Utica Boilers SSC Tax Certification

P/N 240009129 Rev. D
Manufacturer’s Certicate Statement
(Credit for Residential Energy Products)
ECR International, Inc. hereby certies to taxpayers who purchase the Product described below as follows:
1. e Product was manufactured by ECR International, Inc. 2201 Dwyer Ave. Utica, NY 13501
3. e model number of the Product is UBSSC-050, UBSSC-075, UBSSC-100, UBSSC-150, UBSSC-200, UBSSC299 and;
4. e Product is Qualied Energy Property that qualies for the credit allowed under Section 25C of the Internal Revenue Code.
A taxpayer may claim a credit with respect to expenditures paid or incurred for new Qualied En­ergy Property only if it is placed into service in the dwelling unit which is the taxpayer’s principal residence at the time it is installed after December 31, 2013. and before December 31, 2014.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare I have examined this certication statement, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts presented are true, correct, and complete.
Ronald J. Passafaro President & CEO ECR International, Inc./Utica Boilers
ECR International, Inc./UticaBoilers
2201 Dwyer Ave. · Utica, New York 13501
E-Mail: info@ecrinternational.com · Web: www.ecrinternational.com