2 Installation and maintenance instructions flexoTHERM exclusive 0020213395_00
1 Safety .................................................................... 4
1.1 Action-related warnings ......................................... 4
1.2 Intended use.......................................................... 4
1.3 General safety information .................................... 4
1.4 Regulations (directives, laws, standards) .............. 6
2 Notes on the documentation .............................. 7
2.1 Observing other applicable documents ................. 7
2.2 Storing documents................................................. 7
2.3 Applicability of the instructions .............................. 7
3 System overview.................................................. 7
3.1 Heat pump system design ..................................... 7
3.2 Functionality........................................................... 8
3.3 Safety devices ....................................................... 9
4 Product description........................................... 10
4.1 Product design..................................................... 10
4.2 Information on the identification plate.................. 10
4.3 Explanation of product stickers............................ 11
4.4 Type designation and serial number ................... 11
4.5 CE label ............................................................... 11
4.6 Benchmark........................................................... 11
5 Installation.......................................................... 12
5.1 Checking the scope of delivery............................ 12
5.2 Selecting the installation site ............................... 12
5.3 Dimensions.......................................................... 13
5.4 Minimum clearances............................................ 14
5.5 Transporting the heat pump ................................ 14
5.6 Installing the product............................................ 15
5.7 Removing carrying handles ................................. 15
5.8 Removing the front casing................................... 15
5.9 Removing the casing top and side casings ......... 16
5.10 Removing the refrigeration circuit cover .............. 16
6 Carrying out the hydraulics installation.......... 17
6.1 Requirements for the heating circuit.................... 17
6.2 Connecting the heat pump to the heating
circuit ................................................................... 17
6.3 Connecting the heat pump to the brine circuit ..... 17
6.4 Hydraulic wiring in the system ............................. 18
7 Filling and purging the system......................... 18
7.1 Filling and purging the heating circuit .................. 18
7.2 Filling and purging the brine circuit ...................... 19
8 Electrical installation......................................... 21
8.1 Routing eBUS lines.............................................. 21
8.2 Opening the electronics box ............................... 21
8.3 Switch box ........................................................... 22
8.4 Establishing the power supply ............................. 22
8.5 Mains connection PCB ........................................ 24
8.6 Controller PCB..................................................... 26
8.7 Connecting the system controller and
accessories to the electronics system ................. 28
8.8 Carrying out the wiring......................................... 28
8.9 Installing the VRC DCF........................................ 28
8.10 Installing optional accessories ............................. 28
8.11 Checking the electrical installation ...................... 28
8.12 Completing installation......................................... 28
9 Start-up ............................................................... 29
9.1 Operating concept ............................................... 29
9.2 Starting up the heat pump ................................... 29
9.3 Running the installation assistants ...................... 29
9.4 Calling up the installer level ................................. 30
9.5 Heating mode flow temperature regulation.......... 30
9.6 Calling up statistics .............................................. 30
9.7 Checking that the product works correctly........... 30
10 Adapting the unit to the heating
installation.......................................................... 30
10.1 Setting parameters .............................................. 30
10.2 Setting the high-efficiency pumps........................ 30
10.3 Setting the flow temperature in heating mode
(with no controller connected) ............................. 32
10.4 Setting the flow temperature in cooling mode
(with no controller connected) ............................. 32
10.5 Handing the product over to the operator ............ 32
11 Troubleshooting ................................................ 32
11.1 Displaying the Live Monitor (current product
status) .................................................................. 32
11.2 Checking fault codes ........................................... 33
11.3 Querying the fault memory .................................. 33
11.4 Resetting the fault memory.................................. 33
11.5 Restarting the installation assistant ..................... 33
11.6 Using check programmes .................................... 33
11.7 Carrying out the actuator test .............................. 33
11.8 Auxiliary electric heater circuit breaker ................ 33
12 Inspection and maintenance ............................ 33
12.1 Inspection and maintenance information............. 33
12.2 Procuring spare parts .......................................... 33
12.3 Inspection and maintenance check-list................ 34
12.4 Checking and correcting the filling pressure of
the heating installation......................................... 34
12.5 Checking and correcting the filling pressure in
the brine circuit .................................................... 34
12.6 Carrying out a restart and test operation ............. 34
13 Decommissioning.............................................. 34
13.1 Temporarily decommissioning the product.......... 34
13.2 Decommissioning the product ............................. 34
14 Recycling and disposal..................................... 34
14.1 Disposing of the brine fluid .................................. 35
14.2 Arranging disposal of coolant .............................. 35
15 Customer service............................................... 35
Appendix ............................................................................ 36
A Power supply 1~/N/PE 230 V (connection
diagram 1 = ).................................................. 36
B Power supply 3~/PE 230 V (connection
diagram 2 = ).................................................. 36
C Installer level overview...................................... 37
D Status codes – Overview .................................. 41
E Fault codes ......................................................... 43