The NXL Lift Application can be used with modern Lift systems. There are functions included that
are required to achieve a smooth ride in the lift car. The I/O interface table includes the most
commonly needed signals in lift applications.
In the application, constant speeds are presented in [m/s], acceleration and deceleration are
presented in [m/s
Mechanical brake control logic is designed to achieve smooth departures from and landings to
floor level. The brake can be set in various ways to meet the different requirements of lift motors
and lift control logic.
The used hardware can be any Vacon NXL frequency converter.
NXL supports only open loop operation.
Evacuation is not supported by NXL.
Choose NXS or NXP if evacuation is required.
All outputs are freely programmable. The inputs DIN3, DIN4 (AI1) and DIN5 (AI2) are also freely
Start forward and reverse signals are fixed to input DIN1 and DIN2 (see next page).
An Expander board, OPT-AA will be needed to get the external inputs signals DIE1-DIE3.
These are as default settings used as speed reference selection inputs when digital inputs are
used as speed reference inputs. The relay output on this board (or the internal R01) can be used
for mechanical brake control.
It is possible to run without OPT-AA if DIN3, DIN4 and DIN5 are programmed as speed references.
But then there is no input signal available for other functions such as fault reset.
OPT-AI can be used in place of OPT-AA if thermistor input is needed.
OPT-AI is similar to OPT-AA board but the transistor output DO1 is not available on this board.
] and jerks are presented in [s].
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4 • vacon Control I/O
NXL internal I/O board
Terminal Signal Description
1 +10V
3 AI1- I/O Ground Ground for reference and controls
4 AI2+
5 AI2-
6 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches, etc. max 0.1 A
1 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches etc, max. 150 mA
2 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
3 DIN1 DIE1 Speed reference selection
4 DIN2 DIE2 Speed reference selection
5 DIN3 DIE3 Speed reference selection
6 DO1 Exp. D01, Ready Open collector output, 50mA/48V,
24 RO1
25 RO1
26 RO1
Exp R01, Mechanical brake Relay output 1 (NO),
function programmable
Switching capacity:
Table 2-2. I/O terminals of option board NXOPTAA
Note! The +24 V control voltage terminal can also be used to power the control module (but not the
power module).
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212 205
Lift Application – Parameter lists vacon • 5
On the next pages you will find the lists of parameters within the respective parameter groups. The
parameter descriptions are given on pages 13 to 40.
Column explanations:
Code = Location indication on the keypad; Shows the operator the present param.
Parameter = Name of parameter
Min = Minimum value of parameter
Max = Maximum value of parameter
Unit = Unit of parameter value; Given if available
Default = Value preset by factory
Cust = Customer’s own setting
ID = ID number of the parameter (used with PC tools)
= On the parameter code: parameter value can only be changed after the FC has
been stopped.
3.1 Monitoring values (Control keypad: menu M1)
The monitoring values are the actual values of parameters and signals as well as statuses and
measurements. Monitoring values cannot be edited.
See Vacon NXL User’s Manual, Chapter 7.4.1 for more information.
Code Parameter Unit ID Description
V1.1 Output frequency Hz 1 Output frequency to motor
V1.2 Frequency reference Hz 25 Frequency reference to motor control
V1.3 Motor speed rpm 2 Motor speed in rpm
V1.4 Motor current A 3 Measured motor current
V1.5 Motor torque % 4 In % of the nominal motor torque
V1.6 Motor power % 5 Motor shaft power
V1.7 Motor voltage V 6 Calculated motor voltage
V1.8 DC link voltage V 7 Measured DC-link voltage
V1.9 Unit temperature
V1.10 Analogue input 1
V1.11 Analogue input 2 14 AI2, used as digital input DIN5
V1.12 Analogue I
V1.13 DIN1, DIN2, DIN3 15 Digital input statuses
V1.14 DIE1, DIE2, DIE3 33 I/O Expander board: Digital input statuses
V1.15 RO1, ROE1, DOE1 1720 Relay and digital output statuses
V1.16 Lift Speed m/s 1719 Lift speed in m/s
mA 26 AO1
8 Heatsink temperature
13 AI1, used as digital input DIN4
Table 3-1. Monitoring values
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6 • vacon Lift Application – Parameter lists
3.2 Motor Parameters (Control keypad: Menu P2 Æ P2.1)
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
P2.1.6 Current limit0,1 x IL 1,5 x IL A IL
Nominal voltage of
the motor
Nominal frequency
of the motor
Nominal speed of the
Nominal current of
the motor
Motor cosϕ
180 690 V
0,00 320,00 Hz 50,00
0 20 000 Rpm rpm
0,3 x IL 1,5 x IL A IL
0,30 1,00 0,85
Check the rating plate of
the motor
The default applies for a 4-
pole motor and a nominal
size frequency converter.
Check the rating plate of
the motor
Check the rating plate of
the motor
NOTE: Formulas apply
approx. up to MF3. For
greater sizes consult the
Table 1-2. Motor parameters P2.1
3.3 Speed control (Control keypad: Menu P2 Æ P2.2)
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
P2.2.3.x Speed Reference [m/s]
P2.2.3.1 Levelling Speed 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 0,10 1602
P2.2.3.2 Nominal Speed 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 1,00 1603
P2.2.3.3 Limited Speed 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 0,25 1604
P2.2.3.4 Inspection Speed 0,00
P2.2.3.5 Speed Reference 4 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 0,10 1606
P2.2.3.6 Speed Reference 5 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 1,00 1607
P2.2.3.7 Speed Reference 6 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 0,25 1608
P2.2.3.8 Speed Reference 7 0,00 par2.2.1 m/s 0,50 1609
P2.2.3.9 Override speed 0,00
Nominal Linear
Speed Reference
0,20 5,00 m/s 1,00
0 4 0
1,5 x
1,5 x
m/s 0,50
m/s 0,10
1600 Nominal speed for lift
0=Activity Reference
1=Activity Reference with
2=Binary reference
P2.8.12Stall time limit 1,00 120,00 S 15,00 711
P2.8.13 Stall frequency limit1,0 P 2.1.2 Hz 25,0 712
Response to
thermistor fault
P2.8.15Response to
fieldbus fault
P2.8.16Response to slot
0 3 0
0 3 2
0 3 2
732 As par. 2.7.1
733 As par. 2.7.1
734 As par. 2.7.1
P2.8.17Min. Current Limit0 P 2.1.4 A 1760
Table 3-10. Protections, P2.8
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12 • vacon Lift Application – Parameter lists
3.10 Autorestart parameters (Control keypad: Menu P2 Æ P2.9)
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
P2.9.1 Enable/Disable 0 1 0
P2.9.2 Wait time 0,10 10,00 s 0,50 717
P2.9.3 Trial time 0,00 60,00 s 30,00 718
Table 3-11. Autorestart parameters, P2.9
3.11 Keypad control (Control keypad: Menu K3)
The parameters for the selection of control place and direction on the keypad are listed below. See
the Keypad control menu in the Vacon NXL User’s Manual.
Code Parameter Min Max Unit Default Cust ID Note
P3.1 Control place 1 3 1
R3.2 Freq reference 0 MaxFreq Hz 0
P3.3 Direction (on keypad)0 1 0
R3.4 Stop button 0 1 1
1 = I/O terminal
2 = Keypad
3 = Fieldbus
0 = Forward
1 = Reverse
0=Limited function of Stop
1=Stop button always
Table 3 12. Keypad control parameters, K3
3.12 System menu (Control keypad: Menu S6)
For parameters and functions related to the general use of the frequency converter, such as
customised parameter sets or information about the hardware and software, see Chapter 7.4.6 in
the Vacon NXL User’s Manual.
3.13 Expander boards (Control keypad: Menu E7)
The E7 menu shows the expander boards attached to the control board and board-related
information. For more information, see Chapter 7.4.7 in the Vacon NXL User’s Manual.
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212 205
description of parameters vacon • 13
2.1.1 Nominal voltage of the motor
Find this value Unon the rating plate of the motor. This parameter sets the voltage at
the field weakening point (parameter 2.5.5) to 100% x U
2.1.2 Nominal frequency of the motor
Find this value fn on the rating plate of the motor. This parameter sets the field
weakening point (parameter 2.5.4) to the same value.
2.1.3 Nominal speed of the motor
Find this value nn on the rating plate of the motor.
2.1.4 Nominal current of the motor
Find this value In on the rating plate of the motor.
2.1.5 Motor cos phi
Find this value “cos phi” on the rating plate of the motor.
2.1.6 Current limit
This parameter determines the maximum motor current from the frequency converter.
To avoid motor overload, set this parameter according to the rated current of the
motor. The current limit is equal to the rated converter current (I
) by default.
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14 • vacon description of parameters
2.2.1 Nominal Linear Speed
Nominal linear speed corresponds to the lift speed at nominal frequency of the motor
(parameter 2.1.2)
Speed parameters in group 2.2.3 are entered in linear magnitudes.
2.2.2 Speed reference selection
Defines which frequency reference source is selected when controlled from the I/O
control place. Default value is 0.
0 = Activity coding
1 = Activity coding with direction
2 = Binary coding
4 = Fieldbus
5 = Keypad
Speed reference can be determined in three different ways with the external digital
inputs on option board.
The first column contains the state of the digital inputs (marked as DIE1, DIE2 and
The second column contains the parameter and the next column the corresponding
speed reference. The priority column defines which speed is activated if more than one
digital input is activated. If Speed reference is different when running to different
direction the direction is defined in direction column.