US Robotics SureConnect 9002 Quick Installation Manual

ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem
Quick Installation Guide for Windows 95B (OSR2), 98, NT 4.0, 2000, Me, XP (or later), Linux, and Macintosh Operating Systems *
Model 9002
Part Number R24.0265.00
Table of Contents
Installation Overview & System Requirements .............................1
What You Need Before You Begin........................................... 1
Computer Requirements......................................................... 1
Power Requirements .............................................................. 2
Should You Connect via Ethernet or USB?.....................................3
Windows Installation .................................................................... 4
Step 1. Connect Microfilters (If Necessary)............................. 4
Connect Microfilters to Telephone Devices ......................4
Step 2. Install the ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem ......................4
Step 3. Connect the Cables ....................................................7
Connect the Power Adapter ............................................. 7
Connect the Telephone Cable .......................................... 7
Connect the Ethernet or USB Cable.................................. 8
Ethernet........................................................................... 8
USB.................................................................................. 9
Establish a Dial-up Con nection ....................................................... ........ 11
Macintosh OS 8.6 - 9.x Installation (USB Only)............................12
Step 1: Install the Drivers....................................................... 12
Step 2: Connecting the Cables................................................ 14
Step 3: Configuring the Modem .............................................14
Step 4: Configuring the Operating System............................. 15
Operating the Modem............................................................. 19
Linux Installation (USB Only)........................................................20
Step 1: Compile and Install the Modem Driver ....................... 20
Step 2: Configuring the Modem Parameters .......................... 22
Step 3: Set Up the ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem for Use......... 23
PPPoE Interface ............................................................... 23
PPPoA Interface ............................................................... 25
Modem Status ........................................................................26
Troubleshooting Checklist ......................................................27
Troubleshooting Tips.............................................................. 28
Technical Support .........................................................................34
Regulatory Information .................................................................35
U.S. Robotics Corporation Limited Warranty.................................39
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Schaumburg, Illinois 60173-5157
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Thank you for purchasing the U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem, Model 9002. The following instructions will walk you through the installation of the modem and the U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Utility. After the installation is complete, you will have installed the following items:
• U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem
• U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Utility
It is important that you have your serial number written down for future reference. If you ever need to call our Technical Support department, you will need this number to receive assistance. You can find your 12-character serial number on a bar code sticker located on the bottom of the modem and also on the box. You will also need your model number; it is noted below.
Write your serial number in the space provided below.
Serial Number Model Number
Installation Overview & System Requirements
Wh at You N eed Bef ore You Begin
• ADSL and Internet service from your local telephone company or
Internet Service Provider (ISP) or access to an ADSL DSLAM (Digital
Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer).
• A microfilter may be required for each telephone device (telephones,
answering machines, and fax machines) that shares the same phone
line as the ADSL signal. Make sure there isn’t a microfilter installed
between the ADSL modem and the telephone wall jack, unless your
microfilter has a connection for both the telephone and the DSL
• Your user name and password if they were assigned by your ISP.
Computer Requirements
Minimum System Requirements – Ethe rnet Port
• Pentium or faster compatible CPU
• Any computer with an Ethernet 10/100 RJ-45 interface
•32 MB RAM
• 10 MB hard disk space
• Internet Explorer or N etscape Navigator 4.0 or later Web browser
• A host computer running Windows 95 (With Service Pack 2 installed), 98, NT 4.0, 2000, Me, XP (or later), Linux, or a Macintosh OS 8.6 - 9.x computer
• Any operating system that supports an Ethernet connection with an IP stack
SureConnect Installation CD-ROM requires Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4.0, 2000, or XP. Computers running Windows 95 or NT 4.0 are required to have Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed. After Internet Explorer is installed, Netscape Navigator can be used.
Minimum System Requirements –US B Port
• Pentium 200 MHz or faster compatible CPU
• Host PC with Universal Serial Bus (USB) support
• A host computer running Windows 98, 2000, Me, XP (or later), Macin­tosh OS 8.6 - 9.x, or Linux
•32 MB RAM
• 10 MB hard disk space
• Internet Explorer or N etscape Navigator 4.0 or later Web browser
SureConnect Installation CD-ROM requires Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Linux or Macintosh OS 8.6 - 9.x
Power Requirements
The U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem obtains power from the included AC power adapter. Be sure to only use the included power adapter when operating this device. The power adapter must be connected in order for the modem to function properly.
If you are installing the U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem and have a PC running Windows 95 or NT 4.0, you will have to install the modem using the Ethernet option.
Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Users
Be sure that your computer is on and you have your oper­ating system CD-ROM readily available. If you are install­ing via the USB port, be sure to install the software first.
This U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem package includes the following it ems:
U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem Model 9002
RJ-11 Phone Cord (4 wire)(26 AWG)
AC Power Adapter
USB Cable (3 ft/1.5 m)
Ethernet Cable (6 ft/1.8 m)
Quick Installation Guide
U.S. Robotics SureConnect Installation CD-ROM with User Guide
Optional Components
In some models there may be a microfilter included in the box, or a microfilter may be supplied by your ISP. Check with your ISP to see if a microfilter is needed. If you are required to install a microfilter, the next section discusses installation.
Inform your dealer if there are any incorrect, missing, or damaged parts.
Refer to the installation instructions specific to your operating system in this Quick Installation Guide.
Macintosh and Linux Users
Should You Connect via Ethernet or USB?
The U.S. Robotics ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem gives you the option to connect through a USB or an Ethernet port. Selecting how to connect your modem is mostly a matter of preference and also depends on what ports are available on your computer.
Windows Installation
Step 1. Connect Microfilters (If Necessary)
If there are no microfilters included in your package and your ISP did not provide any, skip to Step 2 of these installation instructions.
If microfilters are required, install one on each telephone device (telephones, answering machines, and fax machines) that shares the same phone line as the ADSL signal.
A microfilter is a small device used to lessen the amount of interference between ADSL signals and telephone signals. Microfilters only need to be used if the ADSL modem and a telephone device are sharing the same phone line. If microfilters are not used, you may experience background noise on your telephone while data is being transmitted. Data transmissions may experience interruption by telephone calls if a microfilter is not used.
Connect Microfilters to Telephone Devices
To install the microfilter, plug the phone into the microfilter, and then plug the microfilter into the telephone wall jack. Do not install a microfilter on the cable that connects your modem to the telephone jack unless your microfilter has a connection for both the telephone and the ADSL device.
Step 2. Install the ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem
To install the U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem, insert the Installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. If the installation does not start automa tically, go to your desktop and double-click My Computer, double-click the drive letter associated with your CD-ROM drive, and then double-click Setup.
The U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem Installer Welcome window will display; cl ick Next to continue installing the U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet Modem.
• Select the connection type (USB or Ethernet) you will be utilizing to connect the modem to your computer; click Next. If you are running Windows 95 or NT 4.0 you wil l not have the option to select. In those operating systems you must connect via Ethernet.
• You will then be prompted to select a location to install the files. If you would like to change the default location, click Browse to select a new folder. If you accept the default location, click Next.
• A qualification test will run to verify that your system meets the mini­mum requirements for installation. The Results screen will display those items in your configuration that passed with a green flag and the ones that failed with a red flag. If your system passed the qualifi­cation, click Next and the necessary files will be copied to your sys­tem.
Some Windows 95 users may require a necessary Windows component (Win­sock 2) to be installed at this time. Click Next to launch the installation of this component, and follow the on-screen instructions. Once the installation is com­plete, you will need to restart the U.S. Robotics Modem installation.
For USB Users Only: The necessary files will be copied to your system. Select your Internet Service Provider (ISP) from the list and click Next.
Windows 95
SureConnect ADSL USB/Ethernet
Step 3. Connect the Cables
Connect the Power Adapter
Be sure to only use the included power supply. Connect the power adapter cord to the “10VDC” jack at the rear of the modem. Connect the power adapter to a standard wall outlet. Click
Connect the Telephone Cable
Connect one end of the included telephone cable to the telephone port on the back of your modem labeled “ADSL” and connect the other end into the telephone jack. Click Next.
If you are notified that your system has failed the qualification test, click the View Report button to identify which com ponent(s) failed. Once you have identified which component(s) failed, refer to the “Troubleshooting” section of this Quick Installation Guide for further instructions.
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