This Operating Manual covers inf ormation o n
safety and cauti ons. Please read t he relevant
in form atio n care ful ly and ob ser ve all th e
Warnings and Notes strictly.
To avoid electric shock or pers onal injury, read
the “Safety Infor mation” carefully before using
the Meter.
Mode l UT202 A is 20 00-coun t stabl e, safe and
reli able di gital c lamp mu ltimete r(herea fter
refe rred to as "th e Meter "). It is desi gned wi th
larg e-scale integr ated ci rcuits and A/D
conv erter a s the c ore as well as the ov erload
prot ection and nov el stru cture, which m ake
it a superb tool f or elec trician s.
The Meter can measure AC/DC Voltage, AC
Current, Resistance, Diodes, and Continuity.
Unpacking Inspection
Open the package case and take out the Meter.
Check t he following items carefully for any
missing or damaged part:
Item Description Qty
1 English Operating Manual 1 piece
2 Test Lead 1 pair
In t he event you find any missi ng or d amaged
part please contact your dealer immediately.
Safety Information
Th is Me ter c omp lie s wit h the s tan dar d
IEC610 10: Poll ution De gree 2, Overvol tage
Category (CATII 600V, CAT III 300V) and Double
CATI I: Loca l l evel , a ppli ance , P ORTABL E
EQ UIP MENT e tc., w ith s mall er tr ans ient
overvoltages than CATIII.
CAT III: Distribution level, fixed installation, with
smaller transient overvoltages than CAT IV
Use the Meter only as specified in this operating
manual, otherwise the protection provided by
the Meter may be impaired.
In thi s manual, a Warning identifi es conditions
and actions th at pose hazards t o the user, or
may damage the Meter or the equipment under
A Note ide ntifi es t he infor matio n t hat user
should pay attention to.
To av oid po ssible electric shoc k or persona l
inju ry, and to avoid poss ible damage to the
Meter or to the equipment under test, adhere to
the following rules:
.esac eht tcepsni reteM eht gnisu erofeB ●
Do not us e the Meter if it is d amaged or the
case (or part of the case) is removed. Look for
cracks or missing plastic. Pay a ttention to the
insulation around the connectors.
● In spec t the t est l ead s for da mag ed
insula tion o r expos ed meta l. Check the tes t
lead s for cont inuity. Rep lace damaged test
leads with identical model number or electrical
specifications before using the Meter.
● Do not apply more than the rated voltage,
as marked on the Meter, between the terminals
or be tween any terminal and grounding. If the
valu e t o be mea sured is unkno wn, use the
● When measurement has been completed,
disc onnect the connec tion between the test
leads and the circuit under test, remov e the
testing leads away from the input ter minals of
the Meter and turn the Meter power off.
● Th e ro tary swit ch should be pla ced in
the right positi on an d no any changeov er of
range shall be made w hen mea surement is
conducted to prevent damage of the Meter.
● Do not carry out the measuremen t when
the Meter’s back case and battery compartment
are not closed to avoid electric shock.
● Do not input higher than 600V between the
Meter ’s termina ls and the gr ounding t o avoid
electric shock and damages to the Meter.
● When the Meter is workin g at an e ffective
vol tage over 60V in DC or 30V rms in AC,
special care should be taken for there is danger
of electric shock.
● Use the proper termina ls, f unction, and
range for your measurements.
● Do not u se or sto re the M eter in a n
env ironme nt o f hi gh t empera ture, humi dity,
explo sives, i nflammab les a nd str ong m agnetic
fie ld. T he perf orma nce of the Me ter may
deteriorate after dampened.
● Wh en using the te st l eads, ke ep y our
fingers behind the finger guards.
● Discon nect circuit power and dischar ge
al l h igh- volt age ca paci tors b efor e t esti ng
resistance, continuity and diode.
● Replace the battery as soon as the battery
indicator appears. With a low battery, the
Meter might produce false readin gs that can
lead to electric shock and personal injury.
● When servic ing th e Mete r, use only use
the r eplaceme nt parts with the same mo del
or id entical electrica l specif ications .
● The internal circuit of the Meter shall not be
altered at will to avoid damage of the
Meter and
any accident.
● Soft cloth and m ild det ergent should be
used to cl ean the surface of the Met er when
servicin g. No abrasive and solve nt should be
used to prevent the surface of the Meter from
corrosion, damage and accident.
● The Meter is suitable for indoor use.
● Turn the Meter off when it is not in use and
take o ut the batt ery when not using for a long time.
● Constantly check the battery as it may leak
when it has been using for some time, replace
the bat tery as soon as leakin g ap pears. A
leaking battery will damage the Meter.
International Electrical Symbols
AC (Alternating Current)
DC (Direct Current)
AC or DC
Double Insulated
Warning. Refer to the Operating Manual
Low Battery Indication
Continuity Test
Conforms to Standards of European Union
The Meter Structure (See Figure 1)
Figure 1
1. Input Terminals
2. LCD Display
3. Functional Buttons
4. Rotary Switch
5. Trigger: press the lever to open the
transformer jaws. When the pressure on the
lever is released, the jaws will close.
6. Hand Guards: to protect user’s hand from
touching the dangerous area.
7. Transformer Jaws: designed to pick up the
AC current flowing through the conductor.
It could transfer current to voltage. The
tested conductor must vertically go through
the jaw center.
maximum measurement position and reduce the
range step by step until a satisfactory reading is
Functional Buttons and Auto Power Off
Press HOLD to enter and exit hold mode. Press
and hold HOLD but ton w hile turnin g on the
Meter, auto power off will be canceled.
2. MAX
Press MAX to start record ing and updating of
maximum values.
Under Ω ranging, resistance
measurement mode is default, press SELECT
to select continuity measurement mode or diode
measurement mode.
4. Auto Power Off
To preserve battery life, the Meter automatically
goes into a “sleep” mode if you do not press any
button for around 10 minutes. The Meter can be
activated by pressing any effective button (refer
to The E ffectiven ess o f Fun ctional Button s),
the n re turn to the disp lay for the funct ion
selected previously.
5. Buzzer
The buzz er sounds every time a eff ective button
is pressed down. When the meter will auto
power off in 1 minu te th e buzz er be eps f ive
times. Before power off there will be a long time
buzzer beeps.
6. The Effectiveness of Functional Buttons
Not every functional buttons can be use d on
eve ry r otary swi tch posit ions. B elow tabl e
describe w hich functional bu ttons can be used
on which rotary switch positions
Rotary Functional Buttons
Ω • N/A •
N/A • •
N/A • •
A 20A N/A • •
A 200A N/A • •
A 600A N/A • •
Display Symbols (See Figure 2)
1 Indicator for AC voltage or current
2 Indicator for DC voltage
3 The battery is low.
Warning: To avoid false readings, which
could lead to possible electric shock or
personal injury, replace the battery as soon as
the battery indicator appears.
4 The Meter is in the auto range mode in
which the Meter automatically selects
the range with the best resolution.
5 Test of diode
6 The continuity buzzer is on
7 Maximum reading displayed
8 Data hold is active
9 Amperes (amps). The unit of current.
10 Ω: Ohm. The unit of resistance.
kΩ:Kilohm. 1000 ohms
MΩ:Megohm. 1,000,000 ohms
11 V: Volts. The unit of voltage.
mV: Millivolt. 0.001 volts
12 Indicates negative reading
Figure 2
Measurement Operation
A. Measuring DC Voltage (See Figure 3)
To avoid harm to you or damage to the Meter
from eletric shock, do not attempt t o measure
voltages higher than 600V AC/DC.
To measure D C voltage, conne ct the Meter as
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to .
3. Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.
Figure 3
Whe n D C v olta ge measu remen t h as been
completed, disconnect the connection b etween
the testing leads and the circuit under test and
remove testing leads from the input terminals.
B. Measuring AC Voltage (See Figure 4)
To avoid harm to you or damage to the Meter
from eletric shock, do not attempt t o measure
voltages higher than 600V AC/DC.
To measure AC voltage, conn ect the Met er as
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to .
3. Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.
Figure 4
Whe n A C v oltag e measu reme nt has bee n
completed, disconnect the connection b etween
the testing leads and the circuit under test and
remove testing leads from the input terminals.
C. Measuring Resistance (See Figure 5)
To avo id dama ge to th e M eter o r t o the
devices under test, disconnect circuit power and
discharge all the high-voltage capacitors before
measuring resistance.
To measure resistance , connect the Me ter as
1. Insert the red test lead into the
terminal and the black test lead into the
COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to ; resistance
measurement (Ω) is default or press
SELECT button to select Ω measurement
3. Connect the test leads across with the object
being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.
● Separating the objects being tested fr om
the ci rcuit when measuring can obtain a more
accurate result.
Figure 5
● When resistan ce measuremen t has b een
completed, disconnect the connection b etween
the testing leads and the circuit under test and
remove testing leads from the input terminals.