16 - 18”x26” Full Sheet Pans
• Standard o Optional - Not available
Convection cooking from 86 °F - 500 °F
Mixed steam and convecti on cooking from 118 °F - 500 °F, with STEAM.Maxi™ settings between 30% to 90%
Mixed humidity and convec tion cooking from 118 °F - 500 °F, with STE AM.Maxi™ settings between 10% to 20%
Steaming from 118 °F - 266 °F w ith STEAM.Maxi™ technology
Dry air cooking from 86 °F - 500 °F with DRY.Maxi™ technology, with settings between 10% to 100%
Maximum pre-heating temperature is 57 2 °F
Delta-T cooking with core probe
AIR.Maxi™ Technology: multiple fans with reversing g ear
AIR.Maxi™ Technology: 3 air spee ds, programmable
AIR.Maxi™ Technology : 3 semi-static cooking modes, programmable
AIR.Maxi™ Technology: pulse functio n
DRY.Maxi™ Technology: high performance moisture and humidity extraction, programmable by t he operator
DRY.Maxi™ Technology: cooking with humidity ext raction from 86 °F - 50 0 °F
STEAM.Maxi™ Technology: steaming at 118 °F - 266 °F
STEAM.Maxi™ Technology: allows for a comb ination of moist air and dry air from 118 °F - 266 °F
ADAPTIVE.Clima Technology: for oven cav ity humidity measurement and regulation
ADAPTIVE.Clima Technology: repeating of the exact desired cooking process t hrough memorizing the actual cooking process
ADAPTIVE.Clima Technology: 20 ADAPTIV E.Clima process m emory
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: maximum thermal efficiency and safe working conditions (cold glass doo r and external surfaces)
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: brake to prevent energy loss at door opening
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: electrical power absorption relat ed to the required needs
Protek.SAFE™ Technology: gas power absorption related t o the required needs
Rotor.KLEAN™ XC405: 3 automatic and 2 semi-automatic washing programs
Door hinges ma de of highly durable, self -lubricating techno-p olymer
Reversible door , even after installation
Door stopping posit ions at 60°-120°-180°
99 cooking programs memory, each one capable of 9 cooking s teps
Ability to assign a name to each stored program
Preheating temperature up t o 572 °F (manually controlled by operato r)
Display of the remaining c ooking time (when cooking without the co re probe)
Cooking Hold mode: «HOLD »
Continuous functioning: «INF»
Display of dat a: actual cooking time, c ore probe temperature, ca vity temperature and level of humidity
«COOL» function for rapid cavity cool-dow n
Temperatures cap tured in °C or °F
Rounded-edge stainle ss steel (DIN 1.4301) cav ity for proper sanitation a nd ease of cleaning
Cavity lightin g through external LED lig hts
Steam-proof sealed ChefTouch control panel
Highly-durable c arbon fiber door lock
Door drip pan, for cont inuous drainage, even when the door is ope n
High capacity drip pan co nnectable to appliance drain
Light weight, heavy duty structure using innovative raw materials
Proximity door contact switch
2-stage safety door l ock
Safety temperature switch
Accessible inte rnal glass, for ease of c leaning
Stainless st eel / C-shaped rack rails with notched re cesses for easy loading
AIR.Maxi Multiple fa ns in the design of UNOX ovens ensure perfect uniformity
STEAM.Maxi Production of “dense and th in” steam from 118 °F
DRY.Maxi Patented UNOX technology, which provides rapid extraction of the humidity
while allowing the operator to obtain a perfect f inished product, each and every time.
Bake (Art.: TG515)
Perforated aluminum pan
Grid (Art.: TG560)
Stainless st eel grid
Teflon-coated aluminum pan
Trolley (holds 16 - 18”x26” Full Sheet Pans)
Hood with steam condenser
External core probe SOUS-VIDE
Ovex.net 3.0 with USB interface kit
ChefTop™: “Total Cooking Solutions” (Combi Oven) comes with the most advanced pate nted UNOX technologies.
ChefTop™: Differentiates itself from all other combi ovens, because it has been designed and de veloped through extensive
collaboration among a team of professional chefs and the most advanced research institutes across the globe.
ChefTop™: 0vens have a wide ra nge of available accessories to make this an extremely versatile machine, for ease of use within
all commercial kitchens.
Note: Trolley included
(accommodates 16 – 18” x 26” Full Sheet Pans)
throughout all trays, fr om the top to the bottom. Auto-reversing motors , combined with
high-speed revolving fans , ens ure perfect uniformity within ev ery single pan. The ability
to select 3 air flow speeds within the chamber, and 3 semi-static modes, allows you to
cook any kind of product, from the l ightest and most delicate, to those which require a
due to the specia l design, high-speed fans which o perate upwards to
from the cooking chamber (both the humidity relea sed by the food and the same
eventually generated throug h all previous cooking steps). In gourmet and pastry this
technology ensures the exaltation of flavors, while allowing for a dry finished product
with an internal a lveolar-shaped s tructure, characterized by a crisp and crumbly external
including the chamber a nd core temperature alon g with the level of humidity (steam), t he
oven can then adjust the cooking pr ogram to the number o f pans placed in the oven,
Through the continuous monitoring of all the c ooking parameters,
Teflon-coated perforated
Pan.Fry (Art.: TG525)
Enamel-coated pan
Grill (Art.: TG530)
Baguette (Art.: TG565)
6 channel chromium plate d grid
8 bird capacity
No.fry (Art.: TG575)

Pan Spacing / Pitch
Electrical power
XAV 1605 P– 240
60 Hz
A (B)
- 18”x26” Full Sheet Pans
" (78 mm)
40V 3~ 60 Hz
4 kW
-1/4" (869 mm) x 47-1/2" (1206 mm) x 73-1/8" (1857 mm)
105 Terry Drive - Suite 119
Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940
Toll Free: 1-800-489-UNOX (8669)