Welcome to the world of CB radio communication. Your Uniden PR0501 XL represents
the most advanced portable radio ever designed for use in the Citizens Band Radio
Service. This powerful unit operates on any of the 40 AM frequencies authorized by the
Spectrum Management Agency (SMA)
Among its many features, the PRO501XL includes:
• Superh eterodyne c/Vcu/i/ytoenhancereceiverquality.
• Phase Locked Loop Synfhes/zertechniques to assure precise frequency control.
• Built-in Automatic Noise Limiter
This radio has been type accepted and fully certified by the SMA.
The Citizen Band Radio Communication Sen/ice (CBRS) is under the jurisdiction of
the Australian Spectrum Management Agency (SMA). Any adjustment or alteration
which will change the performance of the transceiver's original SMA type acceptance
is STRICTLY PROHIBITED Replacement or substitution of power or frequency
determining components e g Crystals, Transistors, IC's, Diodes, or any part of a
unique nature, with parts other than those recommended by Uniden may cause
violation to the SMA type acceptance technical requirement
Licensing Requirements
Before using your tranceiver, you must obtain a Citizen Band Radio License from the
Spectrum Management Agency (SMA) Application forms and brochures relating to
CBRS are available at your nearest SMA office Mail the completed application form
and the appropriate fee to the Communications Manager of SMA. in the State or
Territory in which the station will be operated
Unpacking Your CB Radio
The following itenns are included with your PR0S)1XL:
• PRO501XLCB Radio • Microphone Hanger Clip
• Mounting Bracket Kit • Australian Warranty Program
• This Operating Guide and Product Registration Form
(Read it carefully and save)
The following items are included with your PR05CI1AXL:
• PRO501WCL CB Radio • Cigarette Lighter Adapter Plug
• Microphone Hanger Clip • This Operating Guide (Read it carefully
• Magnetic Mount Antenna and save)
• Mounting Bracket Kit • Australian Warranty Program
and Product Registration Form
if any items are missing or damaged, contact your place of purchase immediately. Be
sure to complete and mail in the Product Registration Card.
Features, Speci^cations and availability of Optional Accessories are all subject to
change without notice.
Uniden® is a registered trademark of Uniden Corporation.
© 1994 Uniden Australia Pty Limited All rights reserved
Printed in the PNlippInes

Before operating the PRO501XL:
1. Be sure you read and understand SMA Rules and Regulations
2. Be sure that the power cord, microphone and antenna are properly connected.
3. Turn the power on by sliding the PWR switch to ON.
1. Use the CHANNEL SELECTOR buttons to select any of the 40 channels.
2. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable listening level.
3. Adjust the SQUELCH control to eliminate background noise during the absence of a
signal. Rotate SQUELCH fo the right until the noise disappears (no signal should be
present). Leave the control at this setting. The receiver will remain quiet until a
signal is actually received.
Note: Do not advance the control too far, or some weaker signals will not be heard.
1. Set the CHANNEL SELECTOR to the desired channel.
2. If the channel is clear, press the Push-To-Talk Button on the microphone. Be sure
to speak dearly into the microphone.
IMPORTANT: All channels, except channel 9, may be used for normal communica
tion. Channel 9 is reserved for emergency communications involving the immediate
safety of individuals or the protection of property
This is a rule and applies to all operators of CB radios
Emergency Operation
1. Press the CHANNEL SELECTOR buttons to reach Channel 9. If the channel is
clear, press the Push-to-Talk switch on the microphone to talk. Hold the
microphone a few inches away and speak clearly.
2. ft is possible that your present location is out of range to those who monitor
Channel 9. If there is no response to your emergency call on Channel 9, set the
CHANNEL SELECTOR to find an active channel. Ask the party on that channel for
assistance in relaying your emergency message on Channel 9 in their area.
Rules You Should Know
When operating your CB, there are a few important rules to observe:
• It is prohibited to blast others off the air by overpowering them with illegally
amplified transmitter power.
• You must not use the CB to promote illegal activities.
• It is ittegal to use profanity.
• You may not play music in your CB.
• You may ncft use your CB to self merchandise or professional services.