Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive 832, ecoTEC exclusive 838 Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

For the installer
Installation and maintenance instructions
ecoTEC exclusive
Gas wall boilers with condensing appliance technology
ecoTEC exclusive 832 ecoTEC exclusive 838
1 Notes on the documentation ........................... 3
1.1 Storage of the documents ...................................... 3
1.2 Safety instructions and symbols ........................... 3
1.3 Validity of the manual ............................................. 3
2 Description of the appliance ........................... 4
2.1 Design .......................................................................... 4
2.2 Type overview ............................................................ 4
2.3 CE label ........................................................................ 4
2.4 Gas council numbers ................................................ 5
2.5 Intended use ............................................................... 5
2.6 Identification plate .................................................... 5
3 Safety instructions and regulations .............. 5
3.1 Safety instructions ................................................... 5
3.1.1 Installation and setting ............................................ 5
3.1.2 If you smell gas .......................................................... 5
3.1.3 Changes to the surroundings of the heating
device ........................................................................... 5
3.2 Related documents ................................................... 6
4 Assembly ........................................................... 7
4.1 Scope of delivery ...................................................... 7
4.1.1 Transporting the appliance .................................... 7
4.2 Dimensioned drawing and dimensions for
connection .................................................................. 10
4.3 Installation site .......................................................... 11
4.4 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances . 11
4.5 Mounting the appliance ........................................... 12
4.6 Removing the front case ......................................... 12
5 Installation ......................................................... 12
5.1 General instructions for heating system ............ 12
5.2 Gas connection .......................................................... 12
5.3 Hot water and cold water connections ............... 13
5.4 Heating connection .................................................. 14
5.5 Pressure Relief Valve ............................................... 14
5.6 Flue pipe ...................................................................... 15
5.6.1 100 mm standard flue pipe ..................................... 15
5.6.2 Optional 125 mm flue pipe ...................................... 15
5.7 Termination of the flue pipe .................................. 15
5.8 Air connection ............................................................ 16
5.9 Condensate discharge ............................................. 17
5.10 Electrical connection ................................................ 17
5.10.1 Mains connection ...................................................... 17
5.10.2 Connection of controllers, accessories and
external installation components ......................... 18
5.10.3 External electrical controllers (non eBUS) ......... 18
5.10.4 Details for the connection of an external timer
to the connection rail ............................................... 19
5.10.5 Optional plug-in timers by Vaillant ....................... 19
5.10.6 Wiring diagrams......................................................... 20
6 Start-up .............................................................. 22
6.1 Filling the installation ............................................... 22
6.1.1 Filling and venting from the heating side ........... 23
6.1.2 First flushing of the system ................................... 24
6.1.3 Filling and venting from the hot water side ....... 24
6.1.4 Filling the condense trap ........................................ 24
6.2 Checking the gas setting ......................................... 24
6.2.1 Gas pressure statement - Natural gas ................. 24
6.2.2 Checking the connection pressure (gas inlet
working pressure) ..................................................... 25
Checking CO2 content and setting if necessary
(setting the air figure) ............................................. 26
6.3 Checking the equipment function ......................... 26
6.3.1 Heating ........................................................................ 27
6.3.2 Hot water function .................................................... 27
6.3.3 Subsequent flushing through of the heating
system ("hot") ........................................................... 27
6.4 Handing over the appliance to the owner .......... 28
7 Adapting the appliance to the heating system
............................................................................. 29
7.1 Selection and setting the parameters ................. 29
7.2 Overview of the settable installation parameters ... 30
7.2.1 Setting the heating partial load ............................ 30
7.2.2 Setting the pump overrun time ............................. 30
7.2.3 Setting the maximum flow temperature ............. 30
7.2.4 Setting the return temperature control .............. 30
7.2.5 Setting the burner anti-cycle time ....................... 31
7.2.6 Determination of the maintenance interval/
maintenance display ................................................ 31
7.2.7 Setting the pump output ......................................... 32
7.3 Adjusting the bypass valve ..................................... 32
8 Inspection and maintenance ........................... 33
8.1 Inspection and maintenance intervals ................. 33
8.2 General inspection and maintenance
instructions ................................................................. 33
8.3 Filling/draining the heating installation .............. 35
8.3.1 Filling the unit and heating installation ............... 35
8.3.2 Draining the unit ....................................................... 35
8.3.3 Draining the entire installation .............................. 35
8.4 Servicing the compact thermal module .............. 35
8.4.1 Dismantle compact thermal module .................... 35
8.4.2 Clean the heat exchanger ....................................... 36
8.4.3 Checking the burner ................................................. 36
8.4.4 Installing the burner assembly .............................. 36
8.5 Maintaining the secondary heat exchanger ....... 37
8.6 Cleaning the condense trap ................................... 37
8.7 Checking the expansion vessel .............................. 38
8.8 Checking the gas setting ......................................... 38
8.8.1 Checking the connection pressure (gas inlet
working pressure) ..................................................... 38
Checking CO2 content and adjusting if
necessary .................................................................... 38
8.9 Test operation............................................................ 38
9 Troubleshooting ................................................ 39
9.1 Diagnostics ................................................................. 39
9.1.1 Status codes ............................................................... 39
9.1.2 Diagnosis codes ......................................................... 40
9.1.3 Error codes ................................................................. 43
9.1.4 Error memory ............................................................ 43
9.2 Test programs ............................................................ 44
9.3 Resetting parameter to factory settings ............ 44
Notes on the documentation 1
10 Replacing components ..................................... 45
10.1 Safety instructions ................................................... 45
10.2 Replacing burner ....................................................... 45
10.3 Replacing fan or gas fittings .................................. 46
10.4 Replacing primary heat exchanger ...................... 46
10.5 Replacing electronics and display ........................ 47
11 Vaillant service ................................................. 47
12 Recycling and disposal ..................................... 47
13 Technical data ................................................... 48
EC declaration of conformity ............................................. 49
Benchmark gas boiler commissioning checklist ............ 51
1 Notes on the documentation
The following information is intended to help you throughout the entire documentation. Further documents apply in combination with this instal­lation and maintenance manual.
We accept no liability for any damage caused by fail­ure to observe these instructions.
Other applicable documents For the owner of the system:
Operating manual no. 838402 Brief operating instructions no. 838404 Warranty card no. 0020055745 Assembly manual for flue accessories no. 834449
1.1 Storage of the documents
Please pass on this operating and installation manual and all other valid documents to the operator of the in­stallation in order for him or her to store it so that it is available whenever it is required.
1.2 Safety instructions and symbols
Please observe the safety instructions in this manual for the installation of the appliance. The symbols used in the manual are explained below:
Immediate danger to life and limb!
Risk of death from electric shock!
Risk of burns or scalding!
Potentially dangerous situation for the product and environment!
Useful information and instructions.
• Symbol for a necessary task
1.3 Validity of the manual
This installation manual applies exclusively to units with the following part numbers: – 0010002668 – 0010002669
The part number of the unit can be obtained from the identification plate.
3ecoTEC exclusive installation and maintenance instructions / 0020017768_04
2 Description of the appliance
2 Description of the appliance
2.1 Design
2.3 CE label
CE labelling shows that the appliances comply with the basic requirements of the following directives: – Directive 90/396/EEC of the Commission with revisions
"Directive for Harmonisation of Legal Regulations of the Member States for Gas Consumer UNits" (Gas equipment directive)
– Directive 92/42 EEC of the Commission with revisions
"Directive Concerning the Efficiency of New Hot Water Heating Boilers Fired by Liquid or Gaseous Fuels“
(Efficiency directive)
– Directive 73/23/EEC of the Commission with revisions
"Directive Concerning Electrical Operating Equipment for Use Within Specific Voltage Limits“ (Low voltage directive)
– Directive 89/336/EEC of the Commission with revisions
"Directive Concerning Electromagnetic Compatibility" The units comply with the prototype described in the EU
Prototype Test Approval: PIN-No. CE-0085BR0308 The units comply with the following standards:
– EN 483
– EN 625 – EN 677
– EN 50165 – EN 55014
– EN 60335-1 – EN 60529 – EN 61000-3-2 – EN 61000-3-3
Fig. 2.1 Functional elements of ecoTEC exclusive
Key to Fig. 4.2
1 Expansion vessel 8 Aqua-Sensor 2 Air intake pipe 9 Electronics box 3 Burner assembly 10 Pump 4 Ignition electrode 11 Auto air vent 5 Gas Valve 12 Pressure sensor 6 Diverter valve 13 Heat exchanger 7 Hot water heat exchanger 14 Air / flue gas duct
2.2 Type overview
Appliance type
832 UK (Great Britain) II
838 UK (Great Britain) II
Table 2.2 Type summary
Designated country (designation in accord­ance with ISO 3166)
Approval category
Type of gas Nominal heat rating
Natural gas H G20 Liquid gas propane G31
Natural gas H G20 Liquid gas propane G31
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Vaillant Ltd. supports the Benchmark Initiative.
You will find the Benchmark Logbook on the last page of this instruction manual. It is very important that this document be filled out properly when installing, commissioning and handing-over to the operator of the installation.
in kW (heating)
27 31,4
30 37,2
Hot water output in kW
Description of the appliance 2
Safety instructions and regulations 3
2.4 Gas council numbers
Appliance Gas council numbers
ecoTEC exclusive 832 47 044 37 ecoTEC exclusive 838 47 044 38
Table 2.1 Gas council numbers
2.5 Intended use
The Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive is a state-of-the-art appli­ance which has been constructed in accordance with recognised safety regulations. Nevertheless, danger to the life and limb of the user or third parties can still occur or the appliance or other material assets be im­paired in the event of improper use. The unit is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capa­bilities, or lack of experience and/or knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction con­cerning use of the unit by a person responsible for their safety. Children must be watched to ensure that they do not play with the unit. The unit is intended as a heat producer for closed hot­water central heating installations in households. Any other use or extended use is considered to be improper. The manufacturer or supplier is not liable for any result­ing damage. The user alone bears the risk. Intended use includes the observance of the operating and installa­tion manual and the adherence to the inspection and maintenance conditions.
Any incorrect use is forbidden.
2.6 Identification plate
The identification plate the Valliant ecoTEC exclusive is attached at the factory to the bottom of the appliance.
3 Safety instructions and regulations
3.1 Safety instructions
To tighten or loosen bolts, only use suitable open-ended spanners (do not use pliers or ex­tensions etc.). Improper use or unsuitable tools can cause damage, such as gas or water leaks.
3.1.1 Installation and setting
Installation, setting work and maintenance and repairs to the unit may only be carries out by an heating engi­neer approved at the time by the Health and Safety Ex­ecutive.
3.1.2 If you smell gas
If you smell gas, the following safety instructions must be observed:
• Do not actuate any electrical switches in the danger area
• Do not smoke in the danger area
• Do not use a telephone in the danger area
• Close the gas stop cock
• Ventilate the danger area
• Notify your gas supplier or a suitably qualified heating
National phone number for gas emergencies: 0800 1 11 999
3.1.3 Changes to the surroundings of the heating
No changes must be made to the following objects:
- the heating device
- the gas, air, water and electricity supply pipes
- the exhaust pipe
- the constructional conditions that could affect the
operational reliability of the device
3.1.4 Important instructions for propane appliances
Bleeding the liquid gas tank when installing the system: before installing the device, make sure that the gas tank has been bled. The liquid gas supplier is responsible for the proper bleeding of the tank. Ignition problems can be caused if the tank is not bled properly. In such cases, first contact the person in charge of filling the tank.
Affix tank sticker
Affix the enclosed tank sticker (propane quality) on the tank where it is clearly visible or on the bottle cabinet, if possible close to the filler nozzle.
Only use propane in accordance with DIN 51622 or EN 437.
5ecoTEC exclusive installation and maintenance instructions / 0020017768_04
3 Safety instructions and regulations
3.2 Related documents
The installation of the appliance and any associated hot water system must be in accordance with (but not limit­ed to) the following; COSHH regulations, Gas Safety (In­stallation and Use) Regulations 1998, Health and Safety Document No. 635 (The Electricity at Work Regulations
1989), BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and the Water Supply (Water Fitting) Regulations 1999, or The Water Bylaws 2000 (Scotland). It should also be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Local Authority, Building Regulations, The Building Regulations (Scot­land), The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) and the relevant recommendations of the following British Standards: BS 6700: Services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages. BS 6798: Specification for installation of gas fired boil­ers not exceeding 60 kW input. BS 6891: Specification for installation of low pressure gas pipework up to 28 mm (R1) in domestic premises (2nd family gas). BS 7593: Treatment of water in domestic hot water central heating systems. Institute of Gas Engineers Publication IGE/UP/7/1998: ”Guide for gas installations in timber framed housing” BS. 5482 Pt. 1 Domestic butane and propane gas burn­ing installations. IGE/UP1 Soundness testing and purging of industrial and commercial gas installation. IGE/UP2 Gas installation pipework, boosters and com­pressors on industrial and commercial premises. IGE/UP10 Installation of gas appliances in industrial and commercial premises. BS. 6644: Installation of gas fired hot water boilers of rated inputs between 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd and 3rd family gases). BS. 5449: Forced circulation hot water central heating systems for domestic premises. Note: only up to 45 kW. BS. 6880: Low temperature hot water heating systems of output greater than 45 kW. Part 1 Fundamental and design considerations. Part 2 Selection of equipment. Part 3 Installation, commissioning and maintenance. BS. 4814: Specification for: Expansion vessels using an internal diaphragm, for sealed hot water heating sys­tems. BS. 5440: Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceed­ing 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases). Part 1 Specification for installation of flues. Part 2 Specification for installation and maintenance
of ventilation for gas appliances.
European installation directive
Installation and maintenance of the unit may only be undertaken by a competent person ap­proved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive in accordance with the "Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998". In IE the installation must comply with the current Version of I.S.813 ‘Domestic Gas Instal­lations’ and the current Building Regulations. The current ETCI Regulations for the installa­tion of electrical equipment must also be ob­served.
To tighten or loosen bolts, only use suitable open-ended spanners (do not use wrenches or extensions etc.). Improper use or unsuitable tools can cause damage, (such as gas or water leaks.)
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Assembly 4
4 Assembly
The Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive is delivered pre-assem­bled in a package unit.
4.1 Scope of delivery
Check the delivery for completeness and lack of damage (see Fig. 4.1 and Table 4.1).
Fig. 4.1 Scope of delivery for ecoTEC exclusive
Item Quantity Description
1 1 Boiler
2 1 Hanging bracket
4 1 Installation and connection accessories
5 1 Guarantee Card
6 1 Template
7 4 Copper tails for gas and water pipework
9 1 Pressure relief valve/double check valve
10 1 Lower cover (packed inside boiler)
Table 4.1 Scope of supply ecoTEC exclusive
Installation and Servicing, Users and Flue Installation Instructions
Flow and return service valve, gas service valve
4.1.1 Transporting the appliance
With regards to the Manual Handling Opera­tions, 1992 Regulations, the following lift oper­ation exceeds the recommended weight for a one man lift.
General recommendations when handling
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible. Do not twist –
reposition feet instead.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated
movements during lift.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean for-
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with
good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip.
• Always use assistance if required.
Removal of carton from delivery van
• Recommend 2 person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
• If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and
place carton into position on truck.
• Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated
movements during lift.
• Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – ground floor.
• Recommend 2 person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
• If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and
place carton into position on truck.
• Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated
movements during lift.
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• If removing boiler from truck straddle the load and tilt
forwards to facilitate secure grip.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back
straight – bend using legs.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet sur-
faces and when climbing steps and stairs.
• Always use assistance if required.
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4 Assembly
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – first or higher floor, cellar.
• Recommend 2-person lift or 1 person with use of sack truck.
• If 1 person is performing lift, straddle the load, tilt and place carton into position on truck.
• Recommend secure appliance onto truck with suitable straps.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• If 2 persons performing lift, ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean for­ward/sideways.
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• If removing boiler from truck straddle the load and tilt forwards to facilitate secure grip.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet sur­faces and when climbing steps and stairs.
• Always use assistance if required.
Carriage of carton from point of delivery to point of installation – roofspace.
• Recommend 2-person lift.
• Ensure co-ordinated movements during lift.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean for­ward/sideways.
• Clear the route before attempting the lift.
• Take care to avoid trip hazards, slippery or wet sur­faces and when climbing steps and stairs.
• When transferring appliance into roofspace, recom­mend 1 person to be in roofspace to receive the appli­ance and other person to be below to pass up and support appliance.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• Always use assistance if required.
• It is assumed safe access, flooring and adequate light­ing are provided in the roof space.
• It is recommended a risk assessment of the roof space area be carried out before moving the appliance into the area to take into account access, stability of flooring, ligh­ting and other factors, and appropriate measures taken.
Unpacking of appliance from carton.
• Recommend 2 persons unpack appliance from carton.
• Always keep working area clear.
• Recommend straps and open carton flaps, then re­move items from the top including the polystyrene packing and remove carton by sliding up over the boil­er.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs.
• Keep load as close to body as possible.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Dispose of packaging in a responsible manner.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance outside packaging.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – no obstructions.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance into position.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, ensure stable balance achieved and lift up­wards to position in place on bracket.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Ensure co-ordinated movements to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
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Assembly 4
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – above worktop, foreseeable obstructions etc.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance into position.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, onto worktop if practicable.
• Ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to po­sition in place on bracket.
• If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at front and sides/base of boiler.
• Ensure coordinated movements during 2 person lifts to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Avoid upper body/top heavy bending - do not lean for­ward/sideways.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – within compartment etc. restricting installation.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Fit bracket securely onto wall before lifting appliance into position.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, onto worktop if practicable.
• Ensure stable balance achieved and lift upwards to drop into place onto bracket.
• If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at front and sides/base of boiler.
• Ensure coordinated movements during 2 person lifts to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• If 1 person positioning onto bracket recommend obtain firm grip supporting base of boiler.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used – keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
Positioning of Appliance for Final Installation – in roof space restricting installation.
• If appliance weight is over 25 kg always use 2 persons to move where practical.
• Obtain firm grip on front and sides of appliance, lift upwards, ensure stable balance achieved and lift up­wards to drop into place onto bracket.
• If 2 persons positioning onto bracket obtain firm grip at front and sides/base of boiler.
• Ensure co-ordinated movements during 2 person lifts to ensure equal spread of weight of load.
• If 1 person positioning onto bracket recommend obtain firm grip supporting base of boiler.
• Ensure safe lifting techniques are used - keep back straight – bend using legs - when lifting load from floor level.
• Do not twist – reposition feet instead.
• Keep boiler as close as possible to body throughout lift to minimise strain on back.
• Always use assistance if required.
• Recommend wear suitable cut resistant gloves with good grip to protect against sharp edges and ensure good grip when handling appliance.
• It is recommended a risk assessment of the roof space area be carried out before moving the appliance into the area to take into account access, stability of floor­ing, lighting and other factors, and appropriate meas­ures taken.
9ecoTEC exclusive installation and maintenance instructions / 0020017768_04
4 Assembly
4.2 Dimensioned drawing and dimensions for connection
Ø 20
Fig. 4.2 Dimensions for connection (mm)
Key to Fig. 4.2
1 Flue connection 2 Mounting bracket 3 Heating return 4 Cold water connection 5 Gas connection 6 Hot water connection 7 Heating flow
100 100
Ø 20
4 3
Ø 20
R 1/2
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Assembly 4
4.3 Installation site
The site of erection of the boiler should allow proper connection of the air/exhaust ducting. In addition, there should be adequate room for maintenance work and air circulation around the boiler. The boiler can be installed in any room, however, in rooms with a bath or a shower, the special requirements of BS 7671 (IEE Regulations), the electro-technical stipulations of the Building Stand­ards (Scotland) Regulations and, in IE, the current issue of IS 813 and the current ETCI Stipulations must espe­cially be observed.
Danger of death by electric shock! If a room sealed boiler is installed in a room with a bath or a shower, the electrical switches and the boiler controller, which operate at mains volt­age must be mounted in locations where any person in the bath or in the shower cannot reach them
In the event of installation in unusual locations, special provisions may have to be made. Detailed instructions for this can be found in BS 5546 and in BS 6798. The boiler must be installed on a flat vertical wall which is adequately robust to carry the weight of the boiler. It is possible to mount onto a wall made of flammable material if the regulations of the Local Authority and the legal building stipulations are fulfilled. In this case however, the unit would have to be mounted in a specially made enclosure. (You can also use an existing cabinet or existing enclosure as long as it can be modified accordingly to suit the new application.) Further details concerning the fundamental characteristics when modifying existing cabinets or enclosures, including the requirements for ventilation, are described in BS 6798. If the boiler is to be installed in a half-timbered house, the installation must be undertaken in accordance with the Institute of Gas Engineers Publication "IGE/UP/7 Edition 2 Gas installation in timber framed and light steel framed buildings". Please note the following instructions before choosing where to install the heater:
Do not install the appliance in rooms prone to frost. In rooms with aggressive steam or dust, the appliance must be operated independently of the ventilation!
When choosing the place of installation and while oper­ating the appliance, make sure that the combustion air is free from chemical substances such as e.g. fluorine, chlorine, sulphur, ammonia etc. Sprays, solvents and cleaning agents, paints, adhesives etc. contain these kinds of substances, which - in the worst case scenario ­can lead to corrosion, even in the exhaust system, dur­ing ambient air dependent operating of the appliance.
Particularly in hairdessing salons, lacquering and finish­ing workshops, cleaning facilities, etc., the appliance must be operated independently of the ambient air. Oth­erwise, a separate installation room is required to guar­antee that the combustion air supply is free from the above substances.
4.4 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances
min 5
Fig. 4.3 Required minimum gaps/assembly clearances
The boiler must be mounted on a flat, vertical wall sur­face which is large enough for the boiler including the required minimum space requirement and the space re­quired for assembly (Fig. 4.3). These are shown on the mounting template supplied with the boiler, and are: – 5 mm on each side of the boiler – 145 mm underneath the boiler – 165 mm* above the boiler if using a flue pipe of 100
mm outside diameter
– 246 mm* above the boiler if using a flue pipe of 125
mm outside diameter
– 500 mm** in front of the boiler
If the boiler is to be installed in a timber framed building, it should be fitted in accordance with “IGE/UP/7 Edition 2 Gas installations in timber framed and light steel framed buildings“.
It is not necessary to maintain a clearance between the appliance and combustible materials or components, since, at the rated heating power of the appliance, the temperature here is always lower than the permitted temperature of 85 °C.
min 5
min 145
min 500**
11ecoTEC exclusive installation and maintenance instructions / 0020017768_04
4 Assembly 5 Installation
4.5 Mounting the appliance
Fig. 4.4 Mounting the appliance
• Fix the hanging bracket (1) to the wall using the plugs
and screws (2) provided with the appliance.
• Hang the top of the appliance (3) onto the hanging
bracket using the suspension bracket.
5 Installation
The Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive may only be in­stalled by a suitably qualified heating engineer approved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive who also assumes the responsibility for installing the appliance properly and fully commissioning the appliance prior to first use, along with demonstrating its correct use to the end user.
5.1 General instructions for heating system
Flush the heating system thoroughly before connecting the appliance! By doing that, residue such as welds, cinder, hemp, putty, rust, rough dust and similar sub­stances are removed from the pipes. Otherwise such substances can be deposited in the appli­ance and cause damage.
5.2 Gas connection
4.6 Removing the front case
Fig. 4.5 Removing the front case
To disassemble the front housing of the appliance, pro­ceed as follows:
• Release the screw (1) on the bottom of the appliance.
• Push both the clamps (2) on the bottom of the appli-
ance together so that the front cladding releases.
• Pull the housing forwards at the lower edge and re-
move the front cladding upwards.
The gas installation may only be established by an authorised engineer approved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive. The legal di­rectives and the local regulations for gas sup­ply companies must be observed.
Ensure stress-free assembly of the gas pipes to avoid leakages!
The gas regulating block may be tested for leakage only with a maximum pressure of 110 mbar! The operating pressure may not exceed 60 mbar. If these pressures are exceeded, the gas fitting may be damaged.
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Installation 5
5.3 Hot water and cold water connections
Fig. 5.1 Gas connection
The Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive is supplied for use with natural gas G20 and can only be converted to the use of propane gas G31 by the Vaillant service engineer or a suitably qualified installer approved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive.
The gas connection is to be via 20 mm Ø steel piping. The dynamic gas connection pressure must be at least 19 – 23 mbar for natural gas and 37 mbar for propane gas.
• The gas pipe should first be cleaned by blowing out
with compressed air. This prevents damage to the appliance.
• Connect the compression gas service cock and 15 mm
copper outlet tail as supplied with the appliance and tighten.
• Connect a gas supply pipe of not less than 15 mm
diameter to the copper tail.
• Tighten all connections.
(Ensure the gas supply pipework is adequately sized such that a 20 mbar gas pressure is available at the boiler inlet at full flow rate).
Fig. 5.2 Hot water and cold water connection
Mount the hot water and cold water lines so they are tension-free, this prevents leaks!
Flush all foreign matter from the mains supply before connecting to the boiler.
• Connect the cold water service valve (1) to the cold
inlet water connection of the appliance with the washer provided and tighten.
• Connect a 15 mm cold water inlet copper pipe (3) to the cold water service valve (1) and tighten.
• Connect a 15 mm hot water outlet pipe (4) to the outlet connection (5) of the appliance.
The Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive is set in the factory to a nominal water quantity of 11.6 l/min. (38 kW unit) and
9.8 l/min. (32 kW unit).
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5 Installation
5.4 Heating connection
5.5 Pressure Relief Valve
Fig. 5.3 Heating connection
Mount the heating lines so they are tension­free, this prevents leaks!
Before connecting the heating circuit to the boiler, all pipework and radiators must be thoroughly flushed to remove any installation debris.
• Connect the central heating flow and return service valves to the appliance.
• Connect the 22 mm copper pipe tails to the service valves as shown in the illustration and tighten the nuts.
• Connect the central heating pipework to the flow and return tails.
Two additional tubes are supplied with the appliance for top connection of the flow and return pipework within the casing.
Fig. 5.4 Fitting the pressure relief valve
The pressure relief valve and filling loop connection is provided within the boiler cardboard box and should be assembled as shown below.
• Remove plug from connection.
• Fit and install the complete unit "pressure relief valve, filling valve and flexible connection" to the connec­tion.
• Connect the corrugated hose to the double check valve.
• Connect the discharge pipe to the pressure relief valve.
The discharge pipework should be as short as possible and installed with a continuous fall away from the boiler. The pipe should terminate in a position which ensures that any discharge of water or steam from the valve cannot create a hazard to persons in or about the premises, or cause damage to any electrical compo­nents or external wiring,and the point of discharge should be clearly visible.
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Installation 5
5.6 Flue pipe
Vaillant appliances are only system-certified if genuine Vaillant flue pipes are used. Only use genuine Vaillant flue pipes. Malfunctions can occur if you use other accessories. These may result in damage and injury. You will find a list of genuine flue pipes in the Vaillant installation manual for flue pipes. The CE mark is valid only if the appliance is operated with Vaillant flue pipes.
5.6.1 100 mm standard flue pipe
Fig. 5.5 Item No. 303933
A 100 mm standard flue pipe (Item No. 303933) is avail­able. Further information can be obtained from the in­stallation instructions for the flue pipe. Extensions are available to increase this length to a maximum of 8 m. 90° elbows and 45° elbows are also available to in­crease the flexibility during installation.
5.6.2 Optional 125 mm flue pipe
A concentric flue pipe having an outside diameter of 125 mm is available, which can be extended to a length of up to 21 m. You can also get a vertical system. Fur­ther information can be obtained from the installation instructions for the flue pipe.
Fig. 5.7 Item No. 303209
Fig. 5.6 Item No. 303900
Fig. 5.8 Item No. 303200
5.7 Termination of the flue pipe
The following information applies to both flue pipe sys­tems. a. The flue terminal must be located in such a position
that any flammable substances can be freely dissipat­ed.
b. Water condensation (known as pluming) can also arise
at the terminal of the flue pipe. Installation sites where these appearances may cause a problem should be avoided.
c. If the flue terminal is less than 2 m above a balcony,
the ground or a flat roof that is accessible by persons, a suitable protection guard should be fitted (manufac­tured by Tower Flue Components, Tonbridge, TN9 1TB, Model K3, plastic-coated).
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5 Installation
H, I
Fig. 5.9 Terminal Locations
Vertical flue pipes must not terminate within 600 mm of an opening window, an extraction opening or any other ventilation opening.
The flue pipe must be fitted, or screened, in such a way that ignition or damage to sections of the building are avoided.
BS 5440–1: We recommend that the terminal of a fan-assisted flue pipe system be positioned as follows: a) At least 2 m from an opening in the building directly
opposite, and
b)so that the combustion products do not flow out at
right angles to a boundry.
1) Dimensions B, C and D:
These dimensions can be reduced to 25 mm without having a negative effect on the output of the boiler. In order to prevent the products and condensation emission from impinging on any bordering surfaces, the terminal should be extended as shown in Fig. 5.10.
2)Dimension F:
This dimension can be reduced to 25 mm without having a negative effect on the output of the boiler. In order to prevent the smoke and condensation emission from impinging on any bordering surfaces, however, a gap of 300 mm is recommended. For IE, recommendations are given in the current issue of the IS 813.
Terminal location mm
Directly under or above an opening or the horizontal
to an opening, a hollow ventilation tile, an opening win-
dow etc. B Under gullies, down-pipes or drainpipes 75 C Unter gutters 200 D Under balconies 200 A From vertical drainpipes and down-pipes 25 F From external and internal corners 300 G Above the ground, a roof or a balcony 300 H Opposite another surface 600 I Opposite another termination 1200 J Next to an opening (e.g. a door, window) within a car-port 1200 K Vertically away from a terminal on the same wall 1500 L Horizontally away from a terminal on the same wall 300 M Distance away from an adjacent vertical flue pipe 500
Table 5.1 Position of the flue terminal in a fan-assisted con-
centric flue pipe
In addition, the terminal should not be located closer than 150 mm from a wall-opening provided for e.g. a window.
Boundary flue terminations must as a minimum comply with Building regulation part „J“ 600 mm and should also be in accordance with the Guide to Condensing Boiler Installation which recommends 2.5 m from wall, fence or boundary. Where a plume diverter terminal is used this is meas­ured in the direction of the flow of products.
Fig. 5.10 Flue pipe terminating under balconies or gutters
5.8 Air connection
Detailed recommendations concerning air connection are given in BS 5440, Part 2. A ventilation opening in the room or inner room section where the boiler is installed is not required .
Ventilating a compartment or enclosure
The boilers have a very high energy efficiency. As a result of this, only small heat losses are produced at the casing of the appliance. For this reason, cabinets and enclosures in which the boiler is fitted do not need to have permanent ventilation openings at the top and bottom for cooling.
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Installation 5
5.9 Condensate discharge
Internal stackpipe
Fig. 5.11 Condensate discharge
Internal discharge system
The ecoTEC exclusive units are equipped with a normal water condensate collector where the condensate is continuously diverted into the drain pipe.
• Connect the condensate drain (1) of the boiler to a condensate drain pipe (2) which has a minimum inter­nal diameter of 19 mm (22 mm outside diameter for all external pipes) and which is made from an acid-resist­ant material (e.g. plastic overflow pipe).
The drain pipe connected to the condensate drain of the boiler must have a constant gradi­ent (45 mm per metre) and should be installed and terminate within the building to prevent the possibility of freezing up.
The condensate drain pipe should terminate in a suita­ble location, e.g.: a) The drain pipe should preferably terminate in the floor
of the house in the ventilation duct (at least 450 mm above the duct base). There must be a siphon (3) fitted in the line (mounted in the boiler) producing a connec­tion head of at least 75 mm of water. A ventilation valve (4) must be fitted in the drain pipe in front of the siphon. The connection to the ducting should not allow overflow into another drain pipe or allow overflow from another drain pipe into the condensate drain pipe. This can be achieved by keeping a gap between the pipe branches of at least 110 mm, with a duct diameter of 100 mm, and 250 mm with a duct diameter of 150 mm.
b) Connection into the domestic waste water drain pipe
(e.g. a sink or washing machine) with an external ter­mination. The condensate drain pipe should have a minimum diameter of 22 mm, without length restric­tion, and also be fitted with a siphon (3) having a con-
nection head of 75 mm (fitted within the boiler al­ready). The connection should be made after the drain siphon if possible. If the installation is only possible in front of the siphon, there must be a ventilation valve between the two siphons. This is normally provided in a drain.
c) Draining into a gully (5) under the grid (6) and above
the water level. The external piping should be kept as short as possible to minimise the frost risk, and should be no longer than 3 m.
d)To the condensate absorption point (drainage ditch) (7).
The external pipe should have a maximum length of 3 m.
Further information can be obtained from "BS 6798 Specification for installation of gas–fired boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net". The condense trap (1) must be filled with water as described in the relevant section before the boiler is commissioned.
5.10 Electrical connection
The electrical installation may only be under­taken by an authorised engineer. Risk of fatal electric shock from touching live connections. Always disconnect the power sup­ply first by pulling the plug out of the wall socket. Only after this can the installation be undertaken. Continuous voltage is present on the mains connection terminals L and N, even if the main switch is turned off!
5.10.1 Mains connection
The appliance is fitted with a 1.0 m long connection cable with mains plug. The three-pole mains plug is fit­ted with a 3.0 A fuse. The connection cable is wired into the appliance in the factory. Connection to the mains supply shall be made via the fused 3 pin plug to an unswitched shuttered socket, complying to the requirements of BS 1363.
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