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Professional Mobile CB radio

Tothewortdof sophisticated,miCroprocessorcontrolledCB radio communications. Your Uniden
PRO 640XL represents the most advanced mobile radio ever designed for use in the Citizens
Band Radio Service. Itwill operate on any of the 40 AM, 40 USB or 40 LSB frequencies authorized
by the Department of Transport and Communications (DOTAC). Your PRO 640 XL features a
superheterodyne circuit with PHASE LOCKED LOOP techniques to assure precise frequency
control. This radio has been type accepted and certified by the DOTAC.
Before transmitting with your transmitter, you must obtain a Department of Transport and
Communications Citizens Band Radio
Application Form at your nearest DOTAC office. Mail the completed application form and the
appropriate fee to the Supenntendent Regulatory of licensing in the State of Territory in which
the station
will be operated.
With regard to the connection of the power cords, it may be possible or desirable
to connect the red lead (fornegative ground systems) orthe black lead (forpositive
ground systems) to the ignition switch accessory terminal so that the radio isauto-
matically turned off when the ignition switch (key) is turned off.
Alternately, the power lead may be connected to an available terminal on the fuse
block or even to a point in the wiring harness. Care must be taken, however, to
guard against a short circuit condition. When in doubt, please contact your vehi-
cle dealer for specific information about your vehicle.
(CBRS) license. Obtain a brochure and a caRS Ucense

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1. MIC GAIN - Adjusts the modulation of the mic for crisp, clear transmission.
2. ANL/NB KEY - Youcan select Noise Blankerand Automatic Noise Limi-
ter or allfilters OFF. TheANL/NB helps to reduce harsh background noise caused
by a variety of interference sources.
3. DIM KEY- The dimmer adjusts the front panel lights for optimum viewing.
4. INSTANTCH9 and 19 - Press these keysto instantly select either channel.
Press again to return to normal 40 channel operation.
5. TXand RXINDICATORS- An LEDlights to indicate when the radio istrans-
mitting or receiving.
6. MICROPHONE -The operational mode of the CB is controlled by the push-to-talk switch on
the mic. Press the switch to activate the transmitter and disable the receiver. Release the switch
to enable the receiver and disable the transmitter. When transmitting, hold the mic about 2 inches
from your mouth and speak clearly in a normal voice. The mic included with the PRO 640XL is
a detachable, Iow impedance, dynamic type.
7. S/RF/SWR METER- ThisLEDmeter shows the relative strength of the re-
ceived signal or the RFoutput and the Standing Wave Ratio of your antenna.
8. CHANNEL INDICATOR- Displays the channel currently in use.
9. CHANNELSELECTOR-This switch selects the desired channel for transmission and
reception. Allchannels, except channel 9, may be used for communications.between stations
operating under different license. Channel 9 has been reserved by the DOTAC for emergency
communications involving the immediate safety of individuals or the immediate protection of
property. Channel 9 also may be used to render assistance to a motorist. This is a DOTAC rule
and applies to all operators of CB radios.
10. CLARIFIER- Used to fine tune the receive frequency in USB/LSBmodes.
11. RF GAIN - Press this control when strong signals are present to improvesig-
nal reception sensitivity.
12. SQUELCH- The Squelch control is used to eliminate background noise dur-
ing the absence of a transmission. Turn the control fullycounterclockwise, then
slowly rotate it back, clockwise until allnoise disappears. At this setting any trans-
mission must beslightly stronger than the background noise to "BreakSquelch" or
to be heard. Further clockwise rotation will increase the threshold at which a sig-
nal will be heard. You can select any level to "Break Squelch"

Controls and Functions '"
13. VOLUME CONTROL- Rotate clockwise to turn radio on and to increase
14. SWR KEY- Press to read the Standing Wave Ratio of your antenna. The
SWRLEDwill light when the SWRkey is pressed.
15. HI CUTKEY- Press to reduce the high frequency response of the receiver.
This key can be used to help eliminate the hiss and pop of weak signal reception.
. 16. PA KEY- Press this switch to the PublicAddress mode when an external PA
speaker is connected. When the PAmode is selected, the CB radio will be dis-
abled. Adjust the PA output level by rotating the mic gain control.
17. AM/USB/LSB Switch - Thisswitch selects the operating mode of either
Amplitude Modulation, Upper Sideband, or Lower Sideband.
Pro 640XL Front Panel