Uniden Pro7800N2-5MP User Manual

NVR User Manual
Admin User Name:
Admin Password:
IP Address:
System Name:
1. Getting Started ........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Startup and Shutdown ..................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Startup .......................................................................................................................4
1.1.2 Shutdown .................................................................................................................4
1.2 Login ...................................................................................................................................5
1.3 User Guide. .......................................................................................................................6
1.4 Menu Operation ..............................................................................................................10
1.4.1 Begin Setup ............................................................................................................10
1.4.2 Adding IP Cameras .............................................................................................10
2. Live View ...................................................................................................................................12
2.1 Introduction of Live View ............................................................................................ 12
2.2 Operations in Live View Mode .................................................................................13
2.3 Using the Mouse in Live View ..................................................................................16
3. Camera Settings .....................................................................................................................18
3.1 Configuring OSD Settings ..................................................................................18
3.2 Encoding Type .......................................................................................................21
3.3 Configuring Privacy Mask ..................................................................................22
4. PTZ Controls ............................................................................................................................23
4.1 Configuring PTZ Settings .............................................................................................23
4.2 Setting PTZ Preset, Cruise & Pattern .....................................................................24
4.2.1 Customizing Preset .............................................................................................24
4.2.2 Customizing Cruise ............................................................................................25
4.2.3 Customizing Pattern .........................................................................................26
5. Recording ..................................................................................................................................27
5.1 Configuring Parameters ................................................................................................ 27
6. Playback ....................................................................................................................................29
6.1 Playback Recording Files ............................................................................................ 29
6.1.1 Real-time Playback .............................................................................................. 29
6.1.2 Playback by Normal Search ............................................................................. 30
6.1.3 Playback by Event Search ................................................................................ 33
6.1.4 Playback Pictures ................................................................................................33
6.1.5 Playback External File........................................................................................36
7. File Backup ................................................................................................................................ 37
7.1 Picture Backup.................................................................................................................38
7.2 Video File Backup ......................................................................................................... 39
8. Network Settings ....................................................................................................................40
8.1 Configuring Basic Settings .........................................................................................40
8.2 Configuring DDNS ........................................................................................................41
8.3 Configuring Email .........................................................................................................42
8.4 Configuring NAT ...........................................................................................................43
8.5 Management Platform ................................................................................................44
9. Alarm Settings .........................................................................................................................45
9.1 Setting Alarm Input .......................................................................................................45
9.2 Setting Alarm Output ..................................................................................................47
9.3 Handling Exception Alarm ........................................................................................48
9.4 Linkage Setting .............................................................................................................48
9.5 Setting Motion Detection Alarm .............................................................................49
9.6 Video Lost Alarm ..........................................................................................................51
9.7 Detecting Video Mask Alarm ....................................................................................53
10. Smart Detection ....................................................................................................................54
10.1 Detect Mode ...................................................................................................................54
10.2 Object Count Detection............................................................................................55
10.3 Goods Detection .........................................................................................................56
10.4 Area Detection .............................................................................................................57
10.5 Virtual Cordon Detection .........................................................................................59
11. NVR Maintenance ..................................................................................................................60
11.1 Viewing and Setting Device Parameters ..............................................................60
11.2 System Information ......................................................................................................61
11.3 Searching Log Information .......................................................................................63
11.4 Configuration Management......................................................................................64
11.5 System Upgrade ...........................................................................................................65
12. Disk Manager ..........................................................................................................................65
12.1 Storage Management ..................................................................................................65
12.2 Disk Grouping ...............................................................................................................66
12.3 Channel HDD Assign ..................................................................................................67
Table Of Contents
4 5
1. Getting Started
1.1 Startup and Shutdown
1.1.1 Startup
To begin, plug in the power cord and press the power button. The power indicator light should turn on to indicate the device is on. After the device fully starts up, the screen will turn on and display the normal multi-channel preview screen.
1.1.2 Shutdown To turn the device o, press the power button on the front panel of the device. You can also click StartShutdownConfirm. It is recommended to shut down using the button in the Start menu rather than the external button to avoid damaging the device from a sudden power o.
1.2 Login
If this is the NVR’s first start-up, or if you have been logged out, you must login to the device before you will be able to operate the menu and other functions.
To login, click the Start button on the top of screen and select Login from the drop-down menu. Login with your username and password, or use the default user: Default Username: admin. Default Password: 888888. Click Login.
Ensure you change the default password and record it inside the cover for future reference.
Shutdown Menu
Shutdown Menu
6 7
1.3 User Guide
The Guide opens after logging in and prompts you to complete the set up steps. It will walk you though some basic settings of the NVR. If you would like to skip the set up guide, click the button. You can choose have the guide open the next time you login by leaving the “Next time no longer display” check-box unchecked.
The first screen allows you to select a language for the system. Click the Next button to save.
Language Setting Screen
Resolution Setting Screen
8 9
Select the resolution that matches your display screen. Click Next to continue.
Enter your network setting information and click Next to view the QR Code screen.
Click Finish to complete the guide setup.
QR Code Screen
Network Setting Screen
10 11
1.4 Menu Operation
After successfully logging in, the following toolbar will be visible.
1.4.1 Begin Setup
Click the icon to access the following
Logout: Log out of the current user and log in again.
Guide: Opens a guide to set up language, display resolution, basic network parameters and to access the QR code.
Reboot: Restart the device.
Shutdown: Safely turn o the device.
2. Click the button to automatically detect
all the IP cameras connected to the NVR.
3. Select an IP camera o the list of detected cameras and click the button to add it as a channel directly.
4. You can also manually add the IP camera by entering the Channel Parameters.
Upper Toolbar
IP Camera Quick Add Screen
1.4.2 Adding IP Cameras
Before you can begin viewing your camera’s live feeds, you
need to add the camera to the network. First, ensure the network connection is correct and the IP camera you are adding has already been activated.
Camera Connecting Steps:
1. Click the icon to open up the Channel Connecting screen.
IP Camera Manual Add Screen
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Live View Screen
2. Live View
2.1 Introduction to Live View
Live View shows you the video stream from each camera real­ time. This is the screen that will automatically display when the NVR is powered on.
Live View Icons
In Live View, there are hidden icons at the bottom of each channel that display when you hover over the bottom edge of the channel with your cursor.
2.2 Operations in Live View Mode
In the Live View, alarm information is displayed on the top right corner:
When you click the button, the Alarm Information screen
pops up. Click the button to hide alarm information.
Live View Icons
Icons Description Icons Description
Capture Open & Close Voice
Open & Close Channel Audio
Manual Record Button
Real-time Playback
14 15
Alarm Information Screen
Other Lve View Functions
Icons Fuctions Icons Functions
View 1 Screen Split into 4 Screens
Split into 6 Screens Split into 8 Screens
Split into 9 Screens Split into 16 Screens
Adjust Sound Cruise On Setting
Preview Linkage Page Up/Page Down
Last/Next Group Capture All Preview
Manually Record All Preview Channels
16 17
2.3 Using the Mouse in Live View
Right Click Menu
Right Click Menu Functions
Name Description
Full Screen Quickly enter full screen
Cruise On Start the cruise feature.
Manual Recording On Start manual recording.
Channel Connecting Quickly enter the IP Camera
Management screen.
Last Screen View the previous screen.
Next Screen View the next screen.
4 Split Screen Display 4 screens in the
preview pane.
6 Split Screen Display 6 screens in the
preview pane.
8 Split Screen Display 8 screens in the
preview pane.
9 Split Screen Display 9 screens in the
preview pane.
16 Split Screen Display 16 screens in the
preview pane.
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3. Camera Settings
3.1 Configuring OSD Settings
You can configure the OSD (On-Screen Display) settings—camera name, date/time, etc.—by entering Channel SettingChannel ParameterDisplay Setting. This allows you to enter the information you would like displayed on the screen and adjust the location of each by dragging them around with your mouse on the preview screen.
Channel: Choose the channel with the camera display you would like to adjust.
Local Channel Name: Check the check-box for Show Local Channel Name, then enter the Local Channel Name in the text field. Click the Save button and the name you entered will show up on the screen to the left. You can use the mouse to click and drag the text frame on the viewing window to adjust the OSD position of the text.
IP Camera Name: (must be supported by the camera) Check the box in front of Show Channel Name, then enter the Channel Name in the text field. Click Save and the name you entered will show on the screen to the left. You can use the mouse to click and drag the text frame on the window to adjust the OSD position.
OSD Configuration Screen
• Date & Time Format: Select a format that is supported by the camera.
• Image Setting: Adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue of the channel.
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Image Settings Screen
• Camera Lens Parameters Setting: Make technical adjustments to the camera lens.
3.2 Encoding Type
You may want to adjust the Encoding Type for a better image. You can access this screen under Channel SettingsChannel Parameters.
• Select the Channel of the camera you want to configure.
• Select either Main Stream or Sub Stream as the Encoding Type.
• Choose the display Resolution.
• Set a Bitrate Type and enter the Bitrate.
• Select the Frame Rate.
• Select the preferred Video Quality, the default is Best.
OSD Configuration Screen
+ 24 hidden pages