Vaillant ecoTEC plus VU Series Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

For the competent person
Installation and maintenance instructions
ecoTEC plus
Installation and maintenance instructions
Publisher/manufacturer Vaillant GmbH
Berghauser Str. 40   D-42859 Remscheid Telefon 021 91 18‑0   Telefax 021 91 18‑28 10
2 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
1 Safety .................................................................... 4
1.1 Action-related warnings ......................................... 4
1.2 Intended use ......................................................... 4
1.3 General safety information .................................... 4
1.4 Regulations (directives, laws, standards) .............. 6
2 Notes on the documentation .............................. 8
2.1 Observing other applicable documents ................. 8
2.2 Storing documents................................................. 8
2.3 Applicability of the instructions .............................. 8
3 Product description............................................. 8
3.1 Functional elements............................................... 8
3.2 Information on the identification plate.................... 8
3.3 Serial number ........................................................ 8
3.4 CE label ................................................................. 8
4 Installation............................................................ 9
4.1 Unpacking the product........................................... 9
4.2 Checking the scope of delivery.............................. 9
4.3 Transporting the product ....................................... 9
4.4 Product dimensions and connection
dimensions............................................................. 9
4.5 Minimum clearances and installation
clearances ........................................................... 10
4.6 Clearance from combustible components ........... 10
4.7 Using the installation template............................. 10
4.8 Wall-mounting the product................................... 10
4.9 Removing or installing the front casing................ 11
5 Installation.......................................................... 11
5.1 Selecting a low loss header................................. 11
5.2 Gas installation .................................................... 12
5.3 Hydraulics installation .......................................... 13
5.4 Installing and connecting the flue pipe ................ 14
5.5 Electrical installation ............................................ 14
6 Start-up ............................................................... 16
6.1 Carrying out the initial start-up............................. 16
6.2 Switching on the product ..................................... 16
6.3 Using check programmes .................................... 16
6.4 Checking and treating the heating water/filling
and supplementary water .................................... 17
6.5 Reading off the filling pressure ............................ 17
6.6 Preventing low water pressure ............................ 18
6.7 Filling and purging the heating installation .......... 18
6.8 Flushing the heating installation for the first
time ("cold") ......................................................... 18
6.9 Filling the condensate trap .................................. 19
6.10 Gas ratio setting................................................... 19
6.11 Checking function and leak-tightness.................. 21
6.12 Thoroughly flushing the heating installation
("hot")................................................................... 21
7 Adapting the unit to the heating
installation.......................................................... 22
7.1 Calling up diagnostics codes ............................... 22
7.2 Calling up the installer level (second
diagnostics level) ................................................. 22
7.3 Setting the heating partial load ............................ 22
7.4 Setting the pump overrun and pump operating
mode.................................................................... 22
7.5 Setting the maximum flow temperature ............... 23
7.6 Setting the burner anti-cycling time ..................... 23
7.7 Setting the maintenance interval ......................... 23
7.8 Adjusting the product to large flue gas pipe
lengths ................................................................. 23
7.9 Handing the product over to the operator ............ 23
8 Inspection and maintenance ............................ 24
8.1 Observing inspection and maintenance
intervals ............................................................... 24
8.2 Procuring spare parts .......................................... 24
8.3 Removing the compact thermal module .............. 24
8.4 Cleaning the heat exchanger............................... 25
8.5 Descaling the heat exchanger ............................. 25
8.6 Checking the burner ............................................ 26
8.7 Cleaning the condensate duct ............................. 26
8.8 Cleaning the air separation system ..................... 26
8.9 Installing the compact thermal module ................ 27
8.10 Draining the product ............................................ 27
8.11 Checking the pre-charge pressure of the
external expansion vessel ................................... 27
8.12 Completing inspection and maintenance work .... 27
9 Troubleshooting ................................................ 27
9.1 Contacting your service partner........................... 27
9.2 Calling up status codes........................................ 27
9.3 Reading off the fault codes.................................. 27
9.4 Querying the fault memory .................................. 28
9.5 Performing diagnostics ........................................ 28
9.6 Using check programmes .................................... 28
9.7 Resetting parameters to factory settings ............. 28
9.8 Preparing the repair work .................................... 28
9.9 Replacing defective components......................... 28
9.10 Completing repair work........................................ 28
10 Decommissioning the product ......................... 28
11 Recycling and disposal..................................... 28
12 Vaillant customer service ................................. 29
12.1 Guarantee............................................................ 29
12.2 Customer service ................................................. 29
Appendix ............................................................................ 30
A Overview of diagnostics codes........................ 30
B Inspection and maintenance work –
Overview............................................................. 32
C Status codes – Overview .................................. 33
D Overview of fault codes .................................... 34
E Connection diagram .......................................... 36
F Commissioning Checklist................................. 38
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 3
G Opening of the flue pipe.................................... 41
G.1 Positioning of the opening of a fan-supported
flue gas guiding.................................................... 41
H Text from BS 5440-1 on fan-supported flue
gas guiding......................................................... 42
I Opening of the flue pipe below eaves and
balconies ............................................................ 42
J Technical data .................................................... 42
Index ................................................................................... 44
1 Safety
4 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
1 Safety
1.1 Action-related warnings
Classification of action-related warnings
The action-related warnings are classified in accordance with the severity of the possible danger using the following warning signs and signal words:
Warning symbols and signal words
Imminent danger to life or risk of severe personal injury
Risk of death from electric shock
Risk of minor personal injury
Risk of material or environmental damage
1.2 Intended use
There is a risk of injury or death to the user or others, or of damage to the product and other property in the event of improper use or use for which it is not intended.
The product is intended for use as a heat generator in closed central heating installa­tions.
The products referred to in these instructions must only be installed and operated in con­junction with the flue pipe accessories listed in other applicable documents.
Exceptions: For C63 and B23P installation types, follow the specifications in these in­structions.
Intended use includes the following:
– observance of accompanying operating,
installation and servicing instructions for the product and any other system compon­ents
– installing and fitting the product in accord-
ance with the product and system approval
– compliance with all inspection and main-
tenance conditions listed in the instruc­tions.
Intended use also covers installation in ac­cordance with the IP class.
Any other use that is not specified in these instructions, or use beyond that specified in this document shall be considered improper use. Any direct commercial or industrial use is also deemed to be improper.
Improper use of any kind is prohibited.
1.3 General safety information
1.3.1 Required personnel qualifications
Improper work carried out on the product may cause material damage to the complete installation and, as a consequence, may even cause personal injury.
You should therefore only work on the
product if you are an authorised competent person.
1.3.2 Danger due to incorrect handling
Incorrect handling may give rise to unfore­seeable and dangerous situations.
Read through these instructions carefully.When using the product, observe the gen-
eral safety information and warnings.
When using the product, observe all ap-
plicable national regulations .
1.3.3 Risk of death from escaping gas
What to do if you smell gas in the building:
Avoid rooms that smell of gas.If possible, open doors and windows fully
and ensure adequate ventilation.
Do not use naked flames (e.g. lighters,
Do not smoke.Do not use any electrical switches, mains
plugs, doorbells, telephones or other com­munication systems in the building.
If it is safe to do so, close the emergency
control valve or the main isolator.
If possible, close the gas isolator cock on
the product.
Warn other occupants in the building by
yelling or banging on doors or walls.
Leave the building immediately and ensure
that others do not enter the building.
Notify the gas supply company or National
Grid Transco +44 (0) 800 111999 by tele­phone from outside of the building.
Safety 1
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 5
1.3.4 Risk of death due to blocked or leaking flue gas routes
Installation errors, damage, tampering, unau­thorised installation sites or similar can cause flue gas to escape and result in a risk of pois­oning.
What to do if you smell flue gas in the prop­erty:
Open all accessible doors and windows
fully to provide ventilation.
Switch off the product.Check the flue gas routes in the product
and the flue gas diversions.
1.3.5 Risk of poisoning and burns caused by escaping hot flue gases
Only operate the product if the air/flue pipe
has been completely installed.
With the exception of short periods for
testing purposes, only operate the product when the front casing is installed and closed.
1.3.6 Risk of death due to cabinet-type casing
Cabinet-type casing can give rise to danger­ous situations when used on a product which is operated with an open flue.
Ensure that the product is supplied with
sufficient combustion air.
1.3.7 Risk of death due to explosive and flammable materials
Do not use or store explosive or flammable
materials (e.g. petrol, paper, paint) in the installation room of the product.
1.3.8 Risk of poisoning caused by insufficient supply of combustion air
Conditions: Open-flued operation
Ensure that the air supply to the product's
installation room is permanently unobstruc­ted and sufficient in accordance with the relevant ventilation requirements.
1.3.9 Risk of death due to lack of safety devices
The schematic drawings included in this doc­ument do not show all safety devices re­quired for correct installation.
Install the necessary safety devices in the
Observe the applicable national and inter-
national laws, standards and guidelines.
1.3.10 Risk of death from electric shock
There is a risk of death from electric shock if you touch live components.
Before commencing work on the product:
Disconnect the product from the power
supply by switching off all power supplies (electrical partition with a contact opening of at least 3 mm, e.g. fuse or line protec­tion switch).
Secure against being switched back on
Wait for at least 3 minutes until the con-
densers have discharged.
Check that there is no voltage.
1.3.11 Risk of being burned or scalded by
hot components
Only carry out work on these components
once they have cooled down.
1.3.12 Risk of death from escaping flue
If you operate the product with an empty con­densate siphon, flue gas may escape into the room air.
In order to operate the product, ensure that
the condensate siphon is always full.
1.3.13 Risk of death from escaping flue
If you operate the product with an empty con­densate trap, flue gas may escape into the room air.
In order to operate the product, ensure that
the condensate trap is always full.
1.3.14 Risk of scalding from hot water
There is a risk of scalding at the hot water draw-off points if the hot water temperatures
1 Safety
6 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
are greater than 60 °C. Young children and elderly persons are particularly at risk, even at lower temperatures.
Select a moderate set target temperature.
1.3.15 Risk of injury during transport due to a high product weight.
Make sure that the product is transported
by at least two people.
1.3.16 Risk of material damage caused by using an unsuitable tool
Use the correct tool to tighten or loosen
screw connections.
1.3.17 Risk of material damage caused by frost
Do not install the product in rooms prone
to frost.
1.3.18 Risk of corrosion damage due to unsuitable combustion and room air
Sprays, solvents, chlorinated cleaning agents, paint, adhesives, ammonia com­pounds, dust or similar substances may lead to corrosion on the product and in the air/flue pipe.
Ensure that the supply of combustion air is
always free of fluorine, chlorine, sulphur, dust, etc.
Ensure that no chemical substances are
stored at the installation site.
Ensure that the combustion air is not
routed through an old oil furnace hearth.
If you are installing the product in
hairdressing salons, painter's or joiner's workshops, cleaning businesses or similar locations, choose a separate installation room in which a combustion air supply is ensured that is technically free of chemical substances.
1.3.19 Risk of material damage caused by leak detection sprays and liquids
Leak detection sprays and liquids block the filter of the mass flow sensor on the Venturi, and thus destroy the mass flow sensor.
During repair work, do not apply any leak
detection sprays or liquids to the covering cap on the filter of the Venturi.
1.3.20 Risk of damage to the flexible gas pipe
The corrugated gas pipe may become dam­aged if weight is placed on it.
Do not suspend the compact thermal mod-
ule on the flexible gas pipe, for example during maintenance work.
1.4 Regulations (directives, laws,
Installation and maintenance of the boiler must only be performed by a competent per­son with valid accreditation from the Health and Safety Executive in accordance with the "Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regula­tions 1998" (hereinafter abbreviated to "com­petent person" or "heating specialist com­pany"). The existing regulations, rules and guidelines must be observed when doing so. Any special requirements of Local Author­ities, gas undertakings or insurers must be complied with. The competent person is also responsible for inspection, maintenance and repairs to the boiler, and for checking gas volume setting and flue gas analysis.
Installers shall carryout a full site risk as­sessment and put into place all necessary steps and procedures to comply with Health and safety at work act and ensure safety of themselves and others with regard to manual handling and working at height requirements.
During the appliance installation (and any subsequent work, such as, the replacement of major parts ) it will be necessary to em­ploy caution. All installers and operatives in­volved from unloading the appliance until it is fully mounted on the wall in its final installed location must exercise full duty of care for themselves and others with regard to safety. When lifting and handling this appliance, op­eratives should employ assistance. In certain situations it may be necessary to use mech­anical handling aids. Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet surfaces.
Employers and installers should refer to the HSE web site for full advice and
Safety 1
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 7
manual handling assessment charts (MAC) tool.
In addition where no specific instructions are given then reference shall be made, but not restricted to, all applicable and relevant Brit­ish Standards and codes of practice such as the following:
– Gas Safety (Installation and Use) regula-
– All current Building Regulations for Eng-
land, Northern Ireland and Wales, (as amended). This includes Approved Codes of Practice and approved documents and guidance for building regulations. (A to P and 7)
– The Building Standards, Scotland, and
any requirements determined by the local authorities within.
The Health and safety at work actCOSHH Control of Substances Hazardous
to Health.
– BS 7671 Requirements for electrical in-
stallations. IEE Wiring Regulations
The Electricity at Work Regulations.The Water supply (water fittings) regula-
tions 1999.
Water bylaws 2000 (Scotland)BS 5854 Code of practice for flues and flue
structures in buildings.
– BS EN 12828 Design of water-based heat-
ing systems.
BS EN 806 Parts 1 - 5.BS 8558 Guide to the design, installation,
testing and maintenance of services sup­plying water for domestic use within build­ings and their curtilages.
– BS 6880 Code of practice for low temper-
ature heating systems with outputs above 45 kW, Part 1, 2, and 3.
– BS 6891 Installation of low pressure gas
pipe work of up to 35mm in domestic premises.
– BS 4814 Specification for: Expansion
vessels using an internal diaphragm, for sealed hot water and heating systems.
– BS 7074 Application, selection and install-
ation of expansion vessels and ancillary equipment for sealed water systems., Part 1 and 2.
– BS 7593 Code of practice for treatment of
water in domestic hot water central heating systems.
– BS 12831 Heating systems in buildings.
Method for calculating design heat load.
– BS EN 13831 Closed expansion vessels
with built in diaphragm.
– EN 14336 Heating systems in buildings.
Installation and commissioning of water based heating systems.
– BS 5440 – 1 Installation of flues and vent-
ilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70kW*
– BS 5440 – 2 Flueing and ventilation for gas
appliances of rated input not exceeding 70kW*
* 1st 2nd and 3rd family gases.
– BS 5449 Forced circulation hot water sys-
tems up to 45kW.
– BS EN 6798 Installation & maintenance of
gas fired hot water boilers of rated input not exceeding 70kW net.
– BS 5482 - Part 1 Domestic butane and
propane gas burning installations
Institute of Gas Engineers Publications:
– IGE/UP/1B (Edition 2) Tightness testing
and direct purging of small natural gas installations.
– IGE/UP/ 7 (Edition 2) Gas in timber and
light steel framed buildings.
Additionally for gas boilers systems with out­puts greater than 70KW.
– BS 6644 Installation of gas boilers
between 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd and 3rd family gases)
BS 5449IGE/UP/1 (Edition 2) Strength testing,
tightness testing and direct purging of in­dustrial and commercial gas installations.
– IGE/UP/1A (Edition 2) Strength testing,
tightness testing and direct purging of small, low pressure industrial and com­mercial natural gas installations.
– IGE/UP/10 Installation of gas appliances
in industrial and commercial premises. Part 1 Flued appliances.
– The installation must comply with the cur-
rent version of the Clean Air Act.
2 Notes on the documentation
8 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
2 Notes on the documentation
2.1 Observing other applicable documents
You must observe all the operating and installation in-
structions included with the system components.
2.2 Storing documents
Pass these instructions and all other applicable docu-
ments on to the system operator.
2.3 Applicability of the instructions
These instructions apply only to:
Product article number
VU GB 656/45
3 Product description
3.1 Functional elements
1 Connection for the flue
2 Integrated condensation
heat exchanger
3 Air intake pipe
4 Compact thermal mod-
5 Ignition electrode
6 Water pressure sensor
7 Pump
8 Filling connection (com-
bined filling and empty­ing valve)
9 Connection for expan-
sion vessel
10 Electronics box
11 Condensate trap
12 Filling and drainage tap
13 Connection for expan-
sion relief valve
14 Gas valve
15 Air separator
16 Volume flow sensor
17 Automatic air vent
18 Flow switch with control
3.2 Information on the identification plate
The identification plate is mounted on the underside of the product in the factory.
Information on the identification plate
Serial number for identification; 7th to 16th digits =
product article number
VU… Vaillant gas-fired wall-hung boiler for
ecoTEC plus Product description
2H, G20 - 20 mbar (2 kPa)
Gas group and gas connection pressure as set at the factory
Cat. Approved gas category
Types Approved flue gas connections
PMS Permissible total overpressure in heating
PMW Permissible total overpressure during hot
water generation
Max. flow temperature
ED 92/42 Current efficiency directive fulfilled with
4* rating
230 V 50 Hz Electric connection
W Max. electrical power consumption
IP Level of protection
Heating mode
P Nominal heat output range
Q Heat input range
CE label "CE label" section
"Recycling and disposal" section
Make absolutely sure that the product is compat­ible with the gas group at the installation site.
3.3 Serial number
The serial number can be found on the identification plate.
3.4 CE label
The CE label shows that the products comply with the basic requirements of the applicable directives as stated on the identification plate.
The declaration of conformity can be viewed at the manufac­turer's site.
Installation 4
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 9
4 Installation
4.1 Unpacking the product
1. Remove the product from its box.
2. Remove the protective film from all parts of the product.
4.2 Checking the scope of delivery
Check that the scope of delivery is complete and intact.
4.2.1 Scope of delivery
Hanging bracket
Heat generator
Condensate drain hose
Expansion relief valve
1 Compression joint, gas G 1
1 Seal
Condensate trap's cartridge installation kit
Enclosed documentation
Bag with small parts
4.3 Transporting the product
4.3.1 General
Hold the load as close as possible to your body. Do not
twist your body – instead, reposition your feet.
If the unit is being lifted by two persons, ensure your
movements are coordinated during lifting.
Avoid bending your upper body – do not lean forwards or
to the side.
Wear appropriate cut-resistant and non-slip gloves to
protect yourself against sharp edges and maintain a safe and secure grip.
If required, get somebody to assist you in this.
4.3.2 Unloading the box from the delivery van
It is recommended that two people lift the unit together.Lift the box using the straps provided.Use safe lifting techniques – keep your back straight and
bend your legs at the knee.
Hold the load as close as possible to your body.If the unit is being lifted by two persons, ensure your
movements are coordinated during lifting.
If required, get somebody to assist you in this.
4.3.3 Transporting the box from the delivery
point to the installation site – ground floor
It is recommended that two people lift the unit together.Use safe lifting techniques – keep your back straight and
bend your legs at the knee.
4.4 Product dimensions and connection dimensions
Ø 80/125
R 1
224 224
Ø 25, R1
G 1 1/
Rp 1 Rp 1
G 1 1/
R 3/
4 Installation
10 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
1 Flue gas connection,
80/125 diameter
2 Hanging bracket
3 Gas pipe, 25 mm dia-
meter, gas connection R1“
4 Expansion vessel con-
5 Heating return connec-
6 Heating flow connection
7 Expansion relief valve
8 Condensate discharge
9 Flow drain opening
10 Filling connection option
(combined filling and emptying valve)
11 Condensate trap's
Consult the installation template that is supplied to find the dimension A.
4.5 Minimum clearances and installation clearances
A 500 mm B 400 mm
When using the accessories, observe the minimum clear-
ances/installation clearances.
4.6 Clearance from combustible components
It is not necessary to ensure that there is a clearance between the product and combustible components, as the temperature of the product will never exceed the maximum permissible temperature of 85 °C at its nominal heat output.
4.7 Using the installation template
1. Position the installation template vertically over the in-
stallation site.
2. Secure the template to the wall.
3. Mark on the wall all the points required for the installa-
4. Remove the installation template from the wall.
5. Drill all the holes required.
6. Make any perforations necessary.
4.8 Wall-mounting the product
1. Check whether the wall has sufficient load-bearing ca­pacity to bear the operational weight of the product.
2. Check if the supplied fixing material may be used for the wall.
Conditions: The load-bearing capacity of the wall is sufficient; the fixing
material is permitted for the wall
Wall-mount the product as described.
Conditions: The load-bearing capacity of the wall is not sufficient
Ensure that wall-mounting apparatus on-site has a suf-
ficient load-bearing capacity. Use individual stands or primary walling, for example.
Do not wall-mount the product if you cannot provide
wall-mounting apparatus with a sufficient load-bearing capacity.
Conditions: The fixing material may not be used for the wall
Wall-mount the product as described using the permitted
fixing material provided on-site.
Installation 5
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 11
4.9 Removing or installing the front casing
4.9.1 Removing the front casing
1. Undo the bolt (1).
2. Push in both retaining clips (2) so that the front casing is released.
3. Pull the front casing forwards at the bottom edge.
4. Lift the front casing upwards from the bracket.
4.9.2 Installing the front casing
1. Place the front casing on the upper brackets.
2. Push the front casing onto the product until both retain­ing clips (2) snap into place at the front casing.
3. Secure the front casing by tightening the bolt (1).
5 Installation
Danger! Risk of explosion or scalding caused by
incorrect installation.
Stresses in the supply line can cause leaks.
Make sure there is no voltage in the sup-
ply lines when they are installed.
Caution. Risk of damage caused by contaminated
Foreign bodies, such as welding remnants, sealing residues or dirt in the water pipes, may cause damage to the product.
Flush the heating installation thoroughly
prior to installation.
Seals made of rubber-like materials may be subject to plastic deformation, which can lead to pressure losses. We recom­mend using seals made of a paste-like fibre material.
You must only start up the product if a sufficiently dimen­sioned low loss header has been installed between the heat generation circuit and the heating circuit or cylinder charging circuit.
5.1 Selecting a low loss header
The low loss header disconnects the heat generator from the heating system. This means that the system is no longer dependent on the heat generator's remaining feed head. In conjunction with the heating pump, the low loss header ensures that a sufficiently high minimum quantity of water is always circulating through the heat generator.
Heating system output Heating system spread
10 K 15 K 20 K
Individual unit WH 160 WH 95 WH 95
Dual cascade WH 280 WH 160 WH 95
Three-unit cascade WH 280 WH 280 WH 160
For old systems in particular, we recommend installing a heating dirt filter in the return to the low loss header (not to the product). This protects the product against dirt from the system. Ensure that there is sufficient dimensioning in order to prevent it from blocking quickly and to prevent high pres­sure losses.
You do not need any electrical accessories when using a low loss header. You can connect simple systems directly inside the electronics box; see the connection diagram (Page 36).
5.1.1 Heating circuit connection with low loss header
1 Product with internal
2 Low loss header
3 External heating pump
4 Consumer (e.g. heating
The product can directly operate a heating circuit via the low loss header.
Downstream of the low loss header, select a heating
pump that is appropriate for the system.
For multi-circuit systems, pay additional attention to the
control system accessories.
The settings for the internal pump are made at the factory.
Connect the external heating pump to the grey ProE plug
Set the diagnostics code D.26 to 2.
5 Installation
12 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
5.1.2 Cylinder priority switching via low loss header
1 Product with internal
2 Low loss header
3 External cylinder char-
ging pump
4 Consumer (e.g. cylinder
charging circuit)
The product's electronics are designed in such a way that you can connect one cylinder charging circuit and one heat­ing circuit directly without the need for accessories. The cyl­inder charging circuit connection downstream of the low loss header means that you can select an individual cylinder size and a cylinder charging pump.
Note that non-return valves or mixer circuits may be re-
quired in order to eliminate cross-flow to other circuits or the effects of high temperatures from the cylinder char­ging circuit.
Connect the cylinder charging pump to the ProE plug X6.
To start up the cylinder charging pump, it is not necessary to set a diagnostics code. The slot on the PCB is reserved for the cylinder charging pump.
5.1.3 Cylinder priority switching and heating circuit via low loss header
1 Product with internal
2 Low loss header
3 External heating pump
4 Consumer (e.g. heating
5 External cylinder char-
ging pump
6 Cylinder
The product's electronics are designed in such a way that you can connect a standard system (one heating circuit and
one cylinder charging circuit) without the need for special ac­cessories. If several circuits are required, special accessor­ies and/or controllers are required. The product's remain­ing feed head for the low loss header is sufficient. You can individually design the cylinder charging circuit connection downstream of the low loss header (cylinder size, cylinder charging pump size, etc.).
Note that non-return valves or mixer circuits may be re-
quired in order to eliminate cross-flow to other circuits or the effects of high temperatures from the cylinder char­ging circuit.
To start up the cylinder charging pump, it is not necessary to set a diagnostics code. The slot on the PCB is reserved for the cylinder charging pump.
The settings for the internal pump are made at the factory.
Connect the cylinder charging pump to the ProE plug X6.Connect the external heating pump to the grey ProE plug
Set the diagnostics code D.26 to 2.
5.2 Gas installation
5.2.1 Performing the gas installation
Caution. Risk of material damage due to the gas
leak-tightness test.
At a test pressure of >11 kPa (110 mbar), gas leak-tightness tests may cause damage to the gas valve.
If, during gas leak-tightness tests, you
also place the gas lines and the gas valve in the product under pressure, use a max. test pressure of 11 kPa (110 mbar).
If you cannot limit the test pressure to
11 kPa (110 mbar), close any gas isolator cocks that are installed upstream from the product before you carry out the gas leak­tightness test.
If, during gas leak-tightness tests, you
have closed the gas isolator cock that is installed upstream of the product, relieve the gas line pressure before you open this gas isolator cock.
Do not reduce the gas pipe dimension down­stream of the gas meter. Maintain the dimension right up to the product. Select the correct gas isol­ator cock. When using an atmospheric sensing device, select the next-highest pipe cross-section.
Installation 5
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 13
Install the gas line without tension in accordance with the
recognised rules of technology.
Make sure that the existing gas meter is capable of
passing the rate of gas supply required.
Remove the residues from the gas line by blowing
through the gas line beforehand.
Screw the gas pipe (1) to the (preinstalled) gas isolator
cock so that it is gas-tight. To do this, use the enclosed compression joint G 1.
Purge the gas line before start-up.Check the gas connection for leak-tightness.
5.3 Hydraulics installation
Caution. Risk of material damage due to corrosion.
If non-diffusion-tight plastic pipes are used in the heating installation, this may cause air to enter the heating water and lead to corrosion of the heat generation circuit and the product.
If using non-diffusion-tight plastic pipes
in the heating installation, separate the system by installing an external heat ex­changer between the product and the heating installation.
Caution. Risk of material damage due to heat trans-
fer during soldering.
Heat that is transferred during soldering may cause damage to the seals in the service valves.
Do not solder the connection pieces if
the connection pieces are screwed to the service valves.
If you are using plastic pipes in the heating installation,
you must install a suitable limit thermostat on-site at the heating flow. The limit thermostat is required to protect the heating installation against temperature-related dam­age if a fault occurs.
Install an expansion vessel on-site in the heating return,
as close to the product as possible.
5.3.1 Connecting the heating flow and heating return
1. Install service valves properly at the flow connection (1)
and the return connection (2).
2. Establish the heating connections in accordance with
the relevant standards.
5.3.2 Installing the expansion relief valve
1. Install the enclosed expansion relief valve.
2. Lay as short a drain line as possible for the expansion
relief valve, at a downward gradient.
3. Terminate the drain line in such a way that escaping
water or steam cannot cause injury to persons or dam­age to electronic components.
4. Make sure that the line end is visible.
5.3.3 Connecting the condensate drain pipework
Danger! Risk of death from escaping flue gases!
The condensate drain pipework of the con­densate trap must not be connected tightly to waste-water piping because, otherwise, the internal condensate trap may be drained fully and flue gas may escape.
Do not connect the condensate drain
pipework tightly to the waste-water pip­ing.
5 Installation
14 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020029173_04
Condensate forms in the product during combustion. The condensate drain pipework (1) routes the condensate to the waste water connection via a tundish (2).
Install the enclosed condensate drain pipework (hose)
If the length of the enclosed hose is not suf­ficient, use only pipes that are made from acid-resistant material (e.g. plastic) for the condensate drain pipework and also for the waste-water piping.
Suspend the condensate drain pipework above the prein-
stalled tundish (2).
5.4 Installing and connecting the flue pipe
1. You can find out which flue pipes may be used by con­sulting the enclosed flue pipe installation manual.
2. Observe the information on positioning the opening for the flue pipe. This information can be found in the appendix.
Caution. Risk of poisoning due to escaping flue
Mineral-oil-based greases can damage the seals.
Instead of grease, use only water or com-
mercially available soft soap to aid install­ation.
3. Install the flue pipe using the installation manual.
5.5 Electrical installation
Danger! Risk of death from electric shock as a res-
ult of an improper electrical connection!
An improper electrical connection may neg­atively affect the operational safety of the product and result in material damage or per­sonal injury.
Only carry out the electrical installation if
you are a trained competent person and are qualified for this work.
Observe all applicable laws, standards
and directives in the process.
Earth the product.
Danger! Risk of death from electric shock!
Touching live connections may cause seri­ous personal injury. Since mains connection terminals L and N also remain live even if the boiler main switch is turned off:
Switch off the power supply.Secure the power supply against being
switched on again.
5.5.1 Opening or closing the electronics box Opening the electronics box
1. Remove the front casing. (Page 11)
2. Tilt the electronics box (3) forwards.
3. Detach the left and right clips (1) from the brackets.
4. Fold up the cover (2).
Installation 5
0020029173_04 ecoTEC plus Installation and maintenance instructions 15 Closing the electronics box
1. Close the cover (2) by pushing it downwards onto the electronics box (3).
2. Ensure that all of the clips (1) audibly click into the brackets.
3. Tilt the electronics box upwards.
5.5.2 Establishing the power supply
1. Observe the relevant regulations and the enclosed con­nection diagram.
2. Provide one common electricity supply for the boiler and for the corresponding controller:
Power supply: Single-phase, 230 V, 50 HzFuse protection: 3 A
3. Connect the product using a fixed connection and a partition with a contact opening of at least 3 mm (e.g. fuses or power switches), see Connection diagram (Page 36).
4. Use a flexible line for the mains connection line, which is routed through the cable duct into the product.
5. Carry out the wiring. (Page 15)
6. Screw the ProE plug supplied to a suitable three-core mains connection cable which complies with the relev­ant standards.
7. Close the electronics box. (Page 15)
8. Make sure that access to the mains connection is al­ways available and is not covered or blocked.
5.5.3 Carrying out the wiring
Caution. Risk of material damage caused by incor-
rect installation.
Mains voltage at the incorrect plug terminals on the ProE system may destroy the elec­tronics.
Do not connect any mains voltage to the
eBUS terminals (+/-).
Only connect the mains connection cable
to the terminals marked for the purpose.
1. Route the supply lines of the components to be connec­ted through the cable duct provided on the underside of the product on the left.
2. Use strain reliefs.
3. Shorten the supply lines as necessary.
4. Only strip the outer sheathing of flexible lines to a max­imum of 30 mm to prevent short circuits if a strand acci­dentally comes loose.
5. Ensure the inner conductor insulation is not damaged when stripping the outer sheathing.
6. Only strip inner conductors just enough to establish good, sound connections.
7. To avoid short circuits resulting from loose individual wires, fit conductor end sleeves on the stripped ends of the conductors.
8. Screw the respective ProE plug to the supply line.
9. Check whether all conductors are sitting mechanically securely in the terminals of the ProE plug. Remedy this if necessary.
10. Plug the ProE plug into the associated PCB slot.
5.5.4 Installing the controller
Install the controller if necessary.
5.5.5 Connecting controllers to the electronic system
1. Carry out the wiring. (Page 15)
2. If you do not connect a room/timer thermostat, bridge
terminals 3 and 4, if no bridge exists.
3. If you connect a room/timer thermostat to terminals 3
and 4, remove the bridge.
4. If you connect a weather compensator or room thermo-
stat (continuous control – connection terminals 7, 8, 9), leave the bridge inserted between terminal 3 and 4.
5. If you connect a limit thermostat (contact thermostat)
for underfloor heating systems, remove the bridge on the blue ProE plug (contact thermostat) and connect the limit thermostat here.
6. Close the electronics box. (Page 15)
7. To access pump operating mode 1 (continuously run-
ning pump) for multi-circuit controllers, set D.18 Pump operating mode (Page 22) from 3 (intermittent pump) to 1.
5.5.6 Connecting a low loss header sensor
1. Connect the low loss header sensor to the edge con-
nector X41 at terminal RF or to the controller. When do­ing so, observe the instructions for the controller.
2. Plug the edge connector into the PCB slot X41.
3. Activate the low loss header function at the controller.
5.5.7 Connecting a cylinder charging pump
Connect an external cylinder charging pump (to be fitted
on-site) to the pink ProE plug X6.
5.5.8 Connecting additional components
You can actuate an additional component with the aid of the auxiliary relay that is installed, and you can actuate two other components with the multi-functional module.
The following components can be actuated:
1. Circulation pump
2. External pump
3. Cylinder charge pump
4. Extractor hood
5. External solenoid valve
6. External fault signal
7. Not active
8. eBUS remote control (not active)
9. Legionella protection pump (not active)
10. Not active.
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