Uniden SUNDOWNER UH-056 Operating Manual

unld~ff SUNDOWNERUH.{)56
Handheld UHF CB Radio
UNIDENAUSTRAliAPTY.lIMITED 345PrincessHighway,Rockdale,NSW2216
unlden SIIJcIoMIerQ
Please readthis Operating Guidecarefullybefore
operating this radio Safety Information
DONOToperate the transmitter of any radio equip-
mentwiththe antenna touching,or close to the eyes,
face, or exposed body parts.
DONOTletchildrenoperate any transmitter-equipped radioequipment.
Have your radio equipment serviced by a qualified
This equipment contains a Nickel-Cadmiumbattery. The Nickel-Cadmiumbatterycontained inthis equip-
ment may explode ifdisposed of ina fire.
DO NOT shortcircuitthebattery.
DO NOTcharge the Nickel-Cadmiumbattery used in
this equipment in any other charger other than the one
designed to charge this battery. Using another charger may damage the battery, or cause the battery to explode.
Uniden~ is a registered trademark of Uniden Corporation.
Features, Specifications, and availability of Optional Accessories are all subject to change without notice.
Table of Contents
Introduction ..
Description ..
Warning"""""'" """""" ...........
LicensingRequirements """"""""""""'"
Feature HighIights .......................................................
Unpacking .
Controls and Indicators ..............................................
Top IndicatorsandDisplay......................................
Side Controls and Connectors """""""""""""""'"
Getting Started """"""""""""""""'"
Antenna """"""" """'"
Installation -........
Rechargingthe Nickel-CadmiumBatteryPack..
Operation """""""" .., """"""" """"""'" """"
Receive ... ...............
Auto-Squelch.. """'" """'" """"
Channel Scan """""'"
Drop Out Delay..................................................
Create a Channel Scan Listwith
Channel Lock-Out Feature ...........................
Transm it...................................................................
Simplex/ DuplexCommunication ............................
Low Battery Level Detection ....................................
Service ..
Care and Maintenance.. """"""" .........
UHF CB Channel Information .....................................
SIMPLEX Operating Mode ......................................
DUPLEX Operating Mode........................................
Specifications.. """""" ....
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Welcome to the world of CB Radio Communication. You have chosen the most reliable, highly engineered, ultra-
precise piece of communication equipment.
Your UNIDEN Sundowner UH-056 represents the most advanced portable radio ever designed for use in the UHF
Citizens Band Radio Service. This UH-056 UHF CB radio has been built to give you a rugged, reliable equipment that
will provide you with years of trouble free service.
You are encouraged to thoroughly read the rest of this
operating guide to acquaint yourself with the superior characteristic and operation of your transceiver. This full
featured radio operates on any of the 40 UHF frequencies designated as Citizens Band Channels by the Spectrum
Management Agency.
The Citizens Band Radio communication Service (CBRS)
is under the jurisdiction of the Australian Management Agency (SMA). Any adjustment or alteration which will
change the performance of the transceiver's original SMA
type acceptance is STRICTL Y PROHIBITED. Replace- ment or substitution of power or frequency determining components e.g. Crystals, Transistors, ICs, Diodes, etc.
with other than those recommended by UNIDEN will cause violation to the SMA type acceptance technical requirement.
Licensing Requirements
Before using your transceiver, you must obtain a Citizens Band Radio License from the Spectrum Management
Agency (SMA). Application forms and brochures relating to
CBRS are available at your nearest SMA office. Mail the
completed application form and the appropriate fee to the
Communications Manager, in the State or Territory in which
the station will be operated.
Page 2
Feature Highlights
Full 40 Channel UHF CB Coverage
Operates on any of the 40 Channels designated as Citizens Band Channels by the Spectrum Manage- ment Agency.
Simplex/Duplex Communication
Allows the Uniden Sundowner UH-056 to operate via a repeater station.
Two Level Switchable Transmitter Output Power
Lets you transmit at 1 Watt or 5 Watts for short-
range or long-range communication.
Auto-Squelch System
Eliminates unwanted noise when activated.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)with Backlight
Shows visual display of the current Channel and/or Operation. Illuminated everytime a Key is pressed for better visibility at night or under dim conditions.
Lights RED when the unit is transmitting. Lights
GREEN when the received signal (on the current channel) is strong enough to break the squelch.
Channel Scan
Provides rapid, automatic scanning of programmed
Programmable Channel Scan List (using LOCK-
OUT switch)
Allows the user to customise the Channel Scan
List for faster scanning.
Battery Save
Conserves the Battery Power by putting the receiver on "sleep" when monitoring inactive
Battery Low Detection
Informs the user when the battery level is Iow and needs recharging.
Rechargeable Battery Pack
Eliminates the costly expense of frequent Battery replacement.
Battery Free Memory
The programmed channels on the Scan List and other unit settings are retained in memory when the Battery Pack is removed from the unit.
. .
Page 3
Carefully check the package contents against the list:
Uniden Sundowner UH-O56 UHF CB Radio Flexible Antenna
AC Adaptor/Charger Standard Nickel-Cadmium Battery Pack Belt Clip Wrist strap This Operating Guide
If any of the items are missing or damaged, contact your place of purchase immediately.
A two-in-one combination for convenient transmit- ting and receiving.
Spare Battery Pack
A replacement pack for your rechargeable battery (Either standard or Heavy Duty Pack).
Battery Pack Charger
Desktop Rapid Charger
. .
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Controls and Indicators
Connector LCD Display
Indicator LED
Top Indicators and Display
Antenna Connector
- connect the antenna to this TNCport
Lock-out Switch
- locks out a selected channel fromchannel scan.
Duplex Switch
-allowsSimplexor DuplexOperation on Channels 1
through 8
Channel UP/DOWNSwitches
-use to select a channel
On/OffVolume Control
-Rotate clockwiseto turn the radioONand increase
the volume. Rotate counter-clockwiseto turn the radio OFFor decrease the volume.
- The REDLEDlightswhen you press the PIT switch (totransmit). Itblinkswhen the battery is Iowand needs recharging. The GREENLEDlightswhen the
received signal (onthe current channel) is strong enough to break the squelch.
Page 5
...iquidCrystal Display (LCD)has several
;atorsthat show the current operating mode. The digitsat the rightshow the current selected
nnel. The smaller,two/three-Ietterdisplays show
ch features are enabled.
Duplex Channel Operation Selected
Low Power TX Selected Scan feature enabled
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+ 16 hidden pages