Single Ceiling Mounted Active IR Sensor with AutoVIEW IR
Control Interface and Power Supply
P/N: 999-1701-100 North America
999-1701-101 International
©2012 Vaddio - All Rights Reserved ● AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit ● Document Number 341-233-1 Rev. C

AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit
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AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit Manual 341-233-1 Rev. C Page 2 of 8

AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit
AutoVIEW™ IR Sensor Kit
Single Ceiling Mounted Active IR Sensor with
AutoVIEW IR Control Interface and Power Supply
P/N: 999-1701-100 North America, 999-1701-101 Int’l
The Vaddio™ AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit is a ceiling
mounted presenter camera control system that provides
for automated presenter control over the Vaddio family of
camera switching systems.
The Vaddio AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit includes the ceiling
mounted active IR sensor with dark acrylic lens, the
AutoVIEW IR Control Interface and 18 VDC power supply
with power cord. This AutoVIEW IR Kit is compatible with
the following Vaddio automated presenter controlled
switchers and controllers;
Hot-Shot Preset Camera Controller (for select
Polycom, Cisco/TANDBERG and LifeSize codecs)
ProductionVIEW series of video consoles including the
The AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit provides a simple contact closure to trigger any camera preset or video input switch
that these controllers and switchers can provide. The AutoVIEW IR Control Interface powers the IR Sensor via
the Cat-5e cable. When the IR sensor picks up the presenter passing under the sensor, a contact pair is relayed
down the Cat-5e through the AIR Box out of the Phoenix connector to the trigger input of the AutoPresenter. The
trigger will change the input and/or the camera’s PTZ position allowing for automated presenter camera control.
Intended Use:
Before operating the device, please read the entire manual thoroughly. The system was designed, built and
tested for use indoors, and with the provided power supply and cabling. The use of a power supply other than the
one provided or outdoor operation has not been tested and could damage the device and/or create a potentially
unsafe operating condition.
Important Safeguards:
Read and understand all instructions before using. Do not operate any device if it has been dropped or damaged.
In this case, a Vaddio technician must examine the product before operating. To reduce the risk of electric shock,
do not immerse in water or other liquids and avoid extremely humid conditions.
Use only the power supply provided with the system. Use of any unauthorized
power supply will void any and all warranties.
Save These Instructions:
The information contained in this manual will help you install and operate your product. If these instructions are
misplaced, Vaddio keeps copies of Specifications, Installation and User Guides and most pertinent product
drawings for the Vaddio product line on the Vaddio website. These documents can be downloaded from
www.vaddio.com free of charge.
AutoVIEW IR Sensor Kit Manual 341-233-1 Rev. C Page 3 of 8
Please do not use “pass-thru” type RJ-45 connectors. These pass-thru type connec tors do not
work well for professional installations and can be the cause of intermittent connections which
can result in the RS-232 control line failing and locking up, and/or compromising the HSDS™
signals. For best results please use standard RJ-45 connector s and test all cables for proper
in-outs prior to use and connection to Vaddio product.
Figure 1: The AutoVIEW IR Sensor, AutoVIEW IR (AIR)
Control Interface and 18 VDC Power Supply shown above