals

Document Code Name
M211967EN Indigo 202 Digital Transmitter Quick Guide
M211877EN Indigo 201 Analog Output Transmitter User Guide
M211876EN Indigo 201 Analog Output Transmitter Quick Guide
Vaisala CARBOCAPâ Carbon Dio
Vaisala CARBOCAPâ Carbon Dio
xide Probe GMP251 User Guide
xide Probe GMP252 User Guide

1.3 Documentation Conventions

carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions
warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A
Tip gives information for using the product more eciently.

1.4 Trademarks

Vaisalaâ is a r
Indigo™ is a trademark of Vaisala Oyj.
Chrome™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
Firefoxâ is a registered trademark of Mozilla Foundation.
Microsoftâ, Windowsâ, Internet Explorerâ, and Edge™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Safari™ is a trademark of Apple Inc, registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or company names that may be mentioned in this publication are trade
names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
egistered trademark of Vaisala Oyj.
% | Carbon dioxide
WLAN is activated
Indigo 201
Chapter 2 – Product Overview

2. Product Overview

2.1 Introduction to Indigo™ Transmitters

Figure 1 Probe Connection Options and Wireless Interface Examples (GMP251 Example)
aisala Indigo transmitters are a plug-and-play host device platform for Vaisala Indigo­compatible probes. Indigo transmitters extend the feature set of connected probes with a range of additional options for outputs, measurement viewing, status monitoring, and
interface access.
Depending on the Indigo transmitter model, a display is available as an optional selection or as a standard feature. In the non-display model, an LED indicator is used for notifications. Probes can be connected either directly on the transmitter from the probe's connector, or by using a cable be
tween Indigo and the probe.
The configuration interface of Indigo transmitters is a browser-based wireless UI that r
equires a mobile device or computer that supports wireless connectivity (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
WLAN). The Indigo 202 transmitter is designed for digital output applications. The transmitter's
output options include RS-485 Modbus RTU and 2 programmable relays. For more information on Indigo transmitter models, see
More Information
Indigo 202 Basic Features and Options (page 8)
(page 61)
c R
Made in Finland, Vaisala Oyj Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, FI-01670 Vantaa
CO2 PROBE GMP251 A2B0A1N1 Output: 0... 20% CO2 RS485 Vaisala protocol Input: 12 – 30 V
Serial No. N0310004
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A

2.2 Indigo 202 Basic Features and Options

• All Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes can be connected to all Indigo transmitter models Wireless configuration interface: connect to the scalable browser-based UI of Indigo
• 202 to change probe and transmitter settings, view measurements, and review probe and transmitter status
• 3.5” TFT LCD color display
• Power supply input 15 ... 30 VDC (20 ... 22 VAC)
• Digital output: RS-485 Modbus RTU
• 2 configurable relays 1 m, 3 m, 5 m and 10 m probe connection cables available as accessories

2.3 Probe Compatibility

All Indigo-compatible probes can be used with all Indigo transmitter models. To verify that y
our probe is compatible with Indigo, check the serial number on the probe body. All probes intended for use with Indigo manufactured from 2017 onwards (serial numbers starting with the letter N or latter in alphabetical order) have full compatibility.
Figure 2 Serial Number on Probe Body (GMP251 Example)
1 Probes with a serial number starting with the letter N ha
ve been manufactured in 2017.

2.4 Indigo Transmitter Parts

2 3
Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Figure 3 Indigo Transmitter Parts
1 Display 2 Probe and probe cable connector, locking wheel 3 Wireless (WLAN) configuration 4 Rubber lead-through with strain relief for input/output cable 5 Top cover of the transmitter: display, circuit board and connector pins 6 Transmitter base: input and output wiring (screw terminals), mounting base
o connect incompatible probes or probe cables can damage the equipment.
More Information
Dimensions (in mm) (page 64)
Indigo T
Spare Parts and Accessories (page 63)
ransmitter Base (page 14)
Only use Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes with the transmitter. Attempting
interface activation button
hPa | Pr
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A

2.5 Indigo Display

Indigo transmitters use a 3.5” TFT LCD color display for displaying information, and measurement data.
Figure 4 Indigo Display with One Parameter
notifications, status
Figure 5 Indigo Display with Relays, Three Parameters and WLAN Notification
1 Relay A and relay B status 2 Wireless configuration interface indicator (SSID text and WLAN symbol) 3 Message field for notifications, warnings and errors
Chapter 2 – Product Overview
The Indigo display can be configured
to show 1-3 measurement parameters. Information about the transmitter and connected probe (for example, notifications and warnings) is shown on a message row at the bottom of the display. Relay and wireless access point activity is also shown on the display.
The parameters shown on the display, display brightness and display mode (numeric or graph) can be configured with the wireless configuration interface in the Se
ttings > General
2.5.1 Graph Display Mode
Figure 6 Indigo Display in Graph Mode
ou can set the Indigo display to show the connected probe's measurement data as a graph.
Y The display mode can be changed in the wireless configuration interface's Se
ttings >
General menu.
More Information
Display Settings (page 32)
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A
 Wireless Configuration Interface
Indigo transmitters are (requires a mobile device or computer with IEE 802.11 b/g/n WLAN wireless connectivity). In addition to probe and transmitter configuration and calibration, you can also use the wireless interface to view measurement data and status information.
configured using a wireless browser-based configuration interface
Figure 7 Desktop and Mobile Example Views
The wireless configuration rights, not password protected), and personnel that carry out configuration tasks can log in with an administrative password that allows changing the transmitter and probe settings.
To use the wireless configuration interface to modify the settings of your Indigo transmitter and the c then connect to Indigo with your mobile device or computer. Most major browsers (for example, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer) are supported: using the most recent version is recommended.
More Information
Connecting to Wireless Configuration Interface (page 22)
ogging in to Wireless Configuration Interface (page 24)
ireless Interface Menus (page 21)
Indigo Wireless Connection Troubleshooting (page 55)
configuration interface has two user levels. All users have view-only access (no
onnected probe, you must first enable the transmitter's wireless connection and

3. Installation


1. Open the 4 screws on the transmitter cover and pull the cover o the base.
Chapter 3 – Installation
ansmitter cover o the base in a straight angle. Do not twist or bend.
2. Place the transmitter base on the installation surface and mount it with 3 screws. See the scr
3. Lead the input/output cable inside the transmitter (see W wiring through the lead-through on the bottom of the transmitter, test that the strain relief works with your cable.
ew positions in Figure 1.
To avoid damaging the connector pins of the transmitter, pull the
iring Options). If you are
4. Connect the input/output cable's wiring to the screw terminals (see Indigo Transmitter
Base) and reattach the cover when done.
5. When you have finished wiring and reattached the cover, switch on the power supply input.
1 2 4
A. Relay
B. Relay
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A

3.2 Indigo Transmitter Base

Figure 8 Indigo 202 Transmitter Base Main Parts and Screw Positions
1 Probe and probe cable connector inside the locking wheel 2 Wireless (WLAN) configuration 3 Wiring from the back: cut open the seal 4 Rubber cable lead-through with strain relief 5 Screw terminals for relays A and B
interface activation button
6 Screw terminals for 24 V power supply input and RS-485 (Modbus) connection
Do not energize the power supply before the wiring has been connected.CAUTION!
7 ... 8 mm
Chapter 3 – Installation

3.3 Wiring Options

You can wire an input/output cable either through the opening on the back of the
ansmitter, or through the rubber lead-through on the bottom of the transmitter.
Figure 9 Indigo Wiring Options
1 Wiring from the back: cut the seal open 2 Wiring through the rubber lead-through on the bottom of the transmitter
1. To wire the input/output cable through the back of the transmitter:
o as much of the seal as is needed to fit your cable through the opening.
b. Lead the cable through the opening and attach a strain relief as needed.
c. If you wire only through the back, plug or seal the lead-through on the bottom.
2. To wire the input/output cable through the rubber lead-through on the bottom:
a. Push the input/output cable through the lead-through.
b. The lead-through provides strain relief and holds the cable in place. Tightening is not
The recommended cable diameter for wiring through the rubber lead-through is 7 ... 8 mm. If y intended.
ou use a dierent cable size, test that the strain relief works as
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A

3.4 Attaching Probes and Cables

Figure 10 Attaching Probes and Cables to Indigo
1 Insert probes into the probe connector with the orientation mark facing out. 2 Probes are locked in place with the locking wheel. Ne 3 Connect probe cables in the same way as probes: insert the cable in the connector and
hold in place while turning the locking wheel.
1. Insert the probe into the probe connector with the orientation mark on the probe body acing out.
2. Hold the probe in the probe connector and lock it in place by turning the locking wheel counterclockwise. Do not turn the probe body when attaching, only the locking wheel on the transmitter.
3. When the transmitter recognizes the connected probe, it shows a notification message on the displa
y (for example, Probe Connected: GMP251).
ver turn from the probe body.
3.5 Input and Output Specification
Table 2 Input and Output
Property Specification
Digital output RS-485 Modbus RTU
Relays 2 configurable relays (VAC/VDC)
Device maximum specification (resistive load):
Max. switching power 30 W / 37.5 VA
Chapter 3 – Installation
UL-rated maximum
• AC: max. 28 V / 0.5 A
• DC: max. 40 V / 0.24 A
• Up to 30 VDC:
• max. switching current 1 A
• max. switching power 30 W
Power supply input
Maximum current Transmitter and connected probe max. 1 A
Power consumption Transmitter max. 3 W (+ connected probe, varies
Probe connector M12/5 connector for probe or probe cable connection
Cable feed throughs 2 options: rubber lead-through on the bottom of the
Screw terminal wire size
1) Using a power supply with overload protection is recommended for electrical safety.
oper modification may lead to safety hazards, equipment damage, failure to
Do not modify the unit or use it in ways not described in the documentation.
Range 15 ... 30 VDC (20 ... 22 VAC)
depending on pr
aisala Indigo-compatible probes)
ansmitter, and opening with a seal at the back of the
0.2 mm2 ... 1.5 mm
specification (resistive load):
obe type)
perform according to specification, or decreased equipment lifetime.
More Information
(page 61)
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A
3.6 WLAN and RS-485 Termination OFF
If your application requires switching WLAN communication or RS-485 termination o or on, use the DIP s
/ON DIP Switches
witches on the Indigo circuit board.
Figure 11 WLAN and RS-485 DIP Switches on Indigo 202 Circuit Board
1 WLAN functionality OFF or ON 2 RS-485 termination OFF or ON
To switch WLAN or RS-485 termination OFF or ON with DIP switches:
1. Power o
the transmitter.
2. Open the transmitter cover.
Chapter 3 – Installation
ansmitter cover o the base in a straight angle. Do not twist or bend.
To avoid damaging the connector pins of the transmitter, pull the
3. Use a small screwdriver or a similar tool to change the position of the WLAN (1) or RS-485 t
ermination ON/OFF (2) DIP switches.
4. When done, close the transmitter cover and power on Indigo.
Indigo does not display a notification when a user attempts to enable it with the wireless connection activation button.
about the WLAN functionality being disabled
Indigo 202 User Guide M211966EN-A
1 2 3 4
Chapter 4 – Wireless Configuration Interface
 Wireless Configuration
4. Interface

4.1 Wireless Interface Menus

Figure 12 Wireless
1 Measurements: displa 2 Status: contains information about the status of Indigo and the connected probe (for
example, notifications and alarms)
3 Calibration: calibrate and adjust probes using references. Available options (for
example, adjustment points) vary depending on the probe model.
4 Settings: contains options for configuring the connection and display settings, outputs,
relays, probe-specific settings, and general device preferences
General submenu: device information and general settings, wireless connection and display settings
5 Main display area for menus and measurement information (desktop browser example)
Outputs submenu: Modbus serial communication settings
Relays submenu: settings for controlling relays A and B
Probe submenu: probe-specific settings such as environmental compensations and
filtering factor
Configuration Interface, Desktop Browser View
ys the measurement data of the connected probe
More Information
onnecting to Wireless Configuration Interface (page 22)
+ 53 hidden pages