Technical Bulletin
DATE: June 5, 2006
PRODUCTS: Utica Boilers - Hotline Series Indirect Water Heater
FROM: ECR Technical Service Department
Subject: Coil Change
Models Effected: HL-30, 40, 50, 80 & 119
Description of Change
Effective immediately the HotLine Series Indirect Hot Water Heaters have changed as follows: (see illustration below)
• HL30, HL40 & HL50 have relocated their “boiler/coil in” and “boiler/coil out” tapings. Previously on the top, these
connections are now on the side of the tank.
• All HotLine sizes (HL30 - HL119): Internal coil diameters have increased from ¾” to 1-¼”. Coil connections for all
sizes will now be 1-inch NPT.
NOTE: The change in the coil does not effect the location or size of the domestic Hot and Cold connections.
New 1-1/4” Coil
“Boiler/Coil In”
(1-inch NPT)
“Boiler/Coil Out”
(1-inch NPT)
Reasons for Coil Change
• Better heat transfer due to more coil surface area resulting in improved output (recovery rate) of the tank.
• Improved flow through coil due to lower head loss.
Product Description and Model Numbers (Note: Trade Prices have not changed)
HL30CT ST00201
HL50CT ST00202
HL80CT ST00203
HL119CT ST00204
HL40CT ST00205
For Additional Information
Please feel free to contact our Technical Service Department at 1-800-325-5479 if you have any questions pertaining to the
information contained in this bulletin.
HL30SK ST00211
HL50SK ST00212
HL80SK ST00213
HL119SK ST00214
HL40SK ST00215
World Headquarters • 2201 Dwyer Ave. • P.O. Box 4729 • Utica, New York 13504-4729
Ph: 315/797-1310 • Fax: 315/797-3762 • E-Mail: information@ecrinternational.com
• Web: www.ecrinternational.com