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vacon • 1
Multipurpose Application vacon • 2
The VACON® 20 CP/X drive contains a preloaded application for instant use.
The parameters of this application are listed in chapter 2.3 of this manual and explained in
more detail in chapter 2.
1.1Specific functions of Vacon Multipurpose application
The Vacon Multipurpose allows flexible use of VACON® 20 CP/X frequency converters.
The drive can be controlled through I/O terminals, a fieldbus or the optional keypad.Two programmable control places and sources for the frequency reference are available, for easy local/remote control.
Frequency reference can be direct (analogue input, preset speeds, motor potentiometer, fieldbus) or controlled by the internal PID regulator.
PID setpoint and actual value are totally programmable. A "sleep" function is available, with
possibility of pressure boost and check of the losses before entering the stand-by state.
All the functionalities can be controlled through a fieldbus.
The motor identification function allows automatic optimization of the voltage/frequency curve,
for a optimal torque response also at low motor speed.
It is possible to install one optional board for I/O expansion.
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vacon • 3Multipurpose Application
1.2Example of control connections
Standard I/O terminals
RS485Serial bus, negative
RS485Serial bus, positive
+10 VrefReference output
Reference potentiometer
1...10 kΩ
PID Actual value
24Vout24V aux. voltage
DIN COMDigital input common
DI1Digital input 1Start FWD
DI2Digital input 2Start REV
DI3Digital input 3
DO1-Digital Output Common
DI4Digital input 4
DI5Digital input 5
Analogue input,
voltage or current
Analogue input common
Analogue input,
voltage or current*
Analogue input common
Speed B0
Speed B1
Table 1. Connection example, standard I/O terminals.
To Relay terminals
1 or 2
DI6Digital input 6Ramp 2
AO1+Analogue signal (+output)
DO1+Digital output +
Selectable with DIP switches, see VACON® 20 CP/X
Installation Manual
Multipurpose Application vacon • 4
Standard I/O terminals
From term.
From term.
#3 or #5
Table 2. Connection example, Relay terminals
Relay terminals
22RO1/2 CM
23RO1/3 NO
24RO1/1 NC
25RO1/2 CM
26RO1/3 NO
Relay output 1 RUN
Relay output 1 FAULT
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vacon • 5Multipurpose Application
1.3Optional boards
One optional I/O expansion board can be installed into the slot on the right side of the drive. The
following boards are supported:
OPTB1: 6 Digital Inputs-Outputs
The first 3 terminals are reserved as digital inputs (DIN7, DIN8, DIN9). The second 3 terminals
can be used as inputs (DIN10, DIN11, DIN12) or digital outputs (EO1, EO2, EO3). The number of
terminals used as input must be declared in parameter P2.24 (hidden if the board is not installed). This number determines the higher value for the selection of the digital input connected to a certain logical function. It also changes the visibility of parameters for the selection of
digital outputs function (P5.9, P5.10, P5.11).
OPTB2: 1 Thermistor Input, 2 Relays Outputs
Response to thermistor fault can be programmed with parameter P9.16. Relays functions can
be programmed with parameters P5.9, P5.10 (hidden if the board is not installed).
OPTB4: 1 Analogue Input, 2 Analogue Outputs
One more input is available as frequency reference. Signal programmable with parameters
P3.9 - 12. Two more outputs are available to monitor motor/drive signals. Outputs are programmable with parameters P6.5 - 12.
Parameters are hidden if the board is not installed.
OPTB5: 3 Relays Outputs
Relays functions can be programmed with parameters P5.9, P5.10, P5.11 (hidden if the board
is not installed).
OPTB9: 5 Digital Inputs, 1 Relay Output
The higher value for the selection of the digital input (DIN7, DIN8, DIN9, DIN10, DIN11) connected to a certain logical function is set to 11. Relay functions can be programmed with parameters P5.9 (hidden if the board is not installed).
OPTBF: 1 Analogue Output, 1 Digital Output, 1 Relay Output
The analogue output can be programmed with parameters P5.5 - 8. The digital output can be
programmed with parameter P5.12. The digital output can be programmed with parameter
P5.9. Parameters are hidden if the board is not installed.
OPTBH: 3 temperature sensors
When the board is installed, the specific menu G13 is visible. Temperature measurement can
be used to set a digital/relay output and/or to trigger a fault. It can also be used as direct frequency reference or as actual value for PID regulation.
OPTBK: 4 ASi Outputs , 4 ASi Inputs
ASi outputs are managed as 4 optional digital inputs (DIN7, DIN8, DIN9, DIN10). The higher value for the selection of the digital input connected to a certain logical function is set to 10.
ASi inputs 1-4 are managed as 4 optional outputs (EO1, EO2, EO3, EO4) programmable with
P5.9 - 12.
Multipurpose Application vacon • 6
OPTC3/E3: Profibus DPV1 fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to the PROFIBUS DP network using a
fieldbus board. The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the
Host system.OPTE3 option board also supports connection from DP Master (class 2) if DP-V1
is enabled. In this case, the Master class 2 can initiate a connection, read and write parameters
using the PROFIdrive Parameter Access service, and close the connection. The PROFIBUS DP
fieldbus is connected to the OPTE3 board using a 5-pin pluggable bus connector. The only difference between OPTE3 and OPTE5 boards is the fieldbus connector.
OPTC4 Lonworks fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to the LonWorks® network using a
fieldbus board. The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the
Host system.
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to the PROFIBUS DP network using a
fieldbus board. The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the
Host system.OPTE5 option board also supports connection from DP Master (class 2) if DP-V1
is enabled. In this case, the Master class 2 can initiate a connection, read and write parameters
using the PROFIdrive Parameter Access service, and close the connection. he PROFIBUS DP
fieldbus is connected to the OPTE5 board using a 9-pin female sub-D-connector. The only difference between OPTE3 and OPTE5 boards is the fieldbus connector.
OPTC6/E6: CanOpen fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to the CanOpen system using a fieldbus
board. The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system. Vacon CanOpen Board is connected to the fieldbus through a 5-pin pluggable bus connector (board NXOPTE6).
OPTC7/E7: DeviceNet fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to the DeviceNet using a fieldbus board.
The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system. Vacon DeviceNet Board is connected to the fieldbus through a 5-pin pluggable bus connector
(board OPTE7).
OPTCI: Modbus TCP fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to Ethernet using an Ethernet fieldbus
board OPTCI. Every appliance connected to an Ethernet network has two identifiers; a MAC address and an IP address. The MAC address (Address format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ) is unique to the
appliance and cannot be changed. The Ethernet board's MAC address can be found on the
sticker attached to the board or by using the Vacon IP tool software NCIPConfig. Please find
the software installation at In a local network, IP addresses can be defined by
the user as long as all units connected to the network are given the same network portion of
the address. For more information about IP addresses, contact your Network Administrator.
Overlapping IP addresses cause conflicts between appliances.
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vacon • 7Multipurpose Application
OPTCP: Profinet fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to Ethernet using an Ethernet fieldbus
board OPTCP. Every appliance connected to an Ethernet network has two identifiers; a MAC
address and an IP address. The MAC address (Address format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ) is unique to
the appliance and cannot be changed. The Ethernet board's MAC address can be found on the
sticker attached to the board or by using the Vacon IP tool software NCIPConfig. You can find
the software installation at In a local network, IP addresses can be defined by
the user as long as all units connected to the network are given the same network portion of
the address. For more information about IP addresses, contact your Network Administrator.
Overlapping IP addresses cause conflicts between appliances.
OPTCQ: Ethernet IP fieldbus board
Vacon 20CP/X frequency converters can be connected to Ethernet using an EtherNet/IP fieldbus board OPT-CQ. Every appliance connected to an Ethernet network has two identifiers; a
MAC address and an IP address. The MAC address (Address format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) is
unique to the appliance and cannot be changed. The EtherNet/IP board's MAC address can be
found on the sticker attached to the board or by using the Vacon IP tool software NCIPConfig.
Please find the software installation at In a local network, IP addresses can
be defined by the user as long as all units connected to the network are given the same network
portion of the address. For more information about IP addresses, contact your Network Administrator. Overlapping IP addresses cause conflicts between appliances.
Multipurpose Application vacon • 8
1.3.1Option board installation
NOTE! It is not allowed to add or replace option boards or fieldbus boards on an AC
drive with the power switched on. This may damage the boards.
•Open the cover of the drive.
Figure 1. Opening the main cover, MU3 example.
The relay outputs and other I/O-terminals may have a dangerous control voltage
present even when the drive is disconnected from mains.
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•Remove the option slot cover.
vacon • 9Multipurpose Application
Slot coding
Figure 2. Removing the option slot cover.
•Make sure that the sticker on the connector of the board says “dv” (dual
voltage). This indicates that the board is compatible with Vacon 20CP/X.
See below:
•NOTE: Incompatible boards cannot be installed on Vacon 20CP/X. Compatible boards have a slot coding that enable the placing of the board (see
Multipurpose Application vacon • 10
•Install the option board into the slot as shown in the picture below.
Figure 3. Option board installation.
•Mount the option slot cover.
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vacon • 11Multipurpose Application
Figure 4. Mounting of option slot cover: remove the plastic opening for option board termi-
Description of Groupsvacon • 12
2.1Keypad Reference: Menu REF
This menu is automatically entered when pressing the LOC/REM keypad and shows the frequency reference in Local control mode.
The reference is also active when selected as main reference (P1.12=4) or as secondary reference (P2.15=4).
Value is limited between min frequency P1.1 and max frequency P1.2.
In Local mode, or when keypad is the active control place (P1.11=1 or P2.14=1), direction of rotation is determined with P2.23 or by pressing the left or right arrow button.
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vacon • 13Description of Groups
2.2Monitor group: menu MON
VACON® 20 CP/X AC drive provides you with a possibility to monitor the actual values of parameters and signals as well as statuses and measurements. See Table 3 in which the basic
monitoring values are presented.
CodeMonitoring valueUnitIDDescription
V1.1Output frequencyHz1Output frequency to motor
V1.2Frequency referenceHz25Frequency reference to motor control
V1.3Motor shaft speedrpm2Motor speed in rpm
V1.4Motor CurrentA3
V1.5Motor Torque%4Calculated shaft torque
V1.6Motor Power%5Total power consumption of AC drive
V1.7Motor VoltageV6
V1.8Motor temperature%9Calculated motor temperature
V1.9DC-link VoltageV7
V1.10Unit temperature°C8Heatsink temperature
V1.11Board temperature°C1825Power board temperature
V1.12Analogue input 1%13Analogue input AI1
V1.13Analogue input 2%14Analogue input AI2
V1.14Exp. Analogue input%1837Analogue input on OPTB4
V1.15Analogue output %26Analogue output
V1.16Exp. Analogue out 1%1838Analogue output 1 on OPTB4-BF
V1.17Exp. Analogue out 2%1839Analogue output 2 on OPTB4
V1.18DI1, DI2, DI315Digital inputs status
V1.19DI4, DI5, DI616Digital inputs status
V1.20DI7, DI8, DI91835Digital inputs on OPTB1 status
V1.21DI10, DI11, DI121836Digital inputs on OPTB1 status
V1.22RO1, RO2, DO17Digital outputs status
V1.23EO1, EO2, EO3, EO41852Expansion board digital outputs status
V1.24Process variable29Scaled process variable See P7.10
V1.25PID setpoint%20PID controller setpoint
V1.26PID error value%22PID controller error
V1.27PID feedback%21PID controller actual value
V1.28PID output%23PID controller output
V1.29Temperature sensor 1°C or °K 1860OPTBH sensor 1
V1.30Temperature sensor 2°C or °K 1861OPTBH sensor 1
V1.31Temperature sensor 3°C or °K 1862OPTBH sensor 1
V1.32ASi board state1894OPTBK state
Table 3. Monitoring menu items.
Values V1.25-28 are hidden when PID output is not used as frequency reference.
Values V1.14, V1.17 are hidden when OPTB4 expansion board is not installed.
Value V1.16 is hidden when OPTB4-BF expansion board is not installed.
Values V1.20, V1.21 are hidden hidden when no expansion board with available inputs is installed.
Value V1.23 is hidden when no expansion board with available outputs is installed.
Values V1.29, V1.30, V1.31 are hidden when OPTBH expansion board is not installed.
Value V1.32 is hiddend when OPTBK expansion board is not installed.
Description of Groupsvacon • 14
2.3Parameter Groups: Menu PAR
The Multipurpose Application embodies the following parameter groups:
Menu and Parameter groupDescription
Group Basic Parameters: Menu PAR G1Basic settings
Group Advanced Settings: Menu PAR G2Advanced parameter settings
Group Analogue inputs: Menu PAR G3Analogue input programming
Group Digital inputs: Menu PAR G4Digital input programming
Group Digital outputs: Menu PAR G5Digital output programming
Group Analogue outputs: Menu PAR G6Analogue outputs programming
Group Supervisions: Menu PAR G7Prohibit frequencies programming
Group Motor Control: Menu PAR G8Motor control and U/f parameters
Group Protections: Menu PAR G9Protections configuration
Group Autoreset: Menu PAR G10Auto reset after fault configuration
Group Fieldbus: Menu PAR G11Fieldbus data out parameters
Group PID-controller: Menu Par G12Parameters for PID Controller.
Group Temperature measurement: Menu Par G13
Temperature measurement parameters.
Table 4. Parameter groups
Column explanations:
Code=Location indication on the keypad; Shows the operator the parameter num-
Parameter= Name of parameter
Min=Minimum value of parameter
Max=Maximum value of parameter
Unit=Unit of parameter value; Given if available
Default=Value preset by factory
ID=ID number of the parameter
Description= Short description of parameter values or its function
=The parameter may be changed only in Stop state
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vacon • 15Description of Groups
2.3.1Group Basic Parameters: Menu PAR G1
P1.1Min frequency 0.00P1.2Hz0.00101
P1.2Max frequencyP1.1320.00Hz50.00102
P1.3Acceleration time 10.13000.0s3.0103
P1.4Deceleration time 10.13000.0s3.0104
P1.5Current limit
P1.6Motor nominal voltage180500V400110
P1.8Motor nominal speed2420000rpm1440112
P1.9Motor nominal current
P1.10Motor Cos ϕ0.301.000.85120
P1.11Control Place 020125
P1.13Start function010505
P1.14Stop function010506
Motor nominal
Frequency reference
0.2 x I
0.2 x I
2 x I
2 x I
Minimum allowed frequency reference
Maximum allowed frequency
Defines the time required
for the output frequency to
increase from zero frequency to maximum frequency
Defines the time required
for the output frequency to
decrease from maximum
frequency to zero frequency
Maximum motor current
from AC drive
Find this value U
rating plate of the motor.
This parameter sets the
voltage at the field weakening point to 100% * U
Note also used connection
Find this value f
ing plate of the motor.
Find this value nn on the rating plate of the motor.
Find this value In on the rat-
ing plate of the motor.
Find this value on the rating
plate of the motor
Run and direction control:
0 = I/O terminals
1 = Keypad
2 = Fieldbus
Parameter visible when a I/
O expansion board is
installed. See P5.1 for
Table 10. Digital outputs parameters.
Visibility of the group depends on P1.16.
P5.9 is visible when OPTB2,OPTB5, OPTB9 or OPTBF is installed (first relay EO1).
P5.10 is visible when OPTB2 or OPTB5 is installed (second relay EO2).
P5.11 is visible when OPTB5 is installed (third relay EO3).
P5.9, P5.10, P5.11 are also visible when OPTB1 is installed and some outputs
have been set with P2.24 (digital outputs EO1, EO2, EO3).
P5.12 is visible when OPTBF is installed(digital output EO4).
Selection 14 as output function requires OPTBH board installed.
P5.9, P5.10, P5.11, P5.12 are also visible when OPTBK is installed (EO1,2,3,4 corresponding to ASi inputs 1,2,3,4).
Description of Groupsvacon • 22
2.3.6Group Analogue outputs: Menu PAR G6
0 = Not used (fixed 100%)
1 = Freq. reference (0-fmax)
2 = Output freq. (0 -fmax)
3 = Motor speed (0 - Speed
5 = Motor torque (0-T
6 = Motor power (0-P
7 = PID output (0-100%)
8 = Filedbus(0-10000)
0 = 0V
1 = 2V
Filtering time of analogue output signal.
0 = No filtering
0 = 0 mA
1 = 4 mA
Filtering time of analogue output signal.
0 = No filtering
0 = 0 mA
1 = 4 mA
Filtering time of analogue output signal.
0 = No filtering
Table 11. Analogue outputs parameters.
Visibility of the group depends on P1.16.
Parameters P6.5 - P6.18 are shown only when expansion board OPTB4 or OPTBF
is installed.
Parameters P6.9 - P6.12 are shown only when expansion board OPTB4 is
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vacon • 23Description of Groups
2.3.7Group Supervisions: Menu PAR G7
P7.4AnalogIn Supv Signal020356
P7.5AnalogIn Supv ON level0.00100.00%80.00357ON threshold AI supervision
P7.10Process Source Select0521036
P7.12Process Max Value0.03276.7100.01034
supervision 1
Frequency supervision
Current supervision
AnalogIn Supv OFF
External brake open
External brake open
External brake close
Process Val Decim
0.00100.00%40.00358OFF threshold AI supervision
0311035 Decimals on display
2 x I
0 = not used
1 = Low limit
2 = High limit
Output frequency supervision
Current supervision threshold
0 = AI1
1 = AI2
2 = AIE (if option OPTB4)
Frequency threshold for
brake open
Current threshold for brake
Frequency threshold for
brake close (Start = 0)
Selection of variable proportional to process:
0 = PID feedback value
1 = Output frequency
2 = Motor speed
3 = Motor torque
4 = Motor power
5 = Motor current
Process display max value( it
depends on P7.11: with zero
decimal digit the max value
is 32767; with 1 decimal digit
the max value is 3276.7 )
Table 12. Supervision parameters.
Visibility of the group depends on P1.16.
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