RNDC Laser Operations Checklist
Daily Operation
1) System Set-Up
a) Setup of the VLS3.50 machine
i) Set up the Laser System on the Table.
(1) Be sure table is strong enough to hold the system and the table legs are locked.
(2) Obtain the assistance of another person. One person should grasp the front of the
laser system and the other person should grasp the back of the laser system. Place
it on top of the table.
ii) Setup Guide Sheet tells you how to assemble the cables.
(1) Note: DO Not Power on the laser system at this time.
iii) 6‟ USB cable max length. Have computer near machine.
iv) Install the provided 9-volt Thermal Sensor battery into the back of the VLS laser
system. (Initial Set-Up Only)
v) Your computer must have CorelDraw software installed and correctly configured.
b) Filtration Cart – refer to Users Guide for details.
i) Connect the short exhaust hose and secure it with the provided hose clamps.
ii) Make sure the computer is powered on and Windows is operating.
iii) Plug in a power cord to the laser‟s power inlet, then attach a USB cable from your
computer to the laser‟s USB port.
iv) Plug in a power cord to the BOFA Filter
v) Secure the Serial cable using the retainer clips.
vi) Make sure filters and covers are installed correctly.
vii) Turn on the filter.
c) USB Devices
i) Do not connect any USB devices (mouse, thumb drive, MP3 player, etc.) while
the laser system is running. Doing so will cause the job to stop and be lost.
2) Power up
a) Once the system is plugged in and connected to the filter cart and computer, turn the
system on. This can be done by pushing the Power button on the control panel of the
system or by clicking on the power button on the Universal Control Panel (UCP) on the
b) The system will automatically home in the XY axis.
c) Re-home the Z-Axis at the beginning of every day with the Home Z button on the
Viewer screen.
d) Power on Bofa filter unit.
RNDC Checklist

3) Keep the following items by the machine…
a) Focus Tool
b) Service Manual (on disk)
c) Laser Operations Manual (on disk)
d) Lens cleaning solution and cotton swabs
e) Lens cleaning paper
f) Water bottle & Towel
g) Can of compressed air for cleaning optics
h) Other Items you need
i) Fire Extinguisher – know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.
ii) Power Strip
iii) 50 Ft. Extension Cord
iv) 9-volt battery
v) Padded Moving Blankets
vi) Dental Mirror (optional)
vii) Phillips screw driver
viii) Allen wrenches (come with laser machine)
4) Bottle Templates – Preparing to Run Customer’s Bottle
a) See step-by-step instructions.
b) Entering Text into CorelDraw Bottle Job File
(See screens on next page.)
i) Select CorelDraw file that matches bottle and acrylic Template.
ii) Type text in the text box. If the text box dashed line changes to a red outline your text
is too big – reduce the point size of the text until the red outline goes away.
iii) To change font style, highlight text and select the desired font.
iv) Templates allow running more than one bottle at a time in one job.
v) When you print from Corel, select the text you are engraving and print Selection (on
Print screen, click the Selection button). If you do not click Selection you may print
multiple pages for front and back of bottle.
c) Importing Logos
i) Import logo into text box.
ii) Adjust size of logo and allow it to “snap” to center of text box.
iii) Engraved results depend on logo quality. Vector graphics (.eps files) are best. Fuzzy
or heavily pixilated graphics will engrave poorly. If logo does not engrave well, it
may need to be edited manually to remove gray scale “noise” or hidden vector lines.
RNDC Checklist

5) Running the Laser
Step-by-step instructions for Engraving Bottles:
a. Choose Text tool from left menu and click inside
the Text box(es) (outlined in red) to Add/Edit text
b. Choose File > Print and select Laser Printer installed
on machine from drop down list in print dialog box.
c. Click on Properties from the print dialog box to open the
laser printer properties dialog
d. Select Glass – Soda-Lime Glass from material type.
e. Make sure fixture type is set to Rotary
f. Set Diameter to ____ and Material Thickness to 0.005”
g. Click Apply then click OK
h. Click Print from print dialog box
i. In computer system tray (located in lower right corner of screen),
click on ULS Control Panel Icon to launch laser engraver.
(you should see a preview of the file sent to the printer)
j. Click Power switch on desktop ULS Control Panel
if laser is not already turned on
k. Click “Home XY”
l. Center bottle bottom on flat rotary plate using registration
marks provided.
m. Once bottle is centered correctly, slide cone end of fixture
up to bottle end and apply firm pressure to the bottle up against
the flat rotary plate and then lock cone fixture into place by
pressing down on lock.
n. Click “Focus View” button then click “Go” button.
o. Enter ______ for X Value then click “Go To”
p. Enter _____ for Z Value then click “Go To” then click Close.
q. Rotate bottle so that the tip of the bat tail is directly
in line with the red laser marker dot.
r. Close machine lid and press Start from the ULS Control Panel
s. When printing is complete, remove bottle and repeat steps l through
r for additional bottles.
Extra Tips:
a) Red Dot Pointer “Dry Run” for Preview
i) It is OK to run in the “red light” mode with the Laser glass door open. This
makes it easy to check alignment and position before you run a bottle.
ii) Open door and press Green “Play” button
iii) It is not necessary to wait for job to complete – can Pause to end the test run.
iv) Can Pause and use Focus View to check focus height with manual Focus Tool – see
Focus View instructions in manual.
RNDC Checklist