16 - 18”x26” Full Sheet Pans
• Standard o Optional - Not available
Convection cooking from 86 °F - 500 °F
Mixed steam and convecti on cooking from 118 °F - 500 °F, with STEAM.Maxi™ settings between 30% to 90%
Mixed humidity and convec tion cooking from 118 °F - 500 °F, with STE AM.Maxi™ settings between 10% to 20%
Steaming from 118 °F - 266 °F w ith STEAM.Maxi™ technology
Dry air cooking from 86 °F - 500 °F with DRY.Maxi™ technology, with settings between 10% to 100%
Maximum pre-heating temperature is 57 2 °F
Delta-T cooking with core probe
AIR.Maxi™ Technology: multiple fans with reversing g ear
AIR.Maxi™ Technology: 3 air spee ds, programmable
AIR.Maxi™ Technology : 3 semi-static cooking modes, programmable
AIR.Maxi™ Technology: pulse functio n
DRY.Maxi™ Technology: high performance moisture and humidity extraction, programmable by t he operator
DRY.Maxi™ Technology: cooking with humidity ext raction from 86 °F - 500 ° F
STEAM.Maxi™ Technology: steaming at 118 °F - 266 °F
STEAM.Maxi™ Technology: allows for a comb ination of moist air and dry air from 118 °F - 266 °F
ADAPTIVE.Clima Technology: for oven cav ity humidity measurement and regulation
ADAPTIVE.Clima Technology: repeating of the exact desired cooking process t hrough memorizing the act ual cooking process
ADAPTIVE.Clima Technology: 20 ADAPTIV E.Clima process m emory
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: maximum thermal efficiency and safe working conditions (cold glass doo r and external surfaces)
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: brake to prevent energy loss at door opening
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: electrical power absorption relat ed to the required needs
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: gas power absorption related t o the required needs
Rotor.KLEAN™ XC405: 3 automatic and 2 semi-automatic washing programs
Door hinges ma de of highly durable, self -lubricating techno-polymer
Reversible door , even after installation
Door stopping posit ions at 60°-120°-180°
99 cooking programs memory, each one capable of 9 cooking s teps
Ability to assign a name to each stored program
Preheating temperature up t o 572 °F (manually controlled by operato r)
Display of the remaining c ooking time (when cooking without the co re probe)
Cooking Hold mode: «HOLD »
Continuous functioning: «INF»
Display of dat a: actual cooking time, c ore probe temperature, ca vity temperature and level of humidity
«COOL» function for rapid cavity cool-dow n
Temperatures cap tured in °C or °F
Rounded-edge stainle ss steel (DIN 1.4301) cav ity for proper sanitation a nd ease of cleaning
Cavity lightin g through external LED lig hts
Steam-proof sealed ChefTouch control panel
Highly-durable c arbon fiber door lock
Door drip pan, for cont inuous drainage, even when the door is ope n
High capacity drip pan co nnectable to appliance drain
Light weight, heavy duty structure using innovative raw materials
Proximity door contact switch
2-stage safety door l ock
Safety temperature switch
Accessible inte rnal glass, for ease of c leaning
Stainless st eel / C-shaped rack rails with notched re cesses for easy loading
AIR.Maxi Multiple fa ns in the design of UNOX ovens ensure perfect uniformity
while allowing the operator to obtain a perfect f inished product, each and every time.
Bake (Art.: TG515)
Perforated aluminum pan
Grid (Art.: TG560)
Stainless st eel grid
Hood with steam condenser
External core probe SOUS-VIDE
Ovex.net 3.0 with USB interface kit
ChefTop™: “Total Cooking Solutions” (Combi Oven) comes with the most advanced patented UNOX t echnologies.
ChefTop™: Differentiates itself from all other combi ovens, because it has been designed and de veloped through extensive
collaboration among a team of professional chefs and the most advanced research institutes across the globe.
ChefTop™: 0vens have a wide ra nge of available accessories to make this an extremely versatile machine, for ease of use within
all commercial kitchens.
Note: Lateral support in the cavity of the oven
(accommodates 16 – 18” x 26” Full Sheet Pans)
throughout all trays, fr om the top to the bottom. Auto-reversing motors , combined with
high-speed revolving fans , ens ure perfect uniformity within ev ery single pan. The ability
to select 3 air flow speeds within the chamber, and 3 semi-static modes, allows you to
cook any kind of product, from the l ightest and most delicate, to those which require a
due to the specia l design, high-speed fans which o perate upwards to
from the cooking chamber (both the humidity relea sed by the food and the same
eventually generated throug h all previous cooking steps). In gourmet and pastry this
technology ensures the exaltation of flavors, while allowing for a dry finished product
with an internal a lveolar-shaped s tructure, characterized by a crisp and crumbly external
including the chamber an d core temperature along with the level of humidity ( steam), the
oven can then adjust the cooking pr ogram to the number o f pans placed in the oven,
Production of “dens e and thin” steam from 118 °F
Patented UNOX technology, which provides rapid extraction of the humidity
Through the continuous monitoring of all the c ooking parameters,
Teflon-coated perforated
Pan.Fry (Art.: TG525)
Enamel-coated pan
Grill (Art.: TG530)
Teflon-coated aluminum pan
Baguette (Art.: TG565)
6 channel chromium plate d grid
8 bird capacity
No.fry (Art.: TG575)
Stainless steel basket

Pan Spacing / Pitch
Electrical power
XAV 905 P – 208
60 Hz
208V 3~ 60 Hz
38.5 kW
404 lbs (183 kg)
A (B)
- 18”x26” Full Sheet Pans
-3/8" (85 mm)
-1/4" (869 mm) x 38-1/4" (972 mm) x 73-15/32" (1866 mm)
105 Terry Drive - Suite 119
Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940
Toll Free: 1-800-489-UNOX (8669)