Vaillant ecoTEC plus 624, ecoTEC plus 612, ecoTEC plus 615, ecoTEC plus 618, ecoTEC plus 630 Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

Installation and maintenance instructions
For the competent person
Installation and maintenance instructions
ecoTEC plus
Table of Contents
1 Notes on the documentation .....................................4
1.1 Storing documents ..........................................................4
1.2 Symbols used ....................................................................4
1.3 Applicability of the instructions ...................................4
1.4 Identification plate ...........................................................4
1.5 CE label ...............................................................................4
1.6 Benchmark .........................................................................5
1.7 Type overview ...................................................................5
2 Safety .................................................................................6
2.1 Safety and warning information ..................................6
2.1.1 Classification of warnings ..............................................6
2.1.2 Structure of warnings .....................................................6
2.2 Intended use ......................................................................6
2.3 Basic safety instructions ................................................6
2.4 Important information regarding
propane-fired boilers .......................................................7
2.5 General requirements .....................................................8
2.5.1 Related documents ..........................................................8
2.5.2 Installation site .................................................................8
2.5.3 Gas supply .........................................................................9
2.5.4 Air supply ...........................................................................9
2.5.5 Compartment ventilation ...............................................9
2.5.6 Electrical supply ...............................................................9
2.5.7 Water circulation system................................................9
2.5.8 Pressure relief valve ...................................................... 10
2.5.9 Venting ...............................................................................11
3 Description of the appliance .....................................12
4 Installation ......................................................................13
4.1 Accessories .......................................................................13
4.1.1 Controller ..........................................................................13
4.1.2 Installation and operation .............................................13
4.2 Scope of delivery ............................................................13
4.2.1 Unpacking the boiler ......................................................13
4.2.2 Checking the scope of delivery....................................13
4.2.3 Disposing of the packaging ..........................................14
4.3 Transporting the appliance ..........................................14
4.4 Requirements for the installation site .......................16
4.4.1 Required minimum clearances/installation
clearances .........................................................................16
4.4.2 Using installation templates .........................................16
4.5 Dimension drawing and connection
measurements ................................................................ 18
4.6 Wall-mounting the boiler .............................................19
4.7 Removing/fitting the front casing ..............................19
4.8 Removing/fitting the side section ........................... 20
5 Gas installation ..............................................................21
5.1 Preparing for installation ..............................................21
5.2 Connecting the gas pipe ...............................................21
6 Hydraulic installation .................................................22
6.1 Preparing for installation .............................................22
6.2 Connecting the hot and cold water (VUWboiler) ..23
6.3 Connecting the domestic hot water cylinder ..........23
6.4 Connecting the heating flow and heating return...23
6.4.1 VUW boiler .......................................................................23
6.4.2 VU boiler ..........................................................................23
6.5 Low loss header .............................................................23
6.6 Connecting the condensate discharge pipework ...23
6.7 Connecting the discharge pipe to the expansion
relief valve on the boiler ..............................................24
7 Flue gas installation ...................................................25
7.1 Air/flue gas duct .............................................................25
7.2 Flue termination .............................................................26
8 Electrical installation .................................................28
8.1 Preparing for installation .............................................28
8.2 Opening/closing the electronics box .........................28
8.3 Establishing the mains connection ............................28
8.4 Connecting the controller ............................................29
8.4.1 Fitting the controller .....................................................29
8.4.2 Connecting controllers to the electronic system .. 30
8.5 Connecting additional devices .................................. 30
8.5.1 Connecting the auxiliary relay (grey connector on
PCB) (only ecoTEC 637/837) ...................................... 30
8.5.2 Connect VR 40 – "2 from 7" multi-functional
module ..............................................................................31
8.6 Actuating the circulation pump
8.6.1 Installing the circulation pump ...................................31
8.7 Connection diagrams ....................................................32
9 Operation ........................................................................36
9.1 Calling up the installer level .......................................36
9.2 Overview of the menu structure ................................37
10 Start-up ...........................................................................39
10.1 Switching on the boiler .................................................39
10.2 Installation assistant .....................................................39
10.2.1 Language .........................................................................39
10.2.2 Filling mode .....................................................................39
10.2.3 Purging .............................................................................39
10.2.4 Target feed temperature ..............................................39
10.2.5 Hot water temperature ................................................40
10.2.6 Comfort mode ................................................................40
10.2.7 Heating partial load ......................................................40
10.2.8 Auxiliary relay and multi-functional module .......... 40
10.2.9 Competent person telephone number .....................40
10.2.10 Terminating the installation assistant ..................... 40
10.2.11 Restarting the installation assistant ........................40
10.3 Appliance configuration and diagnosis menu ........40
10.4 Using test programs .....................................................40
10.5 Preparing the heating water ........................................41
10.6 Read off the filling pressure ........................................41
2 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
10.7 Filling and purging the heating installation ............41
10.7.1 Filling the heating installation .................................. 42
10.7.2 Purging the heating system ....................................... 42
10.7.3 Flushing the system for the first time ("cold") ..... 42
10.8 Avoiding low water pressure ...................................... 43
10.8.1 Top up VUW boilers using a filling device ............... 43
10.9 Fill and purge the hot water system ........................ 43
10.10 Filling the condensate siphon .................................... 43
10.11 Checking the gas setting............................................. 44
10.11.1 Factory setting ...............................................................44
10.11.2 Checking for tightness of the flue gas installation
and flue gas recirculation ........................................... 44
10.11.3 Checking the gas flow rate .....................................45
10.11.4 Checking the gas inlet working pressure ................ 45
10.12 Carrying out a full function test................................46
10.12.1 Checking the heating mode ........................................47
10.12.2 Checking hot water generation
(VUW boilers only) .........................................................47
10.12.3 Checking hot water generation
(VU boilers only).............................................................47
10.13 Final flush of the heating system ("hot") ............... 48
11 Adapting the boiler to the heating installation 49
11.1 Diagnosis codes – Overview ....................................... 49
11.1.1 Setting the heating partial load .................................53
11.1.2 Setting pump overrun time and pump operating
mode ................................................................................53
11.1.3 Setting the maximum flow temperature ................. 54
11.1.4 Setting the return flow temperature control ......... 54
11.1.5 Burner anti-cycling time .............................................. 54
11.1.6 Setting the maintenance interval ............................ 55
11.1.7 Setting the pump output ............................................. 55
11.1.8 Setting the by-pass valve ............................................ 55
11.2 Handing over the boiler to the operator ................. 56
12.5 Checking the gas flow pressure ................................ 66
12.5.1 Checking CO
content .................................................. 66
13 Troubleshooting ............................................................67
13.1 Contact Vaillant Service Solutions
(0870 6060 777) ...........................................................67
13.2 Performing diagnostics ................................................67
13.2.1 Call up Live Monitor (status codes) ...........................67
13.2.2 Status codes – Overview ..............................................67
13.2.3 Service messages ......................................................... 68
13.2.4 Calling up diagnosis levels .......................................... 68
13.2.5 Reading off the fault codes ........................................68
13.2.6 Querying the fault memory ........................................68
13.2.7 Reset fault memory ...................................................... 68
13.2.8 Overview of fault codes ............................................... 69
13.3 Using the function menu ..............................................71
13.4 Running test programs ..................................................71
13.5 Resetting parameters to factory settings .................71
14 Replacing components ...............................................72
14.1 Preparing for and completing replacement work ..72
14.1.1 Preparing for replacement work ................................72
14.1.2 Completing replacement work ....................................72
14.2 Replacing the burner ....................................................72
14.3 Replacing the fan ...........................................................73
14.4 Replacing the gas valve ................................................ 74
14.5 Replacing the venturi including the mass flow
sensor ...............................................................................75
14.6 Replacing the expansion vessel..................................76
14.7 Replacing the heat exchanger ....................................76
14.8 Replacing the PCB and/or the display ......................77
14.8.1 Replacing either the display or the PCB ..................78
14.8.2 Replacing the PCB and the display at the same
time ...................................................................................78
12 Inspection and maintenance ....................................57
12.1 Inspection and maintenance intervals ......................57
12.1.1 General inspection and maintenance instructions 57
12.1.2 Safety instructions ....................................................... 58
12.1.3 Checking the CO/CO
ratio and the CO
concentration ................................................................. 58
12.1.4 Adjusting the CO
concentration (or the air ratio) 59
12.1.5 Performing the gas family check ..............................60
12.2 Inspection and maintenance work steps ...................61
12.2.1 Filling the boiler and the heating installation .........62
12.2.2 Draining the boiler ........................................................62
12.2.3 Draining the entire heating installation ..................62
12.3 Using the function menu .............................................62
12.3.1 Carrying out electronics self-tests ............................62
12.4 Carrying out maintenance work .................................62
12.4.1 Removing the compact thermal module ..................62
12.4.2 Cleaning the heat exchanger ..................................... 64
12.4.3 Checking the burner ....................................................64
12.4.4 Cleaning the condensate siphon ............................... 64
12.4.5 Clean the filter in the cold water inlet
(VUW boilers only) ........................................................ 65
12.4.6 Installing the compact thermal module .................. 65
12.4.7 Checking the charge pressure of the expansion
vessel ............................................................................... 66
15 Decommissioning .........................................................79
15.1 Temporarily shutting down the boiler ......................79
15.2 Taking the boiler permanently out of service ........79
15.3 Disposing of the boiler .................................................79
16 Warranty and customer service .............................80
16.1 Factory guarantee ......................................................... 80
16.2 Vaillant Service ..............................................................80
17 Technical data ............................................................... 81
18 Glossary ......................................................................... 83
19 Appendix ........................................................................ 84
20 Benchmark Log Book ................................................. 85
Index ...........................................................................................87
3Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Notes on the documentation
1 Notes on the documentation
The following instructions are intended to guide you throughout the entire documentation. Further documents apply in combination with these installation and mainte­nance instructions. We accept no liability for any damage caused by non­observance of these instructions.
Other applicable documents
> Follow all installation instructions for the various parts
and components of the system without exception when
installing the ecoTEC plus. These installation instructions are enclosed with the various system components as well as additional components.
> Also observe all the operating instructions included with
the system components.
1.1 Storing documents
> Pass these installation instructions and all other applica-
ble documents and, if necessary, any required aids to the
system operator. The operator will store the instructions and aids so that they are available when required.
Boiler Type designation
ecoTEC plus 612 (VU GB 126/5-5) 0010011677 41-044-60
ecoTEC plus 615 (VU GB 156/5-5) 0010011678 41-044-61
ecoTEC plus 618 (VU GB 186/5-5) 0010011679 41-044-62
ecoTEC plus
ecoTEC plus 624 (VU GB 246/5-5) 0010011681 41-044-63
ecoTEC plus 630 (VU GB 306/5-5) 0010011682 41-044-64
ecoTEC plus
ecoTEC plus 637 (VU GB 376/5-5) 0010011684 41-044-65
ecoTEC plus 824 (VUW GB 246/5-5) 0010011685 47-044-40
ecoTEC plus 831 (VUW GB 316/5-5) 0010011686 47-044-41
ecoTEC plus
ecoTEC plus 837 (VUW GB 376/5-5) 0010011688 47-044-42
1.1 Aplliance types, article numbers and Gas Council Number
The article number of the boiler can be found on the identi­fication plate.
618 (VU GB 186/5-5) (LPG)
630 (VU GB 306/5-5) (LPG)
831 (VUW GB 316/5-5) (LPG)
Article number
0010011680 41-044-66
0010011683 41-044-67
0010011687 47-044-46
Gas Council Number
1.2 Symbols used
The symbols used in the text are explained below:
Symbol that denotes useful tips and infor­mation
> Symbol for a required action
1.3 Applicability of the instructions
These installation instructions are only valid for boilers with the following article numbers:
1.4 Identification plate
The identification plate of the Vaillant ecoTEC plus is attached to the underside of the boiler in the factory. The article number of the gas fired wall hung boiler can be found in the serial number. The seventh to sixteenth num­bers constitute the article number. The serial number can also be found on a plate, which is in a plastic bag behind the front flap on the underside of the boiler. The serial number can also be shown on the display of the boiler (¬Operating instructions).
1.5 CE label
The CE label shows that the boilers comply with the basic requirements of the applicable directives as stated on the identification plate.
– Directive 2009/142/EEC of the Commission with amend-
ments "Directive for Harmonisation of Legal Regulations of the Member States for Gas Cosumption Appliances" (Gas equipment directive)
– Directive 92/42/EEC of the Commission with amend-
ments "Directive Concerning the Efficiency of New Hot Water Heating Boilers Fired by Liquid or Gaseous Fuels" (Efficiency directive)
4 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Notes on the documentation
– Directive 2006/95/EC of the Council with amendments
"Directive Concerning Electrical Equipment for Use
Within Specific Voltage Limits" (Low voltage directive)
– Directive 2004/108/EC of the Council with amendments
"Directive Concerning Electromagnetic Compatibility"
The boilers comply with the type sample described in the EC Type Sample Test Approval. PIN No. CE-0085CM320 The boilers comply with the following standards:
– EN 483 – EN 625 – EN 677 – EN 55014 – EN 60335-1 – EN 60335-2-102 – EN 61000-3-2 – EN 61000-3-3
1.6 Benchmark
1.7 Type overview
Appliance type ecoTEC plus
612 (VU GB 126/5-5)
615 (VU GB 156/5-5)
618 (VU GB 186/5-5)
624 (VU GB 246/5-5)
630 (VU GB 306/5-5)
637 (VU GB 376/5-5)
824 (VUW GB 246/5-5)
831 (VUW GB 316/5-5)
837 (VUW GB 376/5-5)
1.2 Type overview
Designated country (designation in accordance with ISO 3166)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
GB (Great Britain) IE (Ireland)
Approval category
Vaillant Ltd. supports the Benchmark Initiative.
You will find the Benchmark Logbook on the last pages of this instruction manual. It is very important that this document be filled out prop­erly when installing, commissioning, and fully explained at hand over to the operator of the installation. Installers should point out also the service record section for completion following service calls to this appliance.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 5
2 Safety
2.1 Safety and warning information
> When installing the ecoTEC plus, take account of the
general safety instructions and the warning notes that
appear before all of the actions.
2.1.1 Classification of warnings
The warning notes are classified in accordance with the severity of the possible danger using the following warning signs and signal words:
Warning sign
Signal word
Immediate danger to life or risk of severe personal injury
Risk of death from electric shock
Warning. Risk of minor personal injury
Risk of material or environ-
mental damage
2.1 Classification of warnings
2.2 Intended use
The Vaillant ecoTEC plus boilers are state-of-the-art units which have been constructed in accordance with recognised safety regulations. Nevertheless, there is still a risk of injury or death to the operator or others or of damage to the boiler and other property in the event of improper use or use for which it is not intended. This boiler is not designed to be used by persons (including children) with limited mental and sensory capabilities or by persons who do not have enough experience and/or knowl­edge, unless they are supervised by a person who is respon­sible for their safety or they have been instructed by him/ her about how to use the boiler. Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the boiler. The boiler is intended as a heater for closed hot water/cen­tral heating installations and for hot water generation. The use of the ecoTEC plus in vehicles, such as mobile homes and caravans, is not classed as intended use. Units that are not classed as vehicles are those that are installed in a fixed and permanent location and that do not have any wheels (fixed installation). Any other use, or use beyond that specified, shall be con­sidered as improper use. Any direct commercial or indus­trial use is also deemed to be improper. The manufacturer or supplier is not liable for any damage resulting from such use. The user alone bears the risk. Intended use includes the following:
– observance of accompanying operating, installation and
maintenance instructions for Vaillant products as well as for other parts and components of the system
– installing and fitting the appliance in accordance with the
boiler and system approval
– complying with all of the inspection and maintenance
conditions listed in the instructions.
Caution. Any improper use is forbidden.
2.1.2 Structure of warnings
Warning signs are identified by an upper and lower separat­ing line. and are laid out according to the following basic principle:
Signal word!
Type and source of danger!
6 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Explanation of the type and source of danger
> Measures for averting the danger
2.3 Basic safety instructions
> Observe the following safety instructions at all times.
European installation directive
Installation and maintenance of the appliance should only be undertaken by a competent person (referred to in these instructions as “competent person” or “skilled trade com­pany” and thereby indicating male and female persons) approved at the time by the Health and Safety executive and in accordance with the gas safety (installation and use) regulations 1998. The existing regulations, rules and guide­lines must be observed when doing so. The competent per­son is also responsible for inspection, maintenance and repairs to the unit, as well as alterations to the gas volume setting.
Only IE: The installation must comply with the current Ver­sion of I.S.813 "Domestic Gas Installations" and the current Building Regulations. The current ETCI Regulations for installing electrical equip­ment must also be observed.
Installation and settings
In the following cases, the boiler must be operated only with the front casing fitted and closed and with a com­pletely mounted air/flue gas duct:
– starting up – test purposes
– continuous operation, Otherwise, under unfavourable operating conditions, injury, death or material damage may occur. Exclusively for test purposes such as gas working pressure testing the boiler may be operated with the front casing removed for short durations ONLY but must have a com­pletely mounted air/flue gas duct.
What to do if you smell gas
Installation errors, damage, manipulation, an unauthorised installation site or similar can cause gas to escape and result in a risk of poisoning and explosion. If there is a smell of gas in the building, proceed as follows:
> Avoid rooms that smell of gas. > If possible, open doors and windows fully and ensure air
is circulating. > Avoid the use of naked flames (e.g. lighters, matches). > Do not smoke. > Do not use any electrical switches, plugs, doorbells, tele-
phones or other communication systems in the building. > Close the gas meter isolator device or the main isolator
device. > If possible, close the gas stop cock on the unit. > Warn the occupants in the building by knocking or call-
ing. > Leave the building. > If you can actually hear gas leaking, leave the building
immediately and ensure that no third parties enter the
building. > Alert the police and fire brigade when you are outside
the building. > Use a telephone outside the building to inform the gas
supply company or National Grid Transco 0800 111999.
Material damage caused by corrosion
To prevent corrosion on the boiler and also on the air/flue gas duct, note the following:
> Do not use sprays, solvents, chlorinated cleaning agents,
paint, adhesives or similar substances in the vicinity of
the boiler. Under unfavourable circumstances, these substances may cause corrosion.
Material damage due to improper use and/or unsuitable tools
The use of unsuitable tools or improper use thereof may cause damage, such as gas or water leaks.
> When tightening or loosening threaded connections,
always use suitable open-end spanners, but do not use
pipe wrenches, extensions, etc.
2.4 Important information regarding
propane-fired boilers
Purging the liquid gas tank when installing the system:
> Before installing the boiler, make sure that the gas tank
has been purged. The liquid gas supplier is responsible for proper ventilation of the tank. Ignition problems can result if the tank is not purged properly.
> In such cases, first contact the person in charge of filling
the tank.
> Also observe the information on conversion to liquid gas
in (¬section10.11) of this manual.
Using the correct gas group
Using the wrong gas group may cause a fault shutdown on the boiler. Furthermore, ignition and combustion noise may occur in the boiler.
> Only use propane gas G31.
Affix tank sticker
Affix the enclosed tank sticker (propane quality) to the tank where it will be clearly visible, or on then cylinder cabinet near the filler nozzle if possible.
What to do if you smell exhaust fumes
Installation errors, damage, manipulation, unauthorised installation sites or the like can cause flue gas to escape and result in a risk of poisoning. If there is a smell of exhaust fumes in the building, proceed as follows:
> If possible, open doors and windows fully and ensure
adequate ventilation. > Switch the boiler off. > Check the flue gas route in the boiler and the flue gas
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 7
2.5 General requirements
2.5.1 Related documents
To ensure the safe installation and continued satisfactory operation of your appliance, all works shall be carried out by a competent installer fully conversant with the required current and up to date, acts standards, laws and regulations relevant for this range of equipment at the time of installa­tion. In addition any special requirements of Local Authori­ties, gas undertakings or insurers must be complied with. Installers shall carryout a full site risk assessment and put into place all necessary steps and procedures to comply with Health and safety at work act and ensure safety of themselves and others with regard to manual handling and working at height requirements. Attention shall be paid to (but not restricted to) the follow­ing:
– Gas Safety (Installation and Use) regulations. – All Building Regulations 2000 for England and Wales,(as
– (Includes Approved Codes of Practice and Approved Doc-
uments for building regulations e.g. L1, L1A, L1B, L8.)
– The Building Standards, Scotland, and any requirements
determined by the local authorities within.
BS 7671 Requirements for electrical installations. IEE
Wiring Regulations
– The Electricity at Work Regulations. – The Water supply (water fittings) regulations 1999. – BS 5854 Code of practice for flues and flue structures
in buildings.
BS EN 12828 Design of water-based heating systems.BS 6700 Specification for the design, installation, test-
ing and maintenance of services supplying water for
domestic use within buildings and their curtilages.
BS 6880 Code of practice for low temperature heating
systems with outputs greater than 45kW.
Part 1 Fundamental and design considerations.
Part 2 Selection of equipment.
Part 3 Installation, commissioning and maintenance.
BS 6981 Installation of low pressure gas pipework of up
to 35mm in domestic premises.
BS 4814 Specification for: Expansion vessels using an
internal diaphragm, for sealed hot water and heating sys-
BS 7074 Application, selection and installation of expan-
sion vessels and ancillary equipment for sealed water
Part 1 Code of practice for domestic heating and hot
Part 2 Code of practice for low and medium temperature
hot water systems.
BS 7593 Code of practice for treatment of water in
domestic hot water central heating systems
BS EN 13831 Closed expansion vessels with built in dia-
BS EN 14336 Heating systems in buildings. Installation
and commissioning of water based heating systems.
BS 5440 – 1 Installation of flues and ventilation for gas
appliances of rated input not exceeding 70kW*
BS 5440 – 2 Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances
of rated input not exceeding 70kW* * 1st 2nd and 3rd family gases.
BS EN 6798 Installation & maintenance of gas fired hot
water boilers of rated input not exceeding 70kW net
Institute of Gas Engineers Publications:
IGE/UP/1B (Edition 2) Tightness testing and direct purg-
ing of small natural gas installations.
IGE/UP/ 7 (Edition 2) Gas in timber and light steel
framed buildings.
I.S. 813 - Domestic Gas Installations - 2nd edition (Ire-
BS 5482 - Part 1 Domestic butane and propane gas
burning installations
2.5.2 Installation site
The location chosen for the boiler must permit the provi­sion of a satisfactory flue termination. The location must also provide adequate space for servicing and air circula­tion around the boiler. Before commencement of any works the installer should carry out a full risk assessment in accordance with Health and Safety executive regulations. The boiler may be installed in any room, although particular attention is drawn to the requirements of BS 7671 (IEE Reg­ulations), the electrical provisions of the Building Regula­tions (Scotland) and in IE the current edition of IS 813 and the current ETCI rules, in respect of the installation of a boiler in a room containing a bath or shower.
Risk of death from electric shock when
installing a boiler in a room with a bath or shower!
If the electrical switches or controllers are installed too close to the bath or the shower, the person therein is at risk of elec­trocution.
> Install electric switches and controllers
that operate using mains voltage outside the reach of persons in baths or showers.
In case of installation of the boiler in an unusual location, special procedures may be necessary and BS5546 and BS6798 give detailed guidance on this aspect. The boiler must be mounted on a flat, vertical wall, which must be suf­ficiently robust to take the weight of the boiler. The boiler may be installed on a combustible wall, subject to the requirements of the Local Authorities and Building Regulations. A compartment used to enclose the boiler must be designed and constructed specifically for this pur­pose. (An existing cupboard or compartment may be used
8 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
provided that it is modified for the purpose). Details of essential features of cupboard/compartment design includ­ing airing cupboard installations are given in BS 6891. In IE the current edition of IS 813.
If the boiler is to be installed in a half-timbered
house, the installation must be undertaken in
accordance with the Institute of Gas Engineers Publication IG/UP/7 Edition 2 "Gas installations in timber framed and light steel framed build­ings"
If the boiler is to be installed in an airing
cupboard it is not required to separate the boiler with a non-combustible partition. However installation and servicing clearances must be maintained, and the boiler kept clear of any clothing.
Risk of damage caused by aggressive vapours and dust.
Aggressive vapours and dust in the installa­tion room may cause corrosion damage to the boiler and to the flue gas installation.
> Ensure that the boiler is room sealed if
the air in the installation room contains aggressive vapours or dust.
– for larger systems IGE/UP/1A and – for LPG installations refer to BS5482 - 1 or – IGE/UP1 Edition 2 for larger volume installations.
2.5.4 Air supply
Detailed recommendations for air supply are given in BS5440: Part2. It is not necessary to have an air vent in the room or internal space in which the boiler is installed.
2.5.5 Compartment ventilation
The boilers are very high efficiency appliances. As a conse­quence the heat loss from the appliance casing during operation is very low. Compartment ventilation is required if the flue used is not concentric and air is supplied from the room or compartment the boiler is installed in.
2.5.6 Electrical supply
Risk of death from electric shock.
If the appliance is not earthed, it may hold voltage if a defect occurs.
> Earth the appliance.
> Observe the following when choosing the installation site
and operating the boiler,
– Do not install the boiler in rooms prone to frost. – Do not install the boiler in rooms in which the com-
bustion air contains chemical substances, e.g. fluoride, chlorine, sulphur, dust, etc. (e.g. sprays, solvents, cleaning agents, paint, adhesives).
> Please ensure that the boiler is room sealed or in a sepa-
rate installation room if
– the combustion air supply contains the aforemen-
tioned substances,
– you install the boiler in hairdresser salons, painter's or
joiner's workshops, cleaning businesses or similar.
> Do not route the combustion air through an old oil fur-
nace chimney, as this can also cause corrosion.
2.5.3 Gas supply
An existing gas meter should be checked to ensure that it is capable of passing the rate of gas supply required. Installation pipes should be fitted in accordance with BS6891, in IE in accordance with the current issue of IS813. Pipework from the meter to the boiler must be of an ade­quate size. Do not use pipes of a smaller size than the boiler gas con­nection. The complete installation must be tested and purged in accordance with:
– IGE/UP /1B for systems up to 0.035m
A 230 V, ~ 50 Hz single phase electricity supply fused to 3 Amp. must be provided in accordance with the latest edition of BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and any other local reg­ulations that may apply. In IE reference should be made to the current edition of the ETCI rules. The method of con­nection to the mains electricity supply must provide a means of completely isolating the boiler and its ancillary controllers. Isolation is preferably by the use of a fused three pin plug and unswitched shuttered socket outlet, both complying with the requirements of BS1363. Alternatively, a 3 Amp. fused doublepole switch with a 3mm contact open­ing on both poles may be used.
2.5.7 Water circulation system
Detailed recommendations concerning the water circuit sys­tem can be taken from BS6798 and BS5449, Part1 (for "Small Bore" and "Micro Bore" central heating installa­tions). Lines which do not form part of the usable heating surface should be insulated to prevent heat losses and pos­sible freezing up, especially where the lines run under rooves and ventilated cellar rooms. The drain connections must be easily-accessible, so that the entire system includ­ing the boiler and hot water system can be drained. The drain connections should be at least 1/2" (BSP nominal size) and must be in accordance with BS 2879.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 9
The boiler is suitable for Minibore and Microbore systems. Water lines are to be copper pipes in accordance with BS2871, Part1. These must be thoroughly cleaned, espe­cially when connecting a new boiler to an existing system.
The use of unsuitable heating water can cause alu­minium corrosion and a resulting lack of leak­tightness.
In contrast to steel, grey cast iron or copper, for example, aluminium reacts with alkaline heating water (pHvalue>8.5) to produce substantial corrosion.
> When using aluminium, make sure that the pH value of
the heating water is between 6.5 and a maximum of 8.5.
Risk of damage if the heating water is treated with unsuitable frost or corrosion protection agents.
Frost and corrosion protection agents can cause changes to seals, noise during heating mode and may lead to other consequential damage.
> Do not use any unsuitable frost or corrosion protection
Mixing additives with the heating water can result in mate­rial damage. However no incompatibility with Vaillant boil­ers has been detected with proper use of the following products over a long period.
> When using additives, follow the manufacturer's instruc-
tions without exception.
Vaillant accepts no liability for the compatibility of any addi­tive or its effectiveness in the rest of the heating installa­tion.
Additives for cleaning measures (subsequent flushing required)
– Fernox F3 – Sentinel X 300 – Sentinel X 400
Provided the national regulations and technical standards do not stipulate more stringent requirements, the following applies:
> You must condition the heating water in the following
– If the entire filling and supplementary water quantity
during the operating life of the system exceeds three times the nominal volume of the heating installation or
– If the limit values shown in the tables are not
Total heating output
< 50
> 50 to £ 200
>200 to £ 600
> 600
1) on systems with circulation water heaters and for systems with electric heating elements
2) from the specific system volume (nominal capacity in litres/heating output; for multiple boiler systems, the lowest individual heating output should be used). This data only applies up to 3 times the system volume for filling and top-up water. If 3 times the system volume figure is exceeded, the water must be treated in exactly the same way as if the limits quoted in table2.2 were exceeded (softening, desalination, hardness stabilisation or desludging).
2.2 Guideline values for heating water: water hardness
Overall hardness at smallest boiler heating
> 20 l/kW < 50 l/kW
(mg/l CaCO3)
> 50 l/kW
(mg/l CaCO3)
0.02 (2.0)
0.02 (2.0)
0.02 (2.0)
0.02 (2.0)
20 l/kW
(mg/l CaCO3)
No require-
ment or
< 3
< (300)
Additives intended to remain permanently in the system
– Fernox F1 – Fernox F2 – Sentinel X 100 – Sentinel X 200
Additives for frost protection intended to remain permanently in the system
– Fernox Antifreeze Alphi 11 – Sentinel X 500
> Inform the operator of the necessary measures if you
have used these additives.
> Inform the operator about the required measures for
frost protection.
Permissible water hardness
> Observe all valid national and technical regulations when
conditioning filling and supplementary water.
10 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Permissible salt content
Heating water charac­teristics
Electrical conductivity at 25 °C
Appearance Free of sedimentary materials
pH value at 25 °C 8.2 - 10.0
Oxygen mg/l < 0.1 < 0.02
1) For aluminium and aluminium alloys, the pH range is restricted from 6.5 to 8.5.
2.3 Guideline values for heating water: Salt content
Unit Low-salt Saline
< 100 100 - 1500
8.2 - 10.0
2.5.8 Pressure relief valve
The boiler is equipped with a pressure relief valve. This safety device is required for all sealed central heating sys-
tems, is preset to 3 bar and is fitted with a 15 mm compres­sion connection for the discharge pipe, whose diameter must not be less than 15 mm. The pressure relief valve must not be used for draining purposes.
2.5.9 Venting
The boiler is fitted with an automatic air vent. Other meas­ures need to be taken to allow the heating system to be either automatically or manually vented during filling and during commissioning.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 11
Description of the appliance
3 Description of the appliance
3.1 Functional elements of the VU system boiler
3.2 Functional elements of the VUW combination boiler
1 Gas valve 2 Water pressure sensor 3 Venturi with mass flow sensor 4 Heat exchanger 5 Connection for the air/flue gas duct 6 Expansion vessel 7 Air intake pipe 8 Compact thermal module 9 Ignition electrode 10 Fan 11 Automatic air vent 12 Pressure gauge 13 Heating pump 14 By-pass valve 15 Expansion relief valve 16 Electronics box
1 Gas valve 2 Water pressure sensor 3 Venturi with mass flow sensor 4 Heat exchanger 5 Connection for the air/flue gas duct 6 Expansion vessel 7 Air intake pipe 8 Compact thermal module 9 Ignition electrode 10 Fan 11 Automatic air vent 12 Pressure gauge 13 Heating pump 14 By-pass valve 15 Expansion relief valve 16 Electronics box 17 Diverter valve with bypass 18 Impeller sensor (hot water) 19 Secondary heat exchanger
12 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
4 Installation
The work described in this section must only be carried out by a competent person.
4.1 Accessories
4.1.1 Controller
To control the ecoTEC, Vaillant offers various controller ver­sions for connecting to the switching rail or for plugging into the operator control screen.
Room Thermostats
VRT 30 – Room Thermostat (230 V) VRT 50 – Room Thermostat eBUS
Timers / Programmers
timeSWITCH 150 – mechanical clock timeSWITCH 160 – 7 day programmer
Digital Room Temperature Controls
VRT 350 – Programmable Room Control VRT 392f – RF Programmable Room Control VRT 350f – RF Programmable Room Control
Weather Compensating Controls
VRC 470 – Weather Compensator VRC 470f – RF Weather Compensator
VR 65 – Control Centre VR 66 – Control Centre VR 61/2 – Two Zone Wiring Centre VR 81/2 – Remote Control Unit VR 68/2 – Solar Module
4.1 Controller accessories
The pipes can be routed upwards behind the
boiler in front of the wall (surface installation)
using the spacer frame. Which means the dis­tance between the wall and the boiler increases by 65mm.
4.2 Scope of delivery
The Vaillant ecoTEC plus is delivered pre-mounted in a packaging unit.
4.2.1 Unpacking the boiler
> Remove the boiler from its box. > Remove the protective film from all parts of the boiler.
4.2.2 Checking the scope of delivery.
> Check that all parts have been delivered and are intact
(¬fig.4.1 and ¬table4.2 or ¬fig.4.2 and ¬table4.3).
4.1.2 Installation and operation
Optional accessories are available for use in conjunction with the installation and operation of the ecoTEC. The current price list shows the complete range of hydraulic accessories for the ecoTEC plus series.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 13
4.1 Scope of delivery for ecoTEC plus VU boiler
Item Quantity Description
1 1 Wall bracket 2 1 Boiler 3 1 Lower cover
44 5 3 Service valves
6 1 Installation template 7 1 Enclosure printed matter
8 3 Bag with small parts
4.2 Scope of delivery for ecoTEC plus VU boiler
4.2 Scope of delivery for ecoTEC plus VUW boiler
Item Quantity Description
1 1 Wall bracket 2 1 Boiler 3 1 Lower cover
5 4 Service valves 6 1 Installation template 7 1 Enclosure printed matter
8 3 Bag with small parts
4.3 Scope of delivery for ecoTEC plus VUW boiler
Supply pipes (gas, heating, expansion relief valve)
1 Additional for propane boilers: sticker for tank
Supply pipes (gas, heating, water, expansion relief valve)
1 Additional for propane boilers: sticker for tank
4.2.3 Disposing of the packaging
> Dispose of the cardboard packaging used on the eco-
TEC plus at a cardboard recycling site.
> Dispose of the plastic film and plastic filling at an appro-
priate plastic recycling site.
> Observe national regulations.
4.3 Transporting the appliance
With regards to the Manual Handling Operations, 1992 Reg-
ulations, the following lift operation exceeds the recom­mended weight for a one man lift.
General recommendations when handling
> Clear the route before attempting the lift. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs.
> Keep load as close to body as possible. Do not
twist – reposition feet instead.
> If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated move-
ments during lift.
> Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean
> Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good
grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip.
> Always use assistance if required.
Removal of carton from delivery van
Recommend 2 person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
> If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and
place carton into position on truck.
> Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable
> Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Keep load as close to body as possible. > If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated move-
ments during lift. > Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – ground floor.
Recommend 2 person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
> If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and
place carton into position on truck. > Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable
straps. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Keep load as close to body as possible. > If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated move-
ments during lift. > Clear the route before attempting the lift.
14 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
> If removing boiler from truck straddle the load and tilt
forwards to facilitate secure grip.
> Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Do not twist – reposition feet instead. > Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet
surfaces and climbing steps and stairs. > Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – first or higher floor, cellar.
Recommend 2-person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
> If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and
place carton into position on truck. > Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable
straps. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Keep load as close to body as possible. > If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated move-
ments during lift. > Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean
forward/sideways. > Clear the route before attempting the lift. > If removing boiler from truck straddle the load and tilt
forwards to facilitate secure grip. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Do not twist – reposition feet instead. > Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet
surfaces and climbing steps and stairs. > Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – roofspace.
> Recommend 2-person lift. > Ensure co-ordinated movements during lift. > Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean
forward/sideways. > Clear the route before attempting the lift. > Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet
surfaces and climbing steps and stairs. > When transferring appliance into roofspace,
recommend 1 person to be in roofspace to receive the
appliance and other person to be below to pass up and
support appliance. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Keep load as close to body as possible. > Always use assistance if required. > It is assumed safe access, flooring and adequate
lighting are provided in the roof space. > It is recommended a risk assessment of the roof space
area be carried out before moving the appliance into the
area to take into account access, stability of flooring,
lighting and other factors, and appropriate measures
Unpacking of appliance from carton.
> Recommend 2 persons unpack appliance from carton. > Always keep working area clear. > Recommend straps and open carton flaps, then remove
items from the top including the polystyrene packing and remove carton by sliding up over the boiler.
> Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs. > Keep load as close to body as possible. > Always use assistance if required. > Dispose of packaging in a responsible manner. > Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good
grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip
when handling appliance outside packaging.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – no obstructions.
> If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to
move where practical. > Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance
into position. > Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift
upwards, ensure stable balance achieved and lift
upwards to position in place on bracket. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor
level. > Do not twist – reposition feet instead. > Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift
to minimise strain on back. > Ensure co-ordinated movements to ensure equal spread
of weight of load. > Always use assistance if required. > Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good
grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip
when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – above worktop, foreseeable obstructions etc.
> If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to
move where practical. > Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance
into position. > Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift
upwards, onto worktop if practicable. > Ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to
position in place on bracket. > If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at
front and sides/base of boiler. > Ensure coordinated movements during 2 person lifts to
ensure equal spread of weight of load. > Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor
level. > Do not twist – reposition feet instead. > Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift
to minimise strain on back. > Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 15
> Always use assistance if required. > Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good
grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – within compartment etc. restricting installation.
> If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to
move where practical.
> Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance
into position.
> Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift
upwards, onto worktop if practicable.
> Ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to drop
into place onto bracket.
> If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at
front and sides/base of boiler.
> Ensure coordinated movements during 2 person lifts to
ensure equal spread of weight of load.
> If 1 person positioning onto bracket recommend obtain
firm grip supporting base of boiler.
> Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor
level. > Do not twist – reposition feet instead. > Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift
to minimise strain on back. > Always use assistance if required. > Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good
grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip
when handling appliance.
flooring, lighting and other factors, and appropriate measures taken.
4.4 Requirements for the installation site
4.4.1 Required minimum clearances/installation clearances
> When using accessories, observe the minimum clear-
ances/installation clearances (¬fig.4.3).
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – in roof space restricting installation.
> If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to
move where practical.
> Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift
upwards, ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to drop into place onto bracket.
> If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at
front and sides/base of boiler.
> Ensure co-ordinated movements during 2 person lifts to
ensure equal spread of weight of load.
> If 1 person positioning onto bracket recommend obtain
firm grip supporting base of boiler.
> Ensure safe lifting techniques are used - keep back
straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor
level. > Do not twist – reposition feet instead. > Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift
to minimise strain on back. > Always use assistance if required. > Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good
grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip
when handling appliance. > It is recommended a risk assessment of the roof
space area be carried out before moving the appliance
into the area to take into account access, stability of
4.3 Recommended minimum clearances/installation clearances
A 165mm (air/flue gas duct Æ 60/100mm) 246mm (air/flue gas duct Æ 80/125mm) B 180mm C 5mm; optimum approx. 50mm
500mm in front of the boiler to enable easy access for servicing (may be provided by an opening door).
Clearance at the side is not required, but the side sections can also be removed if there is adequate side clearance (at least approx. 50mm) in order to facilitate maintenance or repair work (¬section.4.8). It is not necessary to ensure sufficient clearance between the boiler and combustible materials or components as the temperature of the boiler will always be less than the maxi­mum permissible temperature of 85 °C due to its nominal heat output.
4.4.2 Using installation templates
An installation template is supplied with the boiler to aid wall mounting. The template shows the following:
16 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
– The position of the fixing holes for the hanging bracket. – The position of the connections. – The position of the wall breakthrough of the air/flue gas
Position the installation template vertically over the instal­lation site.
> Attach the template to the wall, using tacks for example. > Mark the drill holes for the hanging bracket on the wall. > If necessary, mark the position for the wall breakthrough
for the air/flue gas duct. > Remove the installation template from the wall. > Drill 2 holes > If necessary, cut the wall breakthrough for the air/flue
gas duct.
Æ 10mm for the hanging bracket in the wall.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 17
4.5 Dimension drawing and connection measurements
3 4 5 6 7
35 35
3 4 5
4.4 Connection measurements inmm
1 Wall breakthrough for air/flue gas duct 2 Hanging bracket 3 Heating flow (22x1.5) 4 Hot water connection (15x1.5), only for VUW boilers 5 Gas connection (15x1.5; ecoTEC 837: 22x1.5) 6 Cold water connection (15x1.5), only for VUW boilers 7 Heating return (22x1.5) 8 Air/flue gas duct connection 9 Condensate siphon 10 Condensate discharge connection, Ø 19mm 11 Heating expansion relief valve discharge pipe connection,
Ø 15mm
Minimum dimension from wall bracket to center line of air/flue gas duct wall break­through
60/100 with elbow 87°, PP 175 80/125 with elbow 87°, PP 223
4.4 Dimension A for air/flue gas duct wall breakthrough with
VU and VUW boilers
Dimension A [mm]
9 10
ecoTEC plus installation depth
612 (VU GB 126/5-5) 615 (VU GB 156/5-5) 618 (VU GB 186/5-5) 624 (VU GB 246/5-5) 824 (VUW GB 246/5-5) 831 (VUW GB 316/5-5)
630 (VU GB 306/5-5) 369 637 (VU GB 376/5-5)
837 (VUW GB 376/5-5)
4.5 Dimension B for installation depth on VU and VUW boilers
Dimension B [mm]
18 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
4.6 Wall-mounting the boiler
Risk of death if the load-bearing capacity
of the fixing elements used is insuffi­cient!
If the fixing elements or wall do not have sufficient load-bearing capacity, the boiler can come loose and fall down. This may also cause leaks in the gas line, which is potentially fatal.
> When fitting the boiler, ensure that the
fixing elements and the wall have a suffi­cient load-bearing capacity.
> Check the quality of the wall.
4.7 Removing/fitting the front casing
4.6 Removing the front casing
4.5 Wall-mounting the boiler
> Mount the hanging bracket (1) on the wall using the wall
plugs and screws (2) provided with the unit.
> Hang the boiler (3) on the hanging bracket from above
using the hanging bracket.
Removing the front casing
> Loosen the screws (1) on the bottom of the boiler using a
> Push in both retaining clips (2) on the bottom of the
boiler so that the front casing is released. > Pull the front casing forwards using the bottom edge. > Lift the front casing upwards from the bracket.
Fitting the front casing
> Place the front casing on the upper brackets. > Push the front casing onto the boiler so that until both
retaining clips (2) snap into place at the front casing. > Fasten the front casing by screwing in the bolt (1) on the
underside of the boiler.
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 19
4.8 Removing/fitting the side section
You can also remove a side section for installation or main­tenance purposes.
Risk of damage caused by mechanical
Removing both side sections may cause mechanical distortion in the boiler, which can cause damage to the piping and poten­tially result in leaks.
> Always only remove one side section,
never both side sections at the same time.
> Unhook the restrictor strap (1.) of the electronics box at
the required side. > Unscrew the two screws (2.) from the top and bottom of
the side section. > Hold onto the side section (3.) when doing this. > Swivel the side section outwards and remove it from
below by pulling it downwards (4.).
4.7 Removing/fitting the side section
Risk of damage to the side section.
Unscrewed side sections that are merely suspended from the back wall can fall down.
> Hold onto the side section when you are
unscrewing it, and always remove it from the boiler.
20 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Gas installation
5 Gas installation
The work described in this section must only be carried out by a competent person.
5.1 Preparing for installation
Risk of death from incorrectly installed
gas system!
An incorrect gas installation can result in leaks and an explosion.
> During installation, the legal directives
and the local regulations for gas supply companies must be observed.
Risk of death from incorrectly installed gas system!
Tension in the gas line can result in leaks or an explosion.
> Make sure there are no stresses in the
gas lines when it is installed.
Risk of damage caused by incorrect gas installation.
Excess test pressure or operating pressure can cause damage to the gas valve.
> When the entire gas installation is tested
for leaks, the maximum pressure at the gas valve must not exceed 0.75kPa (75mbar).
5.2 Connecting the gas pipe
5.1 Fitting the gas connection (example: VUW boiler)
> Make the gas connection as shown.
Risk of damage caused by contaminated
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 21
Foreign bodies such as welding remnants. sealing residue or dirt in the connection lines for gas can cause damage to the boiler.
> Blow the gas line clean prior to installa-
Risk of damage caused by using the wrong gas group.
Using the wrong gas group can cause a fault shutdown on the boiler. Furthermore, ignition and combustion noise may occur in the boiler.
> Only use propane gas for propane-fired
boilers in accordance with DIN51622.
Hydraulic installation
6 Hydraulic installation
The work described in this section must only be carried out by a competent person.
6.1 Preparing for installation
Risk of death caused by an incorrectly
installed system!
Heating water that leaks from the discharge pipe of the expansion relief valve can cause severe burns.
> Install the expansion relief valve and its
discharge pipe work termination ensur­ing that there is no danger to persons in or about the building. This may be out­side or to a suitable open drain in the installation room.
> Make sure that the drain is visible.
Risk of damage caused by contaminated lines.
Foreign bodies such as welding remnants, sealing residue or dirt in the water lines can cause damage to the boiler.
> Flush the heating installation thoroughly
prior to installation.
Risk of damage from corrosion.
If non-diffusion-tight plastic pipes are used in the heating installation, this may cause air to enter the heating water and corrosion of the heat generator circuit and the boiler.
> If using non-diffusion-tight plastic pipes
in the heating installation, separate the system by installing an external heat exchanger between the boiler and the heating installation.
Risk of scalding and/or damage due to incorrect installation leading to leaking water.
Stresses in the supply line can cause leaks.
> Make sure there are no stresses in the
supply lines when they are installed.
Risk of damage caused by heat transfer
The Vaillant ecoTEC boiler is equipped with a 10 l expansion vessel with a gas-side filling pressure of 0.075MPa (0.75 bar), which is suitable for a closed heating system with a maximum water volume of 100litres.
> Before installing the boiler, check whether the volume of
the installed expansion tank is sufficient. > If the volume of the expansion vessel is insufficient, then
install an additional expansion vessel connected as close
to the boiler as possible into the boiler return pipe.
Initial system pressure (in bar) 1.0 1.5 Expansion relief valve setting
(inMPa (bar))
With system volumes greater than 100l, multiply the volume by the adjacent factor.
6.1 Size of an additional expansion vessel
when soldering.
Heat that is transferred during soldering can cause damage to the seals in the serv­ice valves.
> Do not solder the connection pieces if
the connection pieces are screwed to the service valves.
Seals made of rubber-like materials may be sub-
ject to plastic deformation, which can lead to pressure losses. We recommend using seals made of a paste-like fibre material.
When using an external expansion vessel
together with a VUW boiler, it is advisable to install a non-return valve in the outlet (boiler flow) or take the internal expansion vessel out of service. Otherwise, the warm start function may be more frequently activated because of backflow, which causes unnecessary energy loss.
Vessel volume (in l)
0.3 (3.0)
0.109 0.156
22 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Hydraulic installation
6.2 Connecting the hot and cold water (VUWboiler)
6.1 Fitting the hot and cold water connection
> Make the water connections as shown.
6.3 Connecting the domestic hot water cylinder
> Make the water connections as shown.
6.4.2 VU boiler
6.3 Fitting the heating flow and heating return (VU boiler)
> Make the water connections as shown.
> When connecting the domestic hot water cylinder to the
ecoTEC plus, follow the installation instructions for the domestic hot water cylinder.
6.4 Connecting the heating flow and heating return
6.4.1 VUW boiler
11 12
6.2 Fitting the heating flow and heating return (VUW boiler)
6.5 Low loss header
A low loss header disconnects the boiler from the heating system. The system is no longer dependent on the remain­ing feed head of the boiler. In conjunction with the boiler circulation pump, the low loss header ensures that a suffi­ciently high minimum quantity of water is always circulating through the boiler. No electrical accessories are required in order to use a low loss header.
6.6 Connecting the condensate discharge pipework
Risk of death from flue gases!
An empty or insufficiently filled condensate water siphon can generate flue gas in the room air.
> Make sure that the condensate water
siphon is filled with water when switching on the boiler.
The ecoTEC plus boilers are equipped with a condensate siphon. (The filling height is 145mm). The siphon collects the condensate that has formed in a vessel with a capacity of approx. 200 ml, and intermittently deposits the contents
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 23
Hydraulic installation
to the discharge pipe. This minimises the risk of the dis­charge pipe freezing up.
Internal stackpipe
6.4 Condensate discharge pipework
> Connect the condensate discharge (1) of the boiler to a
condensate discharge pipework (3) which has a minimum internal diameter of 19mm (22mm outside diameter for all external pipes) and is made from an acid-resistant material (e.g. plastic overflow pipe).
Internal discharge system
6.7 Connecting the discharge pipe to the expansion relief valve on the boiler
The expansion relief valve for the heating installation is integrated in the boiler.
> Install the discharge pipe for the expansion relief valve
so that it does not interfere with the removal and fitting of the siphon trap.
We recommend not to shorten the discharge
pipe supplied.
> Leave an installation space of at least 180mm beneath
the condensate siphon.
1 2
The condensate discharge pipework must have a
continuous fall (45mm per metre) and should
> During installation remove all burs from inside of cut
pipe work and avoid excessive adhesive which may trap small pockets of water close to the pipe wall which can freeze and build into a larger ice plug.
> As with other pipe work insulate the condensate dis-
charge pipe to minimise any risk of freezing and beware when crossing cavities that the fall is maintained and the pipe sleeved.
> The condensate discharge pipework must terminate in a
suitable location. Further information can be obtained from "BS 6798 Specifi­cation for installation of gas–fired boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net". The condensate siphon (2) must be filled with water as described in the relevant section before the boiler is commissioned.
whenever possible terminate at a suitable dis­charge point within the heated envelope of the
building that will remain frost free under long periods of low external temperatures.
6.5 Fitting the discharge pipe to the expansion relief valve (example: VUW boiler)
> Insert a seal (1) in the cap nut (2). > Screw the discharge pipe (3) onto the expansion relief
> Make the discharge line routing as short as possible and
sloping away from the boiler.
> Allow the line to terminate in such a way that nobody
can be injured and no cable or other electrical compo­nents can be damaged if water or steam is ejected.
> Please note that the end of the line must be visible.
24 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
7 Flue gas installation
Flue gas installation
7.1 Air/flue gas duct
Risk of death and risk of damage from
use of non-approved air/flue gas ducts!
Vaillant boilers are system-certified only in combination with genuine Vaillant air/flue gas ducts. The use of other accessories can cause personal injury and material damage as well as operating faults.
> Only use genuine Vaillant air/flue gas
The CE mark is valid only if the appliance is operated with Vaillant air/flue gas ducts.
All ecoTEC plus boilers feature a 60/100mm diameter air/ flue gas connection as standard. Selecting the most suita­ble system depends on the individual installation and appli­cation conditions.
Standard 100mm air/flue gas duct
8 4
7.2 Scope of delivery of vertical air/flue gas duct
Article number 0020060570 and 0020065937
Optional 125mm air/flue gas duct
A concentric air/flue gas duct with an outer diameter of 125 mm is available that can be extended depending on the boiler output range. The flues gas spigot Ø80/125 (with 2 measuring apertures) Art. No.: 0020130728 will be required. You can also get a vertical system. For more information refer to the ¬installation manual for the air/flue gas duct.
7.1 Scope of delivery of horizontal air/flue gas duct Article number 303933
A concentric air/flue gas duct with an outer diameter of 100mm that can be extended depending on the boiler out­put range is available. You can also get a vertical system. For more information refer to the ¬installation manual for the air/flue gas duct. 87° elbows and 45° elbows are also available for greater flexibility during installation.
7.3 Scope of delivery of horizontal air/flue gas duct Article number 303209
7.4 Scope of delivery of vertical air/flue gas duct Article number 303200
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 25
Flue gas installation
7.2 Flue termination
The following details refer to all flue systems. a. The terminal must be positioned such that the prod-
ucts of combustion can disperse freely at all times.
b. A plume of water vapour will sometimes be visible
from the flue terminal. Positions where this could be a nuisance should be avoided.
c. If the terminal is fitted less than 2m above a balcony,
above ground or above a flat roof to which people have access then a suitable terminal guard must be provided and fitted (contact Tower Flue Components, Tonbridge, TN9 1TB).
Vertical flues must not terminate within 600mm
of an openable window, air vent or any other
The flue system shall be so placed or shielded as to prevent ignition or damage to any part of the building.
ventilation terminal.
7.5 Termination of the air/flue gas duct
D, E
26 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Flue gas installation
Directly below an opening, air brick, opening win-
dows, etc.
B Above an opening, air brick, opening window, etc. 300mm
Horizontally to an opening, air brick, opening win-
dow, etc. Below temperature-sensitive building components
e.g. plastic gutters, soil pipes or drain pipes
E Below eaves 200mm F Below balconies or car port roof 200mm G From a vertical drain pipe or soil pipe 150mm H From an internal or external corner 200mm I Above ground, roof or balcony level 300mm J From a surface facing the terminal 600mm K From a terminal facing the terminal 1200mm
From an opening in the car port (e.g. door, win-
dow) into the dwelling
M Vertically from a terminal on the same wall 1500mm N Horizontally from a terminal on the same wall 300mm O From the wall on which the terminal is mounted N/A P From a vertical structure on the roof N/A Q Above intersection with roof 300mm
7.1 Position of the termination in a fan-assisted air/flue gas duct
Minimum dimensions
75 mm
BS5440–1 It is recommended that the fanned flue terminal should be positioned as follows: a) at least 2 m from an opening in the building directly
opposite, and
b) so that the products of combustion are not straightly
directed to discharge across a boundary.
1) Dimensions D, E and F:
These clearances may be reduced to 25mm without affecting the performance of the boiler. In order to ensure that the condensate plume does not affect adjacent surfaces the terminal should be extended as shown in ¬fig.7.6.
2) Dimension H:
This clearance may be reduced to 25mm without affecting the performance of the boiler. However, in order to ensure that the condensate plume does not affect adjacent surfaces a clearance of 300mm is pre­ferred. For IE, recommendations are given in the cur-
rent edition of IS813. For 1 and 2 above you can use the Variable Termination Kit to move the termination point away from the building fab­ric. Article numbers: 0020060584 - White 0020060585 - Black
7.6 Termination of air/flue gas duct under balcony or eaves
Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01 27
Electrical installation
8 Electrical installation
8.1 Preparing for installation
Risk of death from electric shock!
Touching live connections can cause seri­ous personal injury.
> Switch off the power supply. > Secure the power supply against being
switched on again.
Risk of electrocution as a result of an improper electrical connection!
An improper electrical connection may neg­atively affect the operational safety of the boiler and result in material damage or per­sonal injury.
> The electrical connection must be car-
ried out by a suitably qualified compe­tent person who is responsible for com­plying with the existing standards and guidelines.
> Connect the boiler in accordance with
BS7671 (IEE Regulations).
> For IE: Please observe the latest edition
of the ETCI regulations (Electro-Technical Council for Ireland).
> Earth the boiler.
8.1 Opening the back wall of the electronics box
> Fold the electronics box (1) forwards. > Undo the 4 clips of the rear cover (2) of the electronics
box from the brackets (3) at the rear and sides of the electronics box.
> Fold up the cover.
Closing the electronics box
> Close the rear panel on the electronics box. > Push in the panel until it clicks into place in the clips. > Fold up the electronics box. > Push the right and left clips of the box against the side
panels on the boiler until they click into place.
> Replace the front casing on the boiler
8.3 Establishing the mains connection
8.2 Opening/closing the electronics box
Opening the electronics box
> Remove the front casing from the boiler
28 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC plus 0020116700_01
Risk of death from electric shock!
Mains connection terminals L and N remain live even if the continuous on/off switch is turned off!
> Before establishing a mains connection,
switch off the power supply.
Risk of damage from erroneous con­nected voltage.
At mains voltages greater than 253V and less than 190V, the functions may be impaired.
> Make sure that the rated voltage of the
mains is 230 V.
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