Vaisala AP10 User Manual

User Guide
Vaisala VaiNet Access Point
Vaisala Oyj Street address: Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland Mailing address: P.O. Box 26, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland Phone: +358 9 8949 1
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© Vaisala 2018
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This product contains software developed by Vaisala or third parties. Use of the software is governed by license terms and conditions included in the applicable supply contract or, in the absence of separate license terms and conditions, by the General License Conditions of Vaisala Group.
This product may contain open source software (OSS) components. In the event this product contains OSS components, then such OSS is governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable OSS licenses, and you are bound by the terms and conditions of such licenses in connection with your use and distribution of the OSS in this product. Applicable OSS licenses are included in the product itself or provided to you on any other applicable media, depending on each individual product and the product items delivered to you.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. About This Document................................................................................... 5
1.1 Version Information..........................................................................................5
1.2 Related Manuals................................................................................................5
1.3 Documentation Conventions...........................................................................5
1.4 Trademarks........................................................................................................ 6
2. Product Overview........................................................................................... 7
2.1 Overview of AP10 Access Point.......................................................................7
2.2 AP10 Parts..........................................................................................................8
2.3 VaiNet Devices in viewLinc Monitoring System............................................9
2.3.1 VaiNet Protocol..........................................................................................9
2.3.2 Delays in a VaiNet Network....................................................................10
2.4 Time Synchronization.......................................................................................11
2.5 Network Security..............................................................................................11
2.6 Using a Third Party Power Supply..................................................................11
2.7 Remote Management......................................................................................12
2.8 Regulatory Compliance.................................................................................. 13
2.8.1 FCC Compliance Statement....................................................................13
2.8.2 ISED Compliance Statement...................................................................14
2.8.3 EU Declaration of Conformity.................................................................14
2.9 Safety................................................................................................................ 16
2.10 Symbols Used in AP10 Product Markings.....................................................16
2.11 ESD Protection.................................................................................................17
3. Installation........................................................................................................ 18
3.1 AP10 Installation Location and Range.......................................................... 18
3.1.1 Mounting in Plenum Space..................................................................... 18
3.2 Setting Up AP10...............................................................................................19
3.3 Mounting AP10............................................................................................... 20
4. Touchscreen Interface.................................................................................23
4.1 Accessing the Touchscreen Interface...........................................................23
4.2 Overview of Touchscreen Interface..............................................................23
5. Web Interface.................................................................................................25
5.1 Accessing the Web Interface.........................................................................25
5.2 Overview of Web Interface............................................................................26
6. Maintenance....................................................................................................34
6.1 Cleaning AP10.................................................................................................34
6.2 Updating AP10 Firmware.............................................................................. 34
7. Troubleshooting............................................................................................36
7.1 Problem Situations.........................................................................................36
7.2 Verifying Operation of AP10..........................................................................37
7.3 Performing a Factory Reset..........................................................................38
AP10 User Guide M211860EN-A
8. Technical Data................................................................................................39
8.1 AP10 Technical Specification........................................................................ 39
8.2 AP10 Spare Parts and Accessories................................................................ 41
8.3 AP10 Dimensions............................................................................................ 42
Technical Support.....................................................................................................43
Warranty....................................................................................................................... 43

List of Figures

Figure 1 AP10 in the viewLinc Monitoring System....................................................7
Figure 2 Front......................................................................................................................8
Figure 3 Connector Panel................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 Rear.......................................................................................................................9
Figure 5 AP10 Remote Management using viewLinc Enterprise Server........... 12
Figure 6 AP10 Properties in viewLinc..........................................................................13
Figure 7 AP10 Mounting Methods................................................................................21
Figure 8 AP10 Screw Mounting Dimensions.............................................................22
Figure 9 Touch Interface Home Screen......................................................................23
Figure 10 Touch Interface Data Logger Information Screen..................................24
Figure 11 Touch Interface Settings Menu....................................................................24
Figure 12 Web Interface System Summary Screen..................................................26
Figure 13 Web Interface Data Loggers Screen..........................................................27
Figure 14 Web Interface Network Settings.................................................................27
Figure 15 Web Interface DNS, NTP, and VaiNet Settings Screen..........................28
Figure 16 Web Interface viewLinc Settings Screen..................................................28
Figure 17 Web Interface Installation Mode Settings Screen..................................29
Figure 18 Web Interface Security Settings Screen...................................................29
Figure 19 Web Interface Display and LED Settings Screen................................... 30
Figure 20 Web Interface Backup and Restore Screen.............................................30
Figure 21 Web Interface Firmware Update Screen...................................................31
Figure 22 Web Interface Restart and Reset Screen..................................................32
Figure 23 Web Interface Support Screen Screen......................................................33
Figure 24 AP10 Access Point Dimensions...................................................................42
List of Figures
AP10 User Guide M211860EN-A

List of Tables

Table 1 Document Versions..............................................................................................5
Table 2 Related Manuals....................................................................................................5
Table 3 Specifications for a Third Party Power Supply............................................11
Table 4 Symbols Used in AP10 Product Markings.................................................... 16
Table 5 Troubleshooting Table......................................................................................36
Table 6 Wireless................................................................................................................ 39
Table 7 Operating Environment....................................................................................39
Table 8 Inputs and Outputs........................................................................................... 40
Table 9 Mechanical Specifications...............................................................................40
Table 10 Spare Parts and Accessories............................................................................41

1. About This Document

1.1 Version Information

Table 1 Document Versions
Document Code Date Description
M211860EN-A May 2018 First version.

1.2 Related Manuals

Table 2 Related Manuals
Document Code Name
M211821EN AP10 Access Point Quick Guide
M211820EN viewLinc Monitoring System Setup Guide
M211975EN viewLinc Enterprise Server User Guide
M211822EN RFL100 Data Logger Quick Guide
M211861EN RFL100 Data Logger User Guide
Chapter 1 – About This Document

1.3 Documentation Conventions

follow instructions carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and
AP10 User Guide M211860EN-A
Tip gives information for using the product more eciently.
Lists tools needed to perform the task.
Indicates that you need to take some notes during the task.

1.4 Trademarks

Vaisalaâis a registered trademark of Vaisala Oyj.
The LoRa™ name and associated logo are trademarks of Semtech Corporation or its subsidiaries.
All other product or company names that may be mentioned in this publication are trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Enterprise Server
Access Point
Data Loggers
VaiNet wireless
>100 m (328 ft) range
NTP Server
Chapter 2 – Product Overview

2. Product Overview

2.1 Overview of AP10 Access Point

Vaisala VaiNet Access Point AP10 is a wireless access point that collects data from VaiNet wireless data loggers and transfers it to viewLinc Enterprise Server using a wired Ethernet connection. AP10 implements Vaisala's proprietary VaiNet protocol. It can connect up to 32 VaiNet data loggers (such as the RFL100) to Vaisala viewLinc Monitoring System. For more information on viewLinc system installation, see viewLinc Setup Guide M211820EN.
Figure 1 AP10 in the viewLinc Monitoring System
AP10 can be powered from the Ethernet connector using Power over Ethernet (PoE) or from the power supply connector using the included AC/DC adapter. If both power sources are connected, the AC/DC adapter is utilized to power the device. AP10 is IP22 rated, and is suitable for indoor industrial applications. For best wireless coverage, install the AP10 at eye height or on the ceiling.
AP10 has two user interfaces:
• Touch interface on the front panel. Use this interface to set up the device during installation and to locally check the connection status.
• Web interface via the Ethernet connection. This interface provides advanced configuration features and can be accessed remotely.
1 2 3 4 5
AP10 User Guide M211860EN-A

2.2 AP10 Parts

Figure 2 Front
1 Antenna. Can be rotated and tilted. 2 Screw holes for mounting (4 pcs),
Ø 3.2 mm.
3 Ventilation hole. Do not cover. 4 Touchscreen. 5 Status LED:
Green Normal operation
Blue Installation mode active
Red Error - check status
Figure 3 Connector Panel
1 Power supply connector (10 ... 30
2 Service port (micro-USB). 3 USB port for hardware expansion
(USB type A).
4 Reset button. Push to restart, push
and hold to revert AP10 to factory
5 RJ-45 Ethernet port. Can be powered
by Power over Ethernet (PoE).
Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Figure 4 Rear
1 Product label. 2 Holes for mounting with tie wraps. 3 Housing screws. Do not remove.

2.3 VaiNet Devices in viewLinc Monitoring System

VaiNet access points create links between Ethernet and Vaisala devices using the VaiNet protocol. Wireless device registration is handled by viewLinc Enterprise Server. Whenever a new data logger is added to the system, it is automatically forwards the data logger’s information to the server. Once accepted in the system, data loggers will stay synchronized, even in situations where other nearby VaiNet networks overlap. Redundancy is achieved by allowing load distribution between VaiNet access points which share multiple data loggers in range.
Data Transfer and Recovery From Outages
VaiNet access points continuously transfer measurement data from the data loggers to viewLinc Enterprise Server. Both access point and viewLinc Enterprise Server verify that the data has been received correctly. Once the data has been database where it is protected from tampering and loss.
flow is interrupted by a network outage, the data transfer will resume when the outage
If data is resolved. Local memory of the data logger is used to store the data while waiting for a connection to viewLinc Enterprise Server. RFL100 Data Logger has enough local memory for 30 days of measurement.
identified by an access point, which
verified, it is stored to the secure

2.3.1 VaiNet Protocol

Vaisala’s VaiNet wireless protocol is based on LoRa™ technology. This technology has been licensed by Vaisala for monitoring purposes, and further enhanced additional protocol layers to produce a robust and reliable wireless signal for environmental monitoring. The protocol is proprietary, and cannot be used with 802.11 Wi-Fi devices. VaiNet wireless devices always require a VaiNet wireless access point.
VaiNet radio communication uses a modulated, low-power signal at sub-GHz frequencies to provide better signal propagation in environmental monitoring applications. VaiNet provides
benefits of spread spectrum wireless technology including resistance to interference,
all the interception and multipath fading (reflections). Using the chirp signal to spread the RF energy over a wider band allows for reliable communications even when signal levels are below the background noise frequencies.
floor. It also reduces disruptions from overlapping signals on same
AP10 User Guide M211860EN-A
VaiNet wireless devices are not limited to using a single access point. If multiple access points are available, VaiNet devices can switch access points to maintain their connection to the viewLinc Monitoring System. The strength of the wireless signal is used to determine the optimum network data path.
Wireless transmissions between VaiNet devices are encrypted to protect against eavesdropping, data tampering, and transfer errors.

2.3.2 Delays in a VaiNet Network

VaiNet protocol and VaiNet devices are designed for power-ecient operation. Some of the design choices that enable long battery life also create significant delays that the users should be aware of.
Intermittent Radio Connections
Radio connections between VaiNet access points and data loggers are not continuous. Access points take turns communicating in a two-minute cycle, and connected data loggers send their measurement data to their connected access point every four minutes. This introduces various delays:
• Data loggers that are not currently connected (new devices or ones that have fallen out of radio contact) have to scan for available access points for a complete cycle before they can decide what is the optimal access point for them. This means that connection attempts typically take at least a couple of minutes. Additionally, some joining scenarios may take multiple attempts. For example, when capacity of 32 data loggers, it may take an hour for the last data logger to successfully connect to the access point.
• Access points request missing data and issue management commands to data loggers within their communication window. Transferring a full month's worth of measurement data from 32 data loggers using one access point takes several hours.
filling a single access point up to its full
Data Logger Scanning Interval
Scanning for available access points consumes power. To prevent repeated scanning from draining their batteries, RFL100 Data Loggers shut down their radio temporarily if they can find no access points to join. They will resume scanning after a waiting interval that gets progressively longer if they keep failing to find an access point. The maximum interval is 8 hours and 30 minutes.
This means that when access points become available after an outage, it may take several hours for data loggers to discover them. This is why you should always keep your access points powered up, and why you should start your network installation by installing the viewLinc Enterprise Server and access points
You can manually wake up the radio of an RFL100 Data Logger by pressing its Refresh button. The button is located next to the service port under the silicone plug.
Chapter 2 – Product Overview

2.4 Time Synchronization

AP10 requires accurate time to operate its VaiNet wireless connection, and to maintain correct time on the connected data loggers. To achieve the accurate time, AP10 synchronizes with Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. The hostnames of the default NTP servers are:
Reaching the default NTP servers requires an internet connection. To allow the AP10 to operate without an internet connection, replace one of the default NTP server addresses with the address of your local NTP server.
AP10 has a supercapacitor as a backup power source for its realtime clock. If AP10 is left without power for more than a day, the realtime clock will lose its time. If this happens AP10 will have to synchronize its clock with the NTP servers before it can operate its radio. This is typically the case when an AP10 is installed - it needs to synchronize its clock before it can start to connect VaiNet data loggers. Synchronization is also needed due to clock drift if the NTP servers cannot be reached for more than three weeks.
Synchronizing with the NTP servers typically takes several minutes, during which time the access point will show the NTP connection error. If you have just turned on your access point or changed its NTP server configuration, it is normal to see the error for up to 15 minutes.

2.5 Network Security

AP10 Access Point is intended to be connected to a secure internal network, not directly to the internet.

 Using a Third Party Power Supply

A DC power supply (Vaisala item 244784SP) is included with every AP10 Access Point. You also can use other power supplies with the AP10, but make sure they listed in Table 3 (page 11).
Table 3 Specifications for a Third Party Power Supply
Property Specification
Operating voltage 10 ... 30 VDC
Output power min. 13 W
fulfill the specifications
AP10 User Guide M211860EN-A
Property Specification
Output current min. 1.3 A
Output connector Locking type female coaxial connector with
Operating temperature range -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
Operating humidity range 0 ... 95 %RH, non-condensing
Certifications and approvals Certified to IEC 60950-1 or IEC 62368-1
positive 2.0 mm center pin
• Approved for use in your country

2.7 Remote Management

AP10 has a web interface for remote management. Additionally, some settings can be remotely managed using viewLinc Enterprise Server software. Remote management operations can be performed directly from the Sites Manager > Hosts and Devices tree.
Figure 5 AP10 Remote Management using viewLinc Enterprise Server
Chapter 2 – Product Overview
Figure 6 AP10 Properties in viewLinc
Select Sites Manager > Show hosts to see the IP addresses of all connected hosts. Select the IP address of any AP10 to open its web interface in your browser.

2.8 Regulatory Compliance

2.8.1 FCC Compliance Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
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