A complete line of Stainless Steel, Single and Dual Coil Indirect Water Heaters,
Storage Tanks, and Hydronic Buffer Tanks.
Need An Easy Domestic Hot Water Solution With A Low Operating Cost and the Longevity Of Stainless Steel?
Utica H2O Stainless Steel Single Coil Indirect Water Heaters
Need A Hot Water Solution To Balance Input and Storage While Reducing Short Cycling?
Utica H2O Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
Need A Hot Water Solution For Use With Chillers, Heat Pumps, and Low Mass Boilers?
Utica H2O Stainless Steel Hydronic Buffer Tanks
Need A Hot Water Solution For Solar Applications Or Small Zones?
Utica H2O Stainless Steel Single & Dual Coil Solar Water Heaters
standard features
standard features
Electric Back-Up can heat the tank if solar heat is unavailable
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Water Heaters
Water Heaters
Single Coil Indirect
Single Coil Indirect
Capacities (Gallons) 30, 40, 40L, 50 , 60, 60L, 80 & 115 30, 40, 60, 60L, 80 & 115 40, 60, 80 & 115 60, 80 & 115
Capacities (Gallons) 30, 40, 40L, 50 , 60, 60L, 80 & 115 30, 40, 60, 60L, 80 & 115 40, 60, 80 & 115 60, 80 & 115
316L Stainless Steel Construction
316L Stainless Steel Construction
Top Connections (For Easy, Neat, Clean Installation)
Top Connections (For Easy, Neat, Clean Installation)
Stainless Steel Dip Tube
Stainless Steel Dip Tube
Thermoplastic Jacket (Won’t dent, scratch or corrode)
Thermoplastic Jacket (Won’t dent, scratch or corrode)
Low Pressure Drop (Ideal For Low Mass Boilers)
Low Pressure Drop (Ideal For Low Mass Boilers)
T & P Valve, Stainless Aquastat Well & Drain Valve
T & P Valve, Stainless Aquastat Well & Drain Valve
(Factory installed-taped and doped).
(Factory installed-taped and doped).
2.25” EPS Insulation (Provides Less Than .5°F Per Hour Standby Loss)
2.25” EPS Insulation (Provides Less Than .5°F Per Hour Standby Loss)
Large Diameter, Smooth Coil Heat Exchangers - Prevent Buildup
Large Diameter, Smooth Coil Heat Exchangers - Prevent Buildup
(Stainless Steel Coils Are 25 to 30’ Long and 1-1/8” in Diameter)
(Stainless Steel Coils Are 25 to 30’ Long and 1-1/8” in Diameter)
Honeywell L4080B (Shipped Loose) N/A
Honeywell L4080B (Shipped Loose) N/A
Made in the USA
Made in the USA
Limited Lifetime Warranty (Residential), 5 Yr. (Commercial) N/A N/A
Limited Lifetime Warranty (Residential), 5 Yr. (Commercial) N/A N/A
Limited Lifetime Warranty N/A N/A
Limited Lifetime Warranty N/A N/A
Low Prole 40L & 60L Capacities 60L Capacities N/A N/A
Low Prole 40L & 60L Capacities 60L Capacities N/A N/A
High Output 80 & 115 Capacities N/A N/A N/A
High Output 80 & 115 Capacities N/A N/A N/A
60, 80 & 115
Electric Back-Up
Electric Back-Up
Commercial Connections (For increased DHW ow)
Commercial Connections (For increased DHW ow)
*Coil Standard N/A 40, 60, 80 & 115 Capacities Standard
*Coil Standard N/A 40, 60, 80 & 115 Capacities Standard
60, 80 & 115
80 & 115 Capacities
80 & 115 Capacities
(1-1/2” Dom., 1-1/4” Blr.)
(1-1/2” Dom., 1-1/4” Blr.)