Vaillant ecoTEC plus 937 Instructions And Maintenance Instructions

For the heating engineer
Instructions and maintenance instructions
ecoTEC plus 937
Gas fired wall hung high efficiency boiler with layered storage tank
1 Introduction .....................................................4
1.1 Notes on the documentation ...............................4
1.1.1 Documents also having validity ...........................4
1.1.2 Storage of the documents ....................................4
1.1.3 Safety instructions and symbols .........................4
1.2 Validity of the manual ...........................................4
1.3 General notes ...........................................................4
1.4 Intended use .............................................................4
1.5 CE label ......................................................................5
1.6 Benchmark ................................................................5
1.7 Gas Council Number ...............................................5
2 Unit description, data and dimensions ............6
2.1 Technical data ..........................................................6
2.2 Dimensions................................................................7
2.3 Structure and functional elements.....................9
2.4 Identification plates ................................................9
2.5 Functional description ......................................... 10
3 General requirements .....................................11
3.1 Preliminary remarks for room sealed
appliances .................................................................11
3.2 Related documents .................................................11
3.3 Scope of supply and accessories .......................12
3.4 Installation location ...............................................12
3.5 Gas supply ................................................................13
3.6 Flue pipe ...................................................................13
3.6.1 100 mm standard flue duct .................................13
3.6.2 Optional 125 mm flue pipe .................................. 14
3.7 Flue termination .................................................... 14
3.8 Air supply ................................................................ 15
3.9 Electrical connection ............................................ 15
3.10 System requirements ........................................... 15
3.10.1 Water circulation system .................................... 15
3.11.2 Filling and preparation of the heating
system ...................................................................... 15
3.10.3 Pressure relief valve ............................................ 16
3.10.4 Pressure gauge ...................................................... 16
3.10.5 Heating circuit expansion vessel ...................... 16
3.10.6 Shift load storage tank expansion vessel ....... 16
3.11 Details for the pumps........................................... 16
3.11.1 Circulation pump ................................................... 16
3.11.2 Shift load storage tank circulation pump ....... 16
3.12 System-Bypass....................................................... 16
3.13 Venting .................................................................... 16
3.14 Condensate siphonic trap ................................... 16
4 Sequence of operations during
installation ......................................................17
4.1 Transporting the appliance .................................17
4.2 Required minimum gaps/assembly
clearances ............................................................... 19
4.2.1 Selecting the location for the shift load
storage tank and combination boiler ............... 19
4.3 Unpacking the equipment ................................... 19
4.4 Using the installation template ......................... 19
4.5 Flue exit .................................................................. 20
4.6 Installation of the flue gas system .................. 20
4.7 Fitting the appliance hanging bracket ............ 20
4.8 Mounting the combination boiler ..................... 20
4.9 Removing the front case ......................................21
4.10 General instructions concerning the
heating system .......................................................21
4.11 Gas connection .......................................................21
4.12 Cold water supply and hot water outlet .........22
4.13 Piping between shift load storage tank
and combination boiler ........................................22
4.14 Flow and return heating connections ..............22
4.15 Condensate drain ..................................................23
4.16 Installing the pressure relief
discharge pipework .............................................24
4.17 Storage tank pressure relief
discharge pipework .............................................25
4.18 Connecting the flue system to the
combination boiler ............................................... 25
4.19 Electrical connection .......................................... 25
4.19.1 General requirements ......................................... 25
4.19.2 Connecting shift load storage tank ................. 25
4.19.3 Connection the power supply ........................... 26
4.19.4 Wiring diagrams.....................................................27
4.20 Control units .......................................................... 30
4.20.1 Vaillant control units and accessories ............ 30
4.20.2 External electrical controllers .......................... 30
4.20.3 Details for the connection of an
external timer to the terminal strip ................30
4.20.4 Optional plug-in timers by Vaillant .................. 30
4.21 Thermostatic radiator valves ............................ 30
4.22 Frost prevention ................................................... 30
4.23 Heating pump ..........................................................31
4.24 Anti-cyclic "Economiser" control system ........31
4.25 Automatic pump spin control .............................31
5 Commissioning, Part I ...................................31
5.1 Preparatory checks of the electrical system ..31
5.2 Gas supply ................................................................31
5.3 Cold water supply ..................................................31
5.4 Filling the heating system ....................................31
5.4.1 Checking the filling pressure of the
heating system ......................................................32
5.4.2 Filling device for ecoTEC plus 937 ...................32
5.4.3 Initial filling of the heating system ...................32
5.5 Initial flushing of the system ("cold“) ..............33
5.6 Filling the condensate siphon ............................33
5.7 Setting the pump output .....................................33
5.8 Adjusting the bypass ............................................33
5.9 Checking the gas supply .................................... 34
5.9.1 Factory settings.................................................... 34
5.9.2 Gas inlet working pressure ................................ 34
5.9.3 Checking the gas rate ......................................... 34
5.10 Fitting the front casing ....................................... 35
5.11 Setting the output of the central
heating (range rating) ......................................... 35
5.12 Gas conversion ..................................................... 35
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
6 Commissioning Part II: Functional
checks ............................................................36
6.1 Functional checks ................................................ 36
6.1.1 Method of procedure .......................................... 36
6.1.2 Heating ...................................................................36
6.1.3 Hot water operation ............................................ 36
6.1.4 Storage tank charging ........................................ 36
6.1.5 Subsequent flushing through of the
heating system ("hot") ........................................37
6.2 Handing over the boiler to the owner ............ 38
6.3 Vaillant warranty.................................................. 38
6.3.1 Two years warranty ............................................ 38
6.3.2 Registering with us .............................................. 38
6.3.3 First aid ................................................................... 38
7 Inspection and maintenance .......................39
7.1 First inspection ..................................................... 39
7.1.1 Safety instructions .............................................. 39
7.1.2 Maintenance .......................................................... 39
7.1.3 Overview of inspection and maintenance
tasks ........................................................................40
7.1.4 Function check of the combination boiler ...... 41
7.2 Maintenance of the thermo-compact
module ..................................................................... 41
7.2.1 Remonving the thermo-compact module ....... 41
7.2.2 Cleaning the integral condensation
heat-exchanger ..................................................... 42
7.2.3 Checking the burner ............................................ 42
7.2.4 Fitting the thermo-compact module ............... 42
7.3 Cleaning the condensate siphon ...................... 43
7.4 Cleaning strainer in cold water supply ........... 43
7.5 Checking filling pressure of the expansion
vessel of the combination boiler ...................... 44
7.6 Checking filling pressure of the expansion
vessel of the shift load storage tank ..............44
7.7 Re-commissioning the combination boiler ....44
7.8 Test mode .............................................................. 45
9.9 Replacing the electronics on the shift
load storage tank ................................................. 56
9.10 Replacing the electronics and the display
on the combination boiler .................................. 56
Checking and setting the CO2 content, if
required (air ratio adjustment) ......................... 57
10 Recycling and disposal ................................ 58
10.1 Unit .......................................................................... 58
10.2 Packaging ...............................................................58
11 Vaillant service ............................................ 58
EC declaration of conformity .................................59
8 Troubleshooting ........................................... 46
8.1 Logical fault finding procedure ........................ 46
8.1.1 Status codes .......................................................... 46
8.1.2 Diagnostic codes .................................................. 47
8.1.3 Error codes ............................................................49
8.1.4 Fault memory ........................................................ 49
8.2 Test programmes .................................................. 51
8.3 Resetting the parameters to factory
settings .................................................................... 51
9 Replacing components ................................ 52
9.1 Safety instructions .............................................. 52
9.2 Replacing the burner .......................................... 52
9.3 Replacing the fan or gas valve ......................... 52
9.4 Replacing the expansion vessel .......................53
9.5 Replacing the primary heat exchanger .......... 53
9.6 Replacing the expansion vessel of the
shift load storage tank........................................54
9.7 Replacing the storage tank pump of the
shift load storage tank........................................ 55
9.8 Replacing the aqua sensor ................................ 55
3Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Notes on the documentation
The following information is intended to help you throughout the entire documentation. Further documents apply in combination with this instal­lation and maintenance manual. We accept no liability for any damage caused by failure to observe these instructions.
1.1.1 Documents also having validity
The following additional documents form part of the scope of supply of the unit:
For the owner of the system:
Operating manual No. 0020031573 Short-form instructions No. 0020040000 Guarantee card with return envelope No. 802922
For the heating engineer:
Installation manual for flue accessories No. 834449
The manuals for any accessories and controllers used also apply.
1.1.2 Storage of the documents
Please pass this installation manual on to the owner of the system. The owner of the installation must store the manuals in such a way that they are available if required.
1.1.3 Safety instructions and symbols
Observe the safety instructions in this installation in­struction manual! The symbols used in the manual are explained below:
Immediate risk of serious injury or death!
Installation and maintenance of the unit may only be undertaken by a heating engineer in ac­cordance with "Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998". In the UK this work is carried out by a "CORGI" registered installation company in accordance with the Safety and Quality Standards.
1.2 Validity of the manual
This installation manual applies exclusively to the unit with the following part number: – 0010003809
The part number of the unit can be obtained from the identification plate.
1.3 General notes
The ecoTEC plus 937 is designed for use in a closed cen­tral heating system and is comprehensively tested in the factory. The ecoTEC plus 937 is supplied fitted with a circulation pump, an expansion vessel, a diverter valve and a 15 l layered storage tank. The shift load storage tank and combination boiler can be easily mounted on an internal wall and installed with a vertical or horizon­tal RSF (room sealed fan assisted flue). The combination boilers operate with a standard flue gas system (outside diameter 100 or 125 mm). To in­crease the flexibility of the system, extensions and addi­tional right-angle and leg extensions are available. If re­quired, an inhibitor can be used in the system. Instruc­tions for the use of these inhibitors can be found in their instructions. All combination boilers are equipped with an internal di­agnostic system which provides information concerning the operating status of the combination boiler. This di­agnostic system provides important information to sup­port commissioning and troubleshooting.
Danger of death by electric shock!
Danger of burning and scalding!
Potentially dangerous situation for the product and environment!
Useful information and instructions.
• Symbol for a necessary task
– Is located in front of a list of function descriptions or a
general list.
1.4 Intended use
The ecoTEC plus 937 is a state-of-the-art appliance which has been constructed in accordance with recog­nised safety regulations. Nevertheless, there is still a risk of injury or death to the user or others or of dam­age to the equipment and other property in the event of improper use or use for which they are not intended. The appliance is designed to generate heat for closed hot water central heating systems and for instantane­ous hot water supply. Any other use or extended use is considered to be improper. The manufacturer or supplier is not liable for any result­ing damage. The user alone bears the risk. The unit is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capa­bilities, or lack of experience and/or knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction con­cerning use of the unit by a person responsible for their safety. Children must be watched to ensure that they do not play with the unit.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_034
Introduction 1
Intended use includes the observance of the operating and installation manual and the adherence to the in­spection and maintenance conditions.
Danger to persons and/or material damage! Any improper use is forbidden.
The appliances must be installed by a competent per­son, who is responsible for adhering to the existing reg­ulations, rules and guidelines.
1.5 CE label
CE labelling shows that the appliances comply with the basic requirements of the following directives: – Directive 90/396/EEC of the Commission with revi-
sions "Directive for Harmonisation of Legal Regulations of the Member States for Gas Consumer UNits" (Gas equipment directive)
– Directive 92/42 EEC of the Commission with revi-
sions "Directive Concerning the Efficiency of New Hot Water Heating Boilers Fired by Liquid or Gaseous Fuels“ (Ef­ficiency directive)
– Directive 73/23/EEC of the Commission with revi-
sions "Directive Concerning Electrical Operating Equipment for Use Within Specific Voltage Limits“ (Low voltage directive)
– Directive 89/336/EEC of the Commission with revi-
sions "Directive Concerning Electromagnetic Compatibility"
1.6 Benchmark
Vaillant Ltd. supports the Benchmark Initiative. You will find the Benchmark Logbook on the last page of this instruction manual. It is very important that this document be filled out properly when installing, commissioning and handing-over to the owner of the installation.
1.7 Gas Council Number
Appliance Gas council Number
ecoTEC plus 937 47-044-39
Table 1.1 Gas Council Number
The units comply with the prototype described in the EU Prototype Test Approval: PIN-No. CE-0085BP0464 The units comply with the following standards: – EN 483 – EN 625 – EN 677 – EN 50165 – EN 55014 – EN 60335-1 – EN 60529 – EN 61000-3-2 – EN 61000-3-3
5Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
2 Unit description, data and dimensions
2 Unit description, data and dimensions
2.1 Technical data
Nominal heat output range of central heating 80 °C Feed/60 °C Return 60 °C Feed/40 °C Return 50 °C Feed/30 °C Return 40 °C Feed/30 °C Return
Maximum output DHW Maximum heating output Minimum output Category SEDBUK Band SAP Seasonal Efficiency Required gas flow pressure (G20, Natural Gas) Required gas flow pressure (G31, Propane) Connection value (if necessary referred to storage tank charging/hot water preparation)
at 15 °C and 1013 mbar Exhaust mass flow at minimum thermal load (40 °C Feed/30 °C Return) at maximum thermal load (80 °C Feed/60 °C Return) Exhaust temperature at minimum thermal load (40 °C Feed/30 °C Return) at maximum thermal load (80 °C Feed/60 °C Return) NOx class 5
Protection class IP X4D Max. flow temperature 85 °C Adjustable flow temperature (default setting: max. 75 °C) 30 - 85 °C Permissible total excess pressure central heating 3.0 bar Volume of water circulating (ΔT =20 K) 1204 l/h Approximating condensation water volume at 50 °C Feed/30 °C Return 2.9 l/hr Pump head 250 mbar Minimum water flow < 0.1 l/min Specific throughflow in 10 min (ΔT = 30 K) 204 l/10min Permissible excess pressure water side 10 bar Required connection pressure for max. throughflow quantity 1.3 bar Required connection pressure for min. throughflow quantity 0.1 bar Hot water temperature discharge 35 - 65 °C Flue size (concentric) 60/100 mm Flue approval category C Pre-pressure 10 l expansion vessel 0.75 bar Connections for heating flow and return 22 mm Gas connection 22 mm Diameter of the drain line for the safety valve heating (min.) 15 mm Diameter of the drain line for the safety valve hot water (min.) 15 mm Condensate drain (min. internal diameter drain) 19 mm Dimensions (H x W x D) 720 x 440 x 597 mm Primary water quantity 2.5 l Supply voltage 230/50 V ~/Hz Main PCB fuse (slow-blow) for main power supply 2 A Electr. Power consumption 175 W Standby power consumption 6.5 W Layered storage tank capacity 15 l Installation weight, just storage tank 17 kg Installation weight, just combi unit 38 kg
Operating weight (with water) 62 kg
Table 2.1 Technical Data ecoTEC plus 937
ecoTEC plus 937
Combination unit Unit
12.0 - 28.0
12.3 - 28.9
12.7 - 29.7
12.9 - 30.3 37 kW
28 kW
12 kW
91.5 % 20 mbar 37 mbar
G20: 4.0
G31 : 2.94
, C
, C
, C
, C
, B
, B
kW kW kW kW
G20 :m G31 : kg/h
g/s g/s
°C °C
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_036
2.2 Dimensions
Unit description, data and dimensions 2
5 4 3 2 1
Fig. 2.1 Dimensions ecoTEC plus 937
1 Heating return pipe, Ø 22 mm 2 Cold water connection, Ø 15 mm 3 Gas connection Ø 22 mm 4 Hot water connection, Ø 15 mm 5 Heating flow pipe, Ø 22 mm 6 Hanging bracket 7 Flue hole - flue system 60/100 8 Flue hole - flue system 80/125 9 Flue duct connection 10 Condensate drain connection, Ø 19 mm 11 Heating system pressure relief valve connection, 15 mm 12 Layered storage tank pressure relief connection (flexible hose supplied)
35 35
7Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
2 Unit description, data and dimensions
Fig. 2.2 Dimensions shift load storage tank
5 4 3 2
1 Heating return pipe, Ø 22 mm 2 Cold water connection, Ø 15 mm 3 Gas connection Ø 22 mm 4 Hot water connection, Ø 15 mm 5 Heating flow pipe, Ø 22 mm 6 Hanging bracket 7 Shift load storage tank pressure relief connection (flexible hose supplied) 8 Cover
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_038
Unit description, data and dimensions 2
2.3 Structure and functional elements
The ecoTEC plus 937 consists of – a modified combination boiler and – a 15 litre shift load storage tank.
Mains cold water heated by the combi unit is fed to the heat insulated storage tank by means of a modulating storage tank charging pump. The combi unit supplies the shift load storage tank with electrical energy for the storage tank charging pump.
Fig. 2.4 Function elements shift load storage tank
1 Shift load storage tank expansion vessel 2 Aqua-Sensor 3 storage charging pump 4 NTC temperature sensor - hot water outlet 5 Storage tank pressure relief valve
Fig. 2.3 Function elements combi unit
1 Expansion vessel combi boiler 2 Air intake pipe 3 Compact thermal module 4 Ignition electrode 5 Fan 6 Diverter valve with built in automatic adjustable bypass 7 pump 8 Electronics box 9 Pressure sensor 10 Hot water heat exchanger 11 Gas valve 12 Heat exchanger 13 Connection flue duct
2.4 Identification plates
The identification plate of the ecoTEC plus 937 is locat­ed on the underside of the unit.
9Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
2 Unit description, data and dimensions
2.5 Functional description
7 8
Fig. 2.5 Sequence diagram
1 Exhaust gas 2 Heat exchanger 3 Combustion chamber 4 Water condensate siphon 5 Expansion vessel 6 Operating display 7 Secondary heat exchanger 8 Automatic air vent 9 Pump 10 Pressure relief valve 11 Diverter valve 12 Gas valve 13 Fan
14 Compact thermal module 15 Shift load storage tank electronics 16 storage charging pump 17 Aqua-Sensor 18 Stainless steel storage tank 19 Storage tank insulation 20 Expansion vessel
NTC sensors shift load storage tank
a Storage tank sensor b Infeed sensor SWT c Storage tank charging sensor
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_0310
Unit description, data and dimensions 2
General requirements 3
The ecoTEC plus 937 is a fully-automatic wall-mounted unit with condensing technology for central heating and hot water preparation and with a shift load storage tank for the storage of hot water. Mains cold water heated by the combi boiler is fed to the heat insulated storage tank by means of a modulat­ing storage tank charging pump. The provision of hot water takes place directly from the combi boiler without the need for a copper cylinder, a cold water tank or a supply and expansion vessel with the corresponding pipework. The provision of hot water has priority over the central heating. The combi unit supplies the shift load storage tank with electrical energy for the storage tank charging pump. The combi unit is equipped with a warm start function which keeps the heat exchanger hot so that hot water is immediately available. The temperature in the hot water heat exchanger is lim­ited by the control system. Fitting a water softener on the mains cold water inlet of the combi boiler is not necessary. In regions with ex­tremely hard water (greater than 300 mg/l of CaCO however a water softener may still be fitted in order to prevent the formation of scale build up in the water pipes. The heating system can be filled using the filling devices fitted to the ecoTEC plus combination boilers. The ecoTEC plus 937 is be supplied for natural gas and can be converted for propane gas with a conversion kit.
3 General requirements
3.1 Preliminary remarks for room sealed appli­ances
This appliance should only be installed in conjunction with either a Vaillant flue system or an alternative ap­proved system (details of flue approval categories can be found in the technical section of the installation manual). Install the flue system as detailed in the separate flue installation instructions supplied with this boiler.
3.2 Related documents
The installation of the boiler must be in accordance with the relevant requirements of Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, Health and Safety Document No. 635 (The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989), BS 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and the Water Supply (Water Fitting) Regulations 1999, or The Water Bylaws 2000 (Scotland). It should also be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Local Authority, Build­ing Regulations, The Building Regulations (Scotland), The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) and the rel­evant recommendations of the following British Stand­ards: BS 6700: Services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages. BS 6798: Specification for installation of gas fired boil­ers not exceeding 60 kW input.
BS 6891: Specification for installation of low pressure gas pipework up to 28 mm (R1) in domestic premises (2nd family gas). BS 7593: Treatment of water in domestic hot water cen­tral heating systems. – Institute of Gas Engineers Publi­cation IGE/UP7 Edition 2 BS 5482: Pt. 1 Domestic butane and propane gas burn­ing installations. IGE/UP1: Soundness testing and purging of industrial and commercial gas installation. IGE/UP2: Gas installation pipework, boosters and com­pressors on industrial and commercial premises. IG/UP/7 Edition 2 „Gas installations in timber framed and light steel framed buildings“ IGE/UP10. Installation of gas appliances in industrial and commercial premises. BS 6644: Installation of gas fired hot water boilers of rated inputs between 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd and 3rd family gases). BS 5449: Forced circulation hot water central heating systems for domestic premises. Note: only up to 45 kW. BS 6880: Low temperature hot water heating systems of output greater than 45 kW. Part 1 Fundamental and design considerations. Part 2 Selection of equipment. Part 3 Installation, commissioning and maintenance. BS 4814: Specification for: Expansion vessels using an internal diaphragm, for sealed hot water heating sys­tems. BS 5440: Installation and maintenance of flues and ven­tilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases). Part 1 Specification for installation of flues. Part 2 Specification for installation and maintenance of ventilation for gas appliances.
European installation directive
Installation and maintenance of the unit may only be undertaken by a competent person in accordance with the "Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998". In IE the installation must comply with the cur­rent Version of I.S.813 ‘Domestic Gas Installa­tions’ and the current Building Regulations. The current ETCI Regulations for the installation of electrical equipment must also be observed.
To tighten or loosen bolts, only use suitable open-ended spanners (do not use wrenches or extensions etc.). Improper use or unsuitable tools can cause da­mage, (such as gas or water leaks.)
11Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
3 General requirements
3.3 Scope of supply and accessories
1 1
Pos. Quantity Name
1 1 Combi boiler ecoTEC plus 2 1 Bottom cover ecoTEC plus 3 1 Installation template
4 4 Isolating valves and filling loop
7 2 Installation and connection accessories:
9 1 Bottom cover for shift load storage tank 10 1 Shift load storage tank 11 1 Hanging bracket
Table 3.1 Scope of supply and accessories
Connecting pipes (gas, heating, water, safety valve) Adapter set, consisting of connecting pipes bet­ween the shift load storage tank and the combi boiler for gas, heating flow and return and water flow and return
User, installation and service, flue installation ma­nuals
3.4 Installation location
When selecting the installation location observe the regulations and recommendations for combi boilers!
The installation location for the combi boiler and shift load storage tank must permit proper connection of the flue gas system to the combi boiler. In addition there
must be sufficient space for maintenance work and air circulation around the combi boiler and the shift load storage tank. The Combi boiler and shift load storage tank can be mounted together in any room you wish to choose. In rooms with a bath or a shower, the special require­ments of BS 7671 (IEE Regulations), the electro-technical stipulations of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regula­tions and, in IE, the current issue of IS 813 and the cur­rent ETCI Stipulations must especially be observed.
Fig. 3.1 Scope of supply and accessories
The shift load storage tank and the combi boiler are delivered pre-assembled in one packaging unit. Check that all parts have been delivered undamaged (see Fig. 3.1 and Table 3.1 ).
At this stage do not yet remove the combi boiler and the shift load storage tank from the expanded polystyrene base to prevent any damage.
Danger of death by electric shock! If a room-sealed combi boiler is installed in a room with a bath or a shower, the electrical switches and the boiler controller, which operate at mains voltage, must be mounted in locations where any person in the bath or in the shower cannot reach them.
In the event of installation in unusual locations, special provisions may have to be made. Detailed instructions for this can be found in BS 5546 and in BS 6798. The ecoTEC plus 937 must be mounted on a flat, vertical wall which is sufficiently strong to hold the weight of the shift load storage tank and the combi boiler. It is possible to mount onto a wall made of flammable material if the regulations of the Local Authority and the legal building regulations are fulfilled. In this case
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_0312
General requirements 3
however, the unit would have to be mounted in a spe­cially made enclosure. (You can also use an existing cabinet or existing enclosure as long as it can be modi­fied accordingly to suit the new application.) Further de­tails concerning the fundamental characteristics when modifying existing cabinets or enclosures, including the requirements for ventilation, are described in BS 6798.
If the boiler is to be installed in a half-timbered house, the installation must be undertaken in accordance with the Institute of Gas Engineers Publication IG/UP/7 Edition 2 „Gas installa­tions in timber framed and light steel framed buildings“
If the boiler is to be installed in an airing cupboard it is not required to separate the boiler with a non-combustible partition. How­ever installation and servicing clearances must be maintained, and the appliance kept clear of any clothing.
Please note the following instructions before choosing where to install the boiler:
Danger of damage to the unit from the effects of frost! Do not install the shift load storage tank and combi boiler in rooms with a danger of frost.
is an existing gas meter you must check that it is suitable for the required gas rate. Installation pipes should be fitted in accordance with BS 6891. In IE in accordance with the current issue of IS 813. The pipework between the gas meter and the combi boiler must be of an appropriate size. Do not use any pipes that are smaller than the connection to the combi boiler (22 mm). The entire installation must be checked for leaks and purged in accordance with BS 6891.
3.6 Flue pipe
Vaillant appliances are only system-certified if genuine Vaillant flue pipes are used. Only use genuine Vaillant flue pipes. Malfunctions can occur if you use other accessories. These may result in damage and injury. You will find a list of genuine flue pipes in the Vaillant installation manual for flue pipes. The CE mark is valid only if the appliance is operated with Vaillant flue pipes.
3.6.1 100 mm standard flue duct
In rooms with aggressive vapours or dust the combi boiler must be operated independent of the ambient air.
Make sure that, when selecting the installation location and when operating the unit, the combustion air is free from chemical substances which contain fluorine, chlo­rine, sulphur etc. Sprays, solvents and cleaning agents, paints, adhesives etc.can contain substances of this type which can cause corrosion in the flue gas system, in the worst case even if the unit is operated as an open vent appliance. Particularly in hairdressing salons, lacquering and finishing, cleaning facilities, the appliance must be operated independent of the ambient air! Otherwise, a separate installation room is required to guarantee that the combustion air supply is free from the afore men­tioned substances.
3.5 Gas supply
The gas provider must guarantee the availability of an adequate gas supply. The connection of a gas meter in the supply line is only permitted when carried out by the gas provider and a company appointed by him. If there
Fig. 3.2 Item No. 303 933
Fig. 3.3 Item No. 0020060570, 0020060571 and
0020065937 (60/100)
13Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
3 General requirements
A 100 mm standard flue duct (Item No. 303 933) is available. Further information can be obtained from the installation instructions for the flue duct. Extensions are available to increase this length to a maximum of 5.5 m. 87° elbows and 45° bends are also available to increase the flexibility during installation.
3.6.2 Optional 125 mm flue pipe
A concentric flue pipe having an outside diameter of 125 mm is available, which can be extended to a length of up to 21 m. You can also get a vertical system. Further information can be obtained from the installation instructions for the flue pipe.
H, I
Fig. 3.6: Flue termination
Fig. 3.4 Item No. 303 209
Fig. 3.5 Item No. 303 200 (80/125)
3.7 Flue termination
The following information applies to both flue pipe systems. a. The terminal position must be located in such a
position that any flammable gases can be freely dissipated.
b. A plume of water vapour will sometimes be visible
from the flue terminal. Positions where this could be a nuisance should be avoided.
c. If the terminal is less than 2 m above a balcony, the
ground or a flat roof that is accessible by persons, a suitable terminal guard should be fitted (manufac­tured by Tower Flue Components, Tonbridge, TN9 1TB, Model K3, plastic-coated).
Vertical flue pipes must not terminate within 600 mm of an opening window, air vent or any other ventilation opening.
The flue pipe must be fitted, or shielded, in such a way that ignition or damage to sections of the building are avoided.
Location of the junction mm
A Directly under or above an opening or the horizontal
to an opening, a hollow ventilation tile, an opening
window etc. B Under gutters, soil pipes or drainpipes 75 C Unter eaves 200 D Under balconies 200 E From vertical drainpipes and down-pipes 25 F From external and internal corners 300 G Above the ground, a roof or a balcony 300 H Opposite another surface 600
I Opposite another termination 1200
J Next to an opening (e.g. a door, window) within a car-
port K Vertically away from a junction on the same wall 1500 L Horizontally away from a junction on the same wall 300 M Distance away from an adjoining vertical flue pipe 500
Table 3.2 Position of the terminal in a fan-assisted concentric flue
In addition, the terminal should not be located closer than 150 mm from an opening in the fabric of the building formed for the purpose of accom­modating a built-in element such as a window.
BS 5440–1: We recommend that the terminal of a fan-assisted flue system be positioned as follows: a) At least 2 m from an opening in the building directly
opposite, and
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_0314
General requirements 3
b) so that products of combustion are not directed to
discharge across a boundary.
1) Dimensions B, C and D: These dimensions can be reduced to 25 mm without having a negative effect on the performance of the boiler. In order to ensure that condensate plume does not affect adjacent surfaces the terminal should be extended as shown in Fig. 3.7.
2) Dimension F: These dimensions can be reduced to 25 mm without having a negative effect on the output of the combi boiler. However in order to ensure that the conden­sate plume doe not affect adjacent surfaces a clear­ance of 300mm is preferred. For IE, recommenda­tions are given in the current edition of IS813.
Danger of death by electric shock! The unit must be earthed.
3.10 System requirements
3.10.1 Water circulation system
Detailed recommendations concerning the water circu­lation system can be taken from BS 6798 and BS 5449, Part 1 (for "Small Bore” and "Micro Bore” central heat­ing systems). Pipework which does not form part of the usable heating surface should be insulated to prevent heat losses and possible freezing up, especially where the pipes run through roof spaces and ventilated under­floor spaces. The drain connections must be located in easily-accessible locations, so that draining the entire system including the combi boiler and the hot water system is possible. The drain connections should be at least 1/2 " (BSP nominal size) and must be in accord­ance with BS 2879. The combi boiler is suitable for Minibore and Microbore Systems. Copper tubing in accordance with BS 2871 should be used for all water carrying pipework. All capil­lary joints in all Domestic Hot Water (DHW) pipework must be made with lead free solder. When a new boiler is to be fitted to an existing system, it is good practise that the system is thoroughly flushed before the boiler if installed in the system. See BS 7593 for full details.
Fig. 3.7 Flue termination under balcony/eaves
3.8 Air supply
Detailed recommendations for air supply are given in BS 5440, Part 2. It is not necessary to have an air vent in the room or internal space in which the boiler is installed.
Ventilating a cabinet or enclosure
This appliance is highly efficient. As a consequence the heat loss from the casing is very small. For cupboard or compartment installations it is not necessary to provide any high or low permanent air vents for cooling or ven­tilation purposes.
3.9 Electrical connection
In accordance with BS 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and any other local regulations which may apply, a 3 A fused single phase AC supply (230 V, 50 Hz) must be provided. In IE the current issue of the ETCI regulations must be observed. The method of connection to the mains electricity supply must provide a means of completely isolating the boiler and ancillary controls. Isolation is preferably by the use of a fused three pin plug and unswitched shuttered socket outlet, both com­plying with the requirements of BS 1363. Alternatively, a 3 A fused double pole switch with 3 mm contact sepa­ration on both poles may be used.
To prevent the formation of deposits and prevent serious damage to the appliance and system, cleansers must be used carefully following the cleanser manufacturers instruc­tions and must be removed by thoroughly flushing the system. Cleansers should only be left in systems for a maximum of 24 hours. Failure to thoroughly remove cleanser from a system could result in damage to the appliance.
The cleaning must take place before fitting a new boiler and in accordance with BS 7593. Recommendations for use of system cleaning agents can be obtained from Sentinel, Betz Dearborn Ltd. Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 8UD, Tel. 0151 420 9595, or Fernox, Alpha Fry Technolo­gies, Tandem House, Marlow Way, Croydon, CR0 4XS, Tel. 0870 8700362.
3.11.2 Filling and preparation of the heating system
The system can be filled using the incorporated filling device. This connection must be removed again after the filling process is complete. If the local Water Author­ity regulations do not allow temporary connection a sealed system filler pump with break tank must be used. The heating system will not be filled automatically from the domestic hot water side. (Alternative methods of filling sealed systems are given in BS 5449)
15Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
3 General requirements
3.10.3 Pressure relief valve
The boiler is equipped with a pressure relief valve. This safety device is required for all sealed central heating systems, is preset to 3 bar and is fitted with a 15 mm compression connection for the discharge pipe, whose diameter must not be less than 15 mm. The pressure relief valve must not be used for draining purposes.
3.10.4 Pressure gauge
The pressure gauge is fitted to the boiler in the factory and indicates the pressure of the primary circuit, to make filling and testing easier.
3.10.5 Heating circuit expansion vessel
The boiler of the ecoTEC series are equipped with a 10 litre expansion vessel which is suitable for a sealed heating system with a maximum water volume of 100 litres. If the nominal capacity of the boiler expansion vessel is not adequate for the heating system (e.g. when modern­ising old open systems) an additional expansion vessel can be fitted outside the boiler. The pressure gauge must be fitted in the return pipe, in accordance with BS 5449: Part 1, as close as possible to the boiler. In Table 3.5 you will find an overview of the required size of an additional expansion vessel.
Vessel volume
(in l) Initial system pressure (in bar) 1.0 1.5 Setting of the excess pressure valve (in bar) 3.0
Total water volume of the system (in l) 25 2.7 3.9 50 5.4 7.8 100 10.9 15.6 125 13.6 19.5 150 16.3 23.4 175 19.1 27.3 200 21.8 31.2 225 24.5 35.1 250 27.2 39.0 275 30.0 42.9 300 32.7 46.8 325 35.7 50.7 350 38.1 54.6 375 40.9 58.5 400 43.6 62.4 425 46.3 66.3 450 49.0 70.2 475 51.8 74.1 500 54.5 78.0 With other system volumes than shown above,
multiply the volume by the adjacent factors
0.109 0.156
3.10.6 Shift load storage tank expansion vessel
The shift load storage tank is fitted with a 1 litre expan­sion vessel.
3.11 Details for the pumps
3.11.1 Circulation pump
The circulation pump is integrated in the combi boiler. The remaining head of the pump with respect to the bypass valve is shown in Fig. 3.8. The operating mode of the 2-speed pump can be adjust­ed using diagnostic number d.19, see Section 8.1.2.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600
Fig. 3.8 Technical data of the pump in the combi boiler
2. Step1. Step
Volumeflow [l/h
3.11.2 Shift load storage tank circulation pump
The shift load storage tank is equipped with a mainte­nance-free charging pump.
3.12 System-Bypass
The boiler is fitted with an automatic system by-pass. The installation can be used in systems with thermostat­ic radiator valves without the need for an additional by-pass. The by-pass valve is adjustable, see Section 5.8.
3.13 Venting
The boiler is fitted with an automatic air vent. Other measures need to be taken to allow the heating system to be either automatically or manually vented during filling and during commissioning.
3.14 Condensate siphonic trap
The boiler is fitted with a siphonic condensate trap incorpaorating a water seal of 145 mm.
Table 3.3 Size of an additional expansion vessel
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_0316
Sequence of operations during installation 4
4 Sequence of operations during
4.1 Transporting the appliance
With regards to the Manual Handling Operations, 1992 Regulations, the following lift operation exceeds the recommended weight for a one man lift.
General recommendations when handling
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible. Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean forward/sideways.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip.
• Always use assistance if required.
Removal of carton from delivery van
• Recommend 2 person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
• If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and place carton into position on truck.
• Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable straps.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – ground floor.
• Recommend 2 person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
• If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and place carton into position on truck.
• Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable straps.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• If removing boiler from truck straddle the load and tilt forwards to facilitate secure grip.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet surfaces and climbing steps and stairs.
• Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – first or higher floor, cellar.
• Recommend 2-person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
• If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and place carton into position on truck.
• Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable straps.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean forward/sideways.
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• If removing boiler from truck straddle the load and tilt forwards to facilitate secure grip.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet surfaces and climbing steps and stairs.
• Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – roofspace.
• Recommend 2-person lift.
• Ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean forward/sideways.
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet surfaces and climbing steps and stairs.
• When transferring appliance into roofspace, recommend 1 person to be in roofspace to receive the appliance and other person to be below to pass up and support appliance.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• Always use assistance if required.
• It is assumed safe access, flooring and adequate lighting are provided in the roof space.
• It is recommended a risk assessment of the roof space area be carried out before moving the appliance into the area to take into account access, stability of flooring, ligh­ting and other factors, and appropriate measures taken.
Unpacking of appliance from carton.
• Recommend 2 persons unpack appliance from carton.
• Always keep working area clear.
• Recommend straps and open carton flaps, then remove items from the top including the polystyrene packing and remove carton by sliding up over the boiler.
17Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
4 Sequence of operations during installation
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Dispose of packaging in a responsible manner.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance outside packaging.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – no obstructions.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance into position.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to position in place on bracket.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Ensure co-ordinated movements to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – above worktop, foreseeable obstructions etc.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance into position.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, onto worktop if practicable.
• Ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to position in place on bracket.
• If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at front and sides/base of boiler.
• Ensure coordinated movements during 2 person lifts to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean forward/sideways.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – withincompartment etc. restricting installation.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance into position.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, onto worktop if practicable.
• Ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to drop into place onto bracket.
• If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at front and sides/base of boiler.
• Ensure coordinated movements during 2 person lifts to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• If 1 person positioning onto bracket recommend obtain firm grip supporting base of boiler.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – in roof space restricting installation.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to drop into place onto bracket.
• If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at front and sides/base of boiler.
• Ensure co-ordinated movements during 2 person lifts to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• If 1 person positioning onto bracket recommend obtain firm grip supporting base of boiler.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used - keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
• It is recommended a risk assessment of the roof space area be carried out before moving the appliance into the area to take into account access, stability of flooring, lighting and other factors, and appropriate measures taken.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_0318
Sequence of operations during installation 4
4.2 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances
min 5
Fig. 4.1 Distances during installation (dimensions in mm)
min 5
min 180
min 500
The combination of units must be installed on a flat vertical wall which is large enough for the shift load storage tank with mounted combi boiler, including the required minimum clearances and space allowances for installation. The required minimum clearances during installation can be taken from Fig. 4.1. The minimum clearances and installation clearances are shown on the installation template. They are: – 5 mm on each side of the unit combination – 180 mm underneath the unit combination – 165 mm above the boiler if using a flue pipe of 100 mm
outside diameter
– 246 mm above the boiler if using a flue pipe of
125 mm outside diameter
– 500 mm in front of the unit combination to permit
easy access for service work.
Please note that, under the unit combination, there should be adequate space to position the drain pipes via a drain funnel. The drain must be visible!
Further information concerning the installation location of the combi boiler can be found in the Section "Installa­tion Location".
4.3 Unpacking the equipment
First cut through the two plastic straps when unpacking the units. Then open the box and lift the top section of the polystyrene off. Lift the box upwards.
Please take care that the white surface of the units is not damaged.
4.4 Using the installation template
80/125 (Art.-Nr. 303210)
276 ( )
195 ( )
(Art.-Nr. 303910)
If the boiler is to be installed in a timber framed building, it should be fitted in accordance with IG/UP/7 Edition 2 „Gas installations in timber framed and light steel framed buildings“.
4.2.1 Selecting the location for the shift load storage tank and combination boiler
The installation location for the shift load storage tank and the combi boiler should be selected so that: – there is adequate room around the boiler for service
and maintenance work
– the flue pipe of the combi boiler can operate properly
i.e. the location of the terminal of the flue pipe is located in accordance with these instructions and the flue pipe is installed in accordance with the installation instructions for the flue pipe provided
– all the required pipework including the pressure relief
valve and the condensate drain can be fitted.
Fig. 4.2 Assembly template
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19Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_03
4 Sequence of operations during installation
Use the template provided for the installation (see Fig. 4.2). The template shows the following: the position of the fixing holes for the hanging bracket, – the position of the connections. – the position of the hole in the wall for the flue pipe.
• line the installation template up vertically and fix the
template to the wall.
• mark the position of the fixing holes for the hanging
• drill 2 holes Ø 10 mm in the wall for the hanging bracket.
Please take the total weight of the unit combination and the load capacity of the wall into account. If necessary drill alternative fixing holes. If necessary use alternative fixing materials.
4.5 Flue exit
• If using rear flue mark the position of the air/flue duct
and its circumference.
• Remove the assembly template from the wall.
• If necessary cut the aperture in the wall for the flue pipe.
Other flue options
Instructions concerning other flue pipe systems, for example, vertical flues, flue pipes to the side of the boiler and the use of additional elbows etc. are listed in the installation instructions for the flue pipe included with the combi boiler.
• Fix the hanging bracket (1) to the wall using the plugs and screws (2) provided with the appliance.
• Lift the shift load storage tank out of the packaging (see Section 3.4).
• Lift the shift load storage tank (3) onto the wall so that it is located slightly above the hanging bracket (1).
• Slowly lower the shift load storage tank onto the hanging bracket so that the installation carrier on the rear of the unit fully engages in the hanging bracket.
If the appliance is to be fitted in a timber framed building ensure that the hanging brack­et is secured to a substantial part of the timber frame capable of taking the full weight of the appliance.
4.8 Mounting the combination boiler
4.6 Installation of the flue gas system
• Install the flue gas system (observe the separate installation instructions for the flue pipe).
4.7 Fitting the appliance hanging bracket
Fig. 4.3 Shift load storage tank with hanging bracket
Fig. 4.4 Mounting the combi boiler on the shift load storage tank
• Lift the combi boiler out of the packaging (see Section
• Lift the combi boiler (2) onto the shift load storage
tank so that it is located slightly above the shift load storage tank (1).
Lift the combi boiler at both sides of the base.
• Lower the combi boiler slowly onto the hanging brack­et on the shift load storage tank so that the installation carrier on the rear of the combi boiler fully engages in the hanging bracket on the shift load storage tank.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020031552_0320
+ 44 hidden pages