Vacon CX Series, CX211OPT, CXS Series, CXL Series User Manual

Option Board
Subject to changes without notice
VACON CX Modbus user’s manual Page 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ Vacon Oy Phone +358-201-2121 Fax: +358-201-212 205
1. GENERAL............................................................................................................................................3
2. SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................................4
3. MODBUS.............................................................................................................................................5
3.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Modbus frames ................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Modbus functions .............................................................................................................................6
3.4 Error detection .................................................................................................................................6
3.5 Exception responses ........................................................................................................................7
4. INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................8
5. CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Board layout .................................................................................................................................. 10
5.2 Modbus connections ....................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 I/O-control connections ................................................................................................................... 11
6. COMMISSIONING.............................................................................................................................. 12
7. MODBUS-VACON CX INTERFACE...................................................................................................... 13
7.1 Modbus function codes ................................................................................................................... 13
7.1.1 Function code 1, Read Control Bits .......................................................................................... 13
7.1.2 Function code 2, Read Status Bits........................................................................................... 13
7.1.3 Function code 3, Read Parameters .......................................................................................... 13
7.1.4 Function code 4, Read Variables ............................................................................................. 14
7.1.5 Function code 5, Write Control Bits.......................................................................................... 14
7.1.6 Function code 6, Write Parameter............................................................................................ 14
7.1.7 Function code 8, Diagnostic.................................................................................................... 14
7.2 VACON control interface ................................................................................................................. 16
7.3 VACON parameters........................................................................................................................ 17
7.3.1 Frequency reference ............................................................................................................... 17
7.3.2 Monitoring variables ................................................................................................................ 17
7.3.3 Active Fault Code................................................................................................................... 18
7.3.4 Parameter Write and Read...................................................................................................... 19
7.4 CONNECTIONS (small Modbus Board for Vacon CXS, Vacon CX211OPT) ........................................... 20
7.4.1 Board layout .......................................................................................................................... 20
7.4.2 Modbus connections ............................................................................................................... 20
7.5 Installation of CX211OPT in Vacon CXS drives ................................................................................... 21
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________________________________________________________________________________________ Vacon Oy Phone +358-201-2121 Fax: +358-201-212 205
Vacon frequency converters can be connected to the Modbus by using the fieldbus board. The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system.
The used I/O can be also extended with the Fieldbus board:
4 digital inputs (standard signals)
4 digital outputs (standard signals)
Thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor thermistors for overtemperature trip)
Encoder input
The Fieldbus board can be installed into the already existing place of the option board inside the frequency converter.
The control connections are isolated from the mains potential and I/O ground is connected to the frame of the device via a 1 M resistor and 4.7 nF capacitor*. The control I/O ground can be connected also directly to the frame by changing the position of the jumper X9 (GND ON/OFF) to ON-position. Digital inputs and digital outputs are also isolated from the I/O ground.
Internal components and circuit boards (except for the isolated I/O terminals) are at mains potential when the frequency converter is connected to the mains. This voltage is extremely dangerous and may cause death or severe injury if you come in contact with it.
The control I/O terminals are isolated from the mains potential, but the I/Os (if jumper X9 is in OFF position) may have dangerous voltage connected even if the power is off on the frequency converter.
* Default value (X9 is GND OFF- position)
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Modbus - Interface 9-pin DSUB connector (female) connections Transfer method RS-485, Half duplex
Transfer cable Twisted pair (1 pair and shield) Electrical isolation 500 V DC
I/O -control Digital input (4 pcs) 24 V: “0” 10 V, “1” 18 V, Ri = 5 k connections Digital output (4 pcs) Open collector output, 50 mA/48 V
Termistor input (1 pcs) R
= 4.7 k
Encoder input (3 pcs) 24 V: “0” 10 V, “1” 18 V, Ri = 3.3 k
5 V : “0” 2 V, “1” 3 V, Ri = 330
Aux. voltage 24 V (±20%), max 50 mA
Safety Fulfills EN50178 standard
Table 2-1. Specifications
Communication mode RTU Function codes 1
2 3 4 5 6 8
Broadcast (codes 5,6)
Read Digital Output Read Digital Input Read Holding Register Read Input Register Write Single Digital Output Write Single Register Diagnostic
Communication parameters
- Address
- Parity
- Stop Bits
- Baud Rate
1 to 247
None, Odd or Even
300 to 19200 Baud
Table 2-2. Modbus communication data
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3.1 General
The MODBUS protocol is an industrial communications and distributed control system to integrate PLCs, computers, terminals, and other monitoring, sensing, and control devices. MODBUS is a Master-Slave communications protocol. The Master controls all serial activity by selectively polling one or more slave devices. The protocol provides for one master device and up to 247 slave devices on a common line. Each device is assigned an address to distinguish it from all other connected devices.
The MODBUS protocol uses the master-slave technique, in which only one device (the master) can initiate a transaction. The other devices (the slaves) respond by supplying the request data to the master, or by taking the action requested in the query. The master can address individual slaves or initiate a broadcast message to all slaves. Slaves return a message (‘response’) to queries that are addressed to them individually. Responses are not returned to broadcast queries from the master.
A transaction comprises a single query and single response frame or a single broadcast frame. The transaction frames are defined below.
Query message from master
Device address Device address
Function code Function code
Eight-Bit Eight-Bit
Data Bytes Data Bytes
Error Check Error Check
Response message from slave
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3.2 Modbus frames
Two modes of transmission are available for use in a MODBUS system. The modes are ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), and RTU, (Remote Terminal Unit.). The Fieldbus board uses
only RTU mode.
The format for each byte in RTU mode: Coding system: 8-bit binary, hexadecimal 0-9, A-F
Two hexadecimal characters contained in each 8-bit field of the message.
Bits per Byte: 1 start bit
8 data bits, least significant bit sent first 1 bit for even/odd parity, no bit for no parity
1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 bits if no parity Error Check Field: Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) In RTU mode, messages start and end with a silent 3.5 characters times (T1-T2-T3-T4). The entire
message frame must be transmitted as a continuous stream. A typical message frame is shown below.
Start Address Function Data CRC Check End T1-T2-T3-T4 8 bits 8 bits n*8bits 16 bits T1-T2-T3-T4
The individual slave devices are assigned addresses in the range of 1 - 247. Address 0 is used for the broadcast address, which all slave devices recognize.
3.3 Modbus functions
The Function Code field tells the addressed slave what function to perform. The following table lists those functions supported by the Fieldbus board:
Code Name Meaning of Fieldbus board
01 READ COIL STATUS Read Control bits 02 READ INPUT STATUS Read Status bits 03 READ HOLDING REGISTER Read VACON parameter 04 READ INPUT REGISTER Read VACON variable 05 FORCE SINGLE COIL Write Control bits 06 PRESET SINGLE REGISTER Write VACON parameter 08 DIAGNOSTICS Test and checking of the communication system
3.4 Error detection
Communications errors usually consist of a changed bit or bits within a message. Communications errors are detected by character framing, a parity check, and a redundancy check.
The MODBUS system provides several levels of error checking to assure the quality of the data transmission. To detect multibit errors where the parity has not changed, the system uses redundancy checks: Cyclical Redundancy Check, (CRC), for the RTU mode and Longitudinal Redundancy Check, (LRC), for the ASCII mode. The Fieldbus board uses only RTU mode.
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________________________________________________________________________________________ Vacon Oy Phone +358-201-2121 Fax: +358-201-212 205
3.5 Exception responses
If the slave receives the query without a communication error, but cannot handle it, the slave will return an exception response informing the master of the nature of the error. The exception response codes are listed below.
Code Name Description 01 ILLEGAL FUNCTION The message function requested is not recognized by the
02 ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS The received data address is not an allowable address for
the slave.
03 ILLEGAL DATA VALUE The received data value is not an allowable value for the
04 SLAVE DEVICE ERROR An unrecoverable error occurred while the slave was
attempting to perform the requested action,
06 SLAVE DEVICE BUSY The message was received without error, but the slave was
engaged in processing a long duration program command
In an exception response, the slave sets a most-significant bit (MSB) of the function code to 1. The slave returns an exception code in the data field.
Example: Query:
01 01 04 2E 00 01 CRC16
Slave address
Function Starting
address HI
Starting address LO
Number of bits HI
Number of bits LO
2 bytes
Exception Response:
01 81 02 CRC16
Slave address
Function Response
2 bytes
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