Vaillant ECOmax VUW 236 EH, ECOmax VUW 286 EH Instructions For Installation And Servicing

ECOmax VUW 236 EH
G.C. No. 47 044 23
ECOmax VUW 286 EH
G.C. No. 47 044 24
Wall hung room sealed fan assisted
condensing combination boilers
1. Introduction 3
2. Boiler Specification 4
2.1 Technical Data 4
2.2 Dimensions 5
2.3 Boiler connections 5
2.4 Function diagram 6
3. General Requirements 7
3.1 Related documents 7
3.2 Boiler location 8
3.3 Gas supply 9
3.4 Flue system 9
3.5 Air suply 11
3.6 Electricity supply 11
3.7 Guide to system requirements 11
4. Boiler installation sequence 14
4.1 General 14
4.2 Boiler delivery 14
4.3 Preparation of boiler location 15
4.4 Pipework connections 17
4.5 Installing the flue system 18
4.6 Mounting the boiler 18
4.7 Connecting the flue assembly 20
4.8 Electrical installation 22
4.9 Controls 23
5. Commissioning 25
5.1 Preliminary electrical checks 25
5.2 Gas supply 25
5.3 Water supply 25
5.4 Filling the heating system 26
5.5 Initial system flush ('cold') 26
5.6 Filling condensate trap 27
5.7 Initial lighting 27
5.8 Gas inlet working pressure 28
5.9 Adjusting central heating output (range rating) 28
5.10 Main burner pressure 29
5.11 Functional checks 30
5.12 Checking flame
supervision device 32
5.13 Final system flush ('hot') 33
5.14 Fitting case 33
5.15 Handing over to user 33
6. Servicing 34
6.1 Initial inspection 35
6.2 Routine maintenance 35
6.3 Recommisioning the boiler 37
7. Parts replacement 38
7.1 Initial preparation 38
7.2 Fan 40
7.3 Air pressure sensor 41
7.4 Burner 41
7.5 Electrodes 42
7.6 Condensate sump 43
7.7 Condensate trap 44
7.8 Temperature sensors (NTCs) 44
7.9 Gas valve 44
7.10 Main Heat exchanger 45
7.11 CH expansion vessel 46
7.12 Main safety isolating transformer 47
7.13 Ignition transformer 48
7.14 Pump 48
7.15 Automatic air release 49
7.16 Automatic bypass 49
7.17 Diverter valve 50
7.18 Pressure gauge 51
7.19 Water section 51
7.20 DHW microswitch 52
7.21 DHW heat exchanger 53
7.22 Circuit boards 53
8. Fault finding 57
8.1 Introduction 57
8.2 Logical fault finding procedure 58
8.3 Fault finding using fault mode 60
8.4 Fault diagnosis using
status mode 62
9. Electrical diagrams 65
9.1 Functional flow diagram 65
9.2 Wiring diagram 66
9.3 Schematic appliance
circuit diagram 67
10. Short parts list 68
11. Supplementary information
for ECOmax 70
`In your own interest, and that of safety, it is law that all gas appliances are installed by competent persons, in accordance with the above regula­tions. Failure to install appliances correctly could lead to prosecution.'
Leave these instructions with the user when the installation is completed.
1. Introduction
Note: This boiler must be installed and serviced by a competent person in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations
1994. In the U.K. `CORGI' Registered Installers undertake the work to a safe and satisfactory standard.
ECOmax is a fully automatic, wall mounted, room sealed, condensing (high efficiency) combination boiler for central heating and domestic hot water. Domestic hot water is supplied directly from the boiler, and haspriority over the central heating. (This has the advantage that no copper cylinder, cold water tank, feed and expansion tank and associ-ated pipework are required).
The boiler has been designed for use with sealed systems, and comes fully tested and assembled with built-in circulating pump, bypass, expansion vessel and diverter valve.
The boiler, because it has a larger heat exchanger, extracts more heat from the flue gases. The conversion of this otherwise wasted heat into usable warmth means the boiler has a higher efficiency. Because the flue gases are reduced to such a low temperature, the water vapour contained in them can condense. To discharge this con­densate a drain is provided on the boiler, and this must be connected to a drainage point on site.
The boiler features a comprehensive diagnostic system, which gives de­tailed information on the boiler status when operating and performance of key components to aid in commis­sioning and fault finding.
ECOmax range consists of models with outputs for domestic hot water of 22.7 and 28.3 kW. The boiler is easily sited on any internal wall and can be installed with either a horizontal or vertical RSF (Room Sealed Fan assisted) flue. Flue extensions and additional bends and elbows are available for increased siting flexibility. (The boiler is not suitable for external installation).
If desired, an inhibitor may be used in the system. Guidance on the use of inhibitors is contained in these instructions. (The boiler does not utilise aluminium in the water system and does not require a special inhibitor).
The boiler is designed to operate on Natural Gas only.
The boiler contains a domestic hot water heat exchanger. The temperatu­re in the heat exchanger is limited by the boiler control system and it is not normally necessary to install a scale reducer on the cold mains inlet to the boiler. However, in exceptionally hard water areas to prevent scale formation in the property hot water system pipe­work a scale reducer may be fitted.
The data badge is fitted on the com­bustion chamber cover.
ECOmax boilers carry the „CE” Mark. This demonstrates that the boilers fulfill the essential requirements of the Gas Appliance Directive (90/396/EEC) and the Gas Appliance (Safety) Regulations 1992.
The „CE” Mark also demonstrates that the boilers comply with the requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Drective (89/336/EEC), the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC), the Boiler Efficiency Directive (92/42/EEC) and the Boiler (Efficiency) Regulations
ECOmax VUW 236 EH VUW 286 EH units
Countries of Destination GB, IE Maximum CH heat input 19.5 (66,500) 24.2 (82,600) kW (Btu/h)
CH heat output range 80 °C flow/60 °C return 9.9-17.2 12.3-21.3 kW
(33,800-58,700) 42,000-72,700) (Btu/h)
50 °C flow/30 °C return 10.5-18.0 13.1-22.3 kW
(35,800-61,400) (44,700-76,100) (Btu/h)
Maximum DHW heat input 25.0 (85,300) 31.1 (106,100) kW (Btu/h) Maximum DHW heat output 22.7 (77,500) 28.3 (96,600) kW (Btu/h) DHW flow rate @ 35 °C rise 9.3 11.6 l/min Mains water pressure required for max. flow rate 1.0 1.0 bar Minimum water flow rate 2 2 l/min Mains water pressure required for min flow rate 0.2 0.2 bar Maximum inlet water pressure 10 10 bar
Inlet gas working pressure required (Natural Gas) 20 20 mbar Gas supply (G20) Gross C.V. (s.t.) 37.8 37.8 MJ/m
Gas burner pressure max (DHW) 3.0 3.0 mbar Gas rate max (DHW) 2.38 2.96 m3/h
CH flow temperature range 35-90 35-90 °C Minimum CH water flow (for 20 °C rise) 770 960 l/h Pump pressure available 0.25 0.25 bar 12 l expansion vessel pre-charge pressure 0.8 0.8 bar Maximum CH system pressure 3.0 3.0 bar
Connections Heating flow / return
/4 in. BSP Cold water inlet 15 15 mm DHW outlet 15 15 mm Gas inlet 15 15 mm Condensate drain (internal diameter, min) 19 19 mm Pressure relief discharge pipework (min) 15 15 mm
Weight 56 57 kg Boiler water content 1.5 1.6 litres Volume of condensate (max.) 0.5 0.6 l/h Maximum flue gas temperature 70 70 °C
Electrical supply Voltage 230/50 230/50 V~/Hz Fuses internal/external 2/3 2/3 A Power input 130 130 W
2. Boiler specification
2.1 Technical data
GW 398/0
fig. 1
2.3 Boiler connections
1 Connection support bracket 2 Service valve (flow of heating
system) 3 Domestic hot water connection 4 Compression Union (gas) 5 Gas service valve (supplied with
the boiler) 6 Cold water connection with
shut-off walve 7 Service valve (return of heating
system) 8 Discharge pipe 9 Pressure relief valve
10 Compression union (return of
heating system)
11 Compression union (flow of
heating system)
14 Boiler condensate drain 23 Frame of appliance (lower
GW 399/1
fig. 2
2.2 Dimensions
(All dimensions in mm)
1a Air/flue duct to the rear 1b Air/flue duct to the side 2 Appliance bracket 3 Heating system return 3/4” Rp
(3/4” B.S.P.) 4 Cold water connection (15 mm) 5 Gas connection (15 mm) 6 Hot water connection (15 mm)
11 Heating system flow 3/4” Rp
(3/4” B.S.P.)
12 Pre-assembled connection set
with service valves (flow and
return) pressure relief valve,
cold and hot water connection
13 Pressure relief valve 3/4” Rp
(3/4” B-S.P.)
14 Boiler condensate drain
(18 mm O. D.)
* with standard horizontal flue
accessory. (max. = 6880 mm with extensions)
GW 512/1
fig. 3
2.4 Function diagram
1 Air duct 2 Flue gas duct 3 Fully modulating automatic gas
valve 4 Fully modulating fan 5 Fully modulating low NOx burner 6 Combustion chamber 7 Flame sensing electrode 8 High efficiency heat exchanger 9 Condensate trap
10 DHW heat exchanger 11 Boiler display 12 User control panel 13 DHW outlet 14 CH flow service valve 15 Gas service valve 16 Air pressure sensor 17 Ignition electrodes 18 Temperature sensors (NTCs) 19 Expansion vessel charging valve 20 Expansion vessel 21 Automatic bypass valve 22 Automatic air vent 23 Circulating pump 24 Diverter valve 25 Pressure gauge 26 Water section 27 Pressure relief valve 28 CH return service valve 29 Cold water shut off valve
3. General requirements
3.1 Related documents
The installation of the boiler must be in accordance with the relevant require­ments of Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994, Health and Safety Document No. 635 (The Elec­tricity at Work Regulations 1989), BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations) and the bylaws of the local Water Under­taking. It should be in accordance with any relevant requirements of the Local Authority, Building Regulations, Building Standards (Scotland) Regu­lations and the relevant recommen­dations of the following British Standards:-
BS 5440: Flues and ventilation of gas fired boilers not exceeding 60 kW:
- Part 1: Flues
- Part 2: Ventilation BS 5449: Specification for forced
circulation hot water for domestic premises.
BS 5546: Specification for gas hot water supplies for domestic premises.
BS 6700: Services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages.
BS 6798: Specification for installation of gas fired boilers not exceeding 60 kW input.
BS 6891: Specification for installation of low pressure gas pipework up to 28 mm (R1) in domestic premises (2nd family gas).
BS 7593: Treatment of water in dome­stic hot water central heating systems.
BRITISH GAS PUBLICATION DM2: Guide for Installation in Timber Framed Housing
The appliance must be installed and serviced by a competent person as stated in the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994
3.2 Boiler location
The location chosen for the boiler must permit the provision of a satisfactory flue termination. The location must also provide adequate space for servi­cing and air circulation around the boiler. The boiler may be installed in any room, although particular atten­tion is drawn to the requirements of the I.E.E. Regulations and, in Scot­land, the electrical provisions of the Building Regulations, in respect of the installation of the boiler in a room containing a bath or shower.
(Note: Where a room sealed boiler is installed in a room containing a bath or shower, any electrical switch or boiler control utilising mains electricity should be so situated that it cannot be touched by a person using the bath or shower).
Where the installation of the boiler will be in an unusual location, special procedures may be necessary and BS 5546 and BS 6798 give detailed gui­dance on this aspect.
The boiler must be mounted on a flat, vertical wall, which must be sufficient­ly robust to take the weight of the boi­ler. The boiler may be installed on a combustible wall, subject to the requirements of the Local Authorities and Building Regulations.
A compartment used to enclose the boiler must be designed and construc­ted specifically for this purpose. (An existing cupboard or compartment may be used provided that it is modi­fied for the purpose). Details of essen­tial features of cupboard/compart­ment design including airing cup­board installations are given in BS 6798.
If the boiler is to be fitted in a timber framed building, it should be fitted in accordance with British Gas Publica­tion DM2 `Guide for Gas Installations in Timber Framed Housing'.
GW 319/0
fig. 4
3.3 Gas supply
The gas supplier should ensure the availability of an adequate supply of gas.
A gas meter may only be connected to the service pipe by the supplier of gas or their contractor.
An existing meter should be checked to ensure that it is capable of passing the rate of gas supply required.
Installation pipes should be fitted in accordance with BS 6891.
Pipework from the meter to the boiler must be of an adequate size. Do not use pipes of a smaller size than the boiler gas connection (15mm).
The complete installation must be tested for soundness and purged as described in BS 6891.
3.4 Flue system
The standard horizontal flue system (Accy No 300931) is suitable for installations up to 1 metre measured from the centre of the boiler flue outlet to the outside face of the wall (A, fig. 4). One metre flue extensions (Accy No 300923) are available to extend this length up to 6880 mm. 90 ° elbows (Accy No 300934) and 45 ° bends (Accy No 300949) are also available to increase siting flexi­bility.
A vertical flue system is also available (Accy No 300945).
Refer to the flue installation instructions for full details.
3.4.1 Flue Termination
1. The terminal must be positioned such that the combustion products can disperse freely at all times.
2. Flue gases from high efficiency con­densing boilers are emitted at relative­ly low temperatures, leading to a ten­dency for a plume of water vapour to be visible at or near the terminal. More care should therefore be taken when choosing the site for a terminal of a condensing boiler. If possible avoid placing the terminal below a window, next to a door or close to opposing walls. It is also recommen­ded that the flue is not terminated beneath a car port roof.
3. If the terminal is fitted less than 2m above a balcony, above ground or above a flat roof to which people have access then a suitable guard must be provided and fitted (available from Tower Flue Components, Tonbridge, TN9 1TB: reference CGDK3BL).
Table 1:
Terminal position for fan-assisted flue. (minimum distance - see fig. 5)
A- Directlybelowanopenable
window or other opening (e.g. air brick) 300
B- Below gutters, soil pipes
or drain pipes 75
C- Below eaves 200
D- Below balconies 200
E- From vertical drain pipes
and soil pipes 25
F- From internal or external
corners 300
G-Above ground or balcony
level 300
H- From a surface facing a
terminal 600
I- From a terminal facing a
terminal 1200
K- Vertically from a terminal
on the same wall 1500
L- Horizontally from a
terminal on the same wall 300
M-Distance from adjacent
wall for Vertical Flue 500
Dimension F: This clearance may be reduced to 25mm without affecting the performance of the boiler. However, in order to ensure that the condensate plume does not affect adjacent surfaces a clearance of 300 mm is preferred.
fig. 5
GW 524/0
Dimensions B, C and D: These clear­ances may be reduced to 25mm with­out affecting the performance of the boiler. In order to ensure that the con­densate plume does not affect adja­cent surfaces the terminal should be extended as shown in fig. 6.
fig. 6
GW 445/0
Note: Vertical flues must not terminate within 600 mm of an openable win­dow, air vent or any other ventilation opening.
3.5 Air supply
Detailed recommendations for air sup­ply are given in BS 5440: Part 2.
It is not necessary to have an air vent in the room or internal space in which the boiler is installed.
3.5.1 Cupboard or compart­ment air supply
ECOmax Room Sealed Condensing Combination Boilers are very high efficiency appliances. As a conse­quence the heat loss from the appliance casing during operation is very low. For cupboard and compartment installations it is there­fore not necessary to provide any high or low level permanent air vents for cooling purposes.
3.6 Electricity supply
A 230 volts~ 50Hz single phase elec­tricity supply fused to 3 amps must be provided in accordance with the latest edition of the I.E.E. Wiring Regulati­ons and any other local regulations that may apply.
THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED. The method of connection to the mains electricity supply must provide a means of completely isolating the boi­ler and its ancillary controls. Isolation is preferably by the use of a fused three-pin plug and unswitched shut­tered socket outlet, both complying with the requirements of BS 1363. Alternatively, a 3 Amp fused double­pole switch with a 3mm contact sepa­ration on both poles may be used.
3.7 Guide to system
3.7.1 Water circulation system
Detailed recommendations for the water circulation system are given in BS 6798 and BS 5449: Part 1 (for small bore and micro bore central heating systems).
fig. 7
GW 400/0
Pipework not forming part of the use­ful heating surface should be insulated to help prevent heat loss and possible freezing, particularly where pipes are run through roof spaces and venti­lated underfloor spaces.
Draining taps must be located in accessible positions which permit the draining of the whole system including the boiler and the hot water system. Draining taps should be at least
/2 in. BSP nominal size and be in
accordance with BS 2879. The boiler is suitable for use with mini-
bore or microbore systems. Copper tubing to BS 2871: Part 1 should be used for water carrying pipework. All capillary joints in the DHW pipework must be made with lead free solder.
Particularly where a new boiler is to be fitted to an existing system, it is good practice that the system is thoroughly cleansed. This cleansing should take place prior to the fitting of the new boiler and be in accordance with BS 7593.
For advice on the application of system cleansers contact sentinel, Grace Dearbom Ltd. Widnes., Cheshire, WA8 8 UD. Tel.: 0151 495 1861
3.7.2 Filling and make up
The system should be filled with water via a separate filling point fitted at a convenient point on the heating cir­cuit. Where local Water Authority Regulation allows, a temporary con­nection to the mains may be used (fig. 7). The connection must be removed when filling is completed. Where local Water Authority Regula­tion does not allow temporary connec­tion, a sealed system filler pump with break tank must be used. The heating
system will not be filled automatically from the domestic side.
(Alternative methods of filling sealed systems are given in BS 5449).
Heating circuit return
Double check valve assembly
Stop valve
Test valve
Hose unions
Mains water supply
Temporary Hose
fig. 8
GW 401/0
3.7.3 Pressure relief valve
A pressure relief valve is provided rea­dy-assembled to the return C.H. ser­vice valve (4, fig. 8). This safety devi­ce is required on all sealed C.H. systems and is pre-set at 3 bar and provided with a 3/4 in. BSP connec­tion for a discharge pipe (minimum size 15mm).
Safety valve setting (bar) 3.0 Initial system pressure (bar) 1.0 1.5 Total water content of system VESSEL VOLUME (L)
25 2.7 3.9
50 5.4 7.8 100 10.9 15.6 125 13.6 19.5 150 16.3 23.4 175 19.1 27.3 200 21.8 31.2 225 24.5 35.1 250 27.2 39.0 275 30.0 42.9 300 32.7 46.8 325 35.7 50.7 350 38.1 54.6 375 40.9 58.5 400 43.6 62.4 425 46.3 66.3 450 49.0 70.2 475 51.8 74.1 500 54.5 78.0
For system volumes other than those given above, multiply
0.109 0.156
the system volume by the factor across
fig. 9
GW 402/0
3.7.4 Pressure gauge
This is factory fitted to the boiler and indicates the primary circuit pressure to facilitate filling and testing.
3.7.5 Expansion vessel
An expansion vessel is incorporated into the boiler suitable for a sealed heating system with a maximum water contents of 135 litres.
If the nominal capacity of the built-in expansion vessel is not sufficient for the heating system (for instance in case of modernization of old open systems) an additional expansion ves­sel can be installed external to the boi­ler in the return pipe as close as pos­sible to the boiler in accordance with BS 5449: Part 1.
Guidance on the sizing of an addi­tional expansion vessel is given in Table 2.
3.7.6 Circulating pump
The circulating pump is included in the boiler. The pump head available for the heating system is shown in fig. 9.
3.7.7 System by-pass
An automatic system by-pass is inclu­ded within the boiler. The boiler is suitable for use in systems with thermostatic radiator valves and no additional by-pass is required.
3.7.8 Venting
The boiler is fitted with an automatic air vent. Additional provision should be made to enable the heating system to be vented during filling and com­missioning either by automatic air vents or manually.
3.7.9 DHW expansion vessel accessory
A DHW expansion vessel kit (Accy. No. 8070) is available as an optional extra from Vaillant Ltd. This expansion vessel kit should be fitted to the boiler whenever either a stop valve of the loose jumper type or a non return valve are present in the cold water mains supply to the boiler (fig. 10).
Table 2: Sizing of Additional Expansion Vessel
fig. 10
GW 494/0
fig. 11
GW 403/0
4. Boiler installation sequence
4.1 General
The boiler should be mounted on a flat and vertical area of wall of suf­ficient area for the boiler plus the required minimum clearances for installation and servicing (fig. 11). These are shown on the installation template supplied with the boiler and are:-
5 mm either side of the boiler 150 mm below the boiler 165 mm on top of the boiler 500 mm in front of the boiler *
* This clearance is only required to enable easier access to the boiler for servicing and may be provided by an openable door, etc.
NOTE: If the boiler is to be fitted in a timber framed building, it should be fitted in accordance with British Gas publication reference DM2 'Guide for gas installations in timber framed hou­sing.'
4.2 Boiler delivery
ECOmax is delivered in three packs: a. the carton containing the boiler
b. separately boxed connection group
(Accy No.9313)
c. separately boxed flue accessory,
1m horizontal flue accessory (Accy No. 300931); or
vertical flue accessory (Accy No. 300945)
4.2.1 Installation accessories
Table 3 lists the standard and optional accessories which are available for ECOmax.
4.2.2 Unpack the boiler (fig. 12)
Open the boiler carton and remove: a. protective cardboard sheet
b. top and bottom decorative panels c. polystyrene packaging
NOTE: Care should be taken not to scratch the white powder coated sur­face of the boiler casing.
Packed in the boiler carton are the following:
boiler installation template
boiler hanging bracket
gas service valve and adaptor
fixing screws and wallplugs
installation and user instructions
4.3 Preparation of boiler
4.3.1 Select position of boiler.
Refer to Section 3.2 `Boiler Location' for information regarding siting the boiler. In general the boiler must be positioned such that:
there is adequate space around the boiler for service and maintenance
the boiler can be correctly flued, i.e. the flue terminal position is sited in accordance with Section 3.4.1 and the air / flue duct can be installed in accordance with the flue installation instructions supplied.
all necessary pipework can be connected, including the pressure relief valve discharge pipe and the condensate drain.
fig. 12
GW 405/0
Table 3: Installation Accessories
Standard Accessories Accy. No.
1)Pre-assembled connection group 9313 incl. isolating valves (flow and return), pressure relief valve, cold and hot water connections
2)Air/flue duct assembly 300931 incl. terminal (horizontal)
Optional Accessories Accy. No.
3)Air/flue duct assembly 300945 incl. terminal (vertical)
4)Pitched roof adjustable roof tile 9076
5)Flat roof penetration collar 9056
6)Extension: (1 m) for the 300923 standard air/flue duct assembly (optional extra)
7)Additional 90 ° elbow 300934
8)Additional 45 ° bends (pair) 300949
9)Internal flue fixing kit 8098
10) Pipe cover accessory 8099
4.3.2 Using the boiler template (fig. 13) Once a suitable location has
been chosen, fix the paper installation template on the wall ensuring that the centerline of the template is vertical using a spirit level or plumb line.
The template shows the positions of the fixing holes for the boiler hanging bracket and connection group. The template also shows the position of the flue exit hole, for use where the air flue duct is to be installed directly to the rear of the boiler, e.g. where the boiler is installed on an outside wall and the flue terminates directly behind. Mark on the wall the positi-
ons of the hanging bracket (2) and connection group fixing holes (3). Drill two holes Ø 10 mm for the hanging bracket, and similarly drill three holes Ø 8 mm for the connection group. (Note: Use the alternative fixing holes where necessary). Rear exit flue.
Mark the position of the centre of the flue duct and its circumference, e.g. by drilling through the template (1). Other flue options.
Refer to the installation instructions supplied with the flue accessory for detailed instructions on other flue op­tions such as vertical RSF flues, flue runs to the side of the boiler and the use of additional flue elbows and bends etc. Remove the template from the
wall and plug the drilled holes using the wallplugs supplied.
4.3.3 Fitting the boiler hanging bracket and connection group.
Secure the hanging bracket and connection group securely to the wall using the screws supplied. (If the con­dition of the wall is poor it may be necessary to use additional or alterna­tive fixings to ensure adequate sup­port).
NOTE: If the boiler is to be fitted in a timber framed building ensure that the brackets are secured to a substantial part of the timber frame capable of taking the weight of the boiler.
fig. 13
GW 426/0
fig. 14
GW 406/0
4.4 Pipework connections (fig. 14)
Figure 14 shows the central heating, domestic hot water, mains cold water and pressure relief valve connections.
4.4.1 Central heating flow
and return
Before connecting the heating circuit to the connection group, all pipework and radiators must be thoroughly flushed to remove any installation debris. Connect the flow and return pipes to the central heating service valves (8) and (9) on the connection group using compression adaptors.
4.4.2 Cold mains water inlet
and hot water outlet
Flush out all foreign matter from the mains supply pipe before connecting to the boiler.
Connect the mains water supply (3) and hot water outlet pipes (4) to the 15 mm compression connections pro­vided.
Note: The boiler has a maximum domestic water working pressure of 10 Bar. If the cold mains supply pres­sure exceeds 10 Bar, a pressure red­ucing valve must be fitted to the cold water inlet.
4.4.3 Pressure relief valve
The connection group contains the pressure relief valve required for a sealed system (5). Connect a dis­charge pipe not less than 15 mm dia­meter to the Rc 3/4 outlet of this valve using a compression adaptor.
This discharge pipework should be as short as possible and installed with a continuous fall away from the boiler. The pipe should terminate in a posi­tion which ensures that any discharge of water or steam from the valve can­not create a hazard to persons in or about the premises, or damage to any electrical components or external wiring, and the point of discharge should be clearly visible. The dis­charge must not terminate above a window, an entrance or any type of public access. The installer must con­sider that the pipe could discharge boiling water.
Key: 1 CH Flow pipe
2 CH Return pipe 3 Cold Mains water supply 4 DHW outlet 5 CH Pressure relief valve (PRV) 6 PRV discharge pipe 7 Cold Mains water service valve 8 CH Flow service valve 9 CH Return service valve
fig. 15
VC/VCW 442/2
fig. 16
GW 424/0
4.5 Installing the flue system
At this stage install the flue system (refer to separate air/flue duct installa­tion instructions).
4.6 Mounting the boiler
4.6.1 Preparation (fig. 15)
Remove the boiler from the carton. Lay the boiler on its back and remove
the four plastic sealing caps from boiler flow and return and domestic water connections.
On the connection group close the CH service valves (8), unscrew the union nuts (6) and remove plastic sealing plugs.
Close cold mains water service valve, unscrew union nuts (4), remove and discard plastic sealing plug. (Take care not to lose sealing washers!)
Slide the 22 mm nuts (6) and olives (5) over the flow and return tails of the boiler as far as possible. Fix these temporarily in this position using tape or similar.
4.6.2 Fitting the boiler (fig. 16)
Lift the boiler up to the wall so that it is slightly above the connection group.
Lower the boiler slowly onto the connection group so that:
the flow and return tails of the boi­ler engage into the top of the CH service valves AND
the cross member at the top rear of the boiler slots into the hanging bracket.
Remove the tape (or similar) used to secure the nuts and olives on the flow and return tails, slide these down onto the CH service valves and tighten.
Align the cold and hot water connec­tions with the boiler, fit the sealing washers and tighten. (If necessary adjust the position of the hot and cold water connection pipes by loose­ning the locking nuts on the connec­tion group).
fig. 17
GW 407/1
fig. 18
GW 525/0
4.6.3 Gas supply (fig. 17)
The boiler is supplied with a 20 mm x 15 mm gas service valve (7). Fit the 20 mm compression fitting to the boiler gas inlet (3) and tighten. Install a gas supply pipe not less than 15 mm diameter and connect to the gas service valve. (Ensure the gas supply pipework is adequatelysized such that a 20 mbar
- 8" w.g. – gas pressure is available
at the boiler inlet at full flow rate). Tighten all union connections.
4.6.4 Condensate discharge
(fig. 18)
Insert the boiler condensate drain (1) by at least 50 mm into a condensate discharge pipe (2). The condensate discharge pipe should be minimum 19 mm internal diameter and be made of an acid resistant material (e.g. plastic overflow pipe).
The discharge pipe from the boiler condensate drain must have a conti­nous fall and preferably be installed and terminated within the building to prevent freezing. The discharge pipe must terminate in a suitable position, e.g.:-
connecting into the internal stackpi­pe of the property (at least 450 mm above the invert of the stack). A trap giving a water seal of at least 75 mm (3) should be incorporated into the pipe run, and there must be an air break (4) in the discharge pipe upstream of the trap.
connecting into the internal dischar­ge system of the property such as a sink or washing machine waste. The connection should be upstream of the sink / washing machine waste trap. (If the connection is downstream of the waste trap then an additional trap giving a water seal of at least 75 mm (3) and an air break (4) must be incorporated into the pipe run, as (a)).
terminating in a gulley (5) below grid level (6) and above the water level.
at a condensate absorption point ('soakaway')-7.
fig. 19
GW 411/1
fig. 20
GW 333/0
fig. 21
GW 334/0
fig. 22
GW 335/0
Note: If it is necessary to install any conden­sate pipework externally, then it should be kept as short as possible, be insulated with waterproof insu­lation and have a continuous fall of at least 2.5 ° (i.e. 45mm fall for every metre length).
Refer to the British Gas publication `Guidance notes for the installation of domestic condensing boilers' for further information.
Before operating the boiler the con­densate trap on the boiler (1, fig. 19) must be filled with water as described in Section 5.6 `Filling condensate trap'.
4.7 Connecting the flue assembly to the boiler
(Note: Refer to the air/flue duct instal­lation instructions for full details of installation of the air flue duct. This Section is included for further refer­ence only, e.g. in case the boiler has to be removed from the wall.)
4.7.1 Horizontal Flue
Place a 95 mm diameter x 88 mm long air duct clamp (1, fig. 20) over the air duct.
Push the sliding sleeve (1, fig. 21) over the cut end of the flue duct.
Fit the flue elbow to the boiler by inserting the spigot of the flue elbow into the flue outlet socket of the boiler. When correctly fitted the air duct of the flue elbow should butt up to the boiler air duct.
Line up the flue elbow socket with the air/flue duct and pull back the sliding sleeve so that it engages into the socket of the flue elbow (fig. 22). The sliding sleeve must penetrate the flue elbow socket such that there is at least 20 mm engagement at both ends of the sliding sleeve (fig. 23)
fig. 23
GW 336/0
fig. 24
GW 337/0
fig. 25
GW 367/0
Ensure that the air/flue duct and ter­minal assembly is not displaced through the wall, and that the terminal assembly projects 90 mm as shown in fig. 23.
Fit the 95 mm diameter x 25mm long air duct clamp (4, fig. 24) over the elbow and the boiler flue outlet spigot. Tighten the two screws (1,fig. 24).
Slide the 88 mm long air duct clamp (5, fig. 24) back onto the elbow so that it is located centrally over the 70mm gap between the elbow and the flue assembly. Tighten the two screws (2, fig. 24).
Screw the clamps to the air duct using the sheet metal screws (3, fig. 24).
4.7.2 Vertical Flue
Lower the flue assembly and engage the flue duct spigot into the socket of the boiler flue outlet.
With correct assembly there will be a gap between the boiler and flue assembly of 10 mm (fig. 25).
Fit the 55 mm long x 95 mm diameter air duct clamp (3, fig. 26) over the gap between the air duct of the boiler and the bottom of the air/flue duct and terminal assembly.
Tighten the clamp screws (1, fig. 26). Secure the clamp to the boiler air duct
using the sheet metal screws provided (2, fig. 26).
Note: The air duct clamp must not be screwed to the bottom of the air flue duct and terminal assembly. The air/flue duct and terminal assembly must be able to slide in the air duct clamp to absorb any slight movements in the roof structure.
Ensure that the air/flue duct and ter­minal assembly is aligned vertically and secure from inside using the fixing bracket (1, fig. 27) over the air/flue duct at a convenient position.
fig. 26
GW 359/0
fig. 27
GW 360/0
4.8 Electrical installation
4.8.1 General electrical
All electrical work shall be carried out by a competent person and shall com­ply with the current edition of the IEE regulations (BS7671).
The boiler is supplied for connection to a 230V~ 50Hz supply fused at 3A rating. Connection to the mains supply should be made via a fused 3 pin plug to an unswitched, shuttered socket, both complying with the re­quirements of BS1363. (Alternatively, connection may be made via a 3 Amp fused double pole isolator having a contact separation of at least 3mm in all poles and supplying the boiler and controls only). The point of connection to the mains should be readily accessible and adjacent to the boiler. A 3 core flex­ible cord according to BS6500 tables 6, 8 or 16 (3x0.75 to 3x1.5 mm2) should be used.
Warning: This appliance must be
4.8.2 Connecting to mains
Slacken front panel fixing screw (1, fig. 28) and lower front panel. Remove terminal box cover by un­doing screws (1, fig. 29)
Connect the power supply cord as follows:­green / yellow (earth) wire
boiler terminal
Blue (neutral) wire...... boiler terminalN
Brown (live) wire...... boiler terminal L
NOTE: Do not use boiler terminal
connections 7-8-9!
To enable easier access to the wiring terminals it is possible to lift the ter­minal strip (1, fig. 30) off the two locating pins (2, fig. 30). After all connections have been made, the terminal strip must be relocated onto the two pins.
fig. 28
GW 452/0
fig. 29
GW 453/0
fig. 30
GW 527/0
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