™ Imaging System
Installation and User Instructions
UVP, LLC Ultra-Violet Products Ltd.
2066 W. 11th Street Unit 1, Trinity Hall Farm Estate
Upland, CA 91786 Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TG UK
Phone: (800) 452-6788 / (909) 946-3197 Phone: +44(0)1223-420022
Fax: (909) 946-3597 Fax: +44(0)1223-420561
Web Site:
81-0309-01 Rev C
VisiDoc-It Imaging System 2
Transilluminator (check the
System Introduction
The VisiDoc-It Imaging System is designed for researchers who already have a transilluminator in the lab.
Configurations include a compact hood or camera stand. The compact hood fits on top of UVP’s High
Performance and Benchtop Transilluminators. The VisiDoc-It System provides simple documentatio n of
fluorescent and non-fluoresce nt gels, me mbranes, blots, film plates and assays with the ability to save
images to a USB storage device for later quantitative analysis.
VisiDoc-It Components
Refer to the packing slip and pictured components for parts included with the system.
VisiDoc-It with Hood
Camera and Lens Kit
Hood (with handles) fits over
the filter area on the
packing slip to determine if
the system includes a
EtBr Filter is mounted in the
top of the hood
VisiDoc-It Imaging System 3
VisiDoc-It with Stand
Camera Stand with X/Y
EtBr Filter is mounted under
the Lens
Blocking Cover (check the
packing slip to determine if
the system includes a
VisiDoc-It Imaging System 4
The VisiDoc-It includes the FluorCam 210 Camera
making any adjustments to the camera setting s.
Ethidium Bromide Filter (EtBr )
The Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) Filter (50mm sq.) UV
System Specifications
with a resolution of 640 x 480 (VGA) and a USB 2.0
PC interface. All camera settings are factory pre-set
for optimum performance when viewing gels, films,
or membranes under low light level conditions. UVP
Technical Support should be contacted before
The 8-48 mm zoom lens is fitted with a close-up
diopter and step-up ring. The camera can then be
held in a fixed position. The diopter is for focusing
on objects at the focus length of the VisiDoc-It
Internal Storage: 75GB or mor e
USB 2.0 ports: 1 front, 4 in the back
USB storage device capacity: 8GB (minimum)
Software: TS software
blocking bandpass interference filter blocks UV and
IR radiation emitted from the transilluminator. The
filter is placed in the filter tray below the camera
assembly. The filter allows visualization of
fluorophores from 580-630nm, targeting the EtBr
emission which peaks at 605nm. The EtBr filter can
be substituted for other specific fluorophore filters or
removed when imaging non-fluorescent media
(protein gels, colony plates, etc.) in order to produce
brighter images.
Hood Enclosure or Camera Stand for the VisiDoc-It System
The compact hood enclosure is manufactured of lightweight plastic for portability. Handles are
positioned on two sides of the hood to make it easy to move the hood for access to the transilluminator
surface. The camera with a zoom lens is mounted on top of the hood or camera stand.
VisiDoc-It Imaging System 5
For VisiDoc-It systems, transilluminators are optional equipment. The VisiDoc-It System can
accommodate UVP’s Benchtop and FirstLight transilluminator models. The VisiDoc-It (with stand
design) can also accommodate the High Performance UV Transilluminators (25-watt) and White/UV
Transilluminators (8-watt). UVP offers a variety of transilluminators, from the benchtop models with 8watt, single wavelength and single intensity to multiple wavelengths and high/low intensities, or the
highly uniform FirstLight transilluminator.
LCD Touch Screen
The display is an 8-inch VGA color touch screen connected to the darkroom cabinet with tilt adjustment.
The touch screen allows the user to preview, snap, save and print images, as well as select certain
preference options, without the need of an external mouse or keyboard.
A stylus pen is included for increased pointer control for selecting software options on the touch screen.
Focus Target
The focus target fluoresces when placed on a transilluminator or when exposed to overhead UV. The
Target provides sharp, fluorescent images to aid in adju sti ng the focus of the camera.
Removable USB Stick
The removable USB stick has 8GB memory (minimum) included with the system which connects to the
system allowing transfer of images.
Optional Equipment
Refer to the ordering infor mat i on s ect ion of this man ual for
optional equipment part numbers.
Thermal Printer
The thermal printer provides archive quality, 256 grayscale
prints, and five optional cost-effective print sizes.
Converter Plates
The UV/White Converter Plate allows imaging of nonfluorescent stained media with an ultraviolet transilluminator.
The converter plate is specially coated to convert the 302nm
UV output to white light, rather than using a separate white
light box.
The Visi-Blue Converter Plate converts UV to 460-470nm
designed for use with blue excitation samples and SYBR
green, SYPRO orange and GFP stains.
If the system does not include a transilluminator (check the packing slip), contact UVP for ordering
information or go to
high performance FirstLight Transi llu mi nator. Available transilluminators include the compact 8-watt models to the