Uniden TRU346 User Manual

2.4GHz Owners Manual TRU346 8/9/00 12:42 Page 2
W elcome / Features inside front cover Controls and Functions
2, 3
Read this firs t 4 Step 1: Checking t he pac kage cont ents 5 Step 2: Setting up the base unit 6 Step 3: Preparing the batt ery pack 9 Adjusting t he 10.14 er and earpiece v4 olume 11
Making a call 12 Receiving a call 14 Redialing a call 15 Tr aveling out-of-ra.14 e 16
Telephone Features
Memor y dialing
Storing phone numbers and names 17 Making calls with memor y dialing 19 Chain dialing 20 Editing a stor ed name and/or phone number 21
Erasing a s tor ed name and phone number 24 Paging 25
Caller ID Features
Caller ID 26 When the t el ephone rings 28 Viewing t h4 e Caller ID Messa14 e list 29 Deleting infor mation fr4 om the Caller ID list 30 Using the Caller ID lis t 32 Using “Caller ID on call waiting“ service 34 Call W4 aiting features 35
Additional Information
Cha.1ing the digit al security code 36 Beltclip ins tallation 37 Headset installation 37 Note on power 4 sources 38 Maintenance 38 Troubleshooting 39 General Information 41 Index 42
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W elcome
Congratulations on y our purchase of the TRU 346 cor dless telephone. This phone is designed for r eliability, long life, and outs tanding per for mance utilizing the lat est in
2.4 GHz Spread Spectrum technology. NNoottee:: SSoommee iilllluussttrraattiioonnss iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall mmaayy ddiiffffeerr ffrroomm tthhee aaccttuuaall uunniitt ffoorr
eexxppllaannaattiioonn ppuurrppoosseess..
• 2.4 GHz Spread Spectrum Technology
• Caller ID and Call Waiting Caller ID
• 50 Number Caller ID Memory
• Advanced Caller ID with Call Waiting Options
• Lighted Keypad
• 3-Line, 16 Character Backlit Handset Display
• 20 Enhanced Memor y Dial Locations
• 32 Digit Redia l
• 3 Redial Memories
• Flash
• Pause
• Pulse/Tone Dialing
• Page/Find
• 10 Day St andby Batte ry Lif e
• 6 Hour Talk Time
• Handset Earpiece and Ringer Volume Control
• Hearing Aid Compatible
DDiiggiittaall SSpprreeaadd SSppeeccttrruumm TTeecchhnnoollooggyy
utilizes a “wider frequency band“ vs. a “single
narrof3 1 Tr- TDoaard3a-12.l(a-17.8(1)23.t(a-12.r(e)]T1a)838966 0 TD00 373 Tc0.0249 Twansmissatio. The 2(2.4 GH8(fW)-10.3(e1)22.8(t)-17.3(uencrit)-38.8ngSt)-15.5(e612.4(2236.wit)q)3.a)3(s(e)]TJa)838965 -1.0909 TD036291 Tc0.0256 Twnar 1122.8(r12.3(e)12.lea- Tatt)0.6(a)-1. comme(fW)-15(cediacommuniLocatio. The 8(r12.3sult iss. Memor12.3o)9.w12.6cumor12.3o)8(convSt)-10.3(e1r)8.nar
Controls and Functions
1. Handset antenna
2. Headset jack cover
3. Handset batte r y compar tment
4. Handset earpiece
5. LCD display
6. Memor y key
7. Ta lk ke y
8. Volume/Cursor down key
/tone key
10. Redial/P ause key
11. Options ke y
12. Handset microphone
13. Volume/Cursor up key
14. Flash key
15. Caller ID ke y
16. # ke y
17. Delete key
18. Select/Channel key
19. Handset c har ging contacts
20. Pulse-Tone switch
21. DC po wer input
22. Phone jac k
23. Base c har ging cont acts
24. Base antenna
25. Status LED
26. Page key
TRU346 8/9/00 12:36 Page 3
AAbboouutt tthhee ddiiggiittaall sseeccuurriittyy ccooddee This cordless telephone uses a digit al
security code to prevent unaut horized access to your base unit. This security code prevents other cordless handsets from making calls th rough your base unit. A random security code will be assigned automatically between your base unit and handset when you char ge the batte r y pack for the f i rs t time. If y ou want to reset t he security code, see page 36.
Read This First
This cordless telephone mus t be set up befo re use. Fo llow these st eps;
SStteepp 11
((ppaaggee 55))
Unpack and c heck the t el ephone and accessories.
SStteepp 22
((ppaaggee 66 ttoo 88))
Next, choose t he best location to set up the base unit.
SStteepp 33
((ppaaggee 99 ttoo 1100))
Then, inser t the batter y pack into the handset. You must charg e the battery pac k for
1155 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree
uussiinngg tthhee pphhoonnee
Checking the Package Contents
TThhiiss OOwwnneerr´´ss MMaannuuaall
PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss aanndd IImmppoorrttaanntt SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
QQuuiicckk RReeffeerreennccee GGuuiiddee
RReeggiissttrraattiioonn CCaarrdd
BBaassee uunniitt HHaannddsseett
AACC aaddaapptteerrRReecchhaarrggeeaabbllee bbaatttteerryy
TTeelleepphhoonnee ccoorrdd
AAvvooiidd eexxcceessssiivvee mmooiissttuurree,, eexxttrreemmeellyy llooww tteemmppeerraattuurreess,, dduusstt,, mmeecchhaanniiccaall vviibbrraattiioonn,, oorr sshhoocckk
[ 6]
Setting up the Base Unit
AAvvooiidd hheeaatt ssoouurrcceess,, ssuucchh aass rraaddiiaattoorrss,, aaiirr dduuccttss,, aanndd ssuunnlliigghhtt
AAvvooiidd tteelleevviissiioonn sseettss aanndd ootthheerr eelleeccttrroonniicc eeqquuiippmmeenntt
AAvvooiidd nnooiissee ssoouurrcceess ssuucchh aass aa wwiinnddooww bbyy aa ssttrreeeett wwiitthh hheeaavvyy ttrraaffffiicc
AAvvooiidd mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveennss
AAvvooiidd ppeerrssoonnaall ccoommppuutteerrss
AAvvooiidd ootthheerr ccoorrddlleessss tteelleepphhoonneess
CChhoooossee aa cceennttrraall llooccaattiioonn
Do the f ol lowing s t eps.
• Choose the bes t location
• Connect the base unit
• Choose the dialing mode
CChhoooossee tthhee bbeesstt llooccaattiioonn
Befor e choosing a location for y our new phone, r ead t he INS TALLATION CONSIDERATIONS included in the PRECAUTIONS AND IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS brochur e. Here are some impor t ant guidelines you should consider:
TRU346 8/9/00 12:36 Page 6
• After ins t alling t he batte r y pack in the handset, c harge your handset at least
1155 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee pphhoonnee
. Once the handset batt ery pack is fully charged, connect the telephone line cor d to the base and telephone wall outlet.
• The location should be close to bot h a phone jack and a continuous power outlet which is not swit chable.
• Keep the base and handset away from sources of electrical noise suc h as motors and fluorescent lighting.
• Be sur e there is suff icient space to r aise the base ant enna t o a ver tical position.
CCoonnnneecctt tthhee bbaassee uunniitt
1 Connect t he telephone line cord
to the
jack and to a
telephone outlet.
2 Connect t he AC adapter t o the
jack and t o a st andard
120V AC wall outlet.
3 Set t he base unit on a desk or t abletop and place t he
handset on the base unit as shown. Then raise t he antenna t o a ver tical position.
Place the power cord so it does not create a trip hazard or where it could become chafed and create a fire or electrical hazard.
Use only the supplied AD-311 AC adapter. Do not use any other AC adapter.
Connect the AC adapter to a continuous power suppl y.
Place the base unit close t o the AC outlet so that you can un plug the AC adapter easily.
If your telephone outlet isn´t modular, contact y our t elephone company for assistance.
CChhoooossee tthhee ddiiaalliinngg mmooddee
Depending on your dialing sys tem, set the
switch as f ol lo ws:
IIff yyoouu aarreenn´´tt ssuurree ooff yyoouurr ddiiaalliinngg ssyysstteemm Make a trial call with t he PUL SE-TONE switch set t o
If t he call connects, leave the switch as is; oth er wise, set to
IIff yyoouurr ddiiaalliinngg ssyysstteemm iiss SSeett tthhee sswwiittcchh ttoo Tone
TRU346 8/9/00 12:36 Page 8
CChhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt 1155 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree yyoouu ssttaarrtt uussiinngg yyoouurr pphhoonnee.. 1 Press in on t he batt er y cover release and slide the
cover down until it comes off.
2 Connect t he batte r y pack connector wit h the cor rect
polarity (black and red wires), t hen inser t the battery pack int o the batt er y compa r tment.
3 Securely close the batt ery comp ar tment co ver by
sliding it up until it snaps into place. 4 Place t he handset on the base as sho wn. 5 M ake s ure that t he
LED lights. If the LED doesn´t light, check t o see that t he AC adapter is plu gged in and that t he handset mak es good contact wit h t he base charging cont acts.
Use only the Uniden Batter y (BT-905) supplied with your phone. R eplacement batteries are also available thr ough the Uniden Pa r ts Depar tment. (see page 5)
Preparing the Battery Pack
4, 5
status LED
TRU346 8/9/00 12:36 Page 9
BBaatttteerryy uussee ttiimmee ((ppeerr cchhaarrggee))
From fully charged
• Six hours continuous use.
• Ten days when the handset is in the s tandb y mode.
WWhheenn tthhee bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggee bbeeccoommeess llooww
When the batt er y pac k is ver y lo w and needs to be charged, t he phone is progr ammed t o eliminate functions in order to save power. If the phone is not in use, “
Battery“ f lashes and none of t he keys will operate.
If the phone is in use, “
Low Battery“ f lashes and the handset beeps.
Complete your conver sation as quickly as possible and retur n the handset to the base unit f or charging.
The built-in memor y backup can hold numbers and names stor ed in the memor y even if the battery pack is completely disc h a r ge d.
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy ccoonnttaaccttss
To maint ain a good c ha rge, it is imp or t ant to clean the batt er y cont acts on t he handset and base unit with a dr y cloth or a pencil er aser about once a month. DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy lliiqquuiiddss oorr ssoollvveennttss..
• Even when the battery pack is not being used, it will gradually discharge over a long period of time. For optimum performance, be sure to return the handset to the base unit after a telephone call for charging the battery.
• The redial memory numbers backup for up to 2 minutes while you replace the battery pack.
• If you must replace the battery pack during a telephone call, complete the replacement of the battery pack within 30 seconds, and you can return to the original call.
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Adjusting the Ringer and Earpiece Volume
RRiinnggeerr ttoonnee aanndd vvoolluummee
The phone has four ringer t one and volume combinations. In t he standb y mode, press or on the handset repeatedly. The display shows the setting.
EEaarrppiieeccee vvoolluummee
Pressing or during a call will change the earpiece volume of t he handset. This setting will remain in ef fect af ter t he telephone call has ended.
When you press in Loud mode or press in Normal mode, t he er ror tone sounds.
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BASICS[ 12 ]
Making a Call
1 Enter the phone number.
(Up to 32 digits.) Example: Enter 8178583300
2 Press .
Talk“ f lashes on the displa y.
Then the v olume setting is displayed. Example: Volume level High
3 The number is dialed.
After about 5 seconds, t he call-time display appears.
4 To hang up, press or place the
handset on the base. The call-time will be displayed for about 5 seconds.
• Press if you enter a wrong number in step 1. To delete all the nu mbers that you have entered, press and hold until the display clears.
• You must press a key within 20 seconds or the phone will return to standby.
DDiiaalliinngg ffrroomm ssttaannddbbyy
TRU346 8/9/00 12:36 Page 12
BASICS [ 13 ]
OOtthheerr OOppeerraattiioonnss
DDiiaalliinngg ffrroomm ttaallkk mmooddee
1 Press .
Talk“ f lashes on the displa y.
Then the v olume setting is displayed. Example: Volume level High
2 Dial t he phone number.
Example: Enter 8178583300
3 To hang up, press or place the
handset on the base. The call-time will be displayed for about 5 seconds.
TToo DDoo tthhiiss To adjust the earpiece v olume Press or during a call. To temporarily swit ch t o t one dial Press . The foll owing number s
(When the base is set to pulse mode) will be sent as tone dialing. To ent er a pause within t he Press . “
P“ appears in the displa y
dialing sequence which re pr esents a pause. To imp rove the recep tion Press d uring a ca ll.
Scanning“ appears on the displa y.
If the operation fails, t he er ror t one sounds.
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+ 33 hidden pages