OneLINK Codec Kits
©2018 Milestone AV Technologies.
For Cisco and Polycom Codecs
More Choices for Room Design and Installation
Tailored for Cisco® and Polycom® Codec Systems, Vaddio OneLINK™ Codec Kits
enhance capabilities of close-ended hard codecs – allowing you to extend power, video
and control up to 328 feet (100 meters).
OneLINK Codec Kits also give you the freedom of camera choice by providing the
option to connect Cisco, Polycom, or Vaddio
the added fl exibility of connecting to any cloud conferencing software with Vaddio’s
OneLINK Bridge Codec Kits.
Benefi ts:
• More fl exibility in camera and/or codec placement
• Select the right camera for the room with more options than ever – including
• Deliver uncompressed, high defi nition cloud conferencing with USB 3.0 available
on OneLINK Bridge Codec Kits, for end users who want to enjoy the benefi ts of
tools such as Skype for Business, WebEx, Google Hangouts, Zoom and others
cameras with 12x, 20x, and 30x optical zoom
cameras to codec rooms. Enjoy
Vaddio OneLINK extensions & cameras are now
compatible with the popular Cisco TelePresence®
SX20 Codec.

More Design Freedom. More Flexibility. More Choices.
With OneLINK Codec Kits, camera placement is no longer dependent on the location of the codec. OneLINK solutions provide an
HDBaseT™ interface that extends video, power control and network up to 328 feet (100 meters). This means Cisco® and Polycom®
systems can now go into larger rooms, while appealing to end users who want to enjoy the benefi ts of cloud conferencing.
You also have the option to use Vaddio RoboSHOT® PTZ cameras in rooms with Polycom and Cisco codecs – which gives you a
broader array of camera choices at your disposal for room designs including 12x, 20x and 30x optical zoom.
• HDBaseT interface extends video, power, control and network over a single Cat-6 cable up to 328 ft (100 m)
• USB 3.0 output and audio bridging with OneLINK Bridge Codec Kits
• Camera interoperability – RoboSHOT cameras can now be used with Polycom or Cisco codecs
• Intuitive browser-based user interface for camera control and remote management
• Crestron, AMX and Extron control API
• Plug and play usability that Vaddio customers have come to know and expect
OneLINK Codec Kits include:
• OneLINK extension system
• EZIM (not needed with Vaddio HDBT kits)
• Cables*
• Camera mount (in third-party camera kits)
*Please note: When connecting any Cisco codec to a Cisco Precision 40 or PrecisionHD 1080p2.5x camera,
you will need to provide a Cisco CAB-PHD4XS2-SPLIT cable. When connecting a Cisco SX20 codec to any
camera (either Cisco or Vaddio), you will need to provide the same Cisco CAB-PHD4XS2-SPLIT cable.
Ordering Information
For Cisco TelePresence SX20, SX80 and C-Series Codecs
Cisco Codec Kit for OneLINK HDMI to Cisco Cameras 999-9560-000 999-9560-001 999-9560-009
Cisco Codec Kit for OneLINK Bridge to Cisco Cameras 999-9660-000 999-9660-001 999-9660-009
Cisco Codec Kit for OneLINK HDMI to RoboSHOT HDMI 999-9570-000 999-9570-001 999-9570-009
Cisco Codec Kit for OneLINK Bridge to RoboSHOT HDMI 999-9670-000 999-9670-001 999-9670-009
Cisco Codec Kit for OneLINK HDMI to RoboSHOT HDBT 999-9575-000 999-9575-001 999-9575-009
Cisco Codec Kit for OneLINK Bridge to RoboSHOT HDBT 999-9675-000 999-9675-001 999-9675-009
For Polycom RealPresence Group 300, 310, 500 or 700 Codecs
Polycom Codec Kit for OneLINK HDMI to EagleEye IV 999-9520-000 999-9520-001 999-9520-009
Polycom Codec Kit for OneLINK Bridge to EagleEye IV 999-9620-000 999-9620-001 999-9620-009
Polycom Codec Kit for OneLINK HDMI to RoboSHOT HDMI 999-9540-000 999-9540-001 999-9540-009
Polycom Codec Kit for OneLINK Bridge to RoboSHOT HDMI 999-9640-000 999-9640-001 999-9640-009
Polycom Codec Kit for OneLINK HDMI to RoboSHOT HDBT
Polycom Codec Kit for OneLINK Bridge to RoboSHOT HDBT 999-9645-000 999-9645-001 999-9645-009
North America Europe/UK Australia/New Zealand
THE ART OF EASY | milestone.com
131 Cheshire Lane, Suite 500, Minnetonka, MN 55305
USA P 800.572.2011 E info@vaddio.com
EMEA P +31.495.580.840 E emea.sales@milestone.com
APAC P +852.2145.4099 E asia.sales@milestone.com
©2018 Milestone AV Technologies. 170380 1/18 Vaddio is a registered trademark of Milestone AV Technologies. All other brand
names or marks are used for identifi cation purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners. All patents are protected
under existing designations. Other patents pending.
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