US Robotics USR5482A, USR5483, USR5484 Specifications

Antenna Specifications
Key Applications - Connecting to 802.11b/802.11g wireless PCI cards to enhance range and to position the antenna away from the typically noisy behind-the-desktop location. Specifications & Standards:
•Gain: 5dBi
Nominal Impedance: 50 Ohms
VSWR: 1.92 max.
Desktop or magnetic base for vertical attachment
SMA straight plug reverse connector
Key Applications - Replacement antenna to extend the range of 802.11b/802.11g wireless routers, access points, and desktop adapters. Specifications & Standards:
•Gain: 5dBi
Nominal Impedance: 50 Ohms
VSWR: 1.92 max.
Direct swivel attachment
SMA plug reverse connector
Key Applications - Provides broad, focused coverage for 802.11b/802.11g wireless routers and access points in buildings with large coverage areas and wireless hot spots. Also for outdoor applications (e.g. building-to­building connections). Allows direct path with better pattern coverage. Specifications & Standards:
•Gain: 9dBi
Nominal Impedance: 50 Ohms
VSWR: 1.92 max.
Polarization - Linear
Directional antenna
Wall or pole mountable
SMA plug reverse connector
Key Applications - Provides broad, focused coverage for 802.11b/802.11g wireless routers and access points in buildings with large coverage areas and wireless hot spots. Also for outdoor applications (e.g. building­to-building connections). Allows direct path with better patter coverage. Specifications & Standards:
•Gain: 14dBi
Nominal Impedance: 50 ohms
VSWR: 1.92 max.
Polarization - Linear Vertical
Directional antenna
Wall or pole mountable
•N-Jack Connector
part number: R24.0552.00
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USR5484 Scan Patterns
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